Ingwie Phoenix 5acc1d9af7 Optimize Dockerfile, add arm64!
Removing "--platform=" and slightly re-structuring the "apt-get" calls allows for this image to be successfuly built for arm64 as well - at least on an arm64 host.
2023-08-18 15:12:49 +02:00

24 lines
466 B

FROM node:19-buster-slim as build
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y openssl python3 build-essential make gcc
COPY package.json package-lock.json ./
RUN npm i
RUN apt-get purge -y gcc make build-essential && apt-get autoremove -y
COPY src/ src/
COPY prisma/schema.prisma prisma/
COPY tsconfig.json ./
RUN npx prisma generate
RUN npm run build
RUN npm i
RUN npx prisma migrate deploy
ENTRYPOINT [ "node", "dist/index.js" ]
CMD ["start"]