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synced 2025-03-28 10:31:44 +01:00
185 lines
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185 lines
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import "websocket-polyfill";
import NDK, { NDKUser, NDKEvent, NDKPrivateKeySigner, NDKNip46Signer, NostrEvent } from '@nostr-dev-kit/ndk';
import fs from 'fs';
const command = process.argv[2];
let remotePubkey = process.argv[3];
let content = process.argv[4];
const dontPublish = process.argv.includes('--dont-publish');
const debug = process.argv.includes('--debug');
let signer: NDKNip46Signer;
let ndk: NDK;
let remoteUser: NDKUser;
if (!command) {
console.log('Usage: node src/client.js <command> <remote-npub> <content> [--dont-publish] [--debug] [--pk <key>]');
console.log(`\t<command>: command to run (ping, sign)`);
console.log(`\t<remote-npub>: npub that should be published as`);
console.log(`\t<content>: sign flow: event JSON to sign (no need for pubkey or id fields) | or kind:1 content string to sign\n`);
console.log(`\t create_account flow: [desired-nip05[,desired-domain,[email]]]`);
console.log('\t--debug: enable debug mode');
async function createNDK(): Promise<NDK> {
const ndk = new NDK({
explicitRelayUrls: ['wss://relay.nsecbunker.com'],
enableOutboxModel: false
if (debug) {
ndk.pool.on('relay:connect', () => console.log('✅ connected'));
ndk.pool.on('relay:disconnect', () => console.log('❌ disconnected'));
await ndk.connect(5000);
return ndk;
// switch (command) {
// case 'ping':
// ping(remotePubkey);
function getPrivateKeyPath() {
const home = process.env.HOME || process.env.USERPROFILE;
return `${home}/.nsecbunker-client-private.key`;
function savePrivateKey(pk: string) {
const path = getPrivateKeyPath();
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
fs.writeFileSync(`${path}/private.key`, pk);
function loadPrivateKey(): string | undefined {
const path = getPrivateKeyPath();
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
return undefined;
return fs.readFileSync(`${path}/private.key`).toString();
(async () => {
let remoteUser: NDKUser;
// if this is the create_account command and we have something that doesn't look like an npub as the remotePubkey, use NDKUser.fromNip05 to get the npub
if (command === 'create_account' && !remotePubkey.startsWith("npub")) {
// see if we have a username@domain
let [ username, domain ] = remotePubkey.split('@');
if (!domain) {
domain = username;
username = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15);
content = `${username},${domain}`
const u = await NDKUser.fromNip05(domain);
if (!u) {
console.log(`Invalid nip05 ${remotePubkey}`);
remoteUser = u;
remotePubkey = remoteUser.pubkey;
} else {
// check if we have a @ so we try to get the npub from nip05
if (remotePubkey.includes('@')) {
const u = await NDKUser.fromNip05(remotePubkey);
if (!u) {
console.log(`Invalid nip05 ${remotePubkey}`);
remoteUser = u;
remotePubkey = remoteUser.pubkey;
} else {
remoteUser = new NDKUser({npub: remotePubkey});
ndk = await createNDK();
let localSigner: NDKPrivateKeySigner;
const pk = loadPrivateKey();
if (pk) {
localSigner = new NDKPrivateKeySigner(pk);
} else {
localSigner = NDKPrivateKeySigner.generate();
signer = new NDKNip46Signer(ndk, remoteUser.pubkey, localSigner);
if (debug) console.log(`local pubkey`, (await localSigner.user()).npub);
if (debug) console.log(`remote pubkey`, remotePubkey);
ndk.signer = signer;
signer.on("authUrl", (url) => {
console.log(`Go to ${url} to authorize this request`);
switch (command) {
case "sign": return signFlow();
case "create_account": return createAccountFlow();
console.log(`Unknown command ${command}`);
async function createAccountFlow() {
const [ username, domain, email ] = content.split(',').map((s) => s.trim());
try {
const pubkey = await signer.createAccount(username, domain, email);
const user = new NDKUser({pubkey});
console.log(`Hello`, user.npub);
} catch (e) {
console.log('error', e);
function signFlow() {
setTimeout(async () => {
try {
if (debug) console.log(`waiting for authorization (check your nsecBunker)...`);
await signer.blockUntilReady();
} catch(e) {
console.log('error:', e);
if (debug) console.log(`authorized to sign as`, remotePubkey);
let event;
try {
const json = JSON.parse(content);
event = new NDKEvent(ndk, json);
if (!event.tags) { event.tags = []; }
if (!event.content) { event.content = ""; }
if (!event.kind) { throw "No kind on the event to sign!"; }
} catch (e) {
event = new NDKEvent(ndk, {
kind: 1,
tags: [
['client', 'nsecbunker-client']
} as NostrEvent);
try {
await event.sign();
if (debug) {
} else {
} catch(e) {
console.log('sign error', e);
}, 2000);
} |