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1099 lines
28 KiB
package progressbar
import (
// ProgressBar is a thread-safe, simple
// progress bar
type ProgressBar struct {
state state
config config
lock sync.Mutex
// State is the basic properties of the bar
type State struct {
CurrentPercent float64
CurrentBytes float64
SecondsSince float64
SecondsLeft float64
KBsPerSecond float64
type state struct {
currentNum int64
currentPercent int
lastPercent int
currentSaucerSize int
isAltSaucerHead bool
lastShown time.Time
startTime time.Time
counterTime time.Time
counterNumSinceLast int64
counterLastTenRates []float64
maxLineWidth int
currentBytes float64
finished bool
exit bool // Progress bar exit halfway
rendered string
type config struct {
max int64 // max number of the counter
maxHumanized string
maxHumanizedSuffix string
width int
writer io.Writer
theme Theme
renderWithBlankState bool
description string
iterationString string
ignoreLength bool // ignoreLength if max bytes not known
// whether the output is expected to contain color codes
colorCodes bool
// show rate of change in kB/sec or MB/sec
showBytes bool
// show the iterations per second
showIterationsPerSecond bool
showIterationsCount bool
// whether the progress bar should show elapsed time.
// always enabled if predictTime is true.
elapsedTime bool
showElapsedTimeOnFinish bool
// whether the progress bar should attempt to predict the finishing
// time of the progress based on the start time and the average
// number of seconds between increments.
predictTime bool
// minimum time to wait in between updates
throttleDuration time.Duration
// clear bar once finished
clearOnFinish bool
// spinnerType should be a number between 0-75
spinnerType int
// spinnerTypeOptionUsed remembers if the spinnerType was changed manually
spinnerTypeOptionUsed bool
// spinner represents the spinner as a slice of string
spinner []string
// fullWidth specifies whether to measure and set the bar to a specific width
fullWidth bool
// invisible doesn't render the bar at all, useful for debugging
invisible bool
onCompletion func()
// whether the render function should make use of ANSI codes to reduce console I/O
useANSICodes bool
// showDescriptionAtLineEnd specifies whether description should be written at line end instead of line start
showDescriptionAtLineEnd bool
// Theme defines the elements of the bar
type Theme struct {
Saucer string
AltSaucerHead string
SaucerHead string
SaucerPadding string
BarStart string
BarEnd string
// Option is the type all options need to adhere to
type Option func(p *ProgressBar)
// OptionSetWidth sets the width of the bar
func OptionSetWidth(s int) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.width = s
// OptionSpinnerType sets the type of spinner used for indeterminate bars
func OptionSpinnerType(spinnerType int) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.spinnerTypeOptionUsed = true
p.config.spinnerType = spinnerType
// OptionSpinnerCustom sets the spinner used for indeterminate bars to the passed
// slice of string
func OptionSpinnerCustom(spinner []string) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.spinner = spinner
// OptionSetTheme sets the elements the bar is constructed of
func OptionSetTheme(t Theme) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.theme = t
// OptionSetVisibility sets the visibility
func OptionSetVisibility(visibility bool) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.invisible = !visibility
// OptionFullWidth sets the bar to be full width
func OptionFullWidth() Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.fullWidth = true
// OptionSetWriter sets the output writer (defaults to os.StdOut)
func OptionSetWriter(w io.Writer) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.writer = w
// OptionSetRenderBlankState sets whether or not to render a 0% bar on construction
func OptionSetRenderBlankState(r bool) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.renderWithBlankState = r
// OptionSetDescription sets the description of the bar to render in front of it
func OptionSetDescription(description string) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.description = description
// OptionEnableColorCodes enables or disables support for color codes
// using mitchellh/colorstring
func OptionEnableColorCodes(colorCodes bool) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.colorCodes = colorCodes
// OptionSetElapsedTime will enable elapsed time. Always enabled if OptionSetPredictTime is true.
func OptionSetElapsedTime(elapsedTime bool) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.elapsedTime = elapsedTime
// OptionSetPredictTime will also attempt to predict the time remaining.
func OptionSetPredictTime(predictTime bool) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.predictTime = predictTime
// OptionShowCount will also print current count out of total
func OptionShowCount() Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.showIterationsCount = true
// OptionShowIts will also print the iterations/second
func OptionShowIts() Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.showIterationsPerSecond = true
// OptionShowElapsedOnFinish will keep the display of elapsed time on finish
func OptionShowElapsedTimeOnFinish() Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.showElapsedTimeOnFinish = true
// OptionSetItsString sets what's displayed for iterations a second. The default is "it" which would display: "it/s"
func OptionSetItsString(iterationString string) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.iterationString = iterationString
// OptionThrottle will wait the specified duration before updating again. The default
// duration is 0 seconds.
func OptionThrottle(duration time.Duration) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.throttleDuration = duration
// OptionClearOnFinish will clear the bar once its finished
func OptionClearOnFinish() Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.clearOnFinish = true
// OptionOnCompletion will invoke cmpl function once its finished
func OptionOnCompletion(cmpl func()) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.onCompletion = cmpl
// OptionShowBytes will update the progress bar
// configuration settings to display/hide kBytes/Sec
func OptionShowBytes(val bool) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.showBytes = val
// OptionUseANSICodes will use more optimized terminal i/o.
// Only useful in environments with support for ANSI escape sequences.
func OptionUseANSICodes(val bool) Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.useANSICodes = val
// OptionShowDescriptionAtLineEnd defines whether description should be written at line end instead of line start
func OptionShowDescriptionAtLineEnd() Option {
return func(p *ProgressBar) {
p.config.showDescriptionAtLineEnd = true
var defaultTheme = Theme{Saucer: "█", SaucerPadding: " ", BarStart: "|", BarEnd: "|"}
// NewOptions constructs a new instance of ProgressBar, with any options you specify
func NewOptions(max int, options ...Option) *ProgressBar {
return NewOptions64(int64(max), options...)
// NewOptions64 constructs a new instance of ProgressBar, with any options you specify
func NewOptions64(max int64, options ...Option) *ProgressBar {
b := ProgressBar{
state: getBasicState(),
config: config{
writer: os.Stdout,
theme: defaultTheme,
iterationString: "it",
width: 40,
max: max,
throttleDuration: 0 * time.Nanosecond,
elapsedTime: true,
predictTime: true,
spinnerType: 9,
invisible: false,
for _, o := range options {
if b.config.spinnerType < 0 || b.config.spinnerType > 75 {
panic("invalid spinner type, must be between 0 and 75")
// ignoreLength if max bytes not known
if b.config.max == -1 {
b.config.ignoreLength = true
b.config.max = int64(b.config.width)
b.config.predictTime = false
b.config.maxHumanized, b.config.maxHumanizedSuffix = humanizeBytes(float64(b.config.max))
if b.config.renderWithBlankState {
return &b
func getBasicState() state {
now := time.Now()
return state{
startTime: now,
lastShown: now,
counterTime: now,
// New returns a new ProgressBar
// with the specified maximum
func New(max int) *ProgressBar {
return NewOptions(max)
// DefaultBytes provides a progressbar to measure byte
// throughput with recommended defaults.
// Set maxBytes to -1 to use as a spinner.
func DefaultBytes(maxBytes int64, description ...string) *ProgressBar {
desc := ""
if len(description) > 0 {
desc = description[0]
return NewOptions64(
OptionOnCompletion(func() {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "\n")
// DefaultBytesSilent is the same as DefaultBytes, but does not output anywhere.
// String() can be used to get the output instead.
func DefaultBytesSilent(maxBytes int64, description ...string) *ProgressBar {
// Mostly the same bar as DefaultBytes
desc := ""
if len(description) > 0 {
desc = description[0]
return NewOptions64(
// Default provides a progressbar with recommended defaults.
// Set max to -1 to use as a spinner.
func Default(max int64, description ...string) *ProgressBar {
desc := ""
if len(description) > 0 {
desc = description[0]
return NewOptions64(
OptionOnCompletion(func() {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "\n")
// DefaultSilent is the same as Default, but does not output anywhere.
// String() can be used to get the output instead.
func DefaultSilent(max int64, description ...string) *ProgressBar {
// Mostly the same bar as Default
desc := ""
if len(description) > 0 {
desc = description[0]
return NewOptions64(
// String returns the current rendered version of the progress bar.
// It will never return an empty string while the progress bar is running.
func (p *ProgressBar) String() string {
return p.state.rendered
// RenderBlank renders the current bar state, you can use this to render a 0% state
func (p *ProgressBar) RenderBlank() error {
if p.config.invisible {
return nil
if p.state.currentNum == 0 {
p.state.lastShown = time.Time{}
return p.render()
// Reset will reset the clock that is used
// to calculate current time and the time left.
func (p *ProgressBar) Reset() {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
p.state = getBasicState()
// Finish will fill the bar to full
func (p *ProgressBar) Finish() error {
p.state.currentNum = p.config.max
return p.Add(0)
// Exit will exit the bar to keep current state
func (p *ProgressBar) Exit() error {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
p.state.exit = true
if p.config.onCompletion != nil {
return nil
// Add will add the specified amount to the progressbar
func (p *ProgressBar) Add(num int) error {
return p.Add64(int64(num))
// Set will set the bar to a current number
func (p *ProgressBar) Set(num int) error {
return p.Set64(int64(num))
// Set64 will set the bar to a current number
func (p *ProgressBar) Set64(num int64) error {
toAdd := num - int64(p.state.currentBytes)
return p.Add64(toAdd)
// Add64 will add the specified amount to the progressbar
func (p *ProgressBar) Add64(num int64) error {
if p.config.invisible {
return nil
defer p.lock.Unlock()
if p.state.exit {
return nil
// error out since OptionSpinnerCustom will always override a manually set spinnerType
if p.config.spinnerTypeOptionUsed && len(p.config.spinner) > 0 {
return errors.New("OptionSpinnerType and OptionSpinnerCustom cannot be used together")
if p.config.max == 0 {
return errors.New("max must be greater than 0")
if p.state.currentNum < p.config.max {
if p.config.ignoreLength {
p.state.currentNum = (p.state.currentNum + num) % p.config.max
} else {
p.state.currentNum += num
p.state.currentBytes += float64(num)
// reset the countdown timer every second to take rolling average
p.state.counterNumSinceLast += num
if time.Since(p.state.counterTime).Seconds() > 0.5 {
p.state.counterLastTenRates = append(p.state.counterLastTenRates, float64(p.state.counterNumSinceLast)/time.Since(p.state.counterTime).Seconds())
if len(p.state.counterLastTenRates) > 10 {
p.state.counterLastTenRates = p.state.counterLastTenRates[1:]
p.state.counterTime = time.Now()
p.state.counterNumSinceLast = 0
percent := float64(p.state.currentNum) / float64(p.config.max)
p.state.currentSaucerSize = int(percent * float64(p.config.width))
p.state.currentPercent = int(percent * 100)
updateBar := p.state.currentPercent != p.state.lastPercent && p.state.currentPercent > 0
p.state.lastPercent = p.state.currentPercent
if p.state.currentNum > p.config.max {
return errors.New("current number exceeds max")
// always update if show bytes/second or its/second
if updateBar || p.config.showIterationsPerSecond || p.config.showIterationsCount {
return p.render()
return nil
// Clear erases the progress bar from the current line
func (p *ProgressBar) Clear() error {
return clearProgressBar(p.config, p.state)
// Describe will change the description shown before the progress, which
// can be changed on the fly (as for a slow running process).
func (p *ProgressBar) Describe(description string) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
p.config.description = description
if p.config.invisible {
// New64 returns a new ProgressBar
// with the specified maximum
func New64(max int64) *ProgressBar {
return NewOptions64(max)
// GetMax returns the max of a bar
func (p *ProgressBar) GetMax() int {
return int(p.config.max)
// GetMax64 returns the current max
func (p *ProgressBar) GetMax64() int64 {
return p.config.max
// ChangeMax takes in a int
// and changes the max value
// of the progress bar
func (p *ProgressBar) ChangeMax(newMax int) {
// ChangeMax64 is basically
// the same as ChangeMax,
// but takes in a int64
// to avoid casting
func (p *ProgressBar) ChangeMax64(newMax int64) {
p.config.max = newMax
if p.config.showBytes {
p.config.maxHumanized, p.config.maxHumanizedSuffix = humanizeBytes(float64(p.config.max))
p.Add(0) // re-render
// IsFinished returns true if progress bar is completed
func (p *ProgressBar) IsFinished() bool {
return p.state.finished
// render renders the progress bar, updating the maximum
// rendered line width. this function is not thread-safe,
// so it must be called with an acquired lock.
func (p *ProgressBar) render() error {
// make sure that the rendering is not happening too quickly
// but always show if the currentNum reaches the max
if time.Since(p.state.lastShown).Nanoseconds() < p.config.throttleDuration.Nanoseconds() &&
p.state.currentNum < p.config.max {
return nil
if !p.config.useANSICodes {
// first, clear the existing progress bar
err := clearProgressBar(p.config, p.state)
if err != nil {
return err
// check if the progress bar is finished
if !p.state.finished && p.state.currentNum >= p.config.max {
p.state.finished = true
if !p.config.clearOnFinish {
renderProgressBar(p.config, &p.state)
if p.config.onCompletion != nil {
if p.state.finished {
// when using ANSI codes we don't pre-clean the current line
if p.config.useANSICodes && p.config.clearOnFinish {
err := clearProgressBar(p.config, p.state)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// then, re-render the current progress bar
w, err := renderProgressBar(p.config, &p.state)
if err != nil {
return err
if w > p.state.maxLineWidth {
p.state.maxLineWidth = w
p.state.lastShown = time.Now()
return nil
// State returns the current state
func (p *ProgressBar) State() State {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
s := State{}
s.CurrentPercent = float64(p.state.currentNum) / float64(p.config.max)
s.CurrentBytes = p.state.currentBytes
s.SecondsSince = time.Since(p.state.startTime).Seconds()
if p.state.currentNum > 0 {
s.SecondsLeft = s.SecondsSince / float64(p.state.currentNum) * (float64(p.config.max) - float64(p.state.currentNum))
s.KBsPerSecond = float64(p.state.currentBytes) / 1000.0 / s.SecondsSince
return s
// regex matching ansi escape codes
var ansiRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]`)
func getStringWidth(c config, str string, colorize bool) int {
if c.colorCodes {
// convert any color codes in the progress bar into the respective ANSI codes
str = colorstring.Color(str)
// the width of the string, if printed to the console
// does not include the carriage return character
cleanString := strings.Replace(str, "\r", "", -1)
if c.colorCodes {
// the ANSI codes for the colors do not take up space in the console output,
// so they do not count towards the output string width
cleanString = ansiRegex.ReplaceAllString(cleanString, "")
// get the amount of runes in the string instead of the
// character count of the string, as some runes span multiple characters.
// see https://stackoverflow.com/a/12668840/2733724
stringWidth := runewidth.StringWidth(cleanString)
return stringWidth
func renderProgressBar(c config, s *state) (int, error) {
var sb strings.Builder
averageRate := average(s.counterLastTenRates)
if len(s.counterLastTenRates) == 0 || s.finished {
// if no average samples, or if finished,
// then average rate should be the total rate
if t := time.Since(s.startTime).Seconds(); t > 0 {
averageRate = s.currentBytes / t
} else {
averageRate = 0
// show iteration count in "current/total" iterations format
if c.showIterationsCount {
if sb.Len() == 0 {
} else {
sb.WriteString(", ")
if !c.ignoreLength {
if c.showBytes {
currentHumanize, currentSuffix := humanizeBytes(s.currentBytes)
if currentSuffix == c.maxHumanizedSuffix {
currentHumanize, c.maxHumanized, c.maxHumanizedSuffix))
} else {
currentHumanize, currentSuffix, c.maxHumanized, c.maxHumanizedSuffix))
} else {
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%.0f/%d", s.currentBytes, c.max))
} else {
if c.showBytes {
currentHumanize, currentSuffix := humanizeBytes(s.currentBytes)
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", currentHumanize, currentSuffix))
} else {
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%.0f/%s", s.currentBytes, "-"))
// show rolling average rate
if c.showBytes && averageRate > 0 && !math.IsInf(averageRate, 1) {
if sb.Len() == 0 {
} else {
sb.WriteString(", ")
currentHumanize, currentSuffix := humanizeBytes(averageRate)
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/s", currentHumanize, currentSuffix))
// show iterations rate
if c.showIterationsPerSecond {
if sb.Len() == 0 {
} else {
sb.WriteString(", ")
if averageRate > 1 {
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f %s/s", averageRate, c.iterationString))
} else if averageRate*60 > 1 {
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f %s/min", 60*averageRate, c.iterationString))
} else {
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f %s/hr", 3600*averageRate, c.iterationString))
if sb.Len() > 0 {
leftBrac, rightBrac, saucer, saucerHead := "", "", "", ""
// show time prediction in "current/total" seconds format
switch {
case c.predictTime:
rightBracNum := (time.Duration((1/averageRate)*(float64(c.max)-float64(s.currentNum))) * time.Second)
if rightBracNum.Seconds() < 0 {
rightBracNum = 0 * time.Second
rightBrac = rightBracNum.String()
case c.elapsedTime:
leftBrac = (time.Duration(time.Since(s.startTime).Seconds()) * time.Second).String()
if c.fullWidth && !c.ignoreLength {
width, err := termWidth()
if err != nil {
width = 80
amend := 1 // an extra space at eol
switch {
case leftBrac != "" && rightBrac != "":
amend = 4 // space, square brackets and colon
case leftBrac != "" && rightBrac == "":
amend = 4 // space and square brackets and another space
case leftBrac == "" && rightBrac != "":
amend = 3 // space and square brackets
if c.showDescriptionAtLineEnd {
amend += 1 // another space
c.width = width - getStringWidth(c, c.description, true) - 10 - amend - sb.Len() - len(leftBrac) - len(rightBrac)
s.currentSaucerSize = int(float64(s.currentPercent) / 100.0 * float64(c.width))
if s.currentSaucerSize > 0 {
if c.ignoreLength {
saucer = strings.Repeat(c.theme.SaucerPadding, s.currentSaucerSize-1)
} else {
saucer = strings.Repeat(c.theme.Saucer, s.currentSaucerSize-1)
// Check if an alternate saucer head is set for animation
if c.theme.AltSaucerHead != "" && s.isAltSaucerHead {
saucerHead = c.theme.AltSaucerHead
s.isAltSaucerHead = false
} else if c.theme.SaucerHead == "" || s.currentSaucerSize == c.width {
// use the saucer for the saucer head if it hasn't been set
// to preserve backwards compatibility
saucerHead = c.theme.Saucer
} else {
saucerHead = c.theme.SaucerHead
s.isAltSaucerHead = true
Progress Bar format
Description % |------ | (kb/s) (iteration count) (iteration rate) (predict time)
or if showDescriptionAtLineEnd is enabled
% |------ | (kb/s) (iteration count) (iteration rate) (predict time) Description
repeatAmount := c.width - s.currentSaucerSize
if repeatAmount < 0 {
repeatAmount = 0
str := ""
if c.ignoreLength {
selectedSpinner := spinners[c.spinnerType]
if len(c.spinner) > 0 {
selectedSpinner = c.spinner
spinner := selectedSpinner[int(math.Round(math.Mod(float64(time.Since(s.startTime).Milliseconds()/100), float64(len(selectedSpinner)))))]
if c.elapsedTime {
if c.showDescriptionAtLineEnd {
str = fmt.Sprintf("\r%s %s [%s] %s ",
} else {
str = fmt.Sprintf("\r%s %s %s [%s] ",
} else {
if c.showDescriptionAtLineEnd {
str = fmt.Sprintf("\r%s %s %s ",
} else {
str = fmt.Sprintf("\r%s %s %s ",
} else if rightBrac == "" {
str = fmt.Sprintf("%4d%% %s%s%s%s%s %s",
strings.Repeat(c.theme.SaucerPadding, repeatAmount),
if s.currentPercent == 100 && c.showElapsedTimeOnFinish {
str = fmt.Sprintf("%s [%s]", str, leftBrac)
if c.showDescriptionAtLineEnd {
str = fmt.Sprintf("\r%s %s ", str, c.description)
} else {
str = fmt.Sprintf("\r%s%s ", c.description, str)
} else {
if s.currentPercent == 100 {
str = fmt.Sprintf("%4d%% %s%s%s%s%s %s",
strings.Repeat(c.theme.SaucerPadding, repeatAmount),
if c.showElapsedTimeOnFinish {
str = fmt.Sprintf("%s [%s]", str, leftBrac)
if c.showDescriptionAtLineEnd {
str = fmt.Sprintf("\r%s %s", str, c.description)
} else {
str = fmt.Sprintf("\r%s%s", c.description, str)
} else {
str = fmt.Sprintf("%4d%% %s%s%s%s%s %s [%s:%s]",
strings.Repeat(c.theme.SaucerPadding, repeatAmount),
if c.showDescriptionAtLineEnd {
str = fmt.Sprintf("\r%s %s", str, c.description)
} else {
str = fmt.Sprintf("\r%s%s", c.description, str)
if c.colorCodes {
// convert any color codes in the progress bar into the respective ANSI codes
str = colorstring.Color(str)
s.rendered = str
return getStringWidth(c, str, false), writeString(c, str)
func clearProgressBar(c config, s state) error {
if s.maxLineWidth == 0 {
return nil
if c.useANSICodes {
// write the "clear current line" ANSI escape sequence
return writeString(c, "\033[2K\r")
// fill the empty content
// to overwrite the progress bar and jump
// back to the beginning of the line
str := fmt.Sprintf("\r%s\r", strings.Repeat(" ", s.maxLineWidth))
return writeString(c, str)
// the following does not show correctly if the previous line is longer than subsequent line
// return writeString(c, "\r")
func writeString(c config, str string) error {
if _, err := io.WriteString(c.writer, str); err != nil {
return err
if f, ok := c.writer.(*os.File); ok {
// ignore any errors in Sync(), as stdout
// can't be synced on some operating systems
// like Debian 9 (Stretch)
return nil
// Reader is the progressbar io.Reader struct
type Reader struct {
bar *ProgressBar
// NewReader return a new Reader with a given progress bar.
func NewReader(r io.Reader, bar *ProgressBar) Reader {
return Reader{
Reader: r,
bar: bar,
// Read will read the data and add the number of bytes to the progressbar
func (r *Reader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = r.Reader.Read(p)
// Close the reader when it implements io.Closer
func (r *Reader) Close() (err error) {
if closer, ok := r.Reader.(io.Closer); ok {
return closer.Close()
// Write implement io.Writer
func (p *ProgressBar) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
n = len(b)
// Read implement io.Reader
func (p *ProgressBar) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
n = len(b)
func (p *ProgressBar) Close() (err error) {
func average(xs []float64) float64 {
total := 0.0
for _, v := range xs {
total += v
return total / float64(len(xs))
func humanizeBytes(s float64) (string, string) {
sizes := []string{" B", " kB", " MB", " GB", " TB", " PB", " EB"}
base := 1000.0
if s < 10 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%2.0f", s), sizes[0]
e := math.Floor(logn(float64(s), base))
suffix := sizes[int(e)]
val := math.Floor(float64(s)/math.Pow(base, e)*10+0.5) / 10
f := "%.0f"
if val < 10 {
f = "%.1f"
return fmt.Sprintf(f, val), suffix
func logn(n, b float64) float64 {
return math.Log(n) / math.Log(b)
// termWidth function returns the visible width of the current terminal
// and can be redefined for testing
var termWidth = func() (width int, err error) {
width, _, err = term.GetSize(int(os.Stdout.Fd()))
if err == nil {
return width, nil
return 0, err