mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 10:41:51 +01:00
* add build to .dockerignore * test: only build one arch * add build to .gitignore * fix ccache path * filter amdgpu targets * only filter if autodetecting * Don't clobber gpu list for default runner This ensures the GPU specific environment variables are set properly * explicitly set CXX compiler for HIP * Update build_windows.ps1 This isn't complete, but is close. Dependencies are missing, and it only builds the "default" preset. * build: add ollama subdir * add .git to .dockerignore * docs: update development.md * update build_darwin.sh * remove unused scripts * llm: add cwd and build/lib/ollama to library paths * default DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in runner on macOS * add additional cmake output vars for msvc * interim edits to make server detection logic work with dll directories like lib/ollama/cuda_v12 * remove unncessary filepath.Dir, cleanup * add hardware-specific directory to path * use absolute server path * build: linux arm * cmake install targets * remove unused files * ml: visit each library path once * build: skip cpu variants on arm * build: install cpu targets * build: fix workflow * shorter names * fix rocblas install * docs: clean up development.md * consistent build dir removal in development.md * silence -Wimplicit-function-declaration build warnings in ggml-cpu * update readme * update development readme * llm: update library lookup logic now that there is one runner (#8587) * tweak development.md * update docs * add windows cuda/rocm tests --------- Co-authored-by: jmorganca <jmorganca@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Daniel Hiltgen <daniel@ollama.com>
237 lines
9.5 KiB
237 lines
9.5 KiB
# powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\scripts\build_windows.ps1
# gcloud auth application-default login
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
function checkEnv() {
if ($null -ne $env:ARCH ) {
$script:ARCH = $env:ARCH
} else {
if ($null -ne $arch) {
$script:ARCH = ($arch.ToString().ToLower()).Replace("x64", "amd64")
} else {
write-host "WARNING: old powershell detected, assuming amd64 architecture - set `$env:ARCH to override"
Write-host "Building for ${script:TARGET_ARCH}"
write-host "Locating required tools and paths"
if ($null -eq $env:VCToolsRedistDir) {
$MSVC_INSTALL=(Get-CimInstance MSFT_VSInstance -Namespace root/cimv2/vs)[0].InstallLocation
$env:VCToolsRedistDir=(get-item "${MSVC_INSTALL}\VC\Redist\MSVC\*")[0]
# Locate CUDA versions
# Note: this assumes every version found will be built
$cudaList=(get-item "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v*\bin\" -ea 'silentlycontinue')
if ($cudaList.length -eq 0) {
$d=(get-command -ea 'silentlycontinue' nvcc).path
if ($null -ne $d) {
$script:CUDA_DIRS=@($d| split-path -parent)
} else {
$inoSetup=(get-item "C:\Program Files*\Inno Setup*\")
if ($inoSetup.length -gt 0) {
Write-Output "Checking version"
if (!$env:VERSION) {
$data=(git describe --tags --first-parent --abbrev=7 --long --dirty --always)
if ($data -match $pattern) {
} else {
$pattern = "(\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+).*"
if ($script:VERSION -match $pattern) {
} else {
write-host "Building Ollama $script:VERSION with package version $script:PKG_VERSION"
# Note: Windows Kits 10 signtool crashes with GCP's plugin
if ($null -eq $env:SIGN_TOOL) {
${script:SignTool}="C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x64\signtool.exe"
} else {
if ("${env:KEY_CONTAINER}") {
${script:OLLAMA_CERT}=$(resolve-path "${script:SRC_DIR}\ollama_inc.crt")
Write-host "Code signing enabled"
} else {
write-host "Code signing disabled - please set KEY_CONTAINERS to sign and copy ollama_inc.crt to the top of the source tree"
function buildOllama() {
if ($null -eq ${env:OLLAMA_SKIP_GENERATE}) {
Remove-Item -ea 0 -recurse -force -path "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\windows-${script:ARCH}"
New-Item "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\windows-${script:ARCH}\lib\ollama\" -ItemType Directory -ea 0
# Default first, then conditionall ROCm and cuda v11
write-host "Building Default native backend libraries"
& cmake --preset Default
& cmake --build --preset Default -j 12
& cmake --install build -j 12
# TODO - add steps for v11 and ROCm
# if ("$script:CUDA_DIRS".Contains("v11") -and "$script:CUDA_DIRS".Contains("v12")) {
# # We assume the default is v12, so override for v11
# $hashEnv = @{}
# Get-ChildItem env: | foreach { $hashEnv[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
# $hashEnv.Keys | foreach { if ($_.Contains("CUDA_PATH_V11")) { $v11="$_" }}
# write-host "$v11"
# # $env:CUDA_PATH=$hashEnv[$v11]
# # $env:CUDACXX=$hashEnv[$v11]+"\bin\nvcc.exe"
# $env:CUDAToolkit_ROOT=$hashEnv[$v11]
# # ls env:
# write-host "Building CUDA v11 backend libraries"
# & cmake --preset "CUDA 11"
# exit(1)
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)}
# # & cmake --build --preset "CUDA 11" -j 12
# # if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)}
# }
# if ($env:HIP_PATH) {
# write-host "Building ROCm backend libraries"
# $env:HIPCXX="${env:HIP_PATH}\bin\clang++.exe"
# $env:HIP_PLATFORM="amd"
# & cmake --preset "ROCm"
# $env:HIPCXX=""
# $env:HIP_PLATFORM=""
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)}
# & cmake --build --preset "ROCm" -j 12
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)}
# }
} else {
write-host "Skipping generate step with OLLAMA_SKIP_GENERATE set"
write-host "Building ollama CLI"
& go build -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w -X=github.com/ollama/ollama/version.Version=$script:VERSION -X=github.com/ollama/ollama/server.mode=release" .
cp .\ollama.exe "${script:DIST_DIR}\"
function buildApp() {
write-host "Building Ollama App"
cd "${script:SRC_DIR}\app"
& windres -l 0 -o ollama.syso ollama.rc
& go build -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w -H windowsgui -X=github.com/ollama/ollama/version.Version=$script:VERSION -X=github.com/ollama/ollama/server.mode=release" -o "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\windows-${script:TARGET_ARCH}-app.exe" .
function gatherDependencies() {
if ($null -eq $env:VCToolsRedistDir) {
write-error "Unable to locate VC Install location - please use a Developer shell"
exit 1
write-host "Gathering runtime dependencies from $env:VCToolsRedistDir"
cd "${script:SRC_DIR}"
md "${script:DIST_DIR}\lib\ollama" -ea 0 > $null
# TODO - this varies based on host build system and MSVC version - drive from dumpbin output
# currently works for Win11 + MSVC 2019 + Cuda V11
if ($script:TARGET_ARCH -eq "amd64") {
} else {
if ($depArch -eq "x64") {
cp "${env:VCToolsRedistDir}\${depArch}\Microsoft.VC*.CRT\msvcp140*.dll" "${script:DIST_DIR}\lib\ollama\"
cp "${env:VCToolsRedistDir}\${depArch}\Microsoft.VC*.CRT\vcruntime140.dll" "${script:DIST_DIR}\lib\ollama\"
cp "${env:VCToolsRedistDir}\${depArch}\Microsoft.VC*.CRT\vcruntime140_1.dll" "${script:DIST_DIR}\lib\ollama\"
foreach ($part in $("runtime", "stdio", "filesystem", "math", "convert", "heap", "string", "time", "locale", "environment")) {
write-host "cp ${llvmCrtDir}\api-ms-win-crt-${part}*.dll ${script:DIST_DIR}\lib\ollama\"
cp "${llvmCrtDir}\api-ms-win-crt-${part}*.dll" "${script:DIST_DIR}\lib\ollama\"
} else {
# Carying the dll's doesn't seem to work, so use the redist installer
copy-item -path "${env:VCToolsRedistDir}\vc_redist.arm64.exe" -destination "${script:DIST_DIR}" -verbose
cp "${script:SRC_DIR}\app\ollama_welcome.ps1" "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\"
function sign() {
if ("${env:KEY_CONTAINER}") {
write-host "Signing Ollama executables, scripts and libraries"
& "${script:SignTool}" sign /v /fd sha256 /t http://timestamp.digicert.com /f "${script:OLLAMA_CERT}" `
/csp "Google Cloud KMS Provider" /kc ${env:KEY_CONTAINER} `
$(get-childitem -path "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist" -r -include @('ollama_welcome.ps1')) `
$(get-childitem -path "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\windows-*" -r -include @('*.exe', '*.dll'))
} else {
write-host "Signing not enabled"
function buildInstaller() {
if ($null -eq ${script:INNO_SETUP_DIR}) {
write-host "Inno Setup not present, skipping installer build"
write-host "Building Ollama Installer"
cd "${script:SRC_DIR}\app"
if ("${env:KEY_CONTAINER}") {
& "${script:INNO_SETUP_DIR}\ISCC.exe" /DARCH=$script:TARGET_ARCH /SMySignTool="${script:SignTool} sign /fd sha256 /t http://timestamp.digicert.com /f ${script:OLLAMA_CERT} /csp `$qGoogle Cloud KMS Provider`$q /kc ${env:KEY_CONTAINER} `$f" .\ollama.iss
} else {
& "${script:INNO_SETUP_DIR}\ISCC.exe" /DARCH=$script:TARGET_ARCH .\ollama.iss
function distZip() {
write-host "Generating stand-alone distribution zip file ${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\ollama-windows-${script:TARGET_ARCH}.zip"
Compress-Archive -Path "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\windows-${script:TARGET_ARCH}\*" -DestinationPath "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\ollama-windows-${script:TARGET_ARCH}.zip" -Force
try {
if ($($args.count) -eq 0) {
} else {
for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $args.count; $i++ ) {
write-host "performing $($args[$i])"
& $($args[$i])
} catch {
write-host "Build Failed"
write-host $_
} finally {
set-location $script:SRC_DIR