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synced 2025-03-27 10:11:54 +01:00
update Context.Forward to accept multiple tensors to match Context.Compute signature update Context.Forward to return Context such that it can be chained with Context.Compute
242 lines
5.6 KiB
242 lines
5.6 KiB
package ml
import (
type Config interface {
Architecture() string
String(string, ...string) string
Uint(string, ...uint32) uint32
Float(string, ...float32) float32
Bool(string, ...bool) bool
Strings(string, ...[]string) []string
Uints(string, ...[]uint32) []uint32
type Backend interface {
Config() Config
Get(name string) Tensor
NewContext() Context
SystemInfo() string
// BackendParams controls how the backend loads and executes models
type BackendParams struct {
// NumThreads sets the number of threads to use if running on the CPU
NumThreads int
// MainGPU is the index of the primary GPU to use
MainGPU int
// NumGPULayers is the number of layers to offload to GPUs
NumGPULayers int
// TensorSplit is the fraction of the model to offload to each GPU
TensorSplit []float32
var backends = make(map[string]func(*os.File, BackendParams) (Backend, error))
func RegisterBackend(name string, f func(*os.File, BackendParams) (Backend, error)) {
if _, ok := backends[name]; ok {
panic("backend: backend already registered")
backends[name] = f
func NewBackend(f *os.File, params BackendParams) (Backend, error) {
if backend, ok := backends["ggml"]; ok {
return backend(f, params)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported backend")
type Context interface {
Zeros(dtype DType, shape ...int) Tensor
FromFloatSlice(s []float32, shape ...int) (Tensor, error)
FromIntSlice(s []int32, shape ...int) (Tensor, error)
Forward(...Tensor) Context
MaxTensors() int
type Tensor interface {
Dim(n int) int
Stride(n int) int
Shape() []int
DType() DType
Bytes() []byte
Floats() []float32
Add(ctx Context, t2 Tensor) Tensor
Mul(ctx Context, t2 Tensor) Tensor
Mulmat(ctx Context, t2 Tensor) Tensor
MulmatFullPrec(ctx Context, t2 Tensor) Tensor
Softmax(ctx Context) Tensor
LayerNorm(ctx Context, weight, bias Tensor, eps float32) Tensor
RMSNorm(ctx Context, weight Tensor, eps float32) Tensor
Scale(ctx Context, s float64) Tensor
Conv2D(ctx Context, weight Tensor, s0, s1, p0, p1, d0, d1 int) Tensor
RoPE(ctx Context, positionIDs, ropeFactors Tensor, dim uint32, base, scale float32) Tensor
Tanh(ctx Context) Tensor
GELU(ctx Context) Tensor
SILU(ctx Context) Tensor
Reshape(ctx Context, shape ...int) Tensor
View(ctx Context, offset int, shape ...int) Tensor
Permute(ctx Context, shape ...int) Tensor
Contiguous(ctx Context) Tensor
Pad(ctx Context, shape ...int) Tensor
Unpad(ctx Context, shape ...int) Tensor
Stack(ctx Context, dim int, s ...Tensor) Tensor
Concat(ctx Context, t2 Tensor, dim int) Tensor
Rows(ctx Context, t2 Tensor) Tensor
Copy(ctx Context, t2 Tensor) Tensor
// ScaledDotProductAttention implements a fused attention
// operation equivalent to following code on a tensor named
// query:
// kq := key.MulmatFullPrec(ctx, query)
// kq = kq.Scale(ctx, scale)
// if mask != nil {
// kq = kq.Add(ctx, mask)
// }
// kq = kq.Softmax(ctx)
// kqv := value.Mulmat(ctx, kq)
// return kqv.Permute(ctx, 0, 2, 1, 3).Contiguous(ctx)
type ScaledDotProductAttention interface {
ScaledDotProductAttention(ctx Context, key, value, mask Tensor, scale float64) Tensor
type number interface {
~int | ~int8 | ~int16 | ~int32 | ~int64 |
~uint | ~uint8 | ~uint16 | ~uint32 | ~uint64 |
~float32 | ~float64 |
~complex64 | ~complex128
func mul[T number](s ...T) T {
p := T(1)
for _, v := range s {
p *= v
return p
type DumpOptions struct {
// Items is the number of elements to print at the beginning and end of each dimension.
Items int
// Precision is the number of decimal places to print. Applies to float32 and float64.
Precision int
func Dump(ctx Context, t Tensor, opts ...DumpOptions) string {
if len(opts) < 1 {
opts = append(opts, DumpOptions{
Items: 3,
Precision: 4,
switch t.DType() {
case DTypeF32:
return dump[[]float32](ctx, t, opts[0].Items, func(f float32) string {
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(f), 'f', opts[0].Precision, 32)
case DTypeF16:
f32 := ctx.Zeros(DTypeF32, t.Shape()...)
f32 = t.Copy(ctx, f32)
return dump[[]float32](ctx, f32, opts[0].Items, func(f float32) string {
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(f), 'f', opts[0].Precision, 32)
case DTypeI32:
return dump[[]int32](ctx, t, opts[0].Items, func(i int32) string {
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10)
return "<unsupported>"
func dump[S ~[]E, E number](ctx Context, t Tensor, items int, fn func(E) string) string {
if t.Bytes() == nil {
s := make(S, mul(t.Shape()...))
if err := binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(t.Bytes()), binary.LittleEndian, &s); err != nil {
shape := t.Shape()
var sb strings.Builder
var f func([]int, int)
f = func(dims []int, stride int) {
prefix := strings.Repeat(" ", len(shape)-len(dims)+1)
fmt.Fprint(&sb, "[")
defer func() { fmt.Fprint(&sb, "]") }()
for i := 0; i < dims[0]; i++ {
if i >= items && i < dims[0]-items {
fmt.Fprint(&sb, "..., ")
// skip to next printable element
skip := dims[0] - 2*items
if len(dims) > 1 {
stride += mul(append(dims[1:], skip)...)
fmt.Fprint(&sb, strings.Repeat("\n", len(dims)-1), prefix)
i += skip - 1
} else if len(dims) > 1 {
f(dims[1:], stride)
stride += mul(dims[1:]...)
if i < dims[0]-1 {
fmt.Fprint(&sb, ",", strings.Repeat("\n", len(dims)-1), prefix)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(&sb, fn(s[stride+i]))
if i < dims[0]-1 {
fmt.Fprint(&sb, ", ")
f(shape, 0)
return sb.String()
type DType int
const (
DTypeOther DType = iota