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synced 2025-03-21 07:12:43 +01:00
* Optimize container images for startup This change adjusts how to handle runner payloads to support container builds where we keep them extracted in the filesystem. This makes it easier to optimize the cpu/cuda vs cpu/rocm images for size, and should result in faster startup times for container images. * Refactor payload logic and add buildx support for faster builds * Move payloads around * Review comments * Converge to buildx based helper scripts * Use docker buildx action for release
385 lines
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385 lines
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package runners
import (
const (
binGlob = "*/*/*/*"
var (
lock sync.Mutex
runnersDir = ""
// Return the location where runners are stored
// If runners are payloads, this will either extract them
// or refresh them if any have disappeared due to tmp cleaners
func Refresh(payloadFS fs.FS) (string, error) {
defer lock.Unlock()
var err error
// Wire up extra logging on our first load
if runnersDir == "" {
defer func() {
var runners []string
for v := range GetAvailableServers(runnersDir) {
runners = append(runners, v)
slog.Info("Dynamic LLM libraries", "runners", runners)
slog.Debug("Override detection logic by setting OLLAMA_LLM_LIBRARY")
if hasPayloads(payloadFS) {
if runnersDir == "" {
runnersDir, err = extractRunners(payloadFS)
} else {
err = refreshRunners(payloadFS, runnersDir)
} else if runnersDir == "" {
runnersDir, err = locateRunners()
return runnersDir, err
func Cleanup(payloadFS fs.FS) {
defer lock.Unlock()
if hasPayloads(payloadFS) && runnersDir != "" {
// We want to fully clean up the tmpdir parent of the payloads dir
tmpDir := filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(runnersDir, ".."))
slog.Debug("cleaning up", "dir", tmpDir)
err := os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
if err != nil {
slog.Warn("failed to clean up", "dir", tmpDir, "err", err)
func locateRunners() (string, error) {
exe, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return "", err
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return "", err
var paths []string
for _, root := range []string{filepath.Dir(exe), filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(exe), envconfig.LibRelativeToExe()), cwd} {
paths = append(paths,
filepath.Join(root, runtime.GOOS+"-"+runtime.GOARCH),
filepath.Join(root, "dist", runtime.GOOS+"-"+runtime.GOARCH),
// Try a few variations to improve developer experience when building from source in the local tree
for _, path := range paths {
candidate := filepath.Join(path, "lib", "ollama", "runners")
if _, err := os.Stat(candidate); err == nil {
return candidate, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to locate runners in any search path %v", paths)
// Return true if we're carying nested payloads for the runners
func hasPayloads(payloadFS fs.FS) bool {
files, err := fs.Glob(payloadFS, binGlob)
if err != nil || len(files) == 0 || (len(files) == 1 && strings.Contains(files[0], "placeholder")) {
return false
return true
func extractRunners(payloadFS fs.FS) (string, error) {
tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp(envconfig.TmpDir(), "ollama")
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate tmp dir: %w", err)
// Track our pid so we can clean up orphaned tmpdirs
n := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "ollama.pid")
if err := os.WriteFile(n, []byte(strconv.Itoa(os.Getpid())), 0o644); err != nil {
slog.Warn("failed to write pid file", "file", n, "error", err)
// We create a distinct subdirectory for payloads within the tmpdir
// This will typically look like /tmp/ollama3208993108/runners on linux
rDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "runners")
slog.Info("extracting embedded files", "dir", rDir)
return rDir, refreshRunners(payloadFS, rDir)
func refreshRunners(payloadFS fs.FS, rDir string) error {
// extract or refresh server libraries
err := extractFiles(payloadFS, rDir, binGlob)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("extract binaries: %v", err)
return nil
// extract extracts the embedded files to the target directory
func extractFiles(payloadFS fs.FS, targetDir string, glob string) error {
files, err := fs.Glob(payloadFS, glob)
if err != nil || len(files) == 0 {
// Should not happen
return fmt.Errorf("extractFiles called without payload present")
if err := os.MkdirAll(targetDir, 0o755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("extractFiles could not mkdir %s: %v", targetDir, err)
g := new(errgroup.Group)
for _, file := range files {
filename := file
runner := filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(filename))
slog.Debug("extracting", "runner", runner, "payload", filename)
g.Go(func() error {
srcf, err := payloadFS.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer srcf.Close()
src := io.Reader(srcf)
if strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".gz") {
src, err = gzip.NewReader(src)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("decompress payload %s: %v", filename, err)
filename = strings.TrimSuffix(filename, ".gz")
runnerDir := filepath.Join(targetDir, runner)
if err := os.MkdirAll(runnerDir, 0o755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("extractFiles could not mkdir %s: %v", runnerDir, err)
base := filepath.Base(filename)
destFilename := filepath.Join(runnerDir, base)
_, err = os.Stat(destFilename)
switch {
case errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist):
destFile, err := os.OpenFile(destFilename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0o755)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write payload %s: %v", filename, err)
defer destFile.Close()
if _, err := io.Copy(destFile, src); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("copy payload %s: %v", filename, err)
case err != nil:
return fmt.Errorf("stat payload %s: %v", filename, err)
return nil
err = g.Wait()
if err != nil {
slog.Error("failed to extract files", "error", err)
// If we fail to extract, the payload dir is most likely unusable, so cleanup whatever we extracted
err := os.RemoveAll(targetDir)
if err != nil {
slog.Warn("failed to cleanup incomplete payload dir", "dir", targetDir, "error", err)
return err
return nil
// Best effort to clean up prior tmpdirs
func cleanupTmpDirs() {
tmpDir := envconfig.TmpDir()
if tmpDir == "" {
tmpDir = os.TempDir()
matches, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "ollama*", "ollama.pid"))
if err != nil {
for _, match := range matches {
raw, err := os.ReadFile(match)
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
slog.Debug("not a ollama runtime directory, skipping", "path", match)
} else if err != nil {
slog.Warn("could not read ollama.pid, skipping", "path", match, "error", err)
pid, err := strconv.Atoi(string(raw))
if err != nil {
slog.Warn("invalid pid, skipping", "path", match, "error", err)
p, err := os.FindProcess(pid)
if err == nil && !errors.Is(p.Signal(syscall.Signal(0)), os.ErrProcessDone) {
slog.Warn("process still running, skipping", "pid", pid, "path", match)
if err := os.Remove(match); err != nil {
slog.Warn("could not cleanup stale pidfile", "path", match, "error", err)
runners := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(match), "runners")
if err := os.RemoveAll(runners); err != nil {
slog.Warn("could not cleanup stale runners", "path", runners, "error", err)
if err := os.Remove(filepath.Dir(match)); err != nil {
slog.Warn("could not cleanup stale tmpdir", "path", filepath.Dir(match), "error", err)
// directory names are the name of the runner and may contain an optional
// variant prefixed with '_' as the separator. For example, "cuda_v11" and
// "cuda_v12" or "cpu" and "cpu_avx2". Any library without a variant is the
// lowest common denominator
func GetAvailableServers(payloadsDir string) map[string]string {
if payloadsDir == "" {
slog.Error("empty runner dir")
return nil
// glob payloadsDir for files that start with ollama_
pattern := filepath.Join(payloadsDir, "*", "ollama_*")
files, err := filepath.Glob(pattern)
if err != nil {
slog.Debug("could not glob", "pattern", pattern, "error", err)
return nil
servers := make(map[string]string)
for _, file := range files {
slog.Debug("availableServers : found", "file", file)
servers[filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(file))] = filepath.Dir(file)
return servers
// serversForGpu returns a list of compatible servers give the provided GPU
// info, ordered by performance. assumes Init() has been called
// TODO - switch to metadata based mapping
func ServersForGpu(info gpu.GpuInfo) []string {
// glob workDir for files that start with ollama_
availableServers := GetAvailableServers(runnersDir)
requested := info.Library
if info.Variant != gpu.CPUCapabilityNone.String() {
requested += "_" + info.Variant
servers := []string{}
// exact match first
for a := range availableServers {
if a == requested {
servers = []string{a}
if a == "metal" {
return servers
alt := []string{}
// Then for GPUs load alternates and sort the list for consistent load ordering
if info.Library != "cpu" {
for a := range availableServers {
if info.Library == strings.Split(a, "_")[0] && a != requested {
alt = append(alt, a)
servers = append(servers, alt...)
if !(runtime.GOOS == "darwin" && runtime.GOARCH == "arm64") {
// Load up the best CPU variant if not primary requested
if info.Library != "cpu" {
variant := gpu.GetCPUCapability()
// If no variant, then we fall back to default
// If we have a variant, try that if we find an exact match
// Attempting to run the wrong CPU instructions will panic the
// process
if variant != gpu.CPUCapabilityNone {
for cmp := range availableServers {
if cmp == "cpu_"+variant.String() {
servers = append(servers, cmp)
} else {
servers = append(servers, "cpu")
if len(servers) == 0 {
servers = []string{"cpu"}
return servers
// Return the optimal server for this CPU architecture
func ServerForCpu() string {
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" && runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
return "metal"
variant := gpu.GetCPUCapability()
availableServers := GetAvailableServers(runnersDir)
if variant != gpu.CPUCapabilityNone {
for cmp := range availableServers {
if cmp == "cpu_"+variant.String() {
return cmp
return "cpu"