mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 02:33:14 +01:00
* fix(ext_server): Port llama.cpp sampling refactors to ext_server
This was a fairly large changeset. I closely followed the changes here:
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(server.cpp): Refactor server.cpp logging for llama.cpp overhaul
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* feat: Bump llama.cpp to the latest master with `granite` support
This does not yet have granite MoE support, but that can come in a
follow up PR
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(patches): Update all patches (except solar-pro) to work with bumped llama.cpp
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(solar): Update solar patch for llama.cpp bump
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* feat(llama.cpp): Bump llama.cpp for granitemoe support
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* feat(llama.cpp): Bump llama.cpp for granitemoe support
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(solar): Update the solar-pro patch for latest llama.cpp bump
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* feat(llama.cpp): Bump to the latest master of llama.cpp
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(patches): Update all patches for latest bump
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* feat(llama): Always run sync.sh from the right directory
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(llama/patches): Update llama patches
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* feat(llama)!: Rough sync with llama.cpp submodule
There are a number of changes that will need to be propagated to llama.go
before any of this works!
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(llama/patches): Add a patch and update for missing ggml-impl.h include
This include is where the ggml_cgraph struct is defined. It is included in
many of the .c files to define the forward declartion in ggml.h. It seems
that with the subset of code included here, the import was somehow lost (or
out-of-order) when building, so adding this include to llama.cpp fixes the
missing definition.
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(llama/sync): Add missing ggml-cpu-impl.h copy-over in sync.sh
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(llama): Add missing log.cpp
This was added as part of the logging overhaul done in llama.cpp
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(llama): Overhaul use of sampling module for llama.cpp changes
The changes here reflect the changes made in the big llama.cpp sampling PR
The sampling functionality is now broken into the base interface
(llama_sampler) and the generation implementation (gpt_sampler). The
changes here reflect that. Since the sampling.h/sampling.cpp code uses c++
STL headers, the sampling_ext.[h|cpp] wrapper is maintained to allow go to
access a pure-C interface.
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(llama): Fix the impl of SampleTokenGreedy for new sampling
I don't think this method is currently used, so it could probably just be
removed so that all sampling goes through the GPT interface, but in the
interest of doing no harm, this should keep the method working as expected.
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
* fix(llama): Remove unused SampleTokenGreedy
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(sync): Remove bash-specific change to sync.sh
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* chore(gofumpt): Format on llama.go to pass linting
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(llm): Fix missing <thread> include in ext_server
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(llama): Remove TODO about grammar_first
This feature was not used/needed previously so should be fine without
plumbing it through now.
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(llama): Better naming for sampling wrapper and args
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(llama): Fix patch 05 to use new wrapper api and re-sync
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* runner: Flush pending responses before returning
If there are any pending reponses (such as from potential stop
tokens) then we should send them back before ending the sequence.
Otherwise, we can be missing tokens at the end of a response.
Fixes #6707
* fix(llama/sampling): Use gpt_sampler with a forward declaration
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(llama): Remove unnecessary patch for gguf impl header
This was caused by an earlier mistake in the embeddings patch that was
dereferencing the pointer instead of using the wrapper API.
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
* fix(llm): Remove use of deprecated --log-disable flag
Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
1734 lines
54 KiB
1734 lines
54 KiB
* llama.cpp - commit 3f1ae2e32cde00c39b96be6d01c2997c29bae555 - do not edit this file
* MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 The ggml authors
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "llama-sampling.h"
#include "llama-vocab.h"
#include "llama-grammar.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cfloat>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <numeric>
#include <random>
#include <unordered_map>
static int llama_sample_dist(llama_token_data_array * cur_p, std::mt19937 & rng) {
// iterator for the probabilities
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-local-typedefs"
struct probs_iterator {
typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef float value_type;
typedef float * pointer;
typedef float & reference;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
const llama_token_data * data;
bool operator==(const probs_iterator & other) const { return data == other.data; }
bool operator!=(const probs_iterator & other) const { return data != other.data; }
const float & operator*() const { return data->p; }
probs_iterator & operator++() { ++data; return *this; }
probs_iterator operator++(int) { probs_iterator tmp = *this; ++data; return tmp; }
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
std::discrete_distribution<int> dist(probs_iterator{cur_p->data}, probs_iterator{cur_p->data + cur_p->size});
return dist(rng);
static void llama_log_softmax(float * array, size_t size) {
float max_l = *std::max_element(array, array + size);
float sum = 0.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
float p = expf(array[i] - max_l);
sum += p;
array[i] = p;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
array[i] = logf(array[i] / sum);
static void llama_sampler_softmax_impl(llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
GGML_ASSERT(cur_p->size > 0);
// Sort the logits in descending order
if (!cur_p->sorted) {
std::sort(cur_p->data, cur_p->data + cur_p->size, [](const llama_token_data & a, const llama_token_data & b) {
return a.logit > b.logit;
cur_p->sorted = true;
float max_l = cur_p->data[0].logit;
float cum_sum = 0.0f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
float p = expf(cur_p->data[i].logit - max_l);
cur_p->data[i].p = p;
cum_sum += p;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
cur_p->data[i].p /= cum_sum;
static void llama_sampler_top_k_impl(llama_token_data_array * cur_p, int32_t k) {
// TODO: move bucket sort to separate function so that top_p/tail_free/typical/softmax first is equally fast
// if (k >= (int32_t)cur_p->size) {
// return;
// }
if (k <= 0) {
k = cur_p->size;
k = std::min(k, (int) cur_p->size);
// Sort scores in descending order
if (!cur_p->sorted) {
auto comp = [](const llama_token_data & a, const llama_token_data & b) {
return a.logit > b.logit;
if (k <= 128) {
std::partial_sort(cur_p->data, cur_p->data + k, cur_p->data + cur_p->size, comp);
} else {
constexpr int nbuckets = 128;
constexpr float bucket_low = -10.0f;
constexpr float bucket_high = 10.0f;
constexpr float bucket_scale = nbuckets/(bucket_high - bucket_low);
constexpr float bucket_inter = -bucket_low * bucket_scale;
std::vector<int> bucket_idx(cur_p->size);
std::vector<int> histo(nbuckets, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)cur_p->size; ++i) {
const float val = cur_p->data[i].logit;
int ib = int(bucket_scale * val + bucket_inter); //nbuckets * (val - bucket_low) / (bucket_high - bucket_low);
ib = std::max(0, std::min(nbuckets-1, ib));
bucket_idx[i] = ib;
int nhave = 0;
int ib = nbuckets - 1;
for ( ; ib >= 0; --ib) {
nhave += histo[ib];
if (nhave >= k) {
std::vector<llama_token_data> tmp_tokens(nhave);
auto * ptr = tmp_tokens.data();
std::vector<llama_token_data*> bucket_ptrs;
bucket_ptrs.reserve(nbuckets - ib);
for (int j = nbuckets - 1; j >= ib; --j) {
ptr += histo[j];
for (int i = 0; i < (int)cur_p->size; ++i) {
int j = bucket_idx[i];
if (j >= ib) {
*bucket_ptrs[nbuckets-1-j]++ = cur_p->data[i];
ptr = tmp_tokens.data();
int ndone = 0;
for (int j = nbuckets-1; j > ib; --j) {
std::sort(ptr, ptr + histo[j], comp);
ptr += histo[j];
ndone += histo[j];
std::partial_sort(ptr, ptr + k - ndone, ptr + histo[ib], comp);
std::memcpy(cur_p->data, tmp_tokens.data(), k*sizeof(llama_token_data));
cur_p->sorted = true;
cur_p->size = k;
static uint32_t get_rng_seed(uint32_t seed) {
if (seed == LLAMA_DEFAULT_SEED) {
// use system clock if std::random_device is not a true RNG
static bool is_rd_prng = std::random_device().entropy() == 0;
if (is_rd_prng) {
return (uint32_t) std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
std::random_device rd;
return rd();
return seed;
// llama_sampler API
const char * llama_sampler_name(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
if (!smpl->iface) {
return "(null)";
return smpl->iface->name(smpl);
void llama_sampler_accept(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token token) {
if (smpl->iface->accept) {
smpl->iface->accept(smpl, token);
void llama_sampler_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, struct llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
smpl->iface->apply(smpl, cur_p);
void llama_sampler_reset(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
if (smpl->iface->reset) {
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
if (smpl->iface->clone) {
return smpl->iface->clone(smpl);
if (smpl->ctx == nullptr) {
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ smpl->iface,
/* .ctx = */ nullptr,
GGML_ABORT("the sampler does not support cloning");
void llama_sampler_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
if (smpl == nullptr) {
if (smpl->iface->free) {
delete smpl;
llama_token llama_sampler_sample(struct llama_sampler * smpl, struct llama_context * ctx, int32_t idx) {
const auto * logits = llama_get_logits_ith(ctx, idx);
const int n_vocab = llama_n_vocab(llama_get_model(ctx));
// TODO: do not allocate each time
std::vector<llama_token_data> cur;
for (llama_token token_id = 0; token_id < n_vocab; token_id++) {
cur.emplace_back(llama_token_data{token_id, logits[token_id], 0.0f});
llama_token_data_array cur_p = {
/* .data = */ cur.data(),
/* .size = */ cur.size(),
/* .selected = */ -1,
/* .sorted = */ false,
llama_sampler_apply(smpl, &cur_p);
GGML_ASSERT(cur_p.selected >= 0 && cur_p.selected < (int32_t) cur_p.size);
auto token = cur_p.data[cur_p.selected].id;
llama_sampler_accept(smpl, token);
return token;
// sampler chain
static const char * llama_sampler_chain_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "chain";
static void llama_sampler_chain_accept(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token token) {
auto * chain = (llama_sampler_chain *) smpl->ctx;
time_meas tm(chain->t_sample_us, chain->params.no_perf);
for (auto * smpl : chain->samplers) {
llama_sampler_accept(smpl, token);
static void llama_sampler_chain_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
auto * chain = (llama_sampler_chain *) smpl->ctx;
time_meas tm(chain->t_sample_us, chain->params.no_perf);
for (auto * smpl : chain->samplers) {
llama_sampler_apply(smpl, cur_p);
static void llama_sampler_chain_reset(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
auto * chain = (llama_sampler_chain *) smpl->ctx;
for (auto * smpl : chain->samplers) {
chain->t_sample_us = 0;
chain->n_sample = 0;
static struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_chain_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * chain_src = (const llama_sampler_chain *) smpl->ctx;
auto * result = llama_sampler_chain_init(chain_src->params);
for (auto * smpl : chain_src->samplers) {
llama_sampler_chain_add(result, llama_sampler_clone(smpl));
return result;
static void llama_sampler_chain_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
auto * chain = (llama_sampler_chain *) smpl->ctx;
for (auto * smpl : chain->samplers) {
delete chain;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_chain_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_chain_name,
/* .accept = */ llama_sampler_chain_accept,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_chain_apply,
/* .reset = */ llama_sampler_chain_reset,
/* .clone = */ llama_sampler_chain_clone,
/* .free = */ llama_sampler_chain_free,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_chain_init(struct llama_sampler_chain_params params) {
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_chain_i,
/* .ctx = */ new llama_sampler_chain {
/* .params = */ params,
/* .samplers = */ {},
/* .t_sample_us = */ 0,
/* .n_sample = */ 0,
void llama_sampler_chain_add(struct llama_sampler * chain, struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
auto * p = (llama_sampler_chain *) chain->ctx;
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_chain_get(const struct llama_sampler * chain, int32_t i) {
const auto * p = (const llama_sampler_chain *) chain->ctx;
if (i < 0 || (size_t) i >= p->samplers.size()) {
return nullptr;
return p->samplers[i];
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_chain_remove(struct llama_sampler * chain, int32_t i) {
auto * p = (llama_sampler_chain *) chain->ctx;
if (i < 0 || (size_t) i >= p->samplers.size()) {
return nullptr;
auto * result = p->samplers[i];
p->samplers.erase(p->samplers.begin() + i);
return result;
int llama_sampler_chain_n(const struct llama_sampler * chain) {
const auto * p = (const llama_sampler_chain *) chain->ctx;
return p->samplers.size();
// samplers
// greedy
static const char * llama_sampler_greedy_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "greedy";
static void llama_sampler_greedy_apply(struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
cur_p->selected = 0;
for (size_t i = 1; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
if (cur_p->data[i].logit > cur_p->data[cur_p->selected].logit) {
cur_p->selected = i;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_greedy_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_greedy_name,
/* .accept = */ nullptr,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_greedy_apply,
/* .reset = */ nullptr,
/* .clone = */ nullptr,
/* .free = */ nullptr,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_greedy() {
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_greedy_i,
/* .ctx = */ nullptr,
// dist
struct llama_sampler_dist {
const uint32_t seed;
uint32_t seed_cur;
std::mt19937 rng;
static const char * llama_sampler_dist_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "dist";
static void llama_sampler_dist_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_dist *) smpl->ctx;
cur_p->selected = llama_sample_dist(cur_p, ctx->rng);
static struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_dist_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * ctx = (const llama_sampler_dist *) smpl->ctx;
auto * result = llama_sampler_init_dist(ctx->seed);
// copy the state
auto * result_ctx = (llama_sampler_dist *) result->ctx;
result_ctx->rng = ctx->rng;
return result;
static void llama_sampler_dist_reset(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_dist *) smpl->ctx;
ctx->seed_cur = get_rng_seed(ctx->seed);
static void llama_sampler_dist_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
delete (llama_sampler_dist *) smpl->ctx;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_dist_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_dist_name,
/* .accept = */ nullptr,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_dist_apply,
/* .reset = */ llama_sampler_dist_reset,
/* .clone = */ llama_sampler_dist_clone,
/* .free = */ llama_sampler_dist_free,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_dist(uint32_t seed) {
auto seed_cur = get_rng_seed(seed);
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_dist_i,
/* .ctx = */ new llama_sampler_dist {
/* .seed = */ seed,
/* .seed_cur = */ seed_cur,
/* .rng = */ std::mt19937(seed_cur),
// softmax
static const char * llama_sampler_softmax_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "softmax";
static void llama_sampler_softmax_apply(struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_softmax_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_softmax_name,
/* .accept = */ nullptr,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_softmax_apply,
/* .reset = */ nullptr,
/* .clone = */ nullptr,
/* .free = */ nullptr,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_softmax() {
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_softmax_i,
/* .ctx = */ nullptr,
// top-k
struct llama_sampler_top_k {
const int32_t k;
static const char * llama_sampler_top_k_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "top-k";
static void llama_sampler_top_k_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
const auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_top_k *) smpl->ctx;
llama_sampler_top_k_impl(cur_p, ctx->k);
static struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_top_k_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * ctx = (const llama_sampler_top_k *) smpl->ctx;
return llama_sampler_init_top_k(ctx->k);
static void llama_sampler_top_k_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
delete (llama_sampler_top_k *) smpl->ctx;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_top_k_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_top_k_name,
/* .accept = */ nullptr,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_top_k_apply,
/* .reset = */ nullptr,
/* .clone = */ llama_sampler_top_k_clone,
/* .free = */ llama_sampler_top_k_free,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_top_k(int32_t k) {
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_top_k_i,
/* .ctx = */ new llama_sampler_top_k {
/* .k = */ k,
// top-p
struct llama_sampler_top_p {
const float p;
const size_t min_keep;
static const char * llama_sampler_top_p_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "top-p";
static void llama_sampler_top_p_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
const auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_top_p *) smpl->ctx;
if (ctx->p >= 1.0f) {
// Compute the cumulative probabilities
float cum_sum = 0.0f;
size_t last_idx = cur_p->size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
cum_sum += cur_p->data[i].p;
// Check if the running sum is at least p or if we have kept at least min_keep tokens
// we set the last index to i+1 to indicate that the current iterate should be included in the set
if (cum_sum >= ctx->p && i + 1 >= ctx->min_keep) {
last_idx = i + 1;
// Resize the output vector to keep only the top-p tokens
cur_p->size = last_idx;
static struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_top_p_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * ctx = (const llama_sampler_top_p *) smpl->ctx;
return llama_sampler_init_top_p(ctx->p, ctx->min_keep);
static void llama_sampler_top_p_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
delete (llama_sampler_top_p *) smpl->ctx;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_top_p_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_top_p_name,
/* .accept = */ nullptr,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_top_p_apply,
/* .reset = */ nullptr,
/* .clone = */ llama_sampler_top_p_clone,
/* .free = */ llama_sampler_top_p_free,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_top_p(float p, size_t min_keep) {
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_top_p_i,
/* .ctx = */ new llama_sampler_top_p {
/* .p = */ p,
/* .min_keep = */ min_keep,
// min-p
struct llama_sampler_min_p {
const float p;
const size_t min_keep;
static const char * llama_sampler_min_p_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "min-p";
static void llama_sampler_min_p_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
const auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_min_p *) smpl->ctx;
if (ctx->p <= 0.0f || !cur_p->size) {
bool min_p_applied = false;
// if the cur_p aren't sorted, try the unsorted implementation first
if (!cur_p->sorted) {
std::vector<llama_token_data> filtered_tokens;
float max_logit = -FLT_MAX;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
max_logit = std::max(max_logit, cur_p->data[i].logit);
const float min_logit = max_logit + logf(ctx->p); // min logit for p_i >= p * p_max
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
if (cur_p->data[i].logit >= min_logit) {
// if we have enough values the operation was a success
if (filtered_tokens.size() >= ctx->min_keep) {
memcpy(cur_p->data, filtered_tokens.data(), filtered_tokens.size()*sizeof(llama_token_data));
cur_p->size = filtered_tokens.size();
min_p_applied = true;
// if the cur_p are sorted or the unsorted implementation failed, use this implementation
if (!min_p_applied) {
// Sort the logits in descending order
if (!cur_p->sorted) {
std::sort(cur_p->data, cur_p->data + cur_p->size, [](const llama_token_data & a, const llama_token_data & b) {
return a.logit > b.logit;
cur_p->sorted = true;
const float min_logit = cur_p->data[0].logit + logf(ctx->p); // min logit for p_i >= p * p_max
size_t i = 1; // first token always matches
for (; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
if (cur_p->data[i].logit < min_logit && i >= ctx->min_keep) {
break; // prob too small
// Resize the output vector to keep only the matching tokens
cur_p->size = i;
static struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_min_p_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * ctx = (const llama_sampler_min_p *) smpl->ctx;
return llama_sampler_init_min_p(ctx->p, ctx->min_keep);
static void llama_sampler_min_p_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
delete (llama_sampler_min_p *) smpl->ctx;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_min_p_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_min_p_name,
/* .accept = */ nullptr,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_min_p_apply,
/* .reset = */ nullptr,
/* .clone = */ llama_sampler_min_p_clone,
/* .free = */ llama_sampler_min_p_free,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_min_p(float p, size_t min_keep) {
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_min_p_i,
/* .ctx = */ new llama_sampler_min_p {
/* .p = */ p,
/* .min_keep = */ min_keep,
// tail-free
struct llama_sampler_tail_free {
const float z;
const size_t min_keep;
static const char * llama_sampler_tail_free_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "tail-free";
static void llama_sampler_tail_free_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
const auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_tail_free *) smpl->ctx;
if (ctx->z >= 1.0f || cur_p->size <= 2) {
// Compute the first and second derivatives
std::vector<float> first_derivatives(cur_p->size - 1);
std::vector<float> second_derivatives(cur_p->size - 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < first_derivatives.size(); ++i) {
first_derivatives[i] = cur_p->data[i].p - cur_p->data[i + 1].p;
for (size_t i = 0; i < second_derivatives.size(); ++i) {
second_derivatives[i] = first_derivatives[i] - first_derivatives[i + 1];
// Calculate absolute value of second derivatives
for (size_t i = 0; i < second_derivatives.size(); ++i) {
second_derivatives[i] = std::abs(second_derivatives[i]);
// Normalize the second derivatives
const float second_derivatives_sum = std::accumulate(second_derivatives.begin(), second_derivatives.end(), 0.0f);
if (second_derivatives_sum > 1e-6f) {
for (float & value : second_derivatives) {
value /= second_derivatives_sum;
} else {
for (float & value : second_derivatives) {
value = 1.0f / second_derivatives.size();
float cum_sum = 0.0f;
size_t last_idx = cur_p->size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < second_derivatives.size(); ++i) {
cum_sum += second_derivatives[i];
// Check if the running sum is greater than z or if we have kept at least min_keep tokens
if (cum_sum > ctx->z && i >= ctx->min_keep) {
last_idx = i;
// Resize the output vector to keep only the tokens above the tail location
cur_p->size = last_idx;
static struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_tail_free_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * ctx = (const llama_sampler_tail_free *) smpl->ctx;
return llama_sampler_init_tail_free(ctx->z, ctx->min_keep);
static void llama_sampler_tail_free_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
delete (llama_sampler_tail_free *) smpl->ctx;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_tail_free_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_tail_free_name,
/* .accept = */ nullptr,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_tail_free_apply,
/* .reset = */ nullptr,
/* .clone = */ llama_sampler_tail_free_clone,
/* .free = */ llama_sampler_tail_free_free,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_tail_free(float z, size_t min_keep) {
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_tail_free_i,
/* .ctx = */ new llama_sampler_tail_free {
/* .z = */ z,
/*. min_keep = */ min_keep,
// typical
struct llama_sampler_typical {
const float p;
const size_t min_keep;
static const char * llama_sampler_typical_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "typical";
static void llama_sampler_typical_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
const auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_typical *) smpl->ctx;
// Reference implementation:
// https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/compare/main...cimeister:typical-sampling:typical-pr
if (ctx->p >= 1.0f) {
// Compute the softmax of logits and calculate entropy
float entropy = 0.0f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
entropy += -cur_p->data[i].p * logf(cur_p->data[i].p);
// Compute the absolute difference between negative log probability and entropy for each candidate
std::vector<float> shifted_scores;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
float shifted_score = fabsf(-logf(cur_p->data[i].p) - entropy);
// Sort tokens based on the shifted_scores and their corresponding indices
std::vector<size_t> indices(cur_p->size);
std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), 0);
std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.end(), [&](size_t a, size_t b) {
return shifted_scores[a] < shifted_scores[b];
// Compute the cumulative probabilities
float cum_sum = 0.0f;
size_t last_idx = indices.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i) {
size_t idx = indices[i];
cum_sum += cur_p->data[idx].p;
// Check if the running sum is greater than typical or if we have kept at least min_keep tokens
if (cum_sum > ctx->p && i >= ctx->min_keep - 1) {
last_idx = i + 1;
// Resize the output vector to keep only the locally typical tokens
std::vector<llama_token_data> cur_p_new;
for (size_t i = 0; i < last_idx; ++i) {
size_t idx = indices[i];
// Replace the data in cur_p with the cur_p_new data
std::copy(cur_p_new.begin(), cur_p_new.end(), cur_p->data);
cur_p->size = cur_p_new.size();
cur_p->sorted = false;
static struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_typical_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * ctx = (const llama_sampler_typical *) smpl->ctx;
return llama_sampler_init_typical(ctx->p, ctx->min_keep);
static void llama_sampler_typical_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
delete (llama_sampler_typical *) smpl->ctx;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_typical_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_typical_name,
/* .accept = */ nullptr,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_typical_apply,
/* .reset = */ nullptr,
/* .clone = */ llama_sampler_typical_clone,
/* .free = */ llama_sampler_typical_free,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_typical(float p, size_t min_keep) {
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_typical_i,
/* .ctx = */ new llama_sampler_typical {
/* .p = */ p,
/* .min_keep = */ min_keep,
// temp
struct llama_sampler_temp {
const float temp;
static const char * llama_sampler_temp_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "temp";
static void llama_sampler_temp_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
const auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_temp *) smpl->ctx;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
cur_p->data[i].logit /= ctx->temp;
static struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_temp_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * ctx = (const llama_sampler_temp *) smpl->ctx;
return llama_sampler_init_temp(ctx->temp);
static void llama_sampler_temp_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
delete (llama_sampler_temp *) smpl->ctx;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_temp_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_temp_name,
/* .accept = */ nullptr,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_temp_apply,
/* .reset = */ nullptr,
/* .clone = */ llama_sampler_temp_clone,
/* .free = */ llama_sampler_temp_free,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_temp(float temp) {
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_temp_i,
/* .ctx = */ new llama_sampler_temp {
/*.temp = */ temp,
// temp-ext
struct llama_sampler_temp_ext {
const float temp;
const float delta;
const float exponent;
static const char * llama_sampler_temp_ext_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "temp-ext";
static void llama_sampler_temp_ext_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
const auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_temp_ext *) smpl->ctx;
if (ctx->delta > 0) {
const float min_temp = std::max(0.0f, ctx->temp - ctx->delta);
const float max_temp = ctx->temp + ctx->delta;
float exponent_val = ctx->exponent;
// no need to do anything if there is only one (or zero) candidates
if (cur_p->size <= 1) {
// Calculate maximum possible entropy
float max_entropy = -logf(1.0f / cur_p->size);
// Calculate entropy of the softmax probabilities
float entropy = 0.0f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
float prob = cur_p->data[i].p;
if (prob > 0.0f) { // Ensure no log(0)
entropy -= prob * logf(prob);
// Normalize the entropy (max_entropy cannot be 0 here because we checked cur_p->size != 1 above)
float normalized_entropy = entropy / max_entropy;
// Map the normalized entropy to the desired temperature range using the power function
float dyn_temp = min_temp + (max_temp - min_temp) * powf(normalized_entropy, exponent_val);
#ifdef DEBUG
LLAMA_LOG_INFO("Your text maxtemp value is: %f\n", max_temp);
LLAMA_LOG_INFO("Entropy: %f\n", entropy);
LLAMA_LOG_INFO("Max Possible Entropy: %f\n", max_entropy);
LLAMA_LOG_INFO("Normalized Entropy: %f\n", normalized_entropy);
LLAMA_LOG_INFO("Exponent: %f\n", exponent_val);
LLAMA_LOG_INFO("Dynamic Temperature (dyn_temp): %f\n", dyn_temp);
// Apply the dynamically calculated temperature scaling
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
cur_p->data[i].logit /= dyn_temp;
// Re-compute softmax probabilities after scaling logits with dynamic temperature
const double max_l_double = cur_p->data[0].logit;
double cum_sum_double = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
double p = exp(cur_p->data[i].logit - max_l_double);
cur_p->data[i].p = p; // Store the scaled probability
cum_sum_double += p;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
cur_p->data[i].p /= cum_sum_double; // Re-normalize the probabilities
#ifdef DEBUG
// Print the updated top 25 probabilities after temperature scaling
LLAMA_LOG_INFO("\nUpdated Top 25 Probabilities After Dynamic Temperature Scaling (in percentages):\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 25 && i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
LLAMA_LOG_INFO("Token %zu: %f%%\n", i + 1, cur_p->data[i].p * 100.0f);
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
cur_p->data[i].logit /= ctx->temp;
static struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_temp_ext_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * ctx = (const llama_sampler_temp_ext *) smpl->ctx;
return llama_sampler_init_temp_ext(ctx->temp, ctx->delta, ctx->exponent);
static void llama_sampler_temp_ext_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
delete (llama_sampler_temp_ext *) smpl->ctx;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_temp_ext_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_temp_ext_name,
/* .accept = */ nullptr,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_temp_ext_apply,
/* .reset = */ nullptr,
/* .clone = */ llama_sampler_temp_ext_clone,
/* .free = */ llama_sampler_temp_ext_free,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_temp_ext(float temp, float delta, float exponent) {
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_temp_ext_i,
/* .ctx = */ new llama_sampler_temp_ext {
/* .temp = */ temp,
/* .delta = */ delta,
/* .exponent = */ exponent,
// mirostat
struct llama_sampler_mirostat {
const int32_t n_vocab;
const uint32_t seed;
uint32_t seed_cur;
const float tau;
const float eta;
const int32_t m;
float mu;
std::mt19937 rng;
static const char * llama_sampler_mirostat_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "mirostat";
static void llama_sampler_mirostat_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_mirostat *) smpl->ctx;
// Estimate s_hat using the most probable m tokens
float s_hat = 0.0;
float sum_ti_bi = 0.0;
float sum_ti_sq = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size_t(ctx->m - 1) && i < cur_p->size - 1; ++i) {
float t_i = logf(float(i + 2) / float(i + 1));
float b_i = logf(cur_p->data[i].p / cur_p->data[i + 1].p);
sum_ti_bi += t_i * b_i;
sum_ti_sq += t_i * t_i;
s_hat = sum_ti_bi / sum_ti_sq;
// Compute k from the estimated s_hat and target surprise value
float epsilon_hat = s_hat - 1;
float k = powf((epsilon_hat * powf(2, ctx->mu)) / (1 - powf(ctx->n_vocab, -epsilon_hat)), 1 / s_hat);
llama_sampler_top_k_impl(cur_p, std::max(int(k), 1));
const int idx = llama_sample_dist(cur_p, ctx->rng);
cur_p->selected = idx;
float observed_surprise = -log2f(cur_p->data[idx].p);
float e = observed_surprise - ctx->tau;
// Update mu using the learning rate and error
ctx->mu = ctx->mu - ctx->eta * e;
static struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_mirostat_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * ctx = (const llama_sampler_mirostat *) smpl->ctx;
auto * result = llama_sampler_init_mirostat(ctx->n_vocab, ctx->seed, ctx->tau, ctx->eta, ctx->m);
// copy the state
auto * result_ctx = (llama_sampler_mirostat *) smpl->ctx;
result_ctx->mu = ctx->mu;
result_ctx->rng = ctx->rng;
return result;
static void llama_sampler_mirostat_reset(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_mirostat *) smpl->ctx;
ctx->mu = 2.0f*ctx->tau;
ctx->seed_cur = get_rng_seed(ctx->seed);
static void llama_sampler_mirostat_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
delete (llama_sampler_mirostat *) smpl->ctx;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_mirostat_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_mirostat_name,
/* .accept = */ nullptr,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_mirostat_apply,
/* .reset = */ llama_sampler_mirostat_reset,
/* .clone = */ llama_sampler_mirostat_clone,
/* .free = */ llama_sampler_mirostat_free,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_mirostat(int32_t n_vocab, uint32_t seed, float tau, float eta, int32_t m) {
auto seed_cur = get_rng_seed(seed);
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_mirostat_i,
/* .ctx = */ new llama_sampler_mirostat {
/* .n_vocab = */ n_vocab,
/* .seed = */ seed,
/* .seed_cur = */ seed_cur,
/* .tau = */ tau,
/* .eta = */ eta,
/* .m = */ m,
/* .mu = */ 2.0f*tau,
/* .rng = */ std::mt19937(seed_cur),
// mirostat v2
struct llama_sampler_mirostat_v2 {
const uint32_t seed;
uint32_t seed_cur;
const float tau;
const float eta;
float mu;
std::mt19937 rng;
static const char * llama_sampler_mirostat_v2_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "mirostat-v2";
static void llama_sampler_mirostat_v2_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_mirostat_v2 *) smpl->ctx;
// Truncate the words with surprise values greater than mu
cur_p->size = std::distance(cur_p->data, std::find_if(cur_p->data, cur_p->data + cur_p->size, [&](const llama_token_data & candidate) {
return -log2f(candidate.p) > ctx->mu;
if (cur_p->size == 0) {
cur_p->size = 1;
// Normalize the probabilities of the remaining words
const int idx = llama_sample_dist(cur_p, ctx->rng);
cur_p->selected = idx;
float observed_surprise = -log2f(cur_p->data[idx].p);
float e = observed_surprise - ctx->tau;
// Update mu using the learning rate and error
ctx->mu = ctx->mu - ctx->eta * e;
static void llama_sampler_mirostat_v2_reset(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_mirostat_v2 *) smpl->ctx;
ctx->mu = 2.0f*ctx->tau;
ctx->seed_cur = get_rng_seed(ctx->seed);
static struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_mirostat_v2_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * ctx = (const llama_sampler_mirostat_v2 *) smpl->ctx;
auto * result = llama_sampler_init_mirostat_v2(ctx->seed, ctx->tau, ctx->eta);
// copy the state
auto * result_ctx = (llama_sampler_mirostat_v2 *) result->ctx;
result_ctx->mu = ctx->mu;
result_ctx->rng = ctx->rng;
return result;
static void llama_sampler_mirostat_v2_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
delete (llama_sampler_mirostat_v2 *) smpl->ctx;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_mirostat_v2_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_mirostat_v2_name,
/* .accept = */ nullptr,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_mirostat_v2_apply,
/* .reset = */ llama_sampler_mirostat_v2_reset,
/* .clone = */ llama_sampler_mirostat_v2_clone,
/* .free = */ llama_sampler_mirostat_v2_free,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_mirostat_v2(uint32_t seed, float tau, float eta) {
auto seed_cur = get_rng_seed(seed);
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_mirostat_v2_i,
/* .ctx = */ new llama_sampler_mirostat_v2 {
/* .seed = */ seed,
/* .seed_cur = */ seed_cur,
/* .tau = */ tau,
/* .eta = */ eta,
/* .mu = */ 2.0f*tau,
/* .rng = */ std::mt19937(seed_cur),
// grammar
struct llama_sampler_grammar {
const struct llama_vocab * vocab;
std::string grammar_str;
std::string grammar_root;
struct llama_grammar * grammar;
static const char * llama_sampler_grammar_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "grammar";
static void llama_sampler_grammar_accept_impl(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token token) {
auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_grammar *) smpl->ctx;
if (ctx->grammar) {
llama_grammar_accept_impl(*ctx->grammar, token);
static void llama_sampler_grammar_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_grammar *) smpl->ctx;
if (ctx->grammar) {
llama_grammar_apply_impl(*ctx->grammar, cur_p);
static void llama_sampler_grammar_reset(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_grammar *) smpl->ctx;
if (!ctx->grammar) {
auto * grammar_new = llama_grammar_init_impl(ctx->grammar->vocab, ctx->grammar_str.c_str(), ctx->grammar_root.c_str());
ctx->grammar = grammar_new;
static struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_grammar_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * ctx = (const llama_sampler_grammar *) smpl->ctx;
auto * result = llama_sampler_init_grammar_impl(*ctx->vocab, nullptr, nullptr);
// copy the state
auto * result_ctx = (llama_sampler_grammar *) result->ctx;
if (ctx->grammar) {
result_ctx->grammar_str = ctx->grammar_str;
result_ctx->grammar_root = ctx->grammar_root;
result_ctx->grammar = llama_grammar_clone_impl(*ctx->grammar);
return result;
static void llama_sampler_grammar_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_grammar *) smpl->ctx;
if (ctx->grammar) {
delete ctx;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_grammar_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_grammar_name,
/* .accept = */ llama_sampler_grammar_accept_impl,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_grammar_apply,
/* .reset = */ llama_sampler_grammar_reset,
/* .clone = */ llama_sampler_grammar_clone,
/* .free = */ llama_sampler_grammar_free,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_grammar_impl(const struct llama_vocab & vocab, const char * grammar_str, const char * grammar_root) {
auto * ctx = new llama_sampler_grammar;
if (grammar_str != nullptr && grammar_str[0] != '\0') {
*ctx = {
/* .vocab = */ &vocab,
/* .grammar_str = */ grammar_str,
/* .grammar_root = */ grammar_root,
/* .grammar = */ llama_grammar_init_impl(&vocab, grammar_str, grammar_root),
} else {
*ctx = {
/* .vocab = */ &vocab,
/* .grammar_str = */ {},
/* .grammar_root = */ {},
/* .grammar = */ nullptr,
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_grammar_i,
/* .ctx = */ ctx,
// penalties
struct llama_sampler_penalties {
const int32_t n_vocab;
const llama_token special_eos_id;
const llama_token linefeed_id;
const int32_t penalty_last_n;
const float penalty_repeat;
const float penalty_freq;
const float penalty_present;
const bool penalize_nl;
const bool ignore_eos;
ring_buffer<llama_token> prev;
static const char * llama_sampler_penalties_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "penalties";
static void llama_sampler_penalties_accept(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token token) {
auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_penalties *) smpl->ctx;
if (ctx->penalty_last_n == 0) {
static void llama_sampler_penalties_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_penalties *) smpl->ctx;
if (ctx->ignore_eos) {
assert(ctx->special_eos_id >= 0);
// optimistically check if the candidates are not yet sorted/shuffled/truncated
if (cur_p->size > (size_t) ctx->special_eos_id && cur_p->data[ctx->special_eos_id].id == ctx->special_eos_id) {
cur_p->data[ctx->special_eos_id].logit = -INFINITY;
} else {
// else, search for the special EOS token
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
if (cur_p->data[i].id == ctx->special_eos_id) {
cur_p->data[i].logit = -INFINITY;
if ((ctx->penalty_last_n == 0) ||
(ctx->penalty_repeat == 1.0f && ctx->penalty_freq == 0.0f && ctx->penalty_present == 0.0f)) {
bool nl_found = false;
size_t nl_idx = 0;
float nl_logit = -INFINITY;
if (!ctx->penalize_nl) {
assert(ctx->linefeed_id >= 0);
// optimistically check if the candidates are not yet sorted/shuffled/truncated
if (cur_p->size > (size_t) ctx->linefeed_id && cur_p->data[ctx->linefeed_id].id == ctx->linefeed_id) {
nl_found = true;
nl_idx = ctx->linefeed_id;
nl_logit = cur_p->data[ctx->linefeed_id].logit;
} else {
// else, search for the linefeed token
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
if (cur_p->data[i].id == ctx->linefeed_id) {
nl_found = true;
nl_idx = i;
nl_logit = cur_p->data[i].logit;
// Create a frequency map to count occurrences of each token in last_tokens
// TODO: optimize this by maintaining the token count in the sampler context
using llama_token_cnt = std::unordered_map<llama_token, int>;
llama_token_cnt token_count;
for (int i = 0; i < std::min<int>(ctx->penalty_last_n, ctx->prev.size()); ++i) {
// Apply frequency and presence penalties to the cur_p
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
const auto token_iter = token_count.find(cur_p->data[i].id);
if (token_iter == token_count.end()) {
const int count = token_iter->second;
// The academic publication that described this technique actually just only divided, but that would cause tokens with negative logits to become more likely, which is obviously wrong.
// This is common fix for this problem, which is to multiply by the penalty instead of dividing.
if (cur_p->data[i].logit <= 0) {
cur_p->data[i].logit *= ctx->penalty_repeat;
} else {
cur_p->data[i].logit /= ctx->penalty_repeat;
cur_p->data[i].logit -= float(count) * ctx->penalty_freq + float(count > 0) * ctx->penalty_present;
cur_p->sorted = false;
if (!ctx->penalize_nl && nl_found) {
// restore the logit of the newline token if it was penalized
cur_p->data[nl_idx].logit = nl_logit;
static void llama_sampler_penalties_reset(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_penalties *) smpl->ctx;
static struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_penalties_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * ctx = (const llama_sampler_penalties *) smpl->ctx;
auto * result = llama_sampler_init_penalties(
// copy the state
auto * result_ctx = (llama_sampler_penalties *) result->ctx;
result_ctx->prev = ctx->prev;
return result;
static void llama_sampler_penalties_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
delete (llama_sampler_penalties *) smpl->ctx;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_penalties_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_penalties_name,
/* .accept = */ llama_sampler_penalties_accept,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_penalties_apply,
/* .reset = */ llama_sampler_penalties_reset,
/* .clone = */ llama_sampler_penalties_clone,
/* .free = */ llama_sampler_penalties_free,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_penalties(
int32_t n_vocab,
llama_token special_eos_id,
llama_token linefeed_id,
int32_t penalty_last_n,
float penalty_repeat,
float penalty_freq,
float penalty_present,
bool penalize_nl,
bool ignore_eos) {
if (linefeed_id == LLAMA_TOKEN_NULL) {
penalize_nl = true;
if (special_eos_id == LLAMA_TOKEN_NULL) {
ignore_eos = false;
penalty_last_n = std::max(penalty_last_n, 0);
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_penalties_i,
/* .ctx = */ new llama_sampler_penalties {
/* .n_vocab = */ n_vocab,
/* .special_eos_id = */ special_eos_id,
/* .linefeed_id = */ linefeed_id,
/* .penalty_last_n = */ penalty_last_n,
/* .penalty_repeat = */ penalty_repeat,
/* .penalty_freq = */ penalty_freq,
/* .penalty_present = */ penalty_present,
/* .penalize_nl = */ penalize_nl,
/* .ignore_eos = */ ignore_eos,
/* .prev = */ ring_buffer<llama_token>(penalty_last_n),
// logit-bias
struct llama_sampler_logit_bias {
const int32_t n_vocab;
const std::vector<llama_logit_bias> logit_bias;
std::vector<llama_logit_bias> to_search;
static const char * llama_sampler_logit_bias_name(const struct llama_sampler * /*smpl*/) {
return "logit-bias";
static void llama_sampler_logit_bias_apply(struct llama_sampler * smpl, llama_token_data_array * cur_p) {
auto * ctx = (llama_sampler_logit_bias *) smpl->ctx;
if (ctx->logit_bias.empty()) {
// update the candidates that have not been shuffled in the vocabulary (i.e. idx == id)
for (const auto & lb : ctx->logit_bias) {
if (lb.token >= 0 && cur_p->size > (size_t) lb.token && cur_p->data[lb.token].id == lb.token) {
cur_p->data[lb.token].logit += lb.bias;
} else {
if (ctx->to_search.empty()) {
// search for the remaining candidates that were not found in the previous step
for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_p->size; ++i) {
for (const auto & lb : ctx->to_search) {
if (cur_p->data[i].id == lb.token) {
cur_p->data[i].logit += lb.bias;
static struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_logit_bias_clone(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
const auto * ctx = (const llama_sampler_logit_bias *) smpl->ctx;
return llama_sampler_init_logit_bias(ctx->n_vocab, ctx->logit_bias.size(), ctx->logit_bias.data());
static void llama_sampler_logit_bias_free(struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
delete (llama_sampler_logit_bias *) smpl->ctx;
static struct llama_sampler_i llama_sampler_logit_bias_i = {
/* .name = */ llama_sampler_logit_bias_name,
/* .accept = */ nullptr,
/* .apply = */ llama_sampler_logit_bias_apply,
/* .reset = */ nullptr,
/* .clone = */ llama_sampler_logit_bias_clone,
/* .free = */ llama_sampler_logit_bias_free,
struct llama_sampler * llama_sampler_init_logit_bias(
int32_t n_vocab,
int32_t n_logit_bias,
const llama_logit_bias * logit_bias) {
return new llama_sampler {
/* .iface = */ &llama_sampler_logit_bias_i,
/* .ctx = */ new llama_sampler_logit_bias {
/* .n_vocab = */ n_vocab,
/* .logit_bias = */ std::vector<llama_logit_bias>(logit_bias, logit_bias + n_logit_bias),
/* .to_search = */ {},
// utils
uint32_t llama_sampler_get_seed(const struct llama_sampler * smpl) {
if (smpl->iface == &llama_sampler_dist_i) {
return ((const llama_sampler_dist *) smpl->ctx)->seed_cur;
if (smpl->iface == &llama_sampler_mirostat_i) {
return ((const llama_sampler_mirostat *) smpl->ctx)->seed_cur;
if (smpl->iface == &llama_sampler_mirostat_v2_i) {
return ((const llama_sampler_mirostat_v2 *) smpl->ctx)->seed_cur;
if (smpl->iface == &llama_sampler_chain_i) {
const auto * ctx = (const llama_sampler_chain *) smpl->ctx;
for (auto it = ctx->samplers.rbegin(); it != ctx->samplers.rend(); ++it) {
const uint32_t seed = llama_sampler_get_seed(*it);
if (seed != LLAMA_DEFAULT_SEED) {
return seed;
// perf
struct llama_perf_sampler_data llama_perf_sampler(const struct llama_sampler * chain) {
struct llama_perf_sampler_data data = {};
if (chain == nullptr || chain->iface != &llama_sampler_chain_i) {
GGML_ABORT("%s: invalid sampler passed - requires a sampler created with llama_sampler_chain_init()\n", __func__);
const auto * ctx = (const struct llama_sampler_chain *) chain->ctx;
data.t_sample_ms = 1e-3 * ctx->t_sample_us;
data.n_sample = std::max(0, ctx->n_sample);
return data;
void llama_perf_sampler_print(const struct llama_sampler * chain) {
const auto data = llama_perf_sampler(chain);
LLAMA_LOG_INFO("%s: sampling time = %10.2f ms / %5d runs (%8.2f ms per token, %8.2f tokens per second)\n",
__func__, data.t_sample_ms, data.n_sample, data.t_sample_ms / data.n_sample, 1e3 / data.t_sample_ms * data.n_sample);
void llama_perf_sampler_reset(struct llama_sampler * chain) {
if (chain == nullptr || chain->iface != &llama_sampler_chain_i) {
GGML_ABORT("%s: invalid sampler passed - requires a sampler created with llama_sampler_chain_init()\n", __func__);
auto * ctx = (struct llama_sampler_chain *) chain->ctx;
ctx->t_sample_us = ctx->n_sample = 0;