Gabe Goodhart f2890a4494
IBM granite/granitemoe architecture support (#6760)
* fix(ext_server): Port llama.cpp sampling refactors to ext_server

This was a fairly large changeset. I closely followed the changes here:

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(server.cpp): Refactor server.cpp logging for llama.cpp overhaul

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* feat: Bump llama.cpp to the latest master with `granite` support

This does not yet have granite MoE support, but that can come in a
follow up PR

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(patches): Update all patches (except solar-pro) to work with bumped llama.cpp

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(solar): Update solar patch for llama.cpp bump

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* feat(llama.cpp): Bump llama.cpp for granitemoe support

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* feat(llama.cpp): Bump llama.cpp for granitemoe support

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(solar): Update the solar-pro patch for latest llama.cpp bump

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* feat(llama.cpp): Bump to the latest master of llama.cpp

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(patches): Update all patches for latest bump

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* feat(llama): Always run sync.sh from the right directory

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama/patches): Update llama patches

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* feat(llama)!: Rough sync with llama.cpp submodule

There are a number of changes that will need to be propagated to llama.go
before any of this works!

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama/patches): Add a patch and update for missing ggml-impl.h include

This include is where the ggml_cgraph struct is defined. It is included in
many of the .c files to define the forward declartion in ggml.h. It seems
that with the subset of code included here, the import was somehow lost (or
out-of-order) when building, so adding this include to llama.cpp fixes the
missing definition.

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama/sync): Add missing ggml-cpu-impl.h copy-over in sync.sh

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama): Add missing log.cpp

This was added as part of the logging overhaul done in llama.cpp

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama): Overhaul use of sampling module for llama.cpp changes

The changes here reflect the changes made in the big llama.cpp sampling PR

The sampling functionality is now broken into the base interface
(llama_sampler) and the generation implementation (gpt_sampler). The
changes here reflect that. Since the sampling.h/sampling.cpp code uses c++
STL headers, the sampling_ext.[h|cpp] wrapper is maintained to allow go to
access a pure-C interface.

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama): Fix the impl of SampleTokenGreedy for new sampling

I don't think this method is currently used, so it could probably just be
removed so that all sampling goes through the GPT interface, but in the
interest of doing no harm, this should keep the method working as expected.

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

* fix(llama): Remove unused SampleTokenGreedy

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(sync): Remove bash-specific change to sync.sh

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* chore(gofumpt): Format on llama.go to pass linting

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llm): Fix missing <thread> include in ext_server

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama): Remove TODO about grammar_first

This feature was not used/needed previously so should be fine without
plumbing it through now.

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama): Better naming for sampling wrapper and args

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama): Fix patch 05 to use new wrapper api and re-sync

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* runner: Flush pending responses before returning

If there are any pending reponses (such as from potential stop
tokens) then we should send them back before ending the sequence.
Otherwise, we can be missing tokens at the end of a response.

Fixes #6707

* fix(llama/sampling): Use gpt_sampler with a forward declaration

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama): Remove unnecessary patch for gguf impl header

This was caused by an earlier mistake in the embeddings patch that was
dereferencing the pointer instead of using the wrapper API.

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llm): Remove use of deprecated --log-disable flag

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>


Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
2024-10-17 11:59:52 -07:00

735 lines
25 KiB

* llama.cpp - commit 3f1ae2e32cde00c39b96be6d01c2997c29bae555 - do not edit this file
* MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 The ggml authors
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#pragma once
#include "common.cuh"
#include "convert.cuh"
#include "vecdotq.cuh"
#include <cstdint>
#define FATTN_KQ_STRIDE 256
#define HALF_MAX_HALF __float2half(65504.0f/2) // Use neg. of this instead of -INFINITY to initialize KQ max vals to avoid NaN upon subtraction.
#define SOFTMAX_FTZ_THRESHOLD -20.0f // Softmax exp. of values smaller than this are flushed to zero to avoid NaNs.
typedef void (* fattn_kernel_t)(
const char * __restrict__ Q,
const char * __restrict__ K,
const char * __restrict__ V,
const char * __restrict__ mask,
float * __restrict__ dst,
float2 * __restrict__ dst_meta,
const float scale,
const float max_bias,
const float m0,
const float m1,
const uint32_t n_head_log2,
const float logit_softcap,
const int ne00,
const int ne01,
const int ne02,
const int ne03,
const int ne10,
const int ne11,
const int ne12,
const int ne13,
const int ne31,
const int nb31,
const int nb01,
const int nb02,
const int nb03,
const int nb11,
const int nb12,
const int nb13,
const int nb21,
const int nb22,
const int nb23,
const int ne0,
const int ne1,
const int ne2,
const int ne3);
typedef half (*vec_dot_KQ_f16_t)(
const char * __restrict__ K_c, const void * __restrict__ Q_v, const int * __restrict__ Q_q8 , const void * __restrict__ Q_ds);
typedef float (*vec_dot_KQ_f32_t)(
const char * __restrict__ K_c, const void * __restrict__ Q_v, const int * __restrict__ Q_q8 , const void * __restrict__ Q_ds);
template<typename T, int D>
static __device__ __forceinline__ T vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q4_0(
const char * __restrict__ K_c, const void * __restrict__ Q_v, const int * __restrict__ Q_q8, const void * __restrict__ Q_ds_v) {
const block_q4_0 * K_q4_0 = (const block_q4_0 *) K_c;
T sum = 0.0f;
#pragma unroll
for (int k_KQ_0 = 0; k_KQ_0 < D/sizeof(int); k_KQ_0 += WARP_SIZE) {
const int k_KQ = k_KQ_0 + threadIdx.x;
const int ib = k_KQ / QI8_1;
const int iqs4 = k_KQ % QI4_0;
const int shift = k_KQ & (QI8_1/2);
const int v = (get_int_b2(K_q4_0[ib].qs, iqs4) >> shift) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
const int u = Q_q8[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE];
const int sumi = ggml_cuda_dp4a(v, u, 0);
if (std::is_same<T, half>::value) {
const half2 * Q_ds = (const half2 *) Q_ds_v;
const half2 sum2 = __half2half2(K_q4_0[ib].d) * Q_ds[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE];
sum += (T) (((half) sumi)*__low2half(sum2) - __high2half(sum2) /* *8/QI8_1 == 1 */);
} else
#endif // FP16_AVAILABLE
const float2 * Q_ds = (const float2 *) Q_ds_v;
sum += (T) (__half2float(K_q4_0[ib].d) * (sumi*Q_ds[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE].x - (8/QI8_1)*Q_ds[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE].y));
return sum;
template<typename T, int D>
static __device__ __forceinline__ T vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q4_1(
const char * __restrict__ K_c, const void * __restrict__ Q_v, const int * __restrict__ Q_q8, const void * __restrict__ Q_ds_v) {
const block_q4_1 * K_q4_1 = (const block_q4_1 *) K_c;
T sum = 0.0f;
#pragma unroll
for (int k_KQ_0 = 0; k_KQ_0 < D/sizeof(int); k_KQ_0 += WARP_SIZE) {
const int k_KQ = k_KQ_0 + threadIdx.x;
const int ib = k_KQ / QI8_1;
const int iqs4 = k_KQ % QI4_1;
const int shift = k_KQ & (QI8_1/2);
const int v = (get_int_b4(K_q4_1[ib].qs, iqs4) >> shift) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
const int u = Q_q8[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE];
const int sumi = ggml_cuda_dp4a(v, u, 0);
if (std::is_same<T, half>::value) {
const half2 * Q_ds = (const half2 *) Q_ds_v;
const half2 d4d8_m4s8 = K_q4_1[ib].dm * Q_ds[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE];
const half2 sumid4d8_m4s8scaled = d4d8_m4s8 * make_half2(sumi, 1.0f/QI8_1);
sum += (T) (__low2half(sumid4d8_m4s8scaled) + __high2half(sumid4d8_m4s8scaled));
} else
#endif // FP16_AVAILABLE
const float2 * Q_ds = (const float2 *) Q_ds_v;
const float sumid4d8 = __low2float(K_q4_1[ib].dm)*Q_ds[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE].x * sumi;
const float m4s8scaled = __high2float(K_q4_1[ib].dm)*Q_ds[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE].y / QI8_1;
sum += (T) (sumid4d8 + m4s8scaled);
return sum;
template<typename T, int D>
static __device__ __forceinline__ T vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q5_0(
const char * __restrict__ K_c, const void * __restrict__ Q_v, const int * __restrict__ Q_q8, const void * __restrict__ Q_ds_v) {
const block_q5_0 * K_q5_0 = (const block_q5_0 *) K_c;
T sum = 0.0f;
#pragma unroll
for (int k_KQ_0 = 0; k_KQ_0 < D/sizeof(int); k_KQ_0 += WARP_SIZE) {
const int k_KQ = k_KQ_0 + threadIdx.x;
const int ib = k_KQ / QI8_1;
const int iqs4 = k_KQ % QI5_0;
const int iqs8 = k_KQ % QI8_1;
const int shift = k_KQ & (QI8_1/2);
int v = (get_int_b2(K_q5_0[ib].qs, iqs4) >> shift) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
const int vh = get_int_b2(K_q5_0[ib].qh, 0) >> (iqs8 * QI5_0);
v |= (vh << 4) & 0x00000010; // 0 -> 4
v |= (vh << 11) & 0x00001000; // 1 -> 12
v |= (vh << 18) & 0x00100000; // 2 -> 20
v |= (vh << 25) & 0x10000000; // 3 -> 28
const int u = Q_q8[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE];
const int sumi = ggml_cuda_dp4a(v, u, 0);
if (std::is_same<T, half>::value) {
const half2 * Q_ds = (const half2 *) Q_ds_v;
const half2 sum2 = __half2half2(K_q5_0[ib].d) * Q_ds[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE];
sum += (T) (((half) sumi)*__low2half(sum2) - __high2half(sum2)*__float2half(2.0f)) /* *16/QI8_1 == 2 */;
} else
#endif // FP16_AVAILABLE
const float2 * Q_ds = (const float2 *) Q_ds_v;
sum += (T) (__half2float(K_q5_0[ib].d) * (sumi*Q_ds[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE].x - (16/QI8_1)*Q_ds[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE].y));
return sum;
template<typename T, int D>
static __device__ __forceinline__ T vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q5_1(
const char * __restrict__ K_c, const void * __restrict__ Q_v, const int * __restrict__ Q_q8, const void * __restrict__ Q_ds_v) {
const block_q5_1 * K_q5_1 = (const block_q5_1 *) K_c;
T sum = 0.0f;
#pragma unroll
for (int k_KQ_0 = 0; k_KQ_0 < D/sizeof(int); k_KQ_0 += WARP_SIZE) {
const int k_KQ = k_KQ_0 + threadIdx.x;
const int ib = k_KQ / QI8_1;
const int iqs4 = k_KQ % QI5_1;
const int iqs8 = k_KQ % QI8_1;
const int shift = k_KQ & (QI8_1/2);
int v = (get_int_b2(K_q5_1[ib].qs, iqs4) >> shift) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
const int vh = get_int_b2(K_q5_1[ib].qh, 0) >> (iqs8 * QI5_1);
v |= (vh << 4) & 0x00000010; // 0 -> 4
v |= (vh << 11) & 0x00001000; // 1 -> 12
v |= (vh << 18) & 0x00100000; // 2 -> 20
v |= (vh << 25) & 0x10000000; // 3 -> 28
const int u = Q_q8[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE];
const int sumi = ggml_cuda_dp4a(v, u, 0);
if (std::is_same<T, half>::value) {
const half2 * Q_ds = (const half2 *) Q_ds_v;
const half2 d5d8_m5s8 = K_q5_1[ib].dm * Q_ds[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE];
const half2 sumid5d8_m5s8scaled = d5d8_m5s8 * make_half2(sumi, 1.0f/QI8_1);
sum += (T) (__low2half(sumid5d8_m5s8scaled) + __high2half(sumid5d8_m5s8scaled));
} else
#endif // FP16_AVAILABLE
const float2 * Q_ds = (const float2 *) Q_ds_v;
const float sumid5d8 = __low2float(K_q5_1[ib].dm)*Q_ds[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE].x * sumi;
const float m5s8scaled = __high2float(K_q5_1[ib].dm)*Q_ds[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE].y / QI8_1;
sum += (T) (sumid5d8 + m5s8scaled);
return sum;
template <typename T, int D>
static __device__ __forceinline__ T vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q8_0(
const char * __restrict__ K_c, const void * __restrict__ Q_v, const int * __restrict__ Q_q8, const void * __restrict__ Q_ds_v) {
const block_q8_0 * K_q8_0 = (const block_q8_0 *) K_c;
T sum = 0.0f;
#pragma unroll
for (int k_KQ_0 = 0; k_KQ_0 < D/sizeof(int); k_KQ_0 += WARP_SIZE) {
const int k_KQ = k_KQ_0 + threadIdx.x;
const int ib = k_KQ / QI8_0;
const int iqs = k_KQ % QI8_0;
const int v = get_int_b2(K_q8_0[ib].qs, iqs);
T Q_d;
if (std::is_same<T, half>::value) {
const half2 * Q_ds = (const half2 *) Q_ds_v;
Q_d = __low2half(Q_ds[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE]);
} else {
const float2 * Q_ds = (const float2 *) Q_ds_v;
Q_d = Q_ds[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE].x;
sum += vec_dot_q8_0_q8_1_impl<T, 1>(&v, &Q_q8[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE], K_q8_0[ib].d, Q_d);
return sum;
template <typename T, int D>
static __device__ __forceinline__ T vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_f16(
const char * __restrict__ K_c, const void * __restrict__ Q_v, const int * __restrict__ Q_q8 , const void * __restrict__ Q_ds_v) {
const half2 * K_h2 = (const half2 *) K_c;
if (std::is_same<T, half>::value) {
const half2 * Q_h2 = (const half2 *) Q_v;
half2 sum2 = make_half2(0.0f, 0.0f);
#pragma unroll
for (int k_KQ_0 = 0; k_KQ_0 < D/2; k_KQ_0 += WARP_SIZE) {
const int k_KQ = k_KQ_0 + threadIdx.x;
const half2 K_ik = K_h2[k_KQ];
sum2 += K_ik * Q_h2[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE];
return __low2half(sum2) + __high2half(sum2);
#endif // FP16_AVAILABLE
const float2 * Q_f2 = (const float2 *) Q_v;
float sum = 0.0f;
#pragma unroll
for (int k_KQ_0 = 0; k_KQ_0 < D/2; k_KQ_0 += WARP_SIZE) {
const int k_KQ = k_KQ_0 + threadIdx.x;
const half2 K_ik = K_h2[k_KQ];
sum += __low2float(K_ik) * Q_f2[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE].x;
sum += __high2float(K_ik) * Q_f2[k_KQ_0/WARP_SIZE].y;
return sum;
template <typename Tds>
static __device__ __forceinline__ void quantize_q8_1_to_shared(
const float * __restrict__ x, const float scale, int * __restrict__ yq32, void * __restrict__ yds) {
float vals[sizeof(int)] = {0.0f};
#pragma unroll
for (int l = 0; l < sizeof(int); ++l) {
vals[l] = scale * x[4*threadIdx.x + l];
float amax = fabsf(vals[0]);
float sum = vals[0];
#pragma unroll
for (int l = 1; l < sizeof(int); ++l) {
amax = fmaxf(amax, fabsf(vals[l]));
sum += vals[l];
#pragma unroll
for (int mask = QI8_1/2; mask > 0; mask >>= 1) {
amax = fmaxf(amax, __shfl_xor_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, amax, mask, 32));
sum += __shfl_xor_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, sum, mask, 32);
const float d = amax / 127;
int q32 = 0;
int8_t * q8 = (int8_t *) &q32;
if (d != 0.0f) {
#pragma unroll
for (int l = 0; l < sizeof(int); ++l) {
q8[l] = roundf(vals[l] / d);
yq32[threadIdx.x] = q32;
if (threadIdx.x % QI8_1 == 0) {
if (std::is_same<Tds, half2>::value) {
((half2 *) yds)[threadIdx.x/QI8_1] = make_half2(d, sum);
} else {
((float2 *) yds)[threadIdx.x/QI8_1] = make_float2(d, sum);
typedef half (*dequantize_1_f16_t)(const void *, const int64_t);
typedef float (*dequantize_1_f32_t)(const void *, const int64_t);
template <typename T>
static __device__ __forceinline__ T dequantize_1_q4_0(const void * __restrict__ vx, const int64_t i) {
const block_q4_0 * x = (const block_q4_0 *) vx;
const int64_t ib = i / QK4_0;
const int iqs = i % (QK4_0/2);
const int shift = (i % QK4_0) / (QK4_0/2);
const T d = x[ib].d;
const int q0 = x[ib].qs[iqs];
const int q = ((q0 >> (4*shift)) & 0x0F) - 8;
if (std::is_same<T, half>::value) {
return ((half) d)*((half) q);
#endif // FP16_AVAILABLE
return ((float) d)*((float) q);
template <typename T>
static __device__ __forceinline__ T dequantize_1_q4_1(const void * __restrict__ vx, const int64_t i) {
const block_q4_1 * x = (const block_q4_1 *) vx;
const int64_t ib = i / QK4_1;
const int iqs = i % (QK4_1/2);
const int shift = (i % QK4_1) / (QK4_1/2);
const half2 dm = x[ib].dm;
const int q0 = x[ib].qs[iqs];
const int q = ((q0 >> (4*shift)) & 0x0F);
if (std::is_same<T, half>::value) {
return __low2half(dm)*((half) q) + __high2half(dm);
#endif // FP16_AVAILABLE
return __low2float(dm)*((float) q) + __high2float(dm);
template <typename T>
static __device__ __forceinline__ T dequantize_1_q5_0(const void * __restrict__ vx, const int64_t i) {
const block_q5_0 * x = (const block_q5_0 *) vx;
const int64_t ib = i / QK5_0;
const int idq = i % QK5_0;
const int iqs = i % (QK5_0/2);
const int shift = (i % QK5_0) / (QK5_0/2);
const T d = x[ib].d;
const int ql0 = x[ib].qs[iqs];
const int qh0 = get_int_b2(x[ib].qh, 0);
const int ql = ((ql0 >> (4*shift)) & 0x0F);
const int qh = ((qh0 >> idq) << 4) & 0x10;
const int q = (ql | qh) - 16;
if (std::is_same<T, half>::value) {
return ((half) d)*((half) q);
#endif // FP16_AVAILABLE
return ((float) d)*((float) q);
template <typename T>
static __device__ __forceinline__ T dequantize_1_q5_1(const void * __restrict__ vx, const int64_t i) {
const block_q5_1 * x = (const block_q5_1 *) vx;
const int64_t ib = i / QK5_1;
const int idq = i % QK5_1;
const int iqs = i % (QK5_1/2);
const int shift = (i % QK5_1) / (QK5_1/2);
const half2 dm = x[ib].dm;
const int ql0 = x[ib].qs[iqs];
const int qh0 = get_int_b4(x[ib].qh, 0);
const int ql = ((ql0 >> (4*shift)) & 0x0F);
const int qh = ((qh0 >> idq) << 4) & 0x10;
const int q = (ql | qh);
if (std::is_same<T, half>::value) {
return __low2half(dm)*((half) q) + __high2half(dm);
#endif // FP16_AVAILABLE
return __low2float(dm)*((float) q) + __high2float(dm);
template <typename T>
static __device__ __forceinline__ T dequantize_1_q8_0(const void * __restrict__ vx, const int64_t i) {
const block_q8_0 * x = (const block_q8_0 *) vx;
const int64_t ib = i / QK8_0;
const int iqs = i % QK8_0;
const T d = x[ib].d;
const int q = x[ib].qs[iqs];
if (std::is_same<T, half>::value) {
return ((half) d)*((half) q);
#endif // FP16_AVAILABLE
return ((float) d)*((float) q);
template <typename T>
static __device__ __forceinline__ T dequantize_1_f16(const void * __restrict__ vx, const int64_t i) {
const half * x = (const half *) vx;
return x[i];
template <int D>
constexpr __device__ vec_dot_KQ_f16_t get_vec_dot_KQ_f16(ggml_type type_K) {
return type_K == GGML_TYPE_Q4_0 ? vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q4_0<half, D> :
type_K == GGML_TYPE_Q4_1 ? vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q4_1<half, D> :
type_K == GGML_TYPE_Q5_0 ? vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q5_0<half, D> :
type_K == GGML_TYPE_Q5_1 ? vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q5_1<half, D> :
type_K == GGML_TYPE_Q8_0 ? vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q8_0<half, D> :
type_K == GGML_TYPE_F16 ? vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_f16<half, D> :
template <int D>
constexpr __device__ vec_dot_KQ_f32_t get_vec_dot_KQ_f32(ggml_type type_K) {
return type_K == GGML_TYPE_Q4_0 ? vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q4_0<float, D> :
type_K == GGML_TYPE_Q4_1 ? vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q4_1<float, D> :
type_K == GGML_TYPE_Q5_0 ? vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q5_0<float, D> :
type_K == GGML_TYPE_Q5_1 ? vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q5_1<float, D> :
type_K == GGML_TYPE_Q8_0 ? vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_q8_0<float, D> :
type_K == GGML_TYPE_F16 ? vec_dot_fattn_vec_KQ_f16<float, D> :
constexpr __device__ dequantize_1_f16_t get_dequantize_1_f16(ggml_type type_V) {
return type_V == GGML_TYPE_Q4_0 ? dequantize_1_q4_0<half> :
type_V == GGML_TYPE_Q4_1 ? dequantize_1_q4_1<half> :
type_V == GGML_TYPE_Q5_0 ? dequantize_1_q5_0<half> :
type_V == GGML_TYPE_Q5_1 ? dequantize_1_q5_1<half> :
type_V == GGML_TYPE_Q8_0 ? dequantize_1_q8_0<half> :
type_V == GGML_TYPE_F16 ? dequantize_1_f16<half> :
constexpr __device__ dequantize_1_f32_t get_dequantize_1_f32(ggml_type type_V) {
return type_V == GGML_TYPE_Q4_0 ? dequantize_1_q4_0<float> :
type_V == GGML_TYPE_Q4_1 ? dequantize_1_q4_1<float> :
type_V == GGML_TYPE_Q5_0 ? dequantize_1_q5_0<float> :
type_V == GGML_TYPE_Q5_1 ? dequantize_1_q5_1<float> :
type_V == GGML_TYPE_Q8_0 ? dequantize_1_q8_0<float> :
type_V == GGML_TYPE_F16 ? dequantize_1_f16<float> :
template<int D, int parallel_blocks> // D == head size
#if !(defined(GGML_USE_HIPBLAS) && defined(__HIP_PLATFORM_AMD__))
__launch_bounds__(D, 1)
#endif // !(defined(GGML_USE_HIPBLAS) && defined(__HIP_PLATFORM_AMD__))
static __global__ void flash_attn_combine_results(
const float * __restrict__ VKQ_parts,
const float2 * __restrict__ VKQ_meta,
float * __restrict__ dst) {
VKQ_parts += parallel_blocks*D * gridDim.y*blockIdx.x;
VKQ_meta += parallel_blocks * gridDim.y*blockIdx.x;
dst += D * gridDim.y*blockIdx.x;
const int tid = threadIdx.x;
__builtin_assume(tid < D);
__shared__ float2 meta[parallel_blocks];
if (tid < 2*parallel_blocks) {
((float *) meta)[threadIdx.x] = ((const float *)VKQ_meta) [blockIdx.y*(2*parallel_blocks) + tid];
float kqmax = meta[0].x;
#pragma unroll
for (int l = 1; l < parallel_blocks; ++l) {
kqmax = max(kqmax, meta[l].x);
float VKQ_numerator = 0.0f;
float VKQ_denominator = 0.0f;
#pragma unroll
for (int l = 0; l < parallel_blocks; ++l) {
const float diff = meta[l].x - kqmax;
const float KQ_max_scale = expf(diff);
const uint32_t ftz_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF * (diff > SOFTMAX_FTZ_THRESHOLD);
*((uint32_t *) &KQ_max_scale) &= ftz_mask;
VKQ_numerator += KQ_max_scale * VKQ_parts[l*gridDim.y*D + blockIdx.y*D + tid];
VKQ_denominator += KQ_max_scale * meta[l].y;
dst[blockIdx.y*D + tid] = VKQ_numerator / VKQ_denominator;
static void on_no_fattn_vec_case(const int D) {
if (D == 64) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported KV type combination for head_size 64.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "By default only f16 KV cache is supported.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Compile with GGML_CUDA_FA_ALL_QUANTS for V cache quantization support.\n");
GGML_ABORT("fatal error");
} else if (D == 128) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported KV type combination for head_size 128.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Supported combinations:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " - K == q4_0, V == q4_0, 4.50 BPV\n");
fprintf(stderr, " - K == q8_0, V == q8_0, 8.50 BPV\n");
fprintf(stderr, " - K == f16, V == f16, 16.00 BPV\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Compile with GGML_CUDA_FA_ALL_QUANTS for all combinations of q4_0, q4_1, q5_0, q5_1, q8_0, and f16.\n");
GGML_ABORT("fatal error");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported KV type combination for head_size 256.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Only f16 is supported.\n");
GGML_ABORT("fatal error");
template <int D, int parallel_blocks>
void launch_fattn(
ggml_backend_cuda_context & ctx, ggml_tensor * dst, fattn_kernel_t fattn_kernel,
const int nwarps, const int cols_per_block, const bool need_f16_K, const bool need_f16_V
) {
const ggml_tensor * Q = dst->src[0];
const ggml_tensor * K = dst->src[1];
const ggml_tensor * V = dst->src[2];
const ggml_tensor * mask = dst->src[3];
ggml_tensor * KQV = dst;
GGML_ASSERT(!mask || mask->type == GGML_TYPE_F16);
GGML_ASSERT(!mask || mask->ne[1] >= GGML_PAD(Q->ne[1], 16) &&
"the Flash-Attention CUDA kernel requires the mask to be padded to 16 and at least n_queries big");
GGML_ASSERT(K->ne[1] % FATTN_KQ_STRIDE == 0 && "Incorrect KV cache padding.");
ggml_cuda_pool & pool = ctx.pool();
cudaStream_t main_stream = ctx.stream();
ggml_cuda_pool_alloc<half> K_f16(pool);
ggml_cuda_pool_alloc<half> V_f16(pool);
ggml_cuda_pool_alloc<float> dst_tmp(pool);
ggml_cuda_pool_alloc<float2> dst_tmp_meta(pool);
char * K_data = (char *) K->data;
size_t nb11 = K->nb[1];
size_t nb12 = K->nb[2];
size_t nb13 = K->nb[3];
char * V_data = (char *) V->data;
size_t nb21 = V->nb[1];
size_t nb22 = V->nb[2];
size_t nb23 = V->nb[3];
if (need_f16_K && K->type != GGML_TYPE_F16) {
to_fp16_cuda_t to_fp16 = ggml_get_to_fp16_cuda(K->type);
to_fp16(K_data, K_f16.ptr, ggml_nelements(K), main_stream);
K_data = (char *) K_f16.ptr;
const size_t bs = ggml_blck_size(K->type);
const size_t ts = ggml_type_size(K->type);
nb11 = nb11*bs*sizeof(half)/ts;
nb12 = nb12*bs*sizeof(half)/ts;
nb13 = nb13*bs*sizeof(half)/ts;
if (need_f16_V && V->type != GGML_TYPE_F16) {
to_fp16_cuda_t to_fp16 = ggml_get_to_fp16_cuda(V->type);
to_fp16(V_data, V_f16.ptr, ggml_nelements(V), main_stream);
V_data = (char *) V_f16.ptr;
const size_t bs = ggml_blck_size(V->type);
const size_t ts = ggml_type_size(V->type);
nb21 = nb21*bs*sizeof(half)/ts;
nb22 = nb22*bs*sizeof(half)/ts;
nb23 = nb23*bs*sizeof(half)/ts;
if (parallel_blocks > 1) {
const dim3 block_dim(WARP_SIZE, nwarps, 1);
const dim3 blocks_num(parallel_blocks*((Q->ne[1] + cols_per_block - 1) / cols_per_block), Q->ne[2], Q->ne[3]);
const int shmem = 0;
float scale = 1.0f;
float max_bias = 0.0f;
float logit_softcap = 0.0f;
memcpy(&scale, (float *) KQV->op_params + 0, sizeof(float));
memcpy(&max_bias, (float *) KQV->op_params + 1, sizeof(float));
memcpy(&logit_softcap, (float *) KQV->op_params + 2, sizeof(float));
if (logit_softcap != 0.0f) {
scale /= logit_softcap;
const uint32_t n_head = Q->ne[2];
const uint32_t n_head_log2 = 1u << (uint32_t) floorf(log2f((float) n_head));
const float m0 = powf(2.0f, -(max_bias ) / n_head_log2);
const float m1 = powf(2.0f, -(max_bias / 2.0f) / n_head_log2);
fattn_kernel<<<blocks_num, block_dim, shmem, main_stream>>>(
(const char *) Q->data,
mask ? ((const char *) mask->data) : nullptr,
(parallel_blocks) == 1 ? (float *) KQV->data : dst_tmp.ptr, dst_tmp_meta.ptr,
scale, max_bias, m0, m1, n_head_log2, logit_softcap,
Q->ne[0], Q->ne[1], Q->ne[2], Q->ne[3],
K->ne[0], K->ne[1], K->ne[2], K->ne[3],
mask ? mask->ne[1] : 0, mask ? mask->nb[1] : 0,
Q->nb[1], Q->nb[2], Q->nb[3],
nb11, nb12, nb13,
nb21, nb22, nb23,
KQV->ne[0], KQV->ne[1], KQV->ne[2], KQV->ne[3]
if ((parallel_blocks) == 1) {
const dim3 block_dim_combine(D, 1, 1);
const dim3 blocks_num_combine(Q->ne[1], blocks_num.y, blocks_num.z);
const int shmem_combine = 0;
flash_attn_combine_results<D, parallel_blocks>
<<<blocks_num_combine, block_dim_combine, shmem_combine, main_stream>>>
(dst_tmp.ptr, dst_tmp_meta.ptr, (float *) KQV->data);