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synced 2025-03-18 22:01:47 +01:00
update Context.Forward to accept multiple tensors to match Context.Compute signature update Context.Forward to return Context such that it can be chained with Context.Compute
255 lines
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255 lines
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package model
import (
_ "image/jpeg"
_ "image/png"
_ "golang.org/x/image/bmp"
_ "golang.org/x/image/tiff"
_ "golang.org/x/image/webp"
_ "github.com/ollama/ollama/ml/backend"
// Options contains the inputs for a model forward pass
type Options struct {
Inputs []int32
Positions []int32
Sequences []int
Outputs []int32
Images []image.Image
type config struct {
Cache kvcache.Cache
// Base implements the common fields and methods for all models
type Base struct {
b ml.Backend
// Backend returns the underlying backend that will run the model
func (m *Base) Backend() ml.Backend {
return m.b
func (m *Base) Config() config {
return m.config
// Model implements a specific model architecture, defining the forward pass and any model-specific configuration
type Model interface {
Forward(ml.Context, Options) (ml.Tensor, error)
Backend() ml.Backend
Config() config
var models = make(map[string]func(ml.Config) (Model, error))
// Register registers a model constructor for the given architecture
func Register(name string, f func(ml.Config) (Model, error)) {
if _, ok := models[name]; ok {
panic("model: model already registered")
models[name] = f
// New initializes a new model instance with the provided configuration based on the metadata in the model file
func New(modelPath string, params ml.BackendParams) (Model, error) {
r, err := os.Open(modelPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer r.Close()
b, err := ml.NewBackend(r, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
arch := b.Config().Architecture()
f, ok := models[arch]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported model architecture %q", arch)
m, err := f(b.Config())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
base := Base{b: b, config: m.Config()}
v := reflect.ValueOf(m)
v.Elem().Set(populateFields(base, v.Elem()))
return m, nil
func populateFields(base Base, v reflect.Value, tags ...Tag) reflect.Value {
t := v.Type()
if t.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
allNil := true
for i := range t.NumField() {
tt := t.Field(i).Type
vv := v.Field(i)
if !vv.CanSet() {
// make a copy
tagsCopy := tags
if tag := t.Field(i).Tag.Get("gguf"); tag != "" {
tagsCopy = append(tagsCopy, ParseTags(tag))
if tt == reflect.TypeOf((*Base)(nil)).Elem() {
} else if tt == reflect.TypeOf((*ml.Tensor)(nil)).Elem() {
var fn func([]Tag) [][]string
fn = func(tags []Tag) (values [][]string) {
if len(tags) < 1 {
return nil
values = [][]string{{tags[0].Name}}
for _, alt := range tags[0].Alternate {
values = append(values, []string{alt})
for i, value := range values {
for _, rest := range fn(tags[1:]) {
value = append(value, rest...)
values[i] = value
return values
names := fn(tagsCopy)
for _, name := range names {
if tensor := base.Backend().Get(strings.Join(name, ".")); tensor != nil {
slog.Debug("found tensor", "", tensor)
} else if tt.Kind() == reflect.Pointer || tt.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
setPointer(base, vv, tagsCopy)
} else if tt.Kind() == reflect.Slice || tt.Kind() == reflect.Array {
for i := range vv.Len() {
vvv := vv.Index(i)
if vvv.Kind() == reflect.Pointer || vvv.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
setPointer(base, vvv, append(tagsCopy, Tag{Name: strconv.Itoa(i)}))
} else {
vvv.Set(populateFields(base, vvv, append(tagsCopy, Tag{Name: strconv.Itoa(i)})...))
if !canNil(tt) || !vv.IsNil() {
allNil = false
if allNil {
return reflect.Zero(t)
return v
func setPointer(base Base, v reflect.Value, tags []Tag) {
vv := v
if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
if v.IsNil() {
vv = vv.Elem()
vv = vv.Elem()
if v.IsNil() {
vv = reflect.New(v.Type().Elem()).Elem()
if f := populateFields(base, vv, tags...); f.CanAddr() {
type Tag struct {
Name string
Alternate []string
func ParseTags(s string) (tag Tag) {
parts := strings.Split(s, ",")
if len(parts) > 0 {
tag.Name = parts[0]
for _, part := range parts[1:] {
if value, ok := strings.CutPrefix(part, "alt:"); ok {
tag.Alternate = append(tag.Alternate, value)
func canNil(t reflect.Type) bool {
return t.Kind() == reflect.Chan ||
t.Kind() == reflect.Func ||
t.Kind() == reflect.Interface ||
t.Kind() == reflect.Map ||
t.Kind() == reflect.Pointer ||
t.Kind() == reflect.Slice
func Forward(ctx ml.Context, m Model, opts Options) (ml.Tensor, error) {
if len(opts.Positions) != len(opts.Sequences) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("length of positions (%v) must match length of seqs (%v)", len(opts.Positions), len(opts.Sequences))
if len(opts.Positions) < 1 {
return nil, errors.New("batch size cannot be less than 1")
cache := m.Config().Cache
if cache != nil {
err := cache.StartForward(ctx, opts.Positions, opts.Sequences)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t, err := m.Forward(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return t, nil