Daniel Hiltgen 1fdb351c37
New engine: vision models and auto-fallback (#9113)
* Include unified vision layers in memory prediction

For newer vision models with a single gguf, include
the projection estimates.

* Adjust CLI to handle both styles of vision model metadata

* Wire up new tokenizers for new engine

If we're loading the new engine, utilize the new model
text processor instead of calling into cgo wrappers for
llama.cpp.  This also cleans up some tech debt from the
older tokenization flow for the C++ server which was
no longer used.

This also adjusts the grammar handling logic to pass
through to the new engine instead of utilizing the cgo
schema to grammar call.

* Lay foundation for auto selection of new engine
2025-03-04 09:03:46 -08:00

452 lines
13 KiB

package llm
import (
// This algorithm looks for a complete fit to determine if we need to unload other models
func PredictServerFit(allGpus discover.GpuInfoList, f *ggml.GGML, adapters, projectors []string, opts api.Options) (bool, uint64) {
// Split up the GPUs by type and try them
var estimatedVRAM uint64
for _, gpus := range allGpus.ByLibrary() {
var layerCount int
estimate := EstimateGPULayers(gpus, f, projectors, opts)
layerCount, estimatedVRAM = estimate.Layers, estimate.VRAMSize
if opts.NumGPU < 0 {
if layerCount > 0 && layerCount >= int(f.KV().BlockCount()+1) {
return true, estimatedVRAM
} else {
if layerCount > 0 && layerCount >= opts.NumGPU {
return true, estimatedVRAM
return false, estimatedVRAM
type MemoryEstimate struct {
// How many layers we predict we can load
Layers int
// The size of the graph which occupies the main GPU
Graph uint64
// How much VRAM will be allocated given the number of layers we predict
VRAMSize uint64
// The total size of the model if loaded into VRAM. If all layers are loaded, VRAMSize == TotalSize
TotalSize uint64
// For multi-GPU scenarios, this provides the tensor split parameter
TensorSplit string
// For multi-GPU scenarios, this is the size in bytes per GPU
GPUSizes []uint64
// internal fields for logging purposes
inferenceLibrary string
layersRequested int
layersModel int
availableList []string
kv uint64
allocationsList []string
memoryWeights uint64
memoryLayerOutput uint64
graphFullOffload uint64
graphPartialOffload uint64
projectorWeights, projectorGraph uint64
// Given a model and one or more GPU targets, predict how many layers and bytes we can load, and the total size
// The GPUs provided must all be the same Library
func EstimateGPULayers(gpus []discover.GpuInfo, f *ggml.GGML, projectors []string, opts api.Options) MemoryEstimate {
// Graph size for a partial offload, applies to all GPUs
var graphPartialOffload uint64
// Graph size when all layers are offloaded, applies to all GPUs
var graphFullOffload uint64
// Final graph offload once we know full or partial
var graphOffload uint64
// Projectors loaded into GPU0 only
var projectorWeights uint64
var projectorGraph uint64
// Conditional output size on GPU 0
var memoryLayerOutput uint64
// The sizes of a layer
var layerSize uint64
// The sum of all the layer sizes (just for logging)
var memoryWeights uint64
// True if all the layers are loaded
var fullyLoaded bool
// Overflow that didn't fit into the GPU
var overflow uint64
overhead := envconfig.GpuOverhead()
availableList := make([]string, len(gpus))
for i, gpu := range gpus {
availableList[i] = format.HumanBytes2(gpu.FreeMemory)
slog.Debug("evaluating", "library", gpus[0].Library, "gpu_count", len(gpus), "available", availableList)
for _, projector := range projectors {
weight, graph := projectorMemoryRequirements(projector)
projectorWeights += weight
projectorGraph += graph
// multimodal models require at least 2048 context
opts.NumCtx = max(opts.NumCtx, 2048)
if projectorWeights == 0 && projectorGraph == 0 {
projectorWeights, projectorGraph = f.VisionGraphSize()
layers := f.Tensors().GroupLayers()
// add one layer worth of memory as a buffer
if blk0, ok := layers["blk.0"]; ok {
layerSize = blk0.Size()
} else {
slog.Warn("model missing blk.0 layer size")
var kvct string
if envconfig.FlashAttention() &&
discover.GetGPUInfo().FlashAttentionSupported() &&
f.SupportsFlashAttention() {
requested := strings.ToLower(envconfig.KvCacheType())
if requested != "" && f.SupportsKVCacheType(requested) {
kvct = requested
kv, graphPartialOffload, graphFullOffload := f.GraphSize(uint64(opts.NumCtx), uint64(min(opts.NumCtx, opts.NumBatch)), kvct)
// KV is proportional to the number of layers
layerSize += kv / f.KV().BlockCount()
if graphPartialOffload == 0 {
graphPartialOffload = f.KV().GQA() * kv / 6
if graphFullOffload == 0 {
graphFullOffload = graphPartialOffload
// on metal there's no partial offload overhead
if gpus[0].Library == "metal" {
graphPartialOffload = graphFullOffload
} else if len(gpus) > 1 {
// multigpu should always use the partial graph size
graphFullOffload = graphPartialOffload
if layer, ok := layers["output_norm"]; ok {
memoryLayerOutput += layer.Size()
if layer, ok := layers["output"]; ok {
memoryLayerOutput += layer.Size()
} else if layer, ok := layers["token_embd"]; ok {
memoryLayerOutput += layer.Size()
// Output layer handled at the end if we have space
gpuZeroOverhead := projectorWeights + projectorGraph
// Reduce set of GPUs to only those that have sufficient space to fit overhead and at least one layer
var layerCount int
layerCounts := make([]int, len(gpus))
gpuAllocations := make([]uint64, len(gpus))
type gs struct {
i int
g *discover.GpuInfo
gpusWithSpace := []gs{}
for i := range gpus {
var gzo uint64
if len(gpusWithSpace) == 0 {
gzo = gpuZeroOverhead
// Only include GPUs that can fit the graph, gpu minimum, the layer buffer and at least more layer
if gpus[i].FreeMemory < overhead+gzo+max(graphPartialOffload, graphFullOffload)+gpus[i].MinimumMemory+2*layerSize {
slog.Debug("gpu has too little memory to allocate any layers",
"id", gpus[i].ID,
"library", gpus[i].Library,
"variant", gpus[i].Variant,
"compute", gpus[i].Compute,
"driver", fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d", gpus[i].DriverMajor, gpus[i].DriverMinor),
"name", gpus[i].Name,
"total", format.HumanBytes2(gpus[i].TotalMemory),
"available", format.HumanBytes2(gpus[i].FreeMemory),
"minimum_memory", gpus[i].MinimumMemory,
"layer_size", format.HumanBytes2(layerSize),
"gpu_zer_overhead", format.HumanBytes2(gzo),
"partial_offload", format.HumanBytes2(graphPartialOffload),
"full_offload", format.HumanBytes2(graphFullOffload),
gpusWithSpace = append(gpusWithSpace, gs{i, &gpus[i]})
gpuAllocations[i] += gpus[i].MinimumMemory + layerSize // We hold off on graph until we know partial vs. full
var gpuZeroID int
if len(gpusWithSpace) > 0 {
gpuZeroID = gpusWithSpace[0].i
gpuAllocations[gpuZeroID] += gpuZeroOverhead
// For all the layers, find where they can fit on the GPU(s)
for i := range int(f.KV().BlockCount()) {
// Some models have inconsistent layer sizes
if blk, ok := layers[fmt.Sprintf("blk.%d", i)]; ok {
layerSize = blk.Size()
layerSize += kv / f.KV().BlockCount()
memoryWeights += layerSize
if opts.NumGPU >= 0 && layerCount >= opts.NumGPU {
// Stop allocating on GPU(s) once we hit the users target NumGPU
// distribute the layers across the GPU(s) that have space
for j := len(gpusWithSpace); j > 0; j-- {
g := gpusWithSpace[i%j]
used := gpuAllocations[g.i] + max(graphPartialOffload, graphFullOffload)
if g.g.FreeMemory > overhead+used+layerSize {
gpuAllocations[g.i] += layerSize
} else {
gpusWithSpace = append(gpusWithSpace[:i%j], gpusWithSpace[i%j+1:]...)
if layerCount >= int(f.KV().BlockCount()) {
fullyLoaded = true
} else {
for i := layerCount; i < int(f.KV().BlockCount()); i++ {
overflow += layerSize
// Determine if we need to consider output then find where it fits
if memoryLayerOutput > 0 && (opts.NumGPU < 0 || layerCount < opts.NumGPU) {
for j := len(gpusWithSpace); j > 0; j-- {
g := gpusWithSpace[layerCount%j]
used := gpuAllocations[g.i] + max(graphPartialOffload, graphFullOffload)
if g.g.FreeMemory > overhead+used+memoryLayerOutput {
gpuAllocations[g.i] += memoryLayerOutput
if layerCount < int(f.KV().BlockCount())+1 {
fullyLoaded = false
overflow += memoryLayerOutput
// Add the applicable (full or partial) graph allocations
for i := range gpus {
if layerCounts[i] <= 0 {
if fullyLoaded {
gpuAllocations[i] += graphFullOffload
} else {
gpuAllocations[i] += graphPartialOffload
if fullyLoaded {
graphOffload = graphFullOffload
} else {
graphOffload = graphPartialOffload
// Summaries for the log
var memoryRequiredPartial, memoryRequiredTotal uint64
for i := range gpuAllocations {
memoryRequiredPartial += gpuAllocations[i]
memoryRequiredTotal = memoryRequiredPartial + overflow
tensorSplit := ""
if len(gpus) > 1 {
splits := make([]string, len(gpus))
for i, count := range layerCounts {
splits[i] = strconv.Itoa(count)
tensorSplit = strings.Join(splits, ",")
allocationsList := []string{}
for _, a := range gpuAllocations {
allocationsList = append(allocationsList, format.HumanBytes2(a))
estimate := MemoryEstimate{
TotalSize: memoryRequiredTotal,
Layers: 0,
Graph: 0,
VRAMSize: 0,
GPUSizes: []uint64{},
inferenceLibrary: gpus[0].Library,
layersRequested: opts.NumGPU,
layersModel: int(f.KV().BlockCount()) + 1,
availableList: availableList,
kv: kv,
allocationsList: allocationsList,
memoryWeights: memoryWeights,
memoryLayerOutput: memoryLayerOutput,
graphFullOffload: graphFullOffload,
graphPartialOffload: graphPartialOffload,
projectorWeights: projectorWeights,
projectorGraph: projectorGraph,
if gpus[0].Library == "cpu" {
return estimate
if layerCount == 0 {
slog.Debug("insufficient VRAM to load any model layers")
return estimate
estimate.Layers = layerCount
estimate.Graph = graphOffload
estimate.VRAMSize = memoryRequiredPartial
estimate.TotalSize = memoryRequiredTotal
estimate.TensorSplit = tensorSplit
estimate.GPUSizes = gpuAllocations
return estimate
func (m MemoryEstimate) LogValue() slog.Value {
attrs := []slog.Attr{
slog.String("library", m.inferenceLibrary),
// requested number of layers to offload
"requested", m.layersRequested,
// The number of layers the model has (including output)
"model", m.layersModel,
// estimated number of layers that can be offloaded
"offload", m.Layers,
// multi-gpu split for tensors
"split", m.TensorSplit,
// memory available by GPU for offloading
"available", m.availableList,
"gpu_overhead", format.HumanBytes2(envconfig.GpuOverhead()),
// memory required for full offloading
"full", format.HumanBytes2(m.TotalSize),
// memory required to offload layers.estimate layers
"partial", format.HumanBytes2(m.VRAMSize),
// memory of KV cache
"kv", format.HumanBytes2(m.kv),
// Allocations across the GPUs
"allocations", m.allocationsList,
// memory of the weights
"total", format.HumanBytes2(m.memoryWeights),
// memory of repeating layers
"repeating", format.HumanBytes2(m.memoryWeights-m.memoryLayerOutput),
// memory of non-repeating layers
"nonrepeating", format.HumanBytes2(m.memoryLayerOutput),
// memory of graph when fully offloaded
"full", format.HumanBytes2(m.graphFullOffload),
// memory of graph when not fully offloaded
"partial", format.HumanBytes2(m.graphPartialOffload),
if m.projectorWeights > 0 {
attrs = append(attrs, slog.Group(
"weights", format.HumanBytes2(m.projectorWeights),
"graph", format.HumanBytes2(m.projectorGraph),
return slog.GroupValue(attrs...)
func projectorMemoryRequirements(filename string) (weights, graphSize uint64) {
file, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0
defer file.Close()
ggml, _, err := ggml.Decode(file, 0)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0
for _, layer := range ggml.Tensors().GroupLayers() {
weights += layer.Size()
switch arch := ggml.KV().Architecture(); arch {
case "mllama":
kv := func(n string) uint64 {
if v, ok := ggml.KV()[arch+".vision."+n].(uint32); ok {
return uint64(v)
return 0
imageSize := kv("image_size")
maxNumTiles := kv("max_num_tiles")
embeddingLength := kv("embedding_length")
headCount := kv("attention.head_count")
numPatches := (imageSize / kv("patch_size")) * (imageSize / kv("patch_size"))
if _, ok := ggml.Tensors().GroupLayers()["v"]["class_embd"]; ok {
numPaddedPatches := numPatches + 8 - (numPatches%8)%8
graphSize = 4 * (8 +
imageSize*imageSize*kv("num_channels")*maxNumTiles +
embeddingLength*numPatches*maxNumTiles +
9*embeddingLength*numPaddedPatches*maxNumTiles +
return weights, graphSize