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app OpenSaaS {
wasp: {
version: "^0.12.0"
title: "My Open SaaS App",
head: [
"<meta property='og:type' content='website' />",
"<meta property='og:title' content='My Open SaaS App' />",
"<meta property='og:url' content='https://opensaas.sh' />",
"<meta property='og:description' content='I made a SaaS App. Buy my stuff.' />",
"<meta property='og:image' content='https://opensaas.sh/public-banner.png' />",
"<meta name='twitter:image' content='https://opensaas.sh/public-banner.png' />",
"<meta name='twitter:image:width' content='800' />",
"<meta name='twitter:image:height' content='400' />",
"<meta name='twitter:card' content='summary_large_image' />",
// you can put your analytics scripts here
"<script defer data-domain='<your-site-id>' src='https://plausible.io/js/script.js'></script>",
// plausible has script extension `script.local.js` for local development
"<script defer data-domain='<your-site-id>' src='https://plausible.io/js/script.local.js'></script>",
// google analytics only needs one script and will automatically detect if you are in dev mode
"<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --><script>...</script>"
// 🔐 Auth out of the box! https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/auth/overview
auth: {
userEntity: User,
methods: {
usernameAndPassword: { // !IMPORTANT: this method is only suitable for dev/testing. Use social or email methods in production.
userSignupFields: import { getUsernameAndPasswordUserFields } from "@src/server/auth/setUsername.js",
// google: { // Guide for setting up Auth via Google https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/auth/social-auth/overview
// userSignupFields: import { getGoogleUserFields } from "@src/server/auth/setUsername.js",
// configFn: import { getGoogleAuthConfig } from "@src/server/auth/setUsername.js",
// },
// gitHub: {
// userSignupFields: import { getGitHubUserFields } from "@src/server/auth/setUsername.js",
// configFn: import { getGitHubAuthConfig } from "@src/server/auth/setUsername.js",
// },
// email: {
// fromField: {
// name: "Open SaaS App",
// // make sure this address is the same you registered your SendGrid or MailGun account with!
// email: "vince@wasp-lang.dev"
// },
// emailVerification: {
// clientRoute: EmailVerificationRoute,
// getEmailContentFn: import { getVerificationEmailContent } from "@src/server/auth/email.js",
// },
// passwordReset: {
// clientRoute: PasswordResetRoute,
// getEmailContentFn: import { getPasswordResetEmailContent } from "@src/server/auth/email.js",
// },
// userSignupFields: import { getEmailUserFields } from "@src/server/auth/setUsername.js",
// },
onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login",
onAuthSucceededRedirectTo: "/demo-app",
db: {
system: PostgreSQL,
seeds: [
import { devSeedUsers } from "@src/server/scripts/usersSeed.js",
client: {
rootComponent: import App from "@src/client/App",
emailSender: {
provider: SendGrid,
defaultFrom: {
name: "Open SaaS App",
// make sure this address is the same you registered your SendGrid or MailGun account with!
email: "me@example.com"
/* 💽 Wasp defines DB entities via Prisma Database Models:
* https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/data-model/entities
entity User {=psl
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
email String? @unique
username String? @unique
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
lastActiveTimestamp DateTime @default(now())
isAdmin Boolean @default(false)
stripeId String?
checkoutSessionId String?
hasPaid Boolean @default(false)
subscriptionTier String?
subscriptionStatus String?
sendEmail Boolean @default(false)
datePaid DateTime?
credits Int @default(3)
gptResponses GptResponse[]
contactFormMessages ContactFormMessage[]
tasks Task[]
files File[]
entity GptResponse {=psl
id String @id @default(uuid())
content String
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
entity Task {=psl
id String @id @default(uuid())
description String
time String @default("1")
isDone Boolean @default(false)
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
entity File {=psl
id String @id @default(uuid())
name String
type String
key String
uploadUrl String
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
// TODO: add functionality to allow users to send messages to admin
// and make them accessible via the admin dashboard
entity ContactFormMessage {=psl
id String @id @default(uuid())
content String
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
isRead Boolean @default(false)
repliedAt DateTime?
entity DailyStats {=psl
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
date DateTime @default(now()) @unique
totalViews Int @default(0)
prevDayViewsChangePercent String @default("0")
userCount Int @default(0)
paidUserCount Int @default(0)
userDelta Int @default(0)
paidUserDelta Int @default(0)
totalRevenue Float @default(0)
totalProfit Float @default(0)
sources PageViewSource[]
entity PageViewSource {=psl
date DateTime @default(now())
name String
visitors Int
dailyStats DailyStats? @relation(fields: [dailyStatsId], references: [id])
dailyStatsId Int?
@@id([date, name])
entity Logs {=psl
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
message String
level String
/* 📡 These are the Wasp Routes (You can protect them easily w/ 'authRequired: true');
* https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/tutorial/pages
route LandingPageRoute { path: "/", to: LandingPage }
page LandingPage {
component: import LandingPage from "@src/client/landing-page/LandingPage"
route LoginRoute { path: "/login", to: LoginPage }
page LoginPage {
component: import Login from "@src/client/auth/LoginPage"
route SignupRoute { path: "/signup", to: SignupPage }
page SignupPage {
component: import { Signup } from "@src/client/auth/SignupPage"
// route RequestPasswordResetRoute { path: "/request-password-reset", to: RequestPasswordResetPage }
// page RequestPasswordResetPage {
// component: import { RequestPasswordReset } from "@src/client/auth/RequestPasswordReset",
// }
// route PasswordResetRoute { path: "/password-reset", to: PasswordResetPage }
// page PasswordResetPage {
// component: import { PasswordReset } from "@src/client/auth/PasswordReset",
// }
// route EmailVerificationRoute { path: "/email-verification", to: EmailVerificationPage }
// page EmailVerificationPage {
// component: import { EmailVerification } from "@src/client/auth/EmailVerification",
// }
route DemoAppRoute { path: "/demo-app", to: DemoAppPage }
page DemoAppPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import DemoAppPage from "@src/client/app/DemoAppPage"
route PricingPageRoute { path: "/pricing", to: PricingPage }
page PricingPage {
component: import PricingPage from "@src/client/app/PricingPage"
route AccountRoute { path: "/account", to: AccountPage }
page AccountPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import Account from "@src/client/app/AccountPage"
route CheckoutRoute { path: "/checkout", to: CheckoutPage }
page CheckoutPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import Checkout from "@src/client/app/CheckoutPage"
route FileUploadRoute { path: "/file-upload", to: FileUploadPage }
page FileUploadPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import FileUpload from "@src/client/app/FileUploadPage"
route AdminRoute { path: "/admin", to: DashboardPage }
page DashboardPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import Dashboard from "@src/client/admin/pages/DashboardPage"
route AdminUsersRoute { path: "/admin/users", to: AdminUsersPage }
page AdminUsersPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import AdminUsers from "@src/client/admin/pages/Users"
route AdminSettingsRoute { path: "/admin/settings", to: AdminSettingsPage }
page AdminSettingsPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import AdminSettings from "@src/client/admin/pages/Settings"
route AdminChartsRoute { path: "/admin/chart", to: AdminChartsPage }
page AdminChartsPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import AdminCharts from "@src/client/admin/pages/Chart"
route AdminMessagesRoute { path: "/admin/messages", to: AdminMessagesPage }
page AdminMessagesPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import AdminMessages from "@src/client/admin/pages/Messages"
route AdminFormElementsRoute { path: "/admin/forms/form-elements", to: AdminFormElementsPage }
page AdminFormElementsPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import AdminForms from "@src/client/admin/pages/Form/FormElements"
route AdminFormLayoutsRoute { path: "/admin/forms/form-layouts", to: AdminFormLayoutsPage }
page AdminFormLayoutsPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import AdminForms from "@src/client/admin/pages/Form/FormLayout"
route AdminCalendarRoute { path: "/admin/calendar", to: AdminCalendarPage }
page AdminCalendarPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import AdminCalendar from "@src/client/admin/pages/Calendar"
route AdminUIAlertsRoute { path: "/admin/ui/alerts", to: AdminUIAlertsPage }
page AdminUIAlertsPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import AdminUI from "@src/client/admin/pages/UiElements/Alerts"
route AdminUIButtonsRoute { path: "/admin/ui/buttons", to: AdminUIButtonsPage }
page AdminUIButtonsPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import AdminUI from "@src/client/admin/pages/UiElements/Buttons"
/* ⛑ These are the Wasp Operations, which allow the client and server to interact:
* https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/data-model/operations/overview
// 📝 Actions
action generateGptResponse {
fn: import { generateGptResponse } from "@src/server/actions.js",
entities: [User, Task, GptResponse]
action createTask {
fn: import { createTask } from "@src/server/actions.js",
entities: [Task]
action deleteTask {
fn: import { deleteTask } from "@src/server/actions.js",
entities: [Task]
action updateTask {
fn: import { updateTask } from "@src/server/actions.js",
entities: [Task]
action stripePayment {
fn: import { stripePayment } from "@src/server/actions.js",
entities: [User]
action updateCurrentUserLastActiveTimestamp {
fn: import { updateCurrentUserLastActiveTimestamp } from "@src/server/actions.js",
entities: [User]
action updateHasPaidByUserId {
fn: import { updateHasPaidByUserId } from "@src/server/actions.js",
entities: [User]
action createFile {
fn: import { createFile } from "@src/server/actions.js",
entities: [User, File]
// 📚 Queries
query getGptResponses {
fn: import { getGptResponses } from "@src/server/queries.js",
entities: [User, GptResponse]
query getAllTasksByUser {
fn: import { getAllTasksByUser } from "@src/server/queries.js",
entities: [Task]
query getAllFilesByUser {
fn: import { getAllFilesByUser } from "@src/server/queries.js",
entities: [User, File]
query getDownloadFileSignedURL {
fn: import { getDownloadFileSignedURL } from "@src/server/queries.js",
entities: [User, File]
query getDailyStats {
fn: import { getDailyStats } from "@src/server/queries.js",
entities: [User, DailyStats]
query getPaginatedUsers {
fn: import { getPaginatedUsers } from "@src/server/queries.js",
entities: [User]
* 📡 These are custom Wasp API Endpoints. Use them for callbacks, webhooks, etc.
* https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/apis
api stripeWebhook {
fn: import { stripeWebhook } from "@src/server/webhooks/stripe.js",
entities: [User],
middlewareConfigFn: import { stripeMiddlewareFn } from "@src/server/webhooks/stripe.js",
httpRoute: (POST, "/stripe-webhook")
/* 🕵️♂️ These are the Wasp Jobs. Use them to set up recurring tasks and/or queues:
* https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/jobs
job emailChecker {
executor: PgBoss,
perform: {
fn: import { checkAndQueueEmails } from "@src/server/workers/checkAndQueueEmails.js"
schedule: {
cron: "0 7 * * 1" // at 7:00 am every Monday
entities: [User]
job dailyStatsJob {
executor: PgBoss,
perform: {
fn: import { calculateDailyStats } from "@src/server/workers/calculateDailyStats.js"
schedule: {
cron: "0 * * * *" // every hour. useful in production
// cron: "* * * * *" // every minute. useful for debugging
entities: [User, DailyStats, Logs, PageViewSource]