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synced 2025-03-27 02:02:31 +01:00
chore: format
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from config import SRC_LOG_LEVELS, DATA_DIR, DATABASE_URL, BACKEND_DIR
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class JSONField(TextField):
def db_value(self, value):
return json.dumps(value)
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ class JSONField(TextField):
if value is not None:
return json.loads(value)
# Check if the file exists
if os.path.exists(f"{DATA_DIR}/ollama.db"):
# Rename the file
@ -28,9 +30,9 @@ else:
# The `register_connection` function encapsulates the logic for setting up
# the database connection based on the connection string, while `connect`
# is a Peewee-specific method to manage the connection state and avoid errors
# The `register_connection` function encapsulates the logic for setting up
# the database connection based on the connection string, while `connect`
# is a Peewee-specific method to manage the connection state and avoid errors
# when a connection is already open.
DB = register_connection(DATABASE_URL)
@ -49,4 +51,4 @@ try:
except OperationalError as e:
log.info(f"Failed to connect to database again due to: {e}")
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "وضع الملف",
"File not found.": "لم يتم العثور على الملف.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "تم اكتشاف انتحال بصمة الإصبع: غير قادر على استخدام الأحرف الأولى كصورة رمزية. الافتراضي لصورة الملف الشخصي الافتراضية.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "دفق قطع الاستجابة الخارجية الكبيرة بسلاسة",
"Focus chat input": "التركيز على إدخال الدردشة",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "يُسمح فقط بالأحرف الأبجدية الرقمية والواصلات في سلسلة الأمر.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "خطاء! تمسك بقوة! ملفاتك لا تزال في فرن المعالجة. نحن نطبخهم إلى حد الكمال. يرجى التحلي بالصبر وسنخبرك عندما يصبحون جاهزين.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "خطاء! يبدو أن عنوان URL غير صالح. يرجى التحقق مرة أخرى والمحاولة مرة أخرى.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "خطاء! أنت تستخدم طريقة غير مدعومة (الواجهة الأمامية فقط). يرجى تقديم واجهة WebUI من الواجهة الخلفية.",
"Open": "فتح",
"Open AI": "AI فتح",
@ -541,6 +543,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "الى كتابة المحادثه",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "اليوم",
"Toggle settings": "فتح وأغلاق الاعدادات",
@ -557,7 +560,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "اكتب عنوان URL لحل مشكلة الوجه (تنزيل).",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "{{provider}}خطاء أوه! حدثت مشكلة في الاتصال بـ ",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "نوع ملف غير معروف '{{file_type}}', ولكن القبول والتعامل كنص عادي ",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "تحديث ونسخ الرابط",
"Update password": "تحديث كلمة المرور",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Файл Мод",
"File not found.": "Файл не е намерен.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Потвърждаване на отпечатък: Не може да се използва инициализационна буква като аватар. Потребителят се връща към стандартна аватарка.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Плавно предаване на големи части от външен отговор",
"Focus chat input": "Фокусиране на чат вход",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Само алфанумерични знаци и тире са разрешени в командния низ.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Упс! Задръжте! Файловете ви все още са в пещта за обработка. Готвим ги до съвършенство. Моля, бъдете търпеливи и ще ви уведомим, когато са готови.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Упс! Изглежда URL адресът е невалиден. Моля, проверете отново и опитайте пак.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Упс! Използвате неподдържан метод (само фронтенд). Моля, сервирайте WebUI от бекенда.",
"Open": "Отвори",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "към чат входа.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "днес",
"Toggle settings": "Toggle settings",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Въведете Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "О, не! Възникна проблем при свързването с {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Непознат файлов тип '{{file_type}}', но се приема и обработва като текст",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Обнови и копирай връзка",
"Update password": "Обновяване на парола",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "ফাইল মোড",
"File not found.": "ফাইল পাওয়া যায়নি",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "ফিঙ্গারপ্রিন্ট স্পুফিং ধরা পড়েছে: অ্যাভাটার হিসেবে নামের আদ্যক্ষর ব্যবহার করা যাচ্ছে না। ডিফল্ট প্রোফাইল পিকচারে ফিরিয়ে নেয়া হচ্ছে।",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "বড় এক্সটার্নাল রেসপন্স চাঙ্কগুলো মসৃণভাবে প্রবাহিত করুন",
"Focus chat input": "চ্যাট ইনপুট ফোকাস করুন",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "কমান্ড স্ট্রিং-এ শুধুমাত্র ইংরেজি অক্ষর, সংখ্যা এবং হাইফেন ব্যবহার করা যাবে।",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "আহা! আরেকটু ধৈর্য্য ধরুন! আপনার ফাইলগুলো এখনো প্রোসেস চলছে, আমরা ওগুলোকে সেরা প্রক্রিয়াজাত করছি। তৈরি হয়ে গেলে আপনাকে জানিয়ে দেয়া হবে।",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "ওহ, মনে হচ্ছে ইউআরএলটা ইনভ্যালিড। দয়া করে আর চেক করে চেষ্টা করুন।",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "আপনি একটা আনসাপোর্টেড পদ্ধতি (শুধু ফ্রন্টএন্ড) ব্যবহার করছেন। দয়া করে WebUI ব্যাকএন্ড থেকে চালনা করুন।",
"Open": "খোলা",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "চ্যাট ইনপুটে",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "আজ",
"Toggle settings": "সেটিংস টোগল",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Hugging Face থেকে ডাউনলোড করার ইউআরএল টাইপ করুন",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "ওহ-হো! {{provider}} এর সাথে কানেকশনে সমস্যা হয়েছে।",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "অপরিচিত ফাইল ফরম্যাট '{{file_type}}', তবে প্লেইন টেক্সট হিসেবে গ্রহণ করা হলো",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "আপডেট এবং লিংক কপি করুন",
"Update password": "পাসওয়ার্ড আপডেট করুন",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Mode Arxiu",
"File not found.": "Arxiu no trobat.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "S'ha detectat la suplantació d'identitat d'empremtes digitals: no es poden utilitzar les inicials com a avatar. Per defecte a la imatge de perfil predeterminada.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Transmita con fluidez grandes fragmentos de respuesta externa",
"Focus chat input": "Enfoca l'entrada del xat",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Només es permeten caràcters alfanumèrics i guions en la cadena de comandes.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Ui! Aguanta! Els teus fitxers encara estan en el forn de processament. Els estem cuinant a la perfecció. Si us plau, tingues paciència i t'avisarem quan estiguin llestos.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Ui! Sembla que l'URL és invàlida. Si us plau, revisa-ho i prova de nou.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Ui! Estàs utilitzant un mètode no suportat (només frontend). Si us plau, serveix la WebUI des del backend.",
"Open": "Obre",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -538,6 +540,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "a l'entrada del xat.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Avui",
"Toggle settings": "Commuta configuracions",
@ -554,7 +557,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Escriu URL de Resolució (Descàrrega) de Hugging Face",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Uf! Hi va haver un problema connectant-se a {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Tipus d'Arxiu Desconegut '{{file_type}}', però acceptant i tractant com a text pla",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Actualitza i Copia enllaç",
"Update password": "Actualitza contrasenya",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "File mode",
"File not found.": "Wala makit-an ang file.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Hapsay nga paghatud sa daghang mga tipik sa eksternal nga mga tubag",
"Focus chat input": "Pag-focus sa entry sa diskusyon",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Ang alphanumeric nga mga karakter ug hyphen lang ang gitugotan sa command string.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Oops! ",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Oops! ",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Oops! ",
"Open": "Bukas",
"Open AI": "Buksan ang AI",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "sa entrada sa iring.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "",
"Toggle settings": "I-toggle ang mga setting",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Pagsulod sa resolusyon (pag-download) URL Hugging Face",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Uh-oh! {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Wala mailhi nga tipo sa file '{{file_type}}', apan gidawat ug gitratar ingon yano nga teksto",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "",
"Update password": "I-update ang password",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "File Modus",
"File not found.": "Datei nicht gefunden.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Fingerprint spoofing erkannt: Initialen können nicht als Avatar verwendet werden. Es wird auf das Standardprofilbild zurückgegriffen.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Große externe Antwortblöcke flüssig streamen",
"Focus chat input": "Chat-Eingabe fokussieren",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Nur alphanumerische Zeichen und Bindestriche sind im Befehlsstring erlaubt.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Hoppla! Warte noch einen Moment! Die Dateien sind noch im der Verarbeitung. Bitte habe etwas Geduld und wir informieren Dich, sobald sie bereit sind.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Hoppla! Es sieht so aus, als wäre die URL ungültig. Bitte überprüfe sie und versuche es nochmal.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Hoppla! du verwendest eine nicht unterstützte Methode (nur Frontend). Bitte stelle die WebUI vom Backend aus bereit.",
"Open": "Öffne",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "to chat input.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Heute",
"Toggle settings": "Einstellungen umschalten",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Gib die Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL ein",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Ups! Es gab ein Problem bei der Verbindung mit {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Unbekannter Dateityp '{{file_type}}', wird jedoch akzeptiert und als einfacher Text behandelt.",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Erneuern und kopieren",
"Update password": "Passwort aktualisieren",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Bark Mode",
"File not found.": "Bark not found.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Fingerprint dogeing: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default doge image.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Fluidly wow big chunks",
"Focus chat input": "Focus chat bork",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Only wow characters and hyphens are allowed in the bork string.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.",
"Open": "Open",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "to chat input. Very chat.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "",
"Toggle settings": "Toggle settings much toggle",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL much download",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}. Much uh-oh!",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text very unknown",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "",
"Update password": "Update password much change",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "",
"File not found.": "",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "",
"Focus chat input": "",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "",
"Open": "",
"Open AI": "",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "",
"Toggle settings": "",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "",
"Update password": "",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "",
"File not found.": "",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "",
"Focus chat input": "",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "",
"Open": "",
"Open AI": "",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "",
"Toggle settings": "",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "",
"Update password": "",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Modo de archivo",
"File not found.": "Archivo no encontrado.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Se detectó suplantación de huellas: No se pueden usar las iniciales como avatar. Por defecto se utiliza la imagen de perfil predeterminada.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Transmita con fluidez grandes fragmentos de respuesta externa",
"Focus chat input": "Enfoca la entrada del chat",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Sólo se permiten caracteres alfanuméricos y guiones en la cadena de comando.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "¡Ups! ¡Agárrate fuerte! Tus archivos todavía están en el horno de procesamiento. Los estamos cocinando a la perfección. Tenga paciencia y le avisaremos una vez que estén listos.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "¡Ups! Parece que la URL no es válida. Vuelva a verificar e inténtelo nuevamente.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "¡Ups! Estás utilizando un método no compatible (solo frontend). Por favor ejecute la WebUI desde el backend.",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Open AI": "Abrir AI",
@ -538,6 +540,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "a la entrada del chat.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Hoy",
"Toggle settings": "Alternar configuración",
@ -554,7 +557,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Escriba la URL (Descarga) de Hugging Face Resolve",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "¡Uh oh! Hubo un problema al conectarse a {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Tipo de archivo desconocido '{{file_type}}', pero se acepta y se trata como texto sin formato",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Actualizar y copiar enlace",
"Update password": "Actualizar contraseña",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "حالت فایل",
"File not found.": "فایل یافت نشد.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "فانگ سرفیس شناسایی شد: نمی توان از نمایه شما به عنوان آواتار استفاده کرد. پیش فرض به عکس پروفایل پیش فرض برگشت داده شد.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "تکه های پاسخ خارجی بزرگ را به صورت سیال پخش کنید",
"Focus chat input": "فوکوس کردن ورودی گپ",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "فقط کاراکترهای الفبایی و خط فاصله در رشته فرمان مجاز هستند.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "اوه! فایل های شما هنوز در فر پردازش هستند. ما آنها را کامل می پزیم. لطفا صبور باشید، به محض آماده شدن به شما اطلاع خواهیم داد.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "اوه! به نظر می رسد URL نامعتبر است. لطفاً دوباره بررسی کنید و دوباره امتحان کنید.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "اوه! شما از یک روش پشتیبانی نشده (فقط frontend) استفاده می کنید. لطفاً WebUI را از بکند اجرا کنید.",
"Open": "باز",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "در ورودی گپ.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "امروز",
"Toggle settings": "نمایش/عدم نمایش تنظیمات",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "مقدار URL دانلود (Resolve) Hugging Face را وارد کنید",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "اوه اوه! مشکلی در اتصال به {{provider}} وجود داشت.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "نوع فایل '{{file_type}}' ناشناخته است، به عنوان یک فایل متنی ساده با آن برخورد می شود.",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "به روزرسانی و کپی لینک",
"Update password": "به روزرسانی رمزعبور",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Tiedostotila",
"File not found.": "Tiedostoa ei löytynyt.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Sormenjäljen väärentäminen havaittu: Ei voi käyttää alkukirjaimia avatarina. Käytetään oletusprofiilikuvaa.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Virtaa suuria ulkoisia vastausosia joustavasti",
"Focus chat input": "Fokusoi syöttökenttään",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Vain kirjaimet, numerot ja väliviivat ovat sallittuja komentosarjassa.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Hetki pieni, tiedostosi ovat yhä leivinuunissa. Odota kärsivällisesti, ja ilmoitamme, kun ne ovat valmiita.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Hups! Näyttää siltä, että URL on virheellinen. Tarkista se ja yritä uudelleen.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Hupsista! Käytät ei-tuettua menetelmää. WebUI pitää palvella backendista.",
"Open": "Avaa",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "keskustelusyötteeseen.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Tänään",
"Toggle settings": "Kytke asetukset",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Kirjoita Hugging Face -resolve-osoite",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Voi ei! Yhteysongelma {{provider}}:n kanssa.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Tuntematon tiedostotyyppi '{{file_type}}', mutta hyväksytään ja käsitellään pelkkänä tekstinä",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Päivitä ja kopioi linkki",
"Update password": "Päivitä salasana",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Mode fichier",
"File not found.": "Fichier introuvable.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Détection de falsification de empreinte digitale\u00a0: impossible d'utiliser les initiales comme avatar. Par défaut, l'image de profil par défaut est utilisée.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Diffusez de manière fluide de gros morceaux de réponses externes",
"Focus chat input": "Se concentrer sur l'entrée de la discussion",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Seuls les caractères alphanumériques et les tirets sont autorisés dans la chaîne de commande.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Oups ! Tenez bon ! Vos fichiers sont encore dans le four de traitement. Nous les préparons jusqu'à la perfection. Soyez patient et nous vous informerons dès qu'ils seront prêts.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Oups ! Il semble que l'URL soit invalide. Merci de vérifier et réessayer.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Oups ! Vous utilisez une méthode non prise en charge (frontal uniquement). Veuillez servir WebUI depuis le backend.",
"Open": "Ouvrir",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -538,6 +540,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "à l'entrée du chat.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Aujourd'hui",
"Toggle settings": "Basculer les paramètres",
@ -554,7 +557,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Entrez l'URL de résolution (téléchargement) Hugging Face",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Uh-oh ! Il y a eu un problème de connexion à {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Type de fichier inconnu '{{file_type}}', mais accepté et traité comme du texte brut",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Mettre à jour et copier le lien",
"Update password": "Mettre à jour le mot de passe",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Mode Fichier",
"File not found.": "Fichier non trouvé.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Usurpation d'empreinte digitale détectée : Impossible d'utiliser les initiales comme avatar. L'image de profil par défaut sera utilisée.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Diffusez de manière fluide de gros morceaux de réponses externes",
"Focus chat input": "Concentrer sur l'entrée du chat",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Seuls les caractères alphanumériques et les tirets sont autorisés dans la chaîne de commande.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Oups ! Tenez bon ! Vos fichiers sont encore dans le four. Nous les cuisinons à la perfection. Soyez patient et nous vous informerons dès qu'ils seront prêts.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Oups ! On dirait que l'URL est invalide. Vérifiez et réessayez.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Oups ! Vous utilisez une méthode non-supportée (frontend uniquement). Veuillez également servir WebUI depuis le backend.",
"Open": "Ouvrir",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -538,6 +540,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "à l'entrée du chat.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Aujourd'hui",
"Toggle settings": "Basculer les paramètres",
@ -554,7 +557,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Entrez l'URL de Résolution (Téléchargement) Hugging Face",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Uh-oh ! Il y a eu un problème de connexion à {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Type de Fichier Inconnu '{{file_type}}', mais accepté et traité comme du texte brut",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Mettre à Jour et Copier le Lien",
"Update password": "Mettre à Jour le Mot de Passe",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "מצב קובץ",
"File not found.": "הקובץ לא נמצא.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "התגלתה הזיית טביעת אצבע: לא ניתן להשתמש בראשי תיבות כאווטאר. משתמש בתמונת פרופיל ברירת מחדל.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "שידור נתונים חיצוניים בקצב רציף",
"Focus chat input": "מיקוד הקלט לצ'אט",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "רק תווים אלפאנומריים ומקפים מותרים במחרוזת הפקודה.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "אופס! תחזיק מעמד! הקבצים שלך עדיין בתהליך העיבוד. אנו מבשלים אותם לשלמות. נא להתאזר בסבלנות ונודיע לך ברגע שיהיו מוכנים.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "אופס! נראה שהכתובת URL אינה תקינה. אנא בדוק שוב ונסה שנית.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "אופס! אתה משתמש בשיטה לא נתמכת (רק חזית). אנא שרת את ממשק המשתמש האינטרנטי מהשרת האחורי.",
"Open": "פתח",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -538,6 +540,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "לקלטת שיחה.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "היום",
"Toggle settings": "החלפת מצב של הגדרות",
@ -554,7 +557,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "הקלד כתובת URL של פתרון פנים מחבק (הורד)",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "או-הו! אירעה בעיה בהתחברות ל- {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "סוג קובץ לא ידוע '{{file_type}}', אך מקבל ומתייחס אליו כטקסט רגיל",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "עדכן ושכפל קישור",
"Update password": "עדכן סיסמה",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "फ़ाइल मोड",
"File not found.": "फ़ाइल प्राप्त नहीं हुई।",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "फ़िंगरप्रिंट स्पूफ़िंग का पता चला: प्रारंभिक अक्षरों को अवतार के रूप में उपयोग करने में असमर्थ। प्रोफ़ाइल छवि को डिफ़ॉल्ट पर डिफ़ॉल्ट किया जा रहा है.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "बड़े बाह्य प्रतिक्रिया खंडों को तरल रूप से प्रवाहित करें",
"Focus chat input": "चैट इनपुट पर फ़ोकस करें",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "कमांड स्ट्रिंग में केवल अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक वर्ण और हाइफ़न की अनुमति है।",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "उफ़! कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें, आपकी फ़ाइलें अभी भी प्रसंस्करण ओवन में हैं। हम उन्हें पूर्णता से पका रहे हैं। कृपया धैर्य रखें और जब वे तैयार हो जाएंगे तो हम आपको बता देंगे।",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "उफ़! ऐसा लगता है कि यूआरएल अमान्य है. कृपया दोबारा जांचें और पुनः प्रयास करें।",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "उफ़! आप एक असमर्थित विधि (केवल फ्रंटएंड) का उपयोग कर रहे हैं। कृपया बैकएंड से WebUI सर्वे करें।",
"Open": "खोलें",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "इनपुट चैट करने के लिए.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "आज",
"Toggle settings": "सेटिंग्स टॉगल करें",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "हगिंग फेस रिज़ॉल्व (डाउनलोड) यूआरएल टाइप करें",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "उह ओह! {{provider}} से कनेक्ट करने में एक समस्या थी।",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "अज्ञात फ़ाइल प्रकार '{{file_type}}', लेकिन स्वीकार करना और सादे पाठ के रूप में व्यवहार करना",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "अपडेट करें और लिंक कॉपी करें",
"Update password": "पासवर्ड अपडेट करें",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Način datoteke",
"File not found.": "Datoteka nije pronađena.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Otkriveno krivotvorenje otisaka prstiju: Nemoguće je koristiti inicijale kao avatar. Postavljanje na zadanu profilnu sliku.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Glavno strujanje velikih vanjskih dijelova odgovora",
"Focus chat input": "Fokusiraj unos razgovora",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Samo alfanumerički znakovi i crtice su dopušteni u naredbenom nizu.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Ups! Držite se! Vaše datoteke su još uvijek u procesu obrade. Pečemo ih do savršenstva. Molimo vas da budete strpljivi i obavijestit ćemo vas kada budu spremne.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Ups! Izgleda da je URL nevažeći. Molimo provjerite ponovno i pokušajte ponovo.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Ups! Koristite nepodržanu metodu (samo frontend). Molimo poslužite WebUI s backend-a.",
"Open": "Otvoreno",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -538,6 +540,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Za pristup WebUI-u obratite se administratoru. Administratori mogu upravljati statusima korisnika s Admin panela.",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "Da biste ovdje dodali dokumente, prvo ih prenesite u radni prostor \"Dokumenti\".",
"to chat input.": "u unos razgovora.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Danas",
"Toggle settings": "Prebaci postavke",
@ -554,7 +557,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Upišite Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Uh-oh! Pojavio se problem s povezivanjem na {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Nepoznata vrsta datoteke '{{file_type}}', ali prihvaćena i obrađuje se kao običan tekst",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Ažuriraj i kopiraj vezu",
"Update password": "Ažuriraj lozinku",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Modalità file",
"File not found.": "File non trovato.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Rilevato spoofing delle impronte digitali: impossibile utilizzare le iniziali come avatar. Ripristino all'immagine del profilo predefinita.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Trasmetti in modo fluido blocchi di risposta esterni di grandi dimensioni",
"Focus chat input": "Metti a fuoco l'input della chat",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Nella stringa di comando sono consentiti solo caratteri alfanumerici e trattini.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Ops! Aspetta! I tuoi file sono ancora in fase di elaborazione. Li stiamo cucinando alla perfezione. Per favore sii paziente e ti faremo sapere quando saranno pronti.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Ops! Sembra che l'URL non sia valido. Si prega di ricontrollare e riprovare.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Ops! Stai utilizzando un metodo non supportato (solo frontend). Si prega di servire la WebUI dal backend.",
"Open": "Apri",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -538,6 +540,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "all'input della chat.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Oggi",
"Toggle settings": "Attiva/disattiva impostazioni",
@ -554,7 +557,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Digita l'URL di Hugging Face Resolve (Download)",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Uh-oh! Si è verificato un problema durante la connessione a {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Tipo di file sconosciuto '{{file_type}}', ma accettato e trattato come testo normale",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Aggiorna e copia link",
"Update password": "Aggiorna password",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "ファイルモード",
"File not found.": "ファイルが見つかりません。",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "指紋のなりすましが検出されました: イニシャルをアバターとして使用できません。デフォルトのプロファイル画像にデフォルト設定されています。",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "大規模な外部応答チャンクを流動的にストリーミングする",
"Focus chat input": "チャット入力をフォーカス",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "コマンド文字列には英数字とハイフンのみが許可されています。",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "おっと! しばらくお待ちください! ファイルはまだ処理中です。完璧に仕上げていますので、しばらくお待ちください。準備ができたらお知らせします。",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "おっと! URL が無効なようです。もう一度確認してやり直してください。",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "おっと! サポートされていない方法 (フロントエンドのみ) を使用しています。バックエンドから WebUI を提供してください。",
"Open": "開く",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -536,6 +538,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "チャット入力へ。",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "今日",
"Toggle settings": "設定を切り替え",
@ -552,7 +555,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Hugging Face Resolve (ダウンロード) URL を入力してください",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "おっと! {{provider}} への接続に問題が発生しました。",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "不明なファイルタイプ '{{file_type}}' ですが、プレーンテキストとして受け入れて処理します",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "リンクの更新とコピー",
"Update password": "パスワードを更新",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "ფაილური რეჟიმი",
"File not found.": "ფაილი ვერ მოიძებნა",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "აღმოჩენილია თითის ანაბეჭდის გაყალბება: ინიციალების გამოყენება ავატარად შეუძლებელია. დეფოლტ პროფილის დეფოლტ სურათი.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "თხევადი ნაკადი დიდი გარე საპასუხო ნაწილაკების",
"Focus chat input": "ჩეთის შეყვანის ფოკუსი",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "ბრძანების სტრიქონში დაშვებულია მხოლოდ ალფანუმერული სიმბოლოები და დეფისები.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "უპს! გამაგრდი! თქვენი ფაილები ჯერ კიდევ დამუშავების ღუმელშია. ჩვენ მათ სრულყოფილებამდე ვამზადებთ. გთხოვთ მოითმინოთ და ჩვენ შეგატყობინებთ, როგორც კი ისინი მზად იქნებიან.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "უი! როგორც ჩანს, მისამართი არასწორია. გთხოვთ, გადაამოწმოთ და ისევ სცადოთ.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "უპს! თქვენ იყენებთ მხარდაუჭერელ მეთოდს (მხოლოდ frontend). გთხოვთ, მოემსახუროთ WebUI-ს ბექენდიდან",
"Open": "ღია",
"Open AI": "ღია AI",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "ჩატში",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "დღეს",
"Toggle settings": "პარამეტრების გადართვა",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "სცადე გადმოწერო Hugging Face Resolve URL",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "{{provider}}-თან დაკავშირების პრობლემა წარმოიშვა.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "უცნობი ფაილის ტიპი „{{file_type}}“, მაგრამ მიიღება და განიხილება როგორც მარტივი ტექსტი",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "განახლება და ბმულის კოპირება",
"Update password": "პაროლის განახლება",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "파일 모드",
"File not found.": "파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Fingerprint spoofing 감지: 이니셜을 아바타로 사용할 수 없습니다. 기본 프로필 이미지로 설정합니다.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "대규모 외부 응답 청크를 유연하게 스트리밍",
"Focus chat input": "채팅 입력창에 포커스",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "명령어 문자열에는 영문자, 숫자 및 하이픈만 허용됩니다.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "이런! 잠시만 기다려 주세요! 파일이 아직 처리 중입니다. 완벽을 위해 준비하고 있습니다. 준비가 되면 알려드리겠습니다.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "이런! URL이 잘못된 것 같습니다. 다시 한번 확인하고 다시 시도해주세요.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "이런! 지원되지 않는 방식(프론트엔드만)을 사용하고 계십니다. 백엔드에서 WebUI를 제공해주세요.",
"Open": "열기",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "WebUI에 접속하려면 관리자에게 문의하십시오. 관리자는 관리자 패널에서 사용자 상태를 관리할 수 있습니다.",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "여기에 문서를 추가하려면, \"문서\" 워크스페이스에 먼저 업로드하세요.",
"to chat input.": "채팅 입력으로.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "여기서 도구를 선택하려면, \"도구\" 워크스페이스에 먼저 추가하세요.",
"Today": "오늘",
"Toggle settings": "설정 전환",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Hugging Face Resolve (다운로드) URL 입력",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "앗! {{provider}}에 연결하는 데 문제가 있었습니다.",
"UI": "UI",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "알 수 없는 파일 유형 '{{file_type}}', 일반 텍스트로 허용하고 처리합니다.",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "업데이트",
"Update and Copy Link": "링크 업데이트 및 복사",
"Update password": "비밀번호 업데이트",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Dokumentų rėžimas",
"File not found.": "Failas nerastas.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Nepavyko nsutatyti profilio nuotraukos",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Sklandžiai transliuoti ilgus atsakymus",
"Focus chat input": "Fokusuoti žinutės įvestį",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Leistinos tik raidės, skaičiai ir brūkšneliai.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Jūsų failai vis dar tvarkomi.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Naudojate nepalaikomą (front-end) web ui rėžimą. Prašau serviruokite WebUI iš back-end",
"Open": "Atverti",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -539,6 +541,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "į pokalbio įvestį",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Šiandien",
"Toggle settings": "Atverti/užverti parametrus",
@ -555,7 +558,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Įveskite Hugging Face Resolve nuorodą",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "O ne! Prisijungiant prie {{provider}} kilo problema.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Nepažįstamas '{{file_type}}' failo formatas, tačiau jis priimtas ir bus apdorotas kaip grynas tekstas",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Atnaujinti ir kopijuoti nuorodą",
"Update password": "Atnaujinti slaptažodį",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Filmodus",
"File not found.": "Fil ikke funnet.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Fingeravtrykk-spoofing oppdaget: Kan ikke bruke initialer som avatar. Bruker standard profilbilde.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Strøm store eksterne svarchunks flytende",
"Focus chat input": "Fokuser chatinput",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Kun alfanumeriske tegn og bindestreker er tillatt i kommandostrengen.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Oops! Hold deg fast! Filene dine er fortsatt i prosesseringsovnen. Vi tilbereder dem til perfeksjon. Vennligst vær tålmodig, vi gir beskjed når de er klare.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Oops! Ser ut som URL-en er ugyldig. Vennligst dobbeltsjekk og prøv igjen.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Oops! Du bruker en ikke-støttet metode (kun frontend). Vennligst server WebUI fra backend.",
"Open": "Åpne",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "til chatinput.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "I dag",
"Toggle settings": "Veksle innstillinger",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Skriv inn Hugging Face Resolve (nedlasting) URL",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Oops! Det oppsto et problem med tilkoblingen til {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Ukjent filtype '{{file_type}}', men aksepteres og behandles som ren tekst",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Oppdater og kopier lenke",
"Update password": "Oppdater passord",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Bestandsmodus",
"File not found.": "Bestand niet gevonden.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Vingerafdruk spoofing gedetecteerd: kan initialen niet gebruiken als avatar. Standaardprofielafbeelding wordt gebruikt.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Stream vloeiend grote externe responsbrokken",
"Focus chat input": "Focus chat input",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Alleen alfanumerieke karakters en streepjes zijn toegestaan in de commando string.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Oops! Houd vast! Je bestanden zijn nog steeds in de verwerkingsoven. We zijn ze aan het bereiden tot perfectie. Wees geduldig en we laten je weten wanneer ze klaar zijn.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Oops! Het lijkt erop dat de URL ongeldig is. Controleer het nogmaals en probeer opnieuw.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Oops! Je gebruikt een niet-ondersteunde methode (alleen frontend). Serveer de WebUI vanuit de backend.",
"Open": "Open",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "naar chat input.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Vandaag",
"Toggle settings": "Wissel instellingen",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Uh-oh! Er was een probleem met verbinden met {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Onbekend Bestandstype '{{file_type}}', maar accepteren en behandelen als platte tekst",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Update en Kopieer Link",
"Update password": "Wijzig wachtwoord",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "ਫਾਈਲ ਮੋਡ",
"File not found.": "ਫਾਈਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਮਿਲੀ।",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "ਫਿੰਗਰਪ੍ਰਿੰਟ ਸਪੂਫਿੰਗ ਪਾਈ ਗਈ: ਅਵਤਾਰ ਵਜੋਂ ਸ਼ੁਰੂਆਤੀ ਅੱਖਰ ਵਰਤਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ। ਮੂਲ ਪ੍ਰੋਫਾਈਲ ਚਿੱਤਰ 'ਤੇ ਡਿਫਾਲਟ।",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "ਵੱਡੇ ਬਾਹਰੀ ਜਵਾਬ ਚੰਕਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਹੀ ਢੰਗ ਨਾਲ ਸਟ੍ਰੀਮ ਕਰੋ",
"Focus chat input": "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਇਨਪੁਟ 'ਤੇ ਧਿਆਨ ਦਿਓ",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "ਕਮਾਂਡ ਸਤਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਿਰਫ਼ ਅਲਫ਼ਾਨਯੂਮੈਰਿਕ ਅੱਖਰ ਅਤੇ ਹਾਈਫਨ ਦੀ ਆਗਿਆ ਹੈ।",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "ਓਹੋ! ਥੋੜਾ ਸਬਰ ਕਰੋ! ਤੁਹਾਡੀਆਂ ਫਾਈਲਾਂ ਅਜੇ ਵੀ ਪ੍ਰਕਿਰਿਆ ਵਿੱਚ ਹਨ। ਅਸੀਂ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਪੂਰੀ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਤਿਆਰ ਕਰ ਰਹੇ ਹਾਂ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਧੀਰਜ ਰੱਖੋ ਅਤੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਦੱਸਾਂਗੇ ਜਦੋਂ ਉਹ ਤਿਆਰ ਹੋ ਜਾਣਗੇ।",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "ਓਹੋ! ਲੱਗਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ URL ਗਲਤ ਹੈ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰੋ ਅਤੇ ਮੁੜ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "ਓਹੋ! ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਅਣਸਮਰਥਿਤ ਢੰਗ ਵਰਤ ਰਹੇ ਹੋ (ਸਿਰਫ਼ ਫਰੰਟਐਂਡ)। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਵੈਬਯੂਆਈ ਨੂੰ ਬੈਕਐਂਡ ਤੋਂ ਸਰਵ ਕਰੋ।",
"Open": "ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ",
"Open AI": "ਓਪਨ ਏਆਈ",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਇਨਪੁਟ ਲਈ।",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "ਅੱਜ",
"Toggle settings": "ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ ਟੌਗਲ ਕਰੋ",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Hugging Face Resolve (ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ) URL ਟਾਈਪ ਕਰੋ",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "ਓਹੋ! {{provider}} ਨਾਲ ਕਨੈਕਟ ਕਰਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਆਈ।",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "ਅਣਜਾਣ ਫਾਈਲ ਕਿਸਮ '{{file_type}}', ਪਰ ਸਧਾਰਨ ਪਾਠ ਵਜੋਂ ਸਵੀਕਾਰ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋਏ",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰੋ ਅਤੇ ਲਿੰਕ ਕਾਪੀ ਕਰੋ",
"Update password": "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰੋ",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Tryb pliku",
"File not found.": "Plik nie został znaleziony.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Wykryto podszywanie się pod odcisk palca: Nie można używać inicjałów jako awatara. Przechodzenie do domyślnego obrazu profilowego.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Płynnie przesyłaj strumieniowo duże fragmenty odpowiedzi zewnętrznych",
"Focus chat input": "Skoncentruj na czacie",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "W poleceniu dozwolone są tylko znaki alfanumeryczne i myślniki.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Ups! Trzymaj się! Twoje pliki są wciąż w procesie obróbki. Gotujemy je do perfekcji. Prosimy o cierpliwość, poinformujemy Cię, gdy będą gotowe.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Ups! Wygląda na to, że URL jest nieprawidłowy. Sprawdź jeszcze raz i spróbuj ponownie.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Ups! Używasz nieobsługiwanej metody (tylko interfejs front-end). Proszę obsłużyć interfejs WebUI z poziomu backendu.",
"Open": "Otwórz",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -539,6 +541,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "do pola wprowadzania czatu.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Dzisiaj",
"Toggle settings": "Przełącz ustawienia",
@ -555,7 +558,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Wprowadź adres URL do pobrania z Hugging Face",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "O nie! Wystąpił problem z połączeniem z {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Nieznany typ pliku '{{file_type}}', ale akceptowany i traktowany jako zwykły tekst",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Uaktualnij i skopiuj link",
"Update password": "Aktualizacja hasła",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Modo de Arquivo",
"File not found.": "Arquivo não encontrado.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Impostação de impressão digital detectada: Não é possível usar iniciais como avatar. Padronizando para imagem de perfil padrão.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Transmita com fluidez grandes blocos de resposta externa",
"Focus chat input": "Focar entrada de bate-papo",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Somente caracteres alfanuméricos e hífens são permitidos na string de comando.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Opa! Aguente firme! Seus arquivos ainda estão no forno de processamento. Estamos cozinhando-os com perfeição. Por favor, seja paciente e avisaremos quando estiverem prontos.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Opa! Parece que a URL é inválida. Verifique novamente e tente outra vez.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Opa! Você está usando um método não suportado (somente frontend). Por favor, sirva o WebUI a partir do backend.",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Open AI": "OpenAI",
@ -538,6 +540,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "para a entrada de bate-papo.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Hoje",
"Toggle settings": "Alternar configurações",
@ -554,7 +557,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Digite a URL do Hugging Face Resolve (Download)",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Opa! Houve um problema ao conectar-se a {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Tipo de arquivo desconhecido '{{file_type}}', mas aceitando e tratando como texto simples",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Atualizar e Copiar Link",
"Update password": "Atualizar senha",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Modo de Ficheiro",
"File not found.": "Ficheiro não encontrado.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Detectada falsificação da impressão digital: Não é possível usar iniciais como avatar. A usar a imagem de perfil padrão.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Transmita com fluidez grandes blocos de resposta externa",
"Focus chat input": "Focar na conversa",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Apenas caracteres alfanuméricos e hífens são permitidos na string de comando.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Epá! Segura-te! Os teus ficheiros ainda estão no forno de processamento. Estamos a cozinhá-los com perfeição. Por favor, seja paciente e avisaremos quando estiverem prontos.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Epá! Parece que o URL é inválido. Verifique novamente e tente outra vez.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Epá! Você está a usar um método não suportado (somente frontend). Por favor, sirva o WebUI a partir do backend.",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -538,6 +540,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Para aceder ao WebUI, entre em contato com o administrador. Os administradores podem gerir o status dos utilizadores no Painel de Administração.",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "para a entrada da conversa.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Hoje",
"Toggle settings": "Alternar configurações",
@ -554,7 +557,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Escreva o URL do Hugging Face Resolve (Descarregar)",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Uh-oh! Houve um problema ao conectar a {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Tipo de ficheiro desconhecido '{{file_type}}', mas aceitando e tratando como texto simples",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Atualizar e Copiar Link",
"Update password": "Atualizar senha",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Режим файла",
"File not found.": "Файл не найден.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Определение подделки отпечатка: Невозможно использовать инициалы в качестве аватара. По умолчанию используется изображение профиля по умолчанию.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Плавная потоковая передача больших фрагментов внешних ответов",
"Focus chat input": "Фокус ввода чата",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "В строке команды разрешено использовать только буквенно-цифровые символы и дефисы.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Упс! Зажмите пояса! Ваши файлы все еще в процессе обработки. Мы готовим их до идеального состояния. Пожалуйста, будьте терпеливы, и мы сообщим вам, когда они будут готовы.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Упс! Похоже, что URL-адрес недействителен. Пожалуйста, перепроверьте и попробуйте еще раз.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Упс! Вы используете неподдерживаемый метод (только фронтенд). Пожалуйста, обслуживайте веб-интерфейс из бэкенда.",
"Open": "Открыть",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -539,6 +541,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "в чате.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Сегодня",
"Toggle settings": "Переключить настройки",
@ -555,7 +558,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Введите URL-адрес Hugging Face Resolve (загрузки)",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Упс! Возникла проблема подключения к {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Неизвестный тип файла '{{file_type}}', но принимается и обрабатывается как обычный текст",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Обновить и скопировать ссылку",
"Update password": "Обновить пароль",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Режим датотеке",
"File not found.": "Датотека није пронађена.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Откривено лажно представљање отиска прста: Немогуће је користити иницијале као аватар. Прелазак на подразумевану профилну слику.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Течно стримујте велике спољне делове одговора",
"Focus chat input": "Усредсредите унос ћаскања",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Само алфанумерички знакови и цртице су дозвољени у низу наредби.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Упс! Само тренутак! Ваше датотеке се још обрађују. Припремамо их до савршенства. Молимо вас за стрпљење и обавестићемо вас када буду спремне.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Упс! Изгледа да је адреса неважећа. Молимо вас да проверите и покушате поново.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Упс! Користите неподржани метод (само фронтенд). Молимо вас да покренете WebUI са бекенда.",
"Open": "Отвори",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -538,6 +540,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "у унос ћаскања.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Данас",
"Toggle settings": "Пребаци подешавања",
@ -554,7 +557,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Унесите Hugging Face Resolve (Download) адресу",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Упс! Дошло је до проблема при повезивању са {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Непознат тип датотеке '{{file_type}}', али прихваћен и третиран као обичан текст",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Ажурирај и копирај везу",
"Update password": "Ажурирај лозинку",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Fil-läge",
"File not found.": "Fil hittades inte.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Fingeravtrycksmanipulering upptäckt: Kan inte använda initialer som avatar. Återställning till standardprofilbild.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Strömma flytande stora externa svarschunks",
"Focus chat input": "Fokusera på chattfältet",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Endast alfanumeriska tecken och bindestreck är tillåtna i kommandosträngen.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Hoppsan! Håll i dig! Dina filer är fortfarande i bearbetningsugnen. Vi lagar dem till perfektion. Var tålmodig så meddelar vi dig när de är redo.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Hoppsan! Det ser ut som om URL:en är ogiltig. Dubbelkolla gärna och försök igen.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Hoppsan! Du använder en ej stödd metod (endast frontend). Vänligen servera WebUI från backend.",
"Open": "Öppna",
"Open AI": "Öppna AI",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "För att få tillgång till WebUI, kontakta administratören. Administratörer kan hantera behörigheter från administrationspanelen.",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "Om du vill lägga till dokument här ska du först ladda upp dem till arbetsytan \"Dokument\".",
"to chat input.": "till chattinmatning.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Om du vill välja verktygslådor här måste du först lägga till dem i arbetsytan \"Verktyg\".",
"Today": "Idag",
"Toggle settings": "Växla inställningar",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Skriv Hugging Face Resolve (nedladdning) URL",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Oj då! Det uppstod ett problem med anslutningen till {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Okänd filtyp '{{file_type}}', men accepterar och behandlar som vanlig text",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Uppdatera och kopiera länk",
"Update password": "Uppdatera lösenord",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "",
"File not found.": "",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "",
"Focus chat input": "",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "",
"Open": "",
"Open AI": "",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "",
"Toggle settings": "",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "",
"Update password": "",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Dosya Modu",
"File not found.": "Dosya bulunamadı.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Parmak izi sahteciliği tespit edildi: Avatar olarak baş harfler kullanılamıyor. Varsayılan profil resmine dönülüyor.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Büyük harici yanıt chunklarını akıcı bir şekilde yayınlayın",
"Focus chat input": "Sohbet girişine odaklan",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Komut dizisinde yalnızca alfasayısal karakterler ve tireler kabul edilir.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Hop! Biraz sabırlı ol! Dosyaların hala hazırlama fırınında. Onları ağzınıza layık olana kadar pişiriyoruz :) Lütfen sabırlı olun; hazır olduklarında size haber vereceğiz.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Hop! URL geçersiz gibi görünüyor. Lütfen tekrar kontrol edin ve yeniden deneyin.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Hop! Desteklenmeyen bir yöntem kullanıyorsunuz (yalnızca önyüz). Lütfen WebUI'yi arkayüzden sunun.",
"Open": "Aç",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -537,6 +539,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "sohbet girişine.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Bugün",
"Toggle settings": "Ayarları Aç/Kapat",
@ -553,7 +556,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL'sini Yazın",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Ah! {{provider}}'a bağlanırken bir sorun oluştu.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Bilinmeyen Dosya Türü '{{file_type}}', ancak düz metin olarak kabul ediliyor ve işleniyor",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Güncelle ve Bağlantıyı Kopyala",
"Update password": "Parolayı Güncelle",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "Файловий режим",
"File not found.": "Файл не знайдено.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Виявлено підробку відбитків: Неможливо використовувати ініціали як аватар. Повернення до зображення профілю за замовчуванням.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Плавно передавати великі фрагменти зовнішніх відповідей",
"Focus chat input": "Фокус вводу чату",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "У рядку команди дозволено використовувати лише алфавітно-цифрові символи та дефіси.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Ой! Зачекайте, будь ласка! Ваші файли ще готуються. Ми робимо все, щоб вони були ідеальними. Будь ласка, будьте терплячі, ми повідомимо вам, коли вони будуть готові.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Упс! Схоже, що URL-адреса невірна. Будь ласка, перевірте ще раз та спробуйте ще раз.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Упс! Ви використовуєте непідтримуваний метод (тільки для фронтенду). Будь ласка, обслуговуйте WebUI з бекенду.",
"Open": "Відкрити",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -539,6 +541,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Щоб отримати доступ до веб-інтерфейсу, зверніться до адміністратора. Адміністратори можуть керувати статусами користувачів з Панелі адміністратора.",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "в чаті.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Сьогодні",
"Toggle settings": "Переключити налаштування",
@ -555,7 +558,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Введіть URL ресурсу Hugging Face Resolve (завантаження)",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Ой! Виникла проблема при підключенні до {{provider}}.",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Невідомий тип файлу '{{file_type}}', але приймається та обробляється як звичайний текст",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "Оновлення та копіювання посилання",
"Update password": "Оновити пароль",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "Tệp",
"File Mode": "Chế độ Tệp văn bản",
"File not found.": "Không tìm thấy tệp.",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Phát hiện giả mạo vân tay: Không thể sử dụng tên viết tắt làm hình đại diện. Mặc định là hình ảnh hồ sơ mặc định.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Truyền tải các khối phản hồi bên ngoài lớn một cách trôi chảy",
"Focus chat input": "Tập trung vào nội dung chat",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Chỉ ký tự số và gạch nối được phép trong chuỗi lệnh.",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Vui lòng kiên nhẫn chờ đợi! Các tệp của bạn vẫn đang trong được phân tích và xử lý. Chúng tôi đang cố gắng hoàn thành chúng. Vui lòng kiên nhẫn và chúng tôi sẽ cho bạn biết khi chúng sẵn sàng.",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Rất tiếc! URL dường như không hợp lệ. Vui lòng kiểm tra lại và thử lại.",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Rất tiếc! Bạn đang sử dụng một phương thức không được hỗ trợ (chỉ dành cho frontend). Vui lòng cung cấp phương thức cho WebUI từ phía backend.",
"Open": "Mở",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -536,6 +538,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "Để truy cập vui lòng liên hệ với quản trị viên.",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "Để thêm tài liệu, trước tiên hãy upload chúng lên khu vực \"Tài liệu\".",
"to chat input.": "đến đầu vào trò chuyện.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "Hôm nay",
"Toggle settings": "Bật/tắt cài đặt",
@ -552,7 +555,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Nhập URL Hugging Face Resolve (Tải xuống)",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Ồ! Đã xảy ra sự cố khi kết nối với {{provider}}.",
"UI": "Giao diện",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Loại Tệp Không xác định '{{file_type}}', nhưng đang chấp nhận và xử lý như văn bản thô",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "Cập nhật",
"Update and Copy Link": "Cập nhật và sao chép link",
"Update password": "Cập nhật mật khẩu",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "文件",
"File Mode": "文件模式",
"File not found.": "文件未找到。",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "检测到指纹伪造:无法使用姓名缩写作为头像。默认使用默认个人形象。",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "流畅地传输外部大型响应块数据",
"Focus chat input": "聚焦对话输入",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "命令字符串中只允许使用英文字母,数字 (0-9) 以及连字符 (-)。",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "糟糕!请稍等!您的文件还在处理中。我们正在努力让它们达到最佳效果。请耐心等待,准备好后我们会通知您。",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "糟糕!此链接似乎为无效链接。请检查后重试。",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "糟糕!你正在使用不被支持的方法(仅前端)。请从后端提供 WebUI 服务。",
"Open": "打开",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -536,6 +538,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "请联系管理员以访问。管理员可以在后台管理面板中管理用户状态。",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "要在此处添加文档,请先将它们上传到工作空间中的“文档”内。",
"to chat input.": "到对话输入。",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "要在这里选择工具包,请先将它们添加到工作空间中的“工具”。",
"Today": "今天",
"Toggle settings": "切换设置",
@ -552,7 +555,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "输入 Hugging Face 解析(下载)URL",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "糟糕!连接到 {{provider}} 时出现问题。",
"UI": "界面",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "未知文件类型'{{file_type}}',将视为纯文本进行处理",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "更新",
"Update and Copy Link": "更新和复制链接",
"Update password": "更新密码",
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
"File": "",
"File Mode": "檔案模式",
"File not found.": "找不到檔案。",
"Filters": "",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "偽裝偽裝檢測:無法使用頭像作為頭像。預設為預設頭像。",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "流暢地傳輸大型外部響應區塊",
"Focus chat input": "聚焦聊天輸入框",
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "命令字串中只能包含英文字母、數字(0~9)和連字符(-)。",
"Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "哎呀!請稍等!你的文件還在處理中。我們正最佳化文件,請耐心等待,一旦準備好,我們會通知你。",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "哎呀!看起來 URL 無效。請仔細檢查後再試一次。",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "哎呀!你正在使用不支援的方法(僅有前台)。請從後台提供 WebUI。",
"Open": "開啟",
"Open AI": "Open AI",
@ -536,6 +538,7 @@
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "",
"To add documents here, upload them to the \"Documents\" workspace first.": "",
"to chat input.": "到聊天輸入框來啟動此命令。",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "",
"Today": "今天",
"Toggle settings": "切換設定",
@ -552,7 +555,7 @@
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "輸入 Hugging Face 解析後的(下載)URL",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "哎呀!連線到 {{provider}} 時出現問題。",
"UI": "",
"Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "未知的文件類型 '{{file_type}}',但接受並視為純文字",
"Unknown file type '{{file_type}}'. Proceeding with the file upload anyway.": "",
"Update": "",
"Update and Copy Link": "更新並複製連結",
"Update password": "更新密碼",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user