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synced 2025-03-28 18:52:14 +01:00
Merge pull request #10742 from hjer/improve-swedish-translation
i18n: Add and improve Swedish translation
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
"-1 for no limit, or a positive integer for a specific limit": "",
"'s', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'w' or '-1' for no expiration.": "'s', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'w' eller '-1' för inget utgångsdatum",
"(e.g. `sh webui.sh --api --api-auth username_password`)": "",
"(e.g. `sh webui.sh --api --api-auth username_password`)": "(t.ex. `sh webui.sh --api --api-auth username_password`)",
"(e.g. `sh webui.sh --api`)": "(t.ex. `sh webui.sh --api`)",
"(latest)": "(senaste)",
"{{ models }}": "{{ modeller }}",
"{{COUNT}} Replies": "",
"{{COUNT}} Replies": "{{COUNT}} Svar",
"{{user}}'s Chats": "{{user}}s Chats",
"{{webUIName}} Backend Required": "{{webUIName}} Backend krävs",
"*Prompt node ID(s) are required for image generation": "",
"A new version (v{{LATEST_VERSION}}) is now available.": "",
"*Prompt node ID(s) are required for image generation": "*Prompt node ID(s) krävs för bildgenerering",
"A new version (v{{LATEST_VERSION}}) is now available.": "En ny version (v{{LATEST_VERSION}}) är nu tillgänglig.",
"A task model is used when performing tasks such as generating titles for chats and web search queries": "En uppgiftsmodell används när du utför uppgifter som att generera titlar för chattar och webbsökningsfrågor",
"a user": "en användare",
"About": "Om",
"Accept autocomplete generation / Jump to prompt variable": "",
"Access": "",
"Access Control": "",
"Accessible to all users": "",
"Accept autocomplete generation / Jump to prompt variable": "",
"Access": "Åtkomst",
"Access Control": "Åtkomstkontroll",
"Accessible to all users": "Tillgänglig för alla användare",
"Account": "Konto",
"Account Activation Pending": "Kontoaktivering väntar",
"Accurate information": "Exakt information",
"Actions": "",
"Activate": "",
"Activate this command by typing \"/{{COMMAND}}\" to chat input.": "",
"Actions": "Åtgärder",
"Activate": "Aktivera",
"Activate this command by typing \"/{{COMMAND}}\" to chat input.": "Aktivera detta kommando genom att skriva \"/{{COMMAND}}\" i chattrutan.",
"Active Users": "Aktiva användare",
"Add": "Lägg till",
"Add a model ID": "",
"Add a short description about what this model does": "Lägg till en kort beskrivning av vad den här modellen gör",
"Add a model ID": "Lägg till ett modell-ID",
"Add a short description about what this model does": "Lägg till en kort beskrivning om vad den här modellen gör",
"Add a tag": "Lägg till en tagg",
"Add Arena Model": "",
"Add Connection": "",
"Add Content": "",
"Add content here": "",
"Add Arena Model": "Lägg till Arenamodel",
"Add Connection": "Lägg till anslutnign",
"Add Content": "Lägg till innehåll",
"Add content here": "Lägg till innehåll här",
"Add custom prompt": "Lägg till en anpassad instruktion",
"Add Files": "Lägg till filer",
"Add Group": "",
"Add Group": "Lägg till grupp",
"Add Memory": "Lägg till minne",
"Add Model": "Lägg till modell",
"Add Reaction": "",
"Add Tag": "",
"Add Reaction": "Lägg till reaktion",
"Add Tag": "Lägg till tagg",
"Add Tags": "Lägg till taggar",
"Add text content": "",
"Add User": "Lägg till användare",
"Add User Group": "",
"Add User Group": "Lägg till textinnehåll",
"Adjusting these settings will apply changes universally to all users.": "Justering av dessa inställningar kommer att tillämpa ändringar universellt för alla användare.",
"admin": "administratör",
"Admin": "Admin",
@ -52,67 +52,67 @@
"Advanced Parameters": "Avancerade parametrar",
"Advanced Params": "Avancerade parametrar",
"All Documents": "Alla dokument",
"All models deleted successfully": "",
"Allow Chat Controls": "",
"Allow Chat Delete": "",
"All models deleted successfully": "Alla modeller har raderats framgångsrikt",
"Allow Chat Controls": "Tillåt chattkontroller",
"Allow Chat Delete": "Tillåt radering av chatt",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Tillåt chattborttagning",
"Allow Chat Edit": "",
"Allow File Upload": "",
"Allow Chat Edit": "Tillåt redigering av chatt",
"Allow File Upload": "Tillåt filuppladdning",
"Allow non-local voices": "Tillåt icke-lokala röster",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "",
"Allow User Location": "",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "",
"Allowed Endpoints": "",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "Tillåt tillfällig chatt",
"Allow User Location": "Tillåt användarplats",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Tillåt röstavbrott under samtal",
"Allowed Endpoints": "Tillåtna Endpoints",
"Already have an account?": "Har du redan ett konto?",
"Alternative to the top_p, and aims to ensure a balance of quality and variety. The parameter p represents the minimum probability for a token to be considered, relative to the probability of the most likely token. For example, with p=0.05 and the most likely token having a probability of 0.9, logits with a value less than 0.045 are filtered out. (Default: 0.0)": "",
"Always": "",
"Amazing": "",
"Alternative to the top_p, and aims to ensure a balance of quality and variety. The parameter p represents the minimum probability for a token to be considered, relative to the probability of the most likely token. For example, with p=0.05 and the most likely token having a probability of 0.9, logits with a value less than 0.045 are filtered out. (Default: 0.0)": "Alternativ till top_p, och syftar till att säkerställa en balans mellan kvalitet och variation. Parametern p representerar den minsta sannolikheten för att en token ska beaktas, i förhållande till sannolikheten för den mest sannolika token. Till exempel, med p=0.05 och den mest sannolika token som har en sannolikhet på 0.9, filtreras logiter med ett värde mindre än 0.045 bort. (Standard: 0.0)",
"Always": "Alltid",
"Amazing": "Fantastiskt",
"an assistant": "en assistent",
"Analyzed": "",
"Analyzing...": "",
"Analyzed": "Analyserad",
"Analyzing...": "Analyserar...",
"and": "och",
"and {{COUNT}} more": "",
"and {{COUNT}} more": "och {{COUNT}} fler",
"and create a new shared link.": "och skapa en ny delad länk.",
"API Base URL": "API-bas-URL",
"API Key": "API-nyckel",
"API Key created.": "API-nyckel skapad.",
"API Key Endpoint Restrictions": "",
"API keys": "API-nycklar",
"Application DN": "",
"Application DN Password": "",
"applies to all users with the \"user\" role": "",
"Application DN": "Applikations-DN",
"Application DN Password": "Applikations-DN lösenord",
"applies to all users with the \"user\" role": "gäller alla användare med \"user\"-rollen",
"April": "april",
"Archive": "Arkiv",
"Archive All Chats": "Arkivera alla chattar",
"Archived Chats": "Arkiverade chattar",
"archived-chat-export": "",
"Are you sure you want to delete this channel?": "",
"Are you sure you want to delete this message?": "",
"Are you sure you want to unarchive all archived chats?": "",
"Are you sure you want to delete this channel?": "Är du säker på att du vill radera denna kanal?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this message?": "Är du säker på att du vill radera detta meddelande?",
"Are you sure you want to unarchive all archived chats?": "Är du säker på att du vill avarkivera alla arkiverade chattar?",
"Are you sure?": "Är du säker?",
"Arena Models": "",
"Artifacts": "",
"Ask a question": "",
"Assistant": "",
"Attach file from knowledge": "",
"Arena Models": "Arenamodeller",
"Artifacts": "Artefakter",
"Ask a question": "Ställ en fråga",
"Assistant": "Assistent",
"Attach file from knowledge": "Bifoga fil",
"Attention to detail": "Detaljerad uppmärksamhet",
"Attribute for Mail": "",
"Attribute for Username": "",
"Attribute for Mail": "Attribut för e-post",
"Attribute for Username": "Attribut för användarnamn",
"Audio": "Ljud",
"August": "augusti",
"Authenticate": "",
"Authentication": "",
"Auto-Copy Response to Clipboard": "Svara AutoCopy till urklipp",
"Auto-playback response": "Automatisk uppspelning",
"Autocomplete Generation": "",
"Autocomplete Generation Input Max Length": "",
"Authenticate": "Autentisera",
"Authentication": "Autentisering",
"Auto-Copy Response to Clipboard": "Automatisk kopiering av svar till urklipp",
"Auto-playback response": "Automatisk uppspelning av svar",
"Autocomplete Generation": "Automatisk komplettering av generering",
"Autocomplete Generation Input Max Length": "Maxlängd för inmatning av automatisk komplettering",
"Automatic1111": "",
"AUTOMATIC1111 Api Auth String": "",
"AUTOMATIC1111 Base URL": "AUTOMATIC1111 bas-URL",
"AUTOMATIC1111 Base URL is required.": "AUTOMATIC1111 bas-URL krävs.",
"Available list": "",
"Available list": "Tillgänglig lista",
"available!": "tillgänglig!",
"Awful": "",
"Awful": "Hemsk",
"Azure AI Speech": "",
"Azure Region": "",
"Back": "Tillbaka",
@ -120,35 +120,35 @@
"Banners": "Banners",
"Base Model (From)": "Basmodell (Från)",
"Batch Size (num_batch)": "Batchstorlek (num_batch)",
"before": "för",
"before": "före",
"Being lazy": "Lägg till",
"Beta": "",
"Bing Search V7 Endpoint": "",
"Bing Search V7 Subscription Key": "",
"Bocha Search API Key": "",
"Brave Search API Key": "API-nyckel för Brave Search",
"By {{name}}": "",
"By {{name}}": "Av {{name}}",
"Bypass SSL verification for Websites": "Kringgå SSL-verifiering för webbplatser",
"Calendar": "",
"Calendar": "Kalender",
"Call": "Samtal",
"Call feature is not supported when using Web STT engine": "Samtalsfunktionen är inte kompatibel med Web Tal-till-text motor",
"Camera": "Kamera",
"Cancel": "Avbryt",
"Capabilities": "Kapaciteter",
"Capture": "",
"Certificate Path": "",
"Capture": "Fånga",
"Certificate Path": "Certifikatväg",
"Change Password": "Ändra lösenord",
"Channel Name": "",
"Channels": "",
"Character": "",
"Character limit for autocomplete generation input": "",
"Chart new frontiers": "",
"Channel Name": "Kanalnamn",
"Channels": "Kanal",
"Character": "Tecken",
"Character limit for autocomplete generation input": "Teckengräns för inmatning av automatisk komplettering",
"Chart new frontiers": "Utforska nya gränser",
"Chat": "Chatt",
"Chat Background Image": "",
"Chat Bubble UI": "Chatbubblar UI",
"Chat Controls": "",
"Chat Background Image": "Bakgrundsbild för chatt",
"Chat Bubble UI": "UI för Chatbubblor",
"Chat Controls": "Chattkontroller",
"Chat direction": "Chattriktning",
"Chat Overview": "",
"Chat Overview": "Chattöversikt",
"Chat Permissions": "",
"Chat Tags Auto-Generation": "",
"Chats": "Chattar",
@ -159,25 +159,25 @@
"Chunk Overlap": "Överlappning",
"Chunk Params": "Chunk-parametrar",
"Chunk Size": "Chunk-storlek",
"Ciphers": "",
"Ciphers": "Chiffer",
"Citation": "Citat",
"Clear memory": "Rensa minnet",
"click here": "",
"click here": "klicka här",
"Click here for filter guides.": "",
"Click here for help.": "Klicka här för hjälp.",
"Click here to": "Klicka här för att",
"Click here to download user import template file.": "",
"Click here to learn more about faster-whisper and see the available models.": "",
"Click here to see available models.": "",
"Click here to download user import template file.": "Klicka här för att ladda ner en mall för användarimport",
"Click here to learn more about faster-whisper and see the available models.": "Klicka här för att läsa mer om faster-whisper och se vilka modeller som finns tillgängliga",
"Click here to see available models.": "Klicka här för att se tillgängliga modeller",
"Click here to select": "Klicka här för att välja",
"Click here to select a csv file.": "Klicka här för att välja en csv-fil.",
"Click here to select a py file.": "Klicka här för att välja en python-fil.",
"Click here to upload a workflow.json file.": "",
"Click here to upload a workflow.json file.": "Klicka här för att ladda upp en workflow.json fil",
"click here.": "klicka här.",
"Click on the user role button to change a user's role.": "Klicka på knappen för användarroll för att ändra en användares roll.",
"Clipboard write permission denied. Please check your browser settings to grant the necessary access.": "",
"Clipboard write permission denied. Please check your browser settings to grant the necessary access.": "Skrivbehörighet för urklipp nekad. Kontrollera dina webbläsarinställningar för att bevilja nödvändig åtkomst.",
"Clone": "Klon",
"Clone Chat": "",
"Clone Chat": "Klona chatt",
"Clone of {{TITLE}}": "",
"Close": "Stäng",
"Code execution": "",
@ -199,11 +199,11 @@
"Command": "Kommando",
"Completions": "",
"Concurrent Requests": "Parallella anrop",
"Configure": "",
"Confirm": "",
"Configure": "Konfigurera",
"Confirm": "Bekräfta",
"Confirm Password": "Bekräfta lösenord",
"Confirm your action": "",
"Confirm your new password": "",
"Confirm your action": "Bekräfta åtgärd",
"Confirm your new password": "Bekräfta ditt nya lösenord",
"Connect to your own OpenAI compatible API endpoints.": "",
"Connections": "Anslutningar",
"Constrains effort on reasoning for reasoning models. Only applicable to reasoning models from specific providers that support reasoning effort. (Default: medium)": "",
@ -803,7 +803,7 @@
"Query Generation Prompt": "",
"Query Params": "Inställningar för sökfråga",
"RAG Template": "RAG-mall",
"Rating": "",
"Rating": "Betyg",
"Re-rank models by topic similarity": "",
"Read": "",
"Read Aloud": "Läs igenom",
@ -933,11 +933,11 @@
"Show \"What's New\" modal on login": "",
"Show Admin Details in Account Pending Overlay": "Visa administratörsinformation till väntande konton",
"Show shortcuts": "Visa genvägar",
"Show your support!": "",
"Show your support!": "Visa ditt stöd!",
"Showcased creativity": "Visade kreativitet",
"Sign in": "Logga in",
"Sign in to {{WEBUI_NAME}}": "",
"Sign in to {{WEBUI_NAME}} with LDAP": "",
"Sign in to {{WEBUI_NAME}}": "Logga in på {{WEBUI_NAME}}",
"Sign in to {{WEBUI_NAME}} with LDAP": "Logga in på {{WEBUI_NAME}} med LDAP",
"Sign Out": "Logga ut",
"Sign up": "Registrera dig",
"Sign up to {{WEBUI_NAME}}": "",
@ -947,7 +947,7 @@
"Speech Playback Speed": "",
"Speech recognition error: {{error}}": "Fel vid taligenkänning: {{error}}",
"Speech-to-Text Engine": "Tal-till-text-motor",
"Stop": "",
"Stop": "Stopp",
"Stop Sequence": "Stoppsekvens",
"Stream Chat Response": "",
"STT Model": "Tal-till-text-modell",
@ -956,16 +956,16 @@
"Success": "Framgång",
"Successfully updated.": "Uppdaterades framgångsrikt.",
"Suggested": "Föreslagen",
"Support": "",
"Support this plugin:": "",
"Sync directory": "",
"Support": "Stöd",
"Support this plugin:": "Stöd denna plugin",
"Sync directory": "Synkronisera katalog",
"System": "System",
"System Instructions": "",
"System Prompt": "Systeminstruktion",
"Tags Generation": "",
"Tags Generation Prompt": "",
"Tail free sampling is used to reduce the impact of less probable tokens from the output. A higher value (e.g., 2.0) will reduce the impact more, while a value of 1.0 disables this setting. (default: 1)": "",
"Talk to model": "",
"Tail free sampling is used to reduce the impact of less probable tokens from the output. A higher value (e.g., 2.0) will reduce the impact more, while a value of 1.0 disables this setting. (default: 1)": "Tail free sampling används för att minska effekten av mindre sannolika tokens i resultatet. Ett högre värde (t.ex. 2,0) minskar effekten mer, medan ett värde på 1,0 inaktiverar den här inställningen. (standard: 1)",
"Talk to model": "",
"Tap to interrupt": "",
"Tasks": "",
"Tavily API Key": "",
@ -979,23 +979,23 @@
"Thanks for your feedback!": "Tack för din feedback!",
"The Application Account DN you bind with for search": "",
"The base to search for users": "",
"The batch size determines how many text requests are processed together at once. A higher batch size can increase the performance and speed of the model, but it also requires more memory. (Default: 512)": "",
"The batch size determines how many text requests are processed together at once. A higher batch size can increase the performance and speed of the model, but it also requires more memory. (Default: 512)": "Batchstorleken avgör hur många textförfrågningar som behandlas samtidigt. En högre batchstorlek kan öka modellens prestanda och hastighet, men kräver också mer minne. (Standard: 512)",
"The developers behind this plugin are passionate volunteers from the community. If you find this plugin helpful, please consider contributing to its development.": "",
"The evaluation leaderboard is based on the Elo rating system and is updated in real-time.": "",
"The evaluation leaderboard is based on the Elo rating system and is updated in real-time.": "Utvärderingens topplista är baserad på Elo-betygssystemet och uppdateras i realtid",
"The LDAP attribute that maps to the mail that users use to sign in.": "",
"The LDAP attribute that maps to the username that users use to sign in.": "",
"The leaderboard is currently in beta, and we may adjust the rating calculations as we refine the algorithm.": "",
"The maximum file size in MB. If the file size exceeds this limit, the file will not be uploaded.": "",
"The maximum number of files that can be used at once in chat. If the number of files exceeds this limit, the files will not be uploaded.": "",
"The score should be a value between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%).": "Betyget ska vara ett värde mellan 0.0 (0%) och 1.0 (100%).",
"The temperature of the model. Increasing the temperature will make the model answer more creatively. (Default: 0.8)": "",
"The temperature of the model. Increasing the temperature will make the model answer more creatively. (Default: 0.8)": "Modellens temperatur. Om temperaturen höjs kommer modellen att svara mer kreativt. (Standard: 0,8)",
"Theme": "Tema",
"Thinking...": "",
"This action cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": "",
"Thinking...": "Tänker...",
"This action cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": "Denna åtgärd kan inte ångras. Vill du fortsätta?",
"This ensures that your valuable conversations are securely saved to your backend database. Thank you!": "Detta säkerställer att dina värdefulla samtal sparas säkert till din backend-databas. Tack!",
"This is an experimental feature, it may not function as expected and is subject to change at any time.": "Detta är en experimentell funktion som kanske inte fungerar som förväntat och som kan komma att ändras när som helst.",
"This option controls how many tokens are preserved when refreshing the context. For example, if set to 2, the last 2 tokens of the conversation context will be retained. Preserving context can help maintain the continuity of a conversation, but it may reduce the ability to respond to new topics. (Default: 24)": "",
"This option sets the maximum number of tokens the model can generate in its response. Increasing this limit allows the model to provide longer answers, but it may also increase the likelihood of unhelpful or irrelevant content being generated. (Default: 128)": "",
"This option controls how many tokens are preserved when refreshing the context. For example, if set to 2, the last 2 tokens of the conversation context will be retained. Preserving context can help maintain the continuity of a conversation, but it may reduce the ability to respond to new topics. (Default: 24)": "Det här alternativet styr hur många tokens som ska bevaras när kontexten uppdateras. Om det t.ex. är inställt på 2 bevaras de senaste 2 tokens i konversationskontexten. Att bevara kontexten kan bidra till att upprätthålla kontinuiteten i en konversation, men det kan minska möjligheten att svara på nya ämnen. (Standard: 24)",
"This option sets the maximum number of tokens the model can generate in its response. Increasing this limit allows the model to provide longer answers, but it may also increase the likelihood of unhelpful or irrelevant content being generated. (Default: 128)": "Det här alternativet anger det maximala antalet tokens som modellen kan generera i sitt svar. Om du ökar denna gräns kan modellen ge längre svar, men det kan också öka sannolikheten för att ohjälpsamt eller irrelevant innehåll genereras. (Standard: 128)",
"This option will delete all existing files in the collection and replace them with newly uploaded files.": "",
"This response was generated by \"{{model}}\"": "",
"This will delete": "",
@ -1021,8 +1021,8 @@
"To access the GGUF models available for downloading,": "För att komma åt de GGUF-modellerna som finns tillgängliga för nedladdning,",
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "För att få tillgång till WebUI, kontakta administratören. Administratörer kan hantera behörigheter från administrationspanelen.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "",
"To learn more about available endpoints, visit our documentation.": "",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To learn more about available endpoints, visit our documentation.": "För att lära dig mer om tillgängliga endpoints, besök vår dokumentation",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "För att skydda din integritet delas endast betyg, modell-ID:n, taggar och metadata från din feedback - dina chattloggar förblir privata och skickas inte med.",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "Om du vill välja verktygslådor här måste du först lägga till dem i arbetsytan \"Verktyg\".",
@ -1033,19 +1033,19 @@
"Token": "",
"Tokens To Keep On Context Refresh (num_keep)": "Tokens att behålla vid kontextuppdatering (num_keep)",
"Too verbose": "",
"Tool created successfully": "",
"Tool deleted successfully": "",
"Tool Description": "",
"Tool created successfully": "Verktyget skapades framgångsrikt",
"Tool deleted successfully": "Verktyg borttaget framgångsrikt",
"Tool Description": "Beskrivning av verktyget",
"Tool ID": "",
"Tool imported successfully": "",
"Tool Name": "",
"Tool updated successfully": "",
"Tool imported successfully": "Verktyget importerades framgångsrikt",
"Tool Name": "Verktygets namn",
"Tool updated successfully": "Verktyget uppdaterades framgångsrikt",
"Tools": "Verktyg",
"Tools Access": "",
"Tools are a function calling system with arbitrary code execution": "",
"Tools Function Calling Prompt": "",
"Tools have a function calling system that allows arbitrary code execution": "",
"Tools have a function calling system that allows arbitrary code execution.": "",
"Tools are a function calling system with arbitrary code execution": "Verktyg är ett funktionsanropssystem med godtycklig kodkörning",
"Tools Function Calling Prompt": "Prompt för anrop av verktygsfunktion:",
"Tools have a function calling system that allows arbitrary code execution": "Verktyg har ett funktionsanropssystem som tillåter godtycklig kodkörning",
"Tools have a function calling system that allows arbitrary code execution.": "Verktyg har ett funktionsanropssystem som tillåter godtycklig kodkörning",
"Top K": "Topp K",
"Top P": "Topp P",
"Transformers": "",
@ -1055,45 +1055,45 @@
"TTS Settings": "Text-till-tal-inställningar",
"TTS Voice": "Text-till-tal-röst",
"Type": "Typ",
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Skriv Hugging Face Resolve (nedladdning) URL",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue with the response.": "",
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue with the response.": "Oj då! Det uppstod ett problem med svaret",
"UI": "",
"Unarchive All": "",
"Unarchive All Archived Chats": "",
"Unarchive Chat": "",
"Unlock mysteries": "",
"Unarchive All": "Avarkivera alla",
"Unarchive All Archived Chats": "Avarkivera alla arkiverade chattar",
"Unarchive Chat": "Avarkivera chatt",
"Unlock mysteries": "Lås upp mysterier",
"Unpin": "",
"Unravel secrets": "",
"Unravel secrets": "Avslöja hemligheter",
"Untagged": "",
"Update": "",
"Update": "Uppdatera",
"Update and Copy Link": "Uppdatera och kopiera länk",
"Update for the latest features and improvements.": "",
"Update for the latest features and improvements.": "Uppdatera för att få de senaste funktionerna och förbättringarna.",
"Update password": "Uppdatera lösenord",
"Updated": "",
"Updated at": "",
"Updated At": "",
"Upgrade to a licensed plan for enhanced capabilities, including custom theming and branding, and dedicated support.": "",
"Updated": "Uppdaterad",
"Updated at": "Uppdaterad vid",
"Updated At": "Uppdaterad vid",
"Upgrade to a licensed plan for enhanced capabilities, including custom theming and branding, and dedicated support.": "Uppgradera till en licensierad plan för utökade funktioner, inklusive anpassade teman och varumärken, och dedikerad support.",
"Upload": "",
"Upload a GGUF model": "Ladda upp en GGUF-modell",
"Upload directory": "",
"Upload files": "",
"Upload files": "Ladda upp filer",
"Upload Files": "Ladda upp filer",
"Upload Pipeline": "Ladda upp rörledning",
"Upload Progress": "Uppladdningsframsteg",
"URL": "",
"URL Mode": "URL-läge",
"Use '#' in the prompt input to load and include your knowledge.": "",
"Use '#' in the prompt input to load and include your knowledge.": "Använd '#' i prompten för att läsa in och inkludera din kunskap",
"Use Gravatar": "Använd Gravatar",
"Use groups to group your users and assign permissions.": "",
"Use groups to group your users and assign permissions.": "Använd grupper för att gruppera dina användare och tilldela behörigheter.",
"Use Initials": "Använd initialer",
"use_mlock (Ollama)": "use_mlock (Ollama)",
"use_mmap (Ollama)": "use_mmap (Ollama)",
"user": "användare",
"User": "",
"User location successfully retrieved.": "",
"Username": "",
"User": "Användare",
"User location successfully retrieved.": "Användarens plats har hämtats",
"Username": "Användarnamn",
"Users": "Användare",
"Using the default arena model with all models. Click the plus button to add custom models.": "",
"Using the default arena model with all models. Click the plus button to add custom models.": "Använda standardmodellen för arenan med alla modeller. Klicka på plusknappen för att lägga till anpassade modeller",
"Utilize": "Använd",
"Valid time units:": "Giltiga tidsenheter:",
"Valves": "",
@ -1102,48 +1102,48 @@
"variable": "variabel",
"variable to have them replaced with clipboard content.": "variabel för att få dem ersatta med urklippsinnehåll.",
"Version": "Version",
"Version {{selectedVersion}} of {{totalVersions}}": "",
"View Replies": "",
"Visibility": "",
"Voice": "",
"Voice Input": "",
"Version {{selectedVersion}} of {{totalVersions}}": "Version {{selectedVersion}} av {{totalVersions}}",
"View Replies": "Se svar",
"Visibility": "Synlighet",
"Voice": "Röst",
"Voice Input": "Röstinmatning",
"Warning": "Varning",
"Warning:": "",
"Warning: Enabling this will allow users to upload arbitrary code on the server.": "",
"Warning:": "Varning:",
"Warning: Enabling this will allow users to upload arbitrary code on the server.": "Varning för detta: Om du aktiverar detta kan användare ladda upp godtycklig kod på servern.",
"Warning: If you update or change your embedding model, you will need to re-import all documents.": "Varning: Om du uppdaterar eller ändrar din embedding modell måste du importera alla dokument igen.",
"Warning: Jupyter execution enables arbitrary code execution, posing severe security risks—proceed with extreme caution.": "",
"Warning: Jupyter execution enables arbitrary code execution, posing severe security risks—proceed with extreme caution.": "Varning: Jupyter-exekvering möjliggör godtycklig kodkörning, vilket innebär allvarliga säkerhetsrisker - fortsätt med extrem försiktighet",
"Web": "Webb",
"Web API": "Webb-API",
"Web Loader Settings": "Web Loader-inställningar",
"Web Search": "Webbsökning",
"Web Search Engine": "Webbsökmotor",
"Web Search in Chat": "",
"Web Search Query Generation": "",
"Web Search Engine": "Sökmotor",
"Web Search in Chat": "Webbsökning i chatten",
"Web Search Query Generation": "Generering av webbsökningsfrågor",
"Webhook URL": "Webhook-URL",
"WebUI Settings": "WebUI-inställningar",
"WebUI URL": "",
"WebUI will make requests to \"{{url}}/api/chat\"": "",
"WebUI will make requests to \"{{url}}/chat/completions\"": "",
"What are you trying to achieve?": "",
"What are you working on?": "",
"What are you trying to achieve?": "Vad försöker du uppnå?",
"What are you working on?": "Var arbetar du med?",
"What’s New in": "Vad är nytt i",
"When enabled, the model will respond to each chat message in real-time, generating a response as soon as the user sends a message. This mode is useful for live chat applications, but may impact performance on slower hardware.": "",
"wherever you are": "",
"When enabled, the model will respond to each chat message in real-time, generating a response as soon as the user sends a message. This mode is useful for live chat applications, but may impact performance on slower hardware.": "När det här läget är aktiverat svarar modellen på varje chattmeddelande i realtid och genererar ett svar så snart användaren skickar ett meddelande. Det här läget är användbart för livechattar, men kan påverka prestandan på långsammare maskinvara.",
"wherever you are": "var du än befinner dig",
"Whisper (Local)": "Whisper (lokal)",
"Why?": "",
"Why?": "Varför?",
"Widescreen Mode": "Bredbildsläge",
"Won": "",
"Works together with top-k. A higher value (e.g., 0.95) will lead to more diverse text, while a lower value (e.g., 0.5) will generate more focused and conservative text. (Default: 0.9)": "",
"Won": "Vann",
"Works together with top-k. A higher value (e.g., 0.95) will lead to more diverse text, while a lower value (e.g., 0.5) will generate more focused and conservative text. (Default: 0.9)": "Fungerar tillsammans med top-k. Ett högre värde (t.ex. 0,95) leder till en mer varierad text, medan ett lägre värde (t.ex. 0,5) ger en mer fokuserad och konservativ text. (Standard: 0,9)",
"Workspace": "Arbetsyta",
"Workspace Permissions": "",
"Write": "",
"Write": "Skriv",
"Write a prompt suggestion (e.g. Who are you?)": "Skriv ett instruktionsförslag (t.ex. Vem är du?)",
"Write a summary in 50 words that summarizes [topic or keyword].": "Skriv en sammanfattning på 50 ord som sammanfattar [ämne eller nyckelord].",
"Write something...": "",
"Write your model template content here": "",
"Write something...": "Skriv någonting...",
"Write your model template content here": "Skriv din models innehåll här",
"Yesterday": "Igår",
"You": "Dig",
"You can only chat with a maximum of {{maxCount}} file(s) at a time.": "",
"You can only chat with a maximum of {{maxCount}} file(s) at a time.": "Du kan endast chatta med maximalt {{maxCount}} fil(er) på samma gång",
"You can personalize your interactions with LLMs by adding memories through the 'Manage' button below, making them more helpful and tailored to you.": "Du kan anpassa dina interaktioner med stora språkmodeller genom att lägga till minnen via knappen 'Hantera' nedan, så att de blir mer användbara och skräddarsydda för dig.",
"You cannot upload an empty file.": "",
"You do not have permission to access this feature.": "",
@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@
"You're a helpful assistant.": "Du är en hjälpsam assistent.",
"You're now logged in.": "Du är nu inloggad.",
"Your account status is currently pending activation.": "Ditt konto väntar på att bli aktiverat",
"Your entire contribution will go directly to the plugin developer; Open WebUI does not take any percentage. However, the chosen funding platform might have its own fees.": "",
"Your entire contribution will go directly to the plugin developer; Open WebUI does not take any percentage. However, the chosen funding platform might have its own fees.": "Hela ditt bidrag går direkt till pluginutvecklaren; Open WebUI tar ingen procentandel. Däremot kan den valda finansieringsplattformen ha egna avgifter.",
"Youtube": "Youtube",
"Youtube Loader Settings": "Youtube Loader-inställningar"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user