big refactor

This commit is contained in:
Ben Wilson 2023-06-25 09:16:05 -04:00
parent 9315d200ff
commit 9d4a1dda7f
4 changed files with 145 additions and 208 deletions

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@ -3,19 +3,18 @@ import { from, map, Observable, shareReplay, switchMap, tap } from 'rxjs';
import { BitcoinRpcService } from './bitcoin-rpc.service';
import { IBlockTemplate } from './models/bitcoin-rpc/IBlockTemplate';
import { IMiningInfo } from './models/bitcoin-rpc/IMiningInfo';
export class BlockTemplateService {
public currentBlockTemplate: IBlockTemplate;
public currentBlockTemplate$: Observable<{ miningInfo: IMiningInfo, blockTemplate: IBlockTemplate }>;
public currentBlockTemplate$: Observable<{ blockTemplate: IBlockTemplate }>;
constructor(private readonly bitcoinRpcService: BitcoinRpcService) {
this.currentBlockTemplate$ = this.bitcoinRpcService.newBlock$.pipe(
switchMap((miningInfo) => from(this.bitcoinRpcService.getBlockTemplate()).pipe(map(blockTemplate => { return { miningInfo, blockTemplate } }))),
tap(({ miningInfo, blockTemplate }) => this.currentBlockTemplate = blockTemplate),
tap(({ blockTemplate }) => this.currentBlockTemplate = blockTemplate),
shareReplay({ refCount: true, bufferSize: 1 })

View File

@ -11,43 +11,32 @@ interface AddressObject {
export class MiningJob {
private merkle_branch: string[]; // List of hashes, will be used for calculation of merkle root. This is not a list of all transactions, it only contains prepared hashes of steps of merkle tree algorithm.
public jobId: string; // ID of the job. Use this ID while submitting share generated from this job.
public prevhash: string; // The hex-encoded previous block hash.
public coinb1: string; // The hex-encoded prefix of the coinbase transaction (to precede extra nonce 2).
public coinb2: string; //The hex-encoded suffix of the coinbase transaction (to follow extra nonce 2).
public merkle_branch: string[]; // List of hashes, will be used for calculation of merkle root. This is not a list of all transactions, it only contains prepared hashes of steps of merkle tree algorithm.
public version: number; // The hex-encoded block version.
public nbits: number; // The hex-encoded network difficulty required for the block.
public ntime: number; // Current ntime/
public response: string;
private tree: MerkleTree;
public coinbaseTransaction: bitcoinjs.Transaction;
public block: bitcoinjs.Block = new bitcoinjs.Block();
public networkDifficulty: number;
constructor(id: string, payoutInformation: AddressObject[], public blockTemplate: IBlockTemplate, public networkDifficulty: number, public clean_jobs: boolean) {
constructor(id: string, payoutInformation: AddressObject[], public blockTemplate: IBlockTemplate, public clean_jobs: boolean) {
this.jobId = id;
// =;
this.prevhash = this.convertToLittleEndian(blockTemplate.previousblockhash);
this.block.prevHash = this.convertToLittleEndian(blockTemplate.previousblockhash);
this.version = blockTemplate.version;
this.nbits = parseInt(blockTemplate.bits, 16);
this.ntime = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
this.block.version = blockTemplate.version;
this.block.bits = parseInt(blockTemplate.bits, 16);
this.networkDifficulty = this.calculateNetworkDifficulty(this.block.bits);
this.block.timestamp = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
this.block.transactions = => bitcoinjs.Transaction.fromHex(;
const allTransactions = => bitcoinjs.Transaction.fromHex(;
this.coinbaseTransaction = this.createCoinbaseTransaction(payoutInformation, this.blockTemplate.height, this.blockTemplate.coinbasevalue);
const witnessRootHash = bitcoinjs.Block.calculateMerkleRoot(allTransactions, true);
const coinbaseTransaction = this.createCoinbaseTransaction(payoutInformation, this.blockTemplate.height, this.blockTemplate.coinbasevalue);
this.block.witnessCommit = bitcoinjs.Block.calculateMerkleRoot(this.block.transactions, true);
this.block.merkleRoot = bitcoinjs.Block.calculateMerkleRoot(this.block.transactions, false);
//The commitment is recorded in a scriptPubKey of the coinbase transaction. It must be at least 38 bytes, with the first 6-byte of 0x6a24aa21a9ed, that is:
// 1-byte - OP_RETURN (0x6a)
@ -55,34 +44,82 @@ export class MiningJob {
// 4-byte - Commitment header (0xaa21a9ed)
const segwitMagicBits = Buffer.from('aa21a9ed', 'hex');
// 32-byte - Commitment hash: Double-SHA256(witness root hash|witness reserved value)
const commitmentHash = this.sha256(this.sha256(witnessRootHash));
const commitmentHash = this.sha256(this.sha256(this.block.witnessCommit));
// 39th byte onwards: Optional data with no consensus meaning
this.coinbaseTransaction.outs[0].script = bitcoinjs.script.compile([bitcoinjs.opcodes.OP_RETURN, Buffer.concat([segwitMagicBits, commitmentHash])]);
coinbaseTransaction.outs[0].script = bitcoinjs.script.compile([bitcoinjs.opcodes.OP_RETURN, Buffer.concat([segwitMagicBits, commitmentHash])]);
// get the non-witness coinbase tx
const serializedTx = this.coinbaseTransaction.__toBuffer().toString('hex');
const serializedCoinbaseTx = coinbaseTransaction.__toBuffer().toString('hex');
const blockHeightScript = `03${this.blockTemplate.height.toString(16).padStart(8, '0')}` + '00000000' + '00000000';
const partOneIndex = serializedTx.indexOf(blockHeightScript) + blockHeightScript.length;
const partOneIndex = serializedCoinbaseTx.indexOf(blockHeightScript) + blockHeightScript.length;
const coinbasePart1 = serializedTx.slice(0, partOneIndex);
const coinbasePart2 = serializedTx.slice(partOneIndex);
this.coinb1 = coinbasePart1.slice(0, coinbasePart1.length - 16);
this.coinb2 = coinbasePart2;
const coinbasePart1 = serializedCoinbaseTx.slice(0, partOneIndex);
const coinbasePart2 = serializedCoinbaseTx.slice(partOneIndex);
const coinb1 = coinbasePart1.slice(0, coinbasePart1.length - 16);
const coinb2 = coinbasePart2;
// Calculate merkle branch
const transactionBuffers = => tx.getHash(false));
const transactionBuffers = => tx.getHash(false));
this.tree = new MerkleTree(transactionBuffers, this.sha256, { isBitcoinTree: true });
const tree = new MerkleTree(transactionBuffers, this.sha256, { isBitcoinTree: true });
this.merkle_branch = tree.getProof(coinbaseTransaction.getHash(false)).map(p =>'hex'));
this.merkle_branch = this.tree.getProof(this.coinbaseTransaction.getHash(false)).map(p =>'hex'));
this.block.transactions[0] = coinbaseTransaction;
this.constructResponse(coinb1, coinb2);
public tryBlock(versionMaskString: number, nonce: number, extraNonce: string, extraNonce2: string): bitcoinjs.Block {
const testBlock = bitcoinjs.Block.fromBuffer(this.block.toBuffer());
testBlock.nonce = nonce;
// recompute version mask
const versionMask = versionMaskString;
if (versionMask !== undefined && versionMask != 0) {
testBlock.version = (testBlock.version ^ versionMask);
// set the nonces
const blockHeightScript = `03${this.blockTemplate.height.toString(16).padStart(8, '0')}${extraNonce}${extraNonce2}`;
const inputScript = bitcoinjs.script.compile([bitcoinjs.opcodes.OP_RETURN, Buffer.from(blockHeightScript, 'hex')]);
testBlock.transactions[0].ins[0].script = inputScript;
// const test = testBlock.transactions[0].__toBuffer();
// console.log(test.toString('hex'))
const newRoot = this.calculateMerkleRootHash(testBlock.transactions[0].__toBuffer(), this.merkle_branch);
//recompute the root
testBlock.merkleRoot = newRoot;
return testBlock;
private calculateMerkleRootHash(coinbaseTx: string, merkleBranches: string[]): Buffer {
let coinbaseTxBuf = Buffer.from(coinbaseTx, 'hex');
const bothMerkles = Buffer.alloc(64);
let test = this.sha256(coinbaseTxBuf)
let newRoot = this.sha256(test);
for (let i = 0; i < merkleBranches.length; i++) {
bothMerkles.set(Buffer.from(merkleBranches[i], 'hex'), 32);
newRoot = this.sha256(this.sha256(bothMerkles));
return bothMerkles.subarray(0, 32)
private createCoinbaseTransaction(addresses: AddressObject[], blockHeight: number, reward: number): bitcoinjs.Transaction {
// Part 1
const coinbaseTransaction = new bitcoinjs.Transaction();
@ -107,10 +144,11 @@ export class MiningJob {
coinbaseTransaction.addOutput(scriptPubKey.output, amount);
//Add any remaining sats from the Math.floor
coinbaseTransaction.outs[0].value += rewardBalance;
const segwitWitnessReservedValue = Buffer.alloc(32, 0);
//and the coinbase's input's witness must consist of a single 32-byte array for the witness reserved value
coinbaseTransaction.ins[0].witness = [segwitWitnessReservedValue];
@ -122,36 +160,57 @@ export class MiningJob {
private constructResponse() {
private constructResponse(coinb1: string, coinb2: string) {
const job = {
id: null,
method: eResponseMethod.MINING_NOTIFY,
params: [
this.response = JSON.stringify(job);
private convertToLittleEndian(hash: string): string {
private convertToLittleEndian(hash: string): Buffer {
const bytes = Buffer.from(hash, 'hex');;
return bytes.toString('hex');
return bytes;
private swapEndianWords(buffer: Buffer): Buffer {
const swappedBuffer = Buffer.alloc(buffer.length);
for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i += 4) {
swappedBuffer[i] = buffer[i + 3];
swappedBuffer[i + 1] = buffer[i + 2];
swappedBuffer[i + 2] = buffer[i + 1];
swappedBuffer[i + 3] = buffer[i];
return swappedBuffer;
private calculateNetworkDifficulty(nBits: number) {
const mantissa: number = nBits & 0x007fffff; // Extract the mantissa from nBits
const exponent: number = (nBits >> 24) & 0xff; // Extract the exponent from nBits
const target: number = mantissa * Math.pow(256, (exponent - 3)); // Calculate the target value
const difficulty: number = (Math.pow(2, 208) * 65535) / target; // Calculate the difficulty
return difficulty;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import { Block, Transaction } from 'bitcoinjs-lib';
import * as bitcoinjs from 'bitcoinjs-lib';
import Big from 'big.js';
import { plainToInstance } from 'class-transformer';
import { validate, ValidatorOptions } from 'class-validator';
import * as crypto from 'crypto';
@ -25,26 +24,17 @@ import { StratumV1ClientStatistics } from './StratumV1ClientStatistics';
export class StratumV1Client extends EasyUnsubscribe {
public startTime: Date;
private clientSubscription: SubscriptionMessage;
private clientConfiguration: ConfigurationMessage;
private clientAuthorization: AuthorizationMessage;
private clientSuggestedDifficulty: SuggestDifficulty;
public clientSubscription: SubscriptionMessage;
public clientConfiguration: ConfigurationMessage;
public clientAuthorization: AuthorizationMessage;
public clientSuggestedDifficulty: SuggestDifficulty;
public statistics: StratumV1ClientStatistics;
private statistics: StratumV1ClientStatistics;
private stratumInitialized = false;
private clientDifficulty: number = 512;
private entity: ClientEntity;
public extraNonce: string;
public stratumInitialized = false;
public refreshInterval: NodeJS.Timer;
public clientDifficulty: number = 512;
public jobRefreshInterval: NodeJS.Timer;
public entity: ClientEntity;
public readonly socket: Socket,
@ -55,7 +45,7 @@ export class StratumV1Client extends EasyUnsubscribe {
private readonly clientStatisticsService: ClientStatisticsService
) {
this.startTime = new Date();
this.statistics = new StratumV1ClientStatistics(this.clientStatisticsService);
this.extraNonce = this.getRandomHexString();
@ -221,7 +211,6 @@ export class StratumV1Client extends EasyUnsubscribe {
this.stratumInitialized = true;
this.entity = await{
sessionId: this.extraNonce,
address: this.clientAuthorization.address,
@ -229,26 +218,21 @@ export class StratumV1Client extends EasyUnsubscribe {
startTime: new Date(),
let lastIntervalCount = undefined;
combineLatest([this.blockTemplateService.currentBlockTemplate$, interval(60000).pipe(startWith(-1))]).subscribe(([{ miningInfo, blockTemplate }, interValCount]) => {
combineLatest([this.blockTemplateService.currentBlockTemplate$, interval(60000).pipe(startWith(-1))]).subscribe(([{ blockTemplate }, interValCount]) => {
let clearJobs = false;
if (lastIntervalCount === interValCount) {
clearJobs = true;
lastIntervalCount = interValCount;
const job = new MiningJob(this.stratumV1JobsService.getNextId(), [{ address: this.clientAuthorization.address, percent: 100 }], blockTemplate, miningInfo.difficulty, clearJobs);
const job = new MiningJob(this.stratumV1JobsService.getNextId(), [{ address: this.clientAuthorization.address, percent: 100 }], blockTemplate, clearJobs);
this.stratumV1JobsService.addJob(job, clearJobs);
this.socket.write(job.response + '\n');
@ -260,74 +244,52 @@ export class StratumV1Client extends EasyUnsubscribe {
if (job == null) {
const diff = submission.calculateDifficulty(this.extraNonce, job, submission);
const updatedJobBlock = job.tryBlock(
parseInt(submission.versionMask, 16),
parseInt(submission.nonce, 16),
const diff = this.calculateDifficulty(updatedJobBlock.toBuffer(true));
console.log(`DIFF: ${diff}`);
if (diff >= this.clientDifficulty) {
const networkDifficulty = this.calculateNetworkDifficulty(parseInt(job.blockTemplate.bits, 16));
await this.statistics.addSubmission(this.entity, this.clientDifficulty);
if (diff > this.entity.bestDifficulty) {
await this.clientService.updateBestDifficulty(this.extraNonce, diff);
this.entity.bestDifficulty = diff;
if (diff >= (networkDifficulty / 2)) {
if (diff >= (job.networkDifficulty / 2)) {
console.log('!!! BOCK FOUND !!!');
this.constructBlockAndBroadcast(job, submission);
const blockHex = updatedJobBlock.toHex(false);
} else {
console.log(`Difficulty too low`);
private calculateNetworkDifficulty(nBits: number) {
const mantissa: number = nBits & 0x007fffff; // Extract the mantissa from nBits
const exponent: number = (nBits >> 24) & 0xff; // Extract the exponent from nBits
public calculateDifficulty(header: Buffer): number {
const target: number = mantissa * Math.pow(256, (exponent - 3)); // Calculate the target value
const hashBuffer: Buffer = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(header).digest();
const hashResult: Buffer = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(hashBuffer).digest();
const difficulty: number = (Math.pow(2, 208) * 65535) / target; // Calculate the difficulty
let s64 = this.le256todouble(hashResult);
return difficulty;
const truediffone = Big('26959535291011309493156476344723991336010898738574164086137773096960');
return truediffone.div(s64.toString()).toNumber();
private constructBlockAndBroadcast(job: MiningJob, submission: MiningSubmitMessage) {
const block = new Block();
const blockHeightScript = `03${job.blockTemplate.height.toString(16).padStart(8, '0')}${this.extraNonce}${submission.extraNonce2}`;
private le256todouble(target: Buffer): bigint {
const inputScript = bitcoinjs.script.compile([bitcoinjs.opcodes.OP_RETURN, Buffer.from(blockHeightScript, 'hex')]);
job.coinbaseTransaction.ins[0].script = inputScript;
const versionMask = parseInt(submission.versionMask, 16);
let version = job.version;
if (versionMask !== undefined && versionMask != 0) {
version = (version ^ versionMask);
block.version = version;
block.prevHash = Buffer.from(job.prevhash, 'hex');
block.timestamp = job.ntime;
block.bits = job.nbits;
block.nonce = parseInt(submission.nonce, 16);
block.transactions = => {
return Transaction.fromHex(;
block.merkleRoot = bitcoinjs.Block.calculateMerkleRoot(block.transactions, false);
block.witnessCommit = bitcoinjs.Block.calculateMerkleRoot(block.transactions, true);
// const test1 = block.getWitnessCommit();
// const test2 = block.checkTxRoots();
const blockHex = block.toHex(false);
const number = target.reduceRight((acc, byte) => {
// Shift the number 8 bits to the left and OR with the current byte
return (acc << BigInt(8)) | BigInt(byte);
}, BigInt(0));
return number;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
import Big from 'big.js';
import { Expose, Transform } from 'class-transformer';
import { ArrayMaxSize, ArrayMinSize, IsArray, IsString } from 'class-validator';
import * as crypto from 'crypto';
import { eRequestMethod } from '../enums/eRequestMethod';
import { MiningJob } from '../MiningJob';
import { StratumBaseMessage } from './StratumBaseMessage';
export class MiningSubmitMessage extends StratumBaseMessage {
@ -65,88 +62,8 @@ export class MiningSubmitMessage extends StratumBaseMessage {
public calculateDifficulty(clientId: string, job: MiningJob, submission: MiningSubmitMessage): number {
const nonce = parseInt(submission.nonce, 16);
const versionMask = parseInt(submission.versionMask, 16);
const extraNonce = clientId;
const extraNonce2 = submission.extraNonce2;
const coinbaseTx = `${job.coinb1}${extraNonce}${extraNonce2}${job.coinb2}`;
const newRoot = this.calculateMerkleRootHash(coinbaseTx, job.merkle_branch)
const truediffone = Big('26959535291011309493156476344723991336010898738574164086137773096960');
const header = Buffer.alloc(80);
let version = job.version;
if (versionMask !== undefined && versionMask != 0) {
version = (version ^ versionMask);
header.writeUInt32LE(version, 0);
header.write(this.swapEndianWords(job.prevhash), 4, 'hex')
newRoot.copy(header, 36, 0, 32)
header.writeUInt32LE(job.ntime, 68);
header.writeBigUint64LE(BigInt(job.nbits), 72);
header.writeUInt32LE(nonce, 76);
const hashBuffer: Buffer = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(header).digest();
const hashResult: Buffer = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(hashBuffer).digest();
let s64 = this.le256todouble(hashResult);
return truediffone.div(s64.toString()).toNumber();
private swapEndianWords(str: string) {
const hexGroups = str.match(/.{1,8}/g);
// Reverse each group and concatenate them
const reversedHexString = hexGroups.reduce((pre, cur, indx, arr) => {
const reversed = cur.match(/.{2}/g).reverse();
return `${pre}${reversed.join('')}`;
}, '');
return reversedHexString;
private le256todouble(target: Buffer): bigint {
const number = target.reduceRight((acc, byte) => {
// Shift the number 8 bits to the left and OR with the current byte
return (acc << BigInt(8)) | BigInt(byte);
}, BigInt(0));
return number;
private calculateMerkleRootHash(coinbaseTx: string, merkleBranches: string[]): Buffer {
let coinbaseTxBuf = Buffer.from(coinbaseTx, 'hex');
const bothMerkles = Buffer.alloc(64);
let test = this.sha256(coinbaseTxBuf)
let newRoot = this.sha256(test);
for (let i = 0; i < merkleBranches.length; i++) {
bothMerkles.set(Buffer.from(merkleBranches[i], 'hex'), 32);
newRoot = this.sha256(this.sha256(bothMerkles));
return bothMerkles.subarray(0, 32)
private sha256(data: Buffer) {
return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(data).digest()