Full Setup for public pool

This setup provides a docker-compose setup consisting of Bitcoin Core Node and Public-Pool running in Mainnet or Testnet.

It exposes following ports:

  • 8332/18332 Bitcoin RPC on localhost
  • 8333/18333 Bitcoin peering on
  • 3333/13333 Public-Pool Stratum port on
  • 3334/13334 Public-Pool API port on localhost

The docker-compose setups for Mainnet and Testnet can be run in parallel without any problems.

Building Images

The images are built with

docker compose -f docker-compose-mainnet.yml build

Instead of -mainnet you can use -testnet for Testnet

Preparing directories

Before starting the setup, directories need to be created.

sudo ./prepare.sh

Config files

There are 4 config files for Mainnet and Testnet


  • public-pool-mainnet.env
  • bitcoin-mainnet.conf


  • public-pool-testnet.env
  • bitcoin-testnet.conf

note: pruning (prune=550) is enabled by default in the config

Running the setup

To start the setup in foreground mode:

docker compose -f docker-compose-mainnet.yml up

To run the setup in detached / background mode use up -d.

In detached mode logs can be watched with:

docker compose -f docker-compose-mainnet.yml logs --tail 100 -f

Stopping the setup

To stop the setup use:

docker compose -f docker-compose-mainnet.yml down


After running the regtest setup a couple of blocks need to be generated:

# create wallet
$ docker exec -it  bitcoin-regtest /app/bin/bitcoin-cli -conf=/app/data/bitcoin.conf -regtest createwallet "regtestwallet"

# generate 101 blocks
$ docker exec -it  bitcoin-regtest /app/bin/bitcoin-cli -conf=/app/data/bitcoin.conf -regtest  -generate 101