**The RaspiBlitz is a do-it-yourself Lightning Node (LND and/or c-lightning) running together with a Bitcoin-Fullnode on a RaspberryPi (1TB SSD) and a nice display for easy setup & monitoring.**
If you start at home ordering the parts from Amazon (see shopping list below) then it's a weekend project with a lot of downloading and syncing time where you can do other stuff while checking on the progress from time to time.
If you already run a Umbrel or myNode you have basically all the hardware needed and you can make the [Migration to RaspiBlitz from Umbrel/myNode](#make-a-raspiblitz-out-of-your-umbrel-or-mynode) under one hour.
*Please try to use the exact hardware models that are recommended in the shopping lists.
We have had multiple reports where, for example, other SSD or SSD cases/controllers lead to problems.
The idea of the shopping lists is to provide you the best tested hardware components that work together - improvement recommendations are always welcome.*
*You can even pay for your RaspiBlitz Amazon Shopping with Bitcoin & Lightning through [Bitrefill](https://blog.bitrefill.com/its-here-buy-amazon-vouchers-with-bitcoin-on-bitrefill-bb2a4449724a).*
|Instructions|[Download 1.7.1 image](https://raspiblitz.fulmo.org/images/raspiblitz-v1.7.1-2021-10-28.img.gz) and [Flash the sd card](README.md#write-the-sd-card-image-to-your-sd-card)|[Build your own sd card image](#build-the-sd-card-image)|
|Verify what?|[Signature file](https://raspiblitz.fulmo.org/images/raspiblitz-v1.7.1-2021-10-28.img.gz.sig) and [verify the Sig](FAQ.md#how-to-verify-the-sd-card-image-after-download) OR SHA-256 (below)|All of the code, don't trust, verify|
You need to write the downloaded SD card image (the img.gz-file) to your SD card (16GB minimum) - you can use the very easy tool Balena Etcher for this: https://www.balena.io/etcher/.
* [I don't have a LAN port on my Laptop - how to connect to my RaspiBlitz?](FAQ.md#i-dont-have-a-lan-port-on-my-laptop---how-do-i-connect-to-my-raspiblitz)
* [Is it possible to connect the Blitz over Wifi instead of using a LAN cable?](FAQ.md#is-it-possible-to-connect-the-blitz-over-wifi-instead-of-using-a-lan-cable)
Now open up a terminal ([OSX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XgBd6rjuDQ)/[Win10](https://www.howtogeek.com/336775/how-to-enable-and-use-windows-10s-built-in-ssh-commands/)) and connect through SSH with the command displayed by the RaspiBlitz:
2. If you have a hardware problem, please check that your hardware parts are exactly the parts recommended in the shopping list above. Different screens or even SSD-casings can cause problems.
3. Please determine if your problem/question is about RaspiBlitz or for example with LND or c-lightning. For example if you can't route a payment or get an error when opening a channel that is an LND/c-lightning question/problem and is best answered by the [LND dev community](https://dev.lightning.community) or the [c-lightning documentation](https://lightning.readthedocs.io/)
4. Go to the GitHub issues of the RaspiBlitz: https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues Do a search there. Also check closed issues by removing 'is:open' from the filter/search-box.
5. If you haven't found an answer yet, open a new issue on the RaspiBlitz GitHub. You may have to register an account with GitHub for this. If it's a bug with the RaspiBlitz, please add (copy+paste) a Debug Report to your issue (see [FAQ](FAQ.md) for how to generate them) and/or add some screenshots/photos so the community gets more insight into your problem.
### Groups
There are plenty off rooms you can find Raspiblitz users that can help you:
Every time you start with a fresh SD card image you will be offered different options.
For example this is also the point where you can import a Migration file from an older RaspiBlitz - read about Migration [further down](README.md#import-a-migration-file).
But because you are setting up a brand new RaspiBlitz you will choose here `FRESHSETUP`.
The name you choose for your RaspiBlitz will also be used as your public alias of your lightning node so choose wisely.
Then you can choose which Lightning implementation you want to run on top of your Bitcoin Fullnode.
RaspiBlitz started with `LND` from Lightning Labs which is used by most other RaspberryPi lightning nodes and works with most additional apps.
But you can now also choose `CL` for c-lightning by Blockstream which is a good choice for more experienced node operators & lightning developers that want to use the highly customizable plugin structure that c-lightning offers.
If you chose to use one of the lightning implementations you will now be asked if you want to start a `NEW` wallet/lightning node or if you have an `OLD` lightning wallet/node that you want to re-create.
Choose this option if you have made a complete backup of the LND or c-lightning data and have a tar.gz file starting with the word 'lnd-rescue' or 'cl-rescue' available.
It will recover all your on-chain funds and open channels you had.
But you have to make sure that the rescue backup you have is really the latest version - otherwise you might lose channel funds.
*If you have tar.gz file that starts with 'raspiblitz', that's a migration file.
That also includes your old LND/c-lightning wallet, but you import that file at the beginning of the setup process with 'FROMBACKUP - Upload Migration Backup' instead choosing FRESHSETUP*
The next best option is if you have the channel.backup file and the word list seed.
This allows you to recover all on-chain funds (i.e. "bitcoin balance") in the lightning wallet, and gives you a good chance of recovering the off-chain funds (i.e. "lightning balance") you had in open channels, as long as the remote peer supports `option_data_loss_protect` which is very common since 2020.
All channels you had open before will be closed during this procedure.
See [Bitcoin Optech - Static Channel Backups](https://bitcoinops.org/en/topics/static-channel-backups/) for more background information on this process.
You can use this [RaspiBlitz Recovery Sheet (PDF)](https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/raw/v1.7/home.admin/assets/RaspiBlitzRecoverySheet.pdf) to write those passwords down for safe storage and also use it later on for your Seed Words.
*The password A,B,C idea is based on the [RaspiBolt Guide Preparations](https://raspibolt.github.io/raspibolt/raspibolt_10_preparations.html#write-down-your-passwords) - check out for more background.*
First, password A is requested - this is the password which will be used for SSH login and it's also set for the existing users: admin, root, bitcoin & pi.
Once the basic setup has completed your lightning node will be setup & your lightning wallet will be created for you.
As part of this process you will be presented with your lightning node "seed words" which you *MUST* write down on paper (or engrave into steel) and store in a secure location.
You will need to confirm that you wrote the seed words down before you can continue.
WRITE YOUR SEED WORDS DOWN before you continue - you will need them to recover funds in case of failing hardware etc.
If you just want to try/experiment with the RaspiBlitz, at least take a photo of the seed words with your smartphone, so you have something just in case.
If you plan to keep your RaspiBlitz running store this word list offline or in a password safe.
You can use this [RaspiBlitz Recovery Sheet (PDF)](https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/raw/v1.7/home.admin/assets/RaspiBlitzRecoverySheet.pdf) to write down your seed words for safe storage.
If you don't have a full copy of the blockchain pre-synced/validated on your hard drive/SSD then you will now be asked how you want to get your copy of the blockchain.
*For the old RaspberryPi 3 this is not recommended.
A RaspberryPi 3 has a very low power CPU and syncing+validating the blockchain directly with the peer2peer network can take multiple weeks - that's why for a RP3 you should choose the COPY option .*
If you have a friend that is already running a synced RaspiBlitz or you have a laptop with enough free space on the hard drive that can download & validate the Blockchain much faster you can also choose the `COPY` option.
To copy from your laptop/computer (`WINDOWS`, `MACOS`&`LINUX` options) you first need to download & validate the blockchain on your own computer/laptop.
To do so, install latest bitcoin-core (0.18.1 or higher) from [bitcoin.org](https://bitcoin.org/en/download) and keep it running until the blockchain is synced (will need around 400 GB).
Then under the `COPY` option choose the Operating System.
The copy will be done over the local network by SCP (SSH file transfer) - follow the instructions given in the dialogues.
It's advised to keep a backup of Bitcoin Core & the blockchain data directory on your laptop/computer in case you need to re-setup the RaspiBlitz.
More details: [I have the full blockchain on another computer. How do I copy it to the RaspiBlitz?](FAQ.md#i-have-the-full-blockchain-on-another-storage-how-do-i-copy-it-to-the-raspiblitz)
If you would prefer to do this from a web browser with a dashboard UI, instead of an SSH terminal, go to `SERVICES`, activate the `RTL Webinterface`, and after install you will find a new menu option for RTL in the SSH main menu - it will give you all the information so that you can now open the RTL web interface in your browser.
These are the features available through the RaspiBlitz SSH menus.
They have the goal to offer some basic/fallback functionality & configurations.
More complex or user-friendly tasks are best to be done with wallets, apps and scripts you connect to your Lightning Node via [APIs](#interface--apis) - because you have a full Bitcoin- and Lightning-Node on the RaspiBlitz.
This is the screen that gets displayed on the LCD/display.
It's useful to call in a remote situation from SSH if you don't have your RaspiBlitz next to you, or if you want to copy+paste your nodeID or make a screenshot.
Find interesting nodes to open channels with through online directories like [1ML.com](https://1ml.com/) or join the RaspiBlitz NodeManager telegram group to meet people to open channels with: https://t.me/raspiblitz
Bear in mind that this option will open a public channel that can be seen by everyone in the network and chosen by them as part of their payment route.
This is good if you want to route payments.
If you do not want to route payments for others, you can use a so-called "private" (i.e. unannounced) channel which others cannot use as part of their payment route.
To do this you must go to the command line and open the channel with the `-private` option.
If you are looking for something to test payments with Lightning, why not [donate some satoshis to RaspiBlitz development](https://raspiblitz.org/#donation)? Thanks :)
* You don't publish your IP address so it's much harder to resolve your real name and location.
* You tunnel through the NAT of your router and make your Bitcoin and Lightning nodes reachable (i.e. allow _incoming_ connections) from all other Tor nodes on the network(s).
* By using a Tor address it's possible to move the node to a different IPv4 address and keep the existing (i.e. previously opened and funded) channels functional.
*Using Tor hides your IP address but will possibly increase the [time](https://twitter.com/SeverinAlexB/status/1442138426740981761) it will take for your node to route a payment.
Setting up over clearnet will give you a lower response time when routing payments but your IP address will be freely available to the rest of the network like the node [tippin.me](https://1ml.com/node/03c2abfa93eacec04721c019644584424aab2ba4dff3ac9bdab4e9c97007491dda).
If you need to be private and/or don't want to doxx your home network then Tor might be the option for you.
However if privacy isn't something you need and/or want, or you are trying to set up a service that your node is the back end for, then clearnet might be more advantageous choice.*
The channel autopilot feature of LND allows an "autopilot" to automatically use around half of your on-chain (i.e. bitcoin) funds, if available, to open new channels with other lightning nodes.
The autopilot can be very useful to get started transacting swiftly if you're a newbie, as channels are opened for you.
It is very likely that after a while, once you will have a hang of the concept of channels and how they work, that you will not need channels autopilot any more.
Keysend is a feature of LND that allows your node to accept payments without having created an invoice first.
This needs to be activated, for example, if you want to use your nodes for experimental messaging over the Lightning Network (see RaspiBlitz MOBILE apps like SendMany).
It can be activated under "Services" -> "Auto-unlock LND".
We recommend that it be turned on when DynamicDNS is used.
If there is a public IP change on your router LND restarts automatically, and without Auto-Unlock it will stay inactive/unreachable until you manually unlock it which could be annoying.
See [below on this README](README.md#backup-for-on-chain---channel-funds) for your Backup options when it comes to securing your funds against accidental loss.
Storing the encrypted Static Channel Backup file to your Nextcloud account is an easy and secure way to do this.
Nextcloud is an open-source project to host your own files: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nextcloud - in its basics its an open DropBox replacement ... but can do much much more.
You can run it yourself or use a hosted Nextcloud server.
Find free Nextcloud providers here to sign up: https://nextcloud.com/signup/
You can connect a small extra USB drive to your RaspiBlitz (choose a small one up to 32GB, don't use second HDD or SSD here as that would drain too much power from the RaspiBlitz).
That USB drive will then be used to store your latest StaticChannelBackup, just in case your HDD encounters an error.
An option for more advanced users -- that you only can set directly in the `raspiblitz.conf` -- is the automated backup of the StaticChannelBackup to another server by SSH/SCP.
On the target server add the root ssh public key of your RaspiBlitz to the `authorized_keys` file for the user - how to do this see: https://www.linode.com/docs/security/authentication/use-public-key-authentication-with-ssh/
The RaspiBlitz offers further Services, Apps and configuration (scroll down to see all options in the RaspiBlitz) also some Apps & Services might just be available if you installed/activated LND or c-lightning:
Enables a user to run their own Electrum server on the RaspiBlitz.
The server indexes the entire Bitcoin blockchain from the copy saved locally on your HDD/SSD, and the resulting index enables fast queries for any given user wallet.
This allows the user to keep real-time track of their balance and transaction history using any wallet which speaks the Electrum Protocol, for example the [Electrum wallet](https://electrum.org).
Since Electrum Rust server runs on the user's own machine there is no need for the wallet to communicate with external Electrum servers, thus preserving the privacy of addresses and balances.
By contrast, if you use your Trezor Hardware Wallet with the trezor.io web-wallet, it will tell their third party server your public keys - connecting them with your IP.
Now you can use your Trezor with the Electrum Wallet by talking to your _own_ Electrum Server, preserving your privacy.
Bitcoin Core has a very powerful command line interface and a wonderful daemon.
Using pre-signed bitcoin transactions (PSBT) and [Hardware Wallet Interface](https://github.com/bitcoin-core/HWI) (HWI), it can also work with hardware wallets.
The goal of the Specter Desktop wallet is to make a convenient and user-friendly GUI around Bitcoin Core, focusing on multi-signature setups with air-gapped hardware wallets like Trezor, Ledger, COLDCARD or the Specter-DIY.
The Sphinx App allows chat over the Lightning Network with LND and ties into the idea of [Podcasting 2.0](https://u.today/father-of-podcasting-integrates-bitcoin-lightning-into-his-app).
To use the mobile app with your own RaspiBlitz you need to install the [Sphinx Relay Server](https://github.com/stakwork/sphinx-relay/blob/master/README.md).
Mobile wallets work as a remote control app for your RaspiBlitz.
First you need to install the apps on your phone - a QR code with the links to the app stores are displayed.
Then you need to `pair` them with your RaspiBlitz - also via a QR code displayed on the LCD.
If you run your RaspiBlitz without an LCD, there is the fallback option to display that QR code on the terminal as ASCII code (which might involve lowering your terminal's font size).
IP2TOR is a tunnel service where you can run your RaspiBlitz anonymously behind TOR but you rent a port on a clearnet IP through which you can make services of your RaspiBlitz easy reachable for everybody on the internet.
You don't need to care about your local router or firewall settings.
You can pay for this service directly through Lightning from your RaspiBlitz as subscription.
Then you get a list of available IP2TOR bridge offerings.
By selecting `OK` on a IP2TOR bridge offering you can get more details on it and you will also see how many satoshis the subscription will cost you - your node should be funded and you should have channels open at this point.
To try out the IP2TOR tunnel choose in `MAINMENU` the extra menu point of the Service you choose the bridge for and it should give you now an updated URL or try calling the API on the IP and Port that is displayed under the details of the subscription in the `LIST My Subscriptions` section.
If you want a web service, like BTCPay Server or LNbits, to be available to the outside internet (like with IP2TOR) people expect you to offer an HTTPS address so that the communication between the client and your RaspiBlitz is encrypted.
You could use the self-signed HTTPS certificate that RaspiBlitz is offering you, but this will give users Security Warnings in their browser and is not very user friendly.
Because you also need a domain name for that you will need to open a free account, the following are presently supported, would be good to add more with the help of the community:
When you create a new LetsEncrypt subscription, you will be asked for your subdomain on DuckDNS and the auth-token of your DuckDNS account.
Then RaspiBlitz tries to setup everything for you.
If everything worked, you will find the subscription under `MAINMENU` > `SUBSCRIBE` > `LIST My Subscriptions`, where you can cancel it at any time if you wish.
HTTPS can be a hairy topic, you can try using a SSL Checker to help you quickly diagnose problems with your SSL certificate installation: [www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html](https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html)
Make sure both RaspiBlitzes are connected to the same local network.
During setup with the new RaspiBlitz, choose the `COPY` option to get the blockchain data and then select the source computer `RASPIBLITZ`.
Now you can choose the `COPY-SOURCE` option, enter the IP address of the _new_ RaspiBlitz and its Password A (not yours), after which the process should start automatically.
If you had the Bitcoin Transaction Index activated you can use this option to make sure that this extra space consuming index gets deleted as well to free up space.
With Patching you have now an easy way to sync your RaspiBlitz code/scripts with the official RaspiBlitz GitHub Repo or even your own forked GitHub Repo.
This is an option for people that report bugs and we like to offer them a quick script update (patch) between RaspiBlitz releases or for people who want to develop on the RaspiBlitz and sync code between their IDE, forked GitHub and their RaspiBlitz.
Sometimes there is a new LND release that has some breaking changes that once you updated the LND database cannot be reversed (like the update from 0.9.2 to 0.10.0).
In these cases RaspiBlitz will offer you an _optional_ update.
If you choose this you get the option to do this `VERIFIED` that means it offers you the optional LND update we tested the RaspiBlitz with or `RECKLESS` which will just grab the latest LND release from the GitHub releases page (also Release Candidates) and install it with no further guarantees and verification checks.
The `RECKLESS` option is aimed at people that run nodes to test new releases and how they work with existing RaspiBlitz apps.
The `EXIT` option next to `OK` closes the SSH main menu and exits to the terminal where the user can make use of the CLI clients, `bitcoin-cli`&`lncli`, directly.
A Migration file contains all the important data from your RaspiBlitz, like your LND data, Bitcoin Wallet, raspiblitz.config, Tor/SSH keys, and also installed apps.
You can use this to migrate your RaspiBlitz to new hardware.
If you want to import it again to a new RaspiBlitz (for example with an updated HDD/SSD), you can choose the `FROMBACKUP` option on the first setup dialogue of a fresh SD card image.
If you start MIGRATION you be get asked whether you would like to use a existing blockchain on the hard drive/SSD and delete the rest, or whether you'd prefer to format the entire drive.
Once that's done you are shown instructions on how to upload the migration file (use the password `raspiblitz` when asked on executing the upload command):
Another kind of migration is when you already run a full node with the Umbrel or myNode software and you like to change it to RaspiBlitz without closing channels.
You will still use the terminal to setup & manage your RaspiBlitz.
If that is too technical for you please wait for the RaspiBlitz v1.8, which will introduce a WebUI for your browser that will make the migration to RaspiBlitz more familiar to your old node user experience.*
* if you want to use a HDMI monitor for status & progress, create a empty file called `hdmi` (without any ending) on the SD card while connected to your laptop
In case your HDD gets damaged RaspiBlitz always keeps a copy of the latest version of the `channel.backup` file on the SD card within the sub-directories of: `/home/admin/.lnd/data/chain/`.
If you want to go one step further in securing your funds against total loss of the RaspiBlitz (gets completely damaged, stolen or lost), then you can additionally set up an off-location or cloud backup of the `channel.backup` file.
1. Go to https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps/create and sign in.
1. Choose **Create App**.

Choose the 'Scoped Access' & 'App Folder' and set a unique name - for example `LNDbackup` with a random number behind it. Agree to Terms of Service and click 'Create App'.
1. Set **Permissions**.

Its important first to select the `Permissions` tab and activate the `files.content.write` permission. Don't forget to `Submit` the change before continue.
1. Generate **OAUth2 Token**.

Now go back to the 'Settings' tab and under 'OAuth2', choose 'no expiration' under 'Access token expiration' then click the 'Generate' button. You will now see a long string of letters and numbers appear. This is your **Dropbox-Authtoken**. Make sure to copy the complete token string .. there might be more if you scroll to the right in the token field.
To test it, try opening or closing a channel and then check if you can find a copy of `channel.backup` in your Dropbox.
You can check the background-script logs to see details on errors: `sudo journalctl -f -u background`
In the `/mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf` the parameter `scpBackupTarget='[USER]@[SERVER]:[DIRPATH-WITHOUT-ENDING-/]'` can be set to activate this feature.
On the remote server, the public key of the RaspiBlitz root user needs to be added to the `authorized_keys` file so that no password is needed for the background script to make the backup.
If you have a RaspiBlitz v1.2 or higher - just follow the `UPDATE` option from the main menu (choose `RELEASE` if asked) and follow the instructions - see the process in detail in the following video.
*If you have done manual changes to the system (installed packages, added scripts, etc.), you might need to take some additional steps before overwriting your SD card - see [FAQ](FAQ.md#why-do-i-need-to-re-burn-my-sd-card-for-an-update).*
At the end the LCD drivers get installed and a reboot is needed.
A user `admin` is created during the process.
Remember the default password is now `raspiblitz`.
You can login by SSH again - this time use admin: `ssh admin@[IP-OF-YOUR-RASPI]`.
The install dialogue of the RaspiBlitz should automatically start.
If you do not want to continue with the installation at this moment, and use this SD card as a template for setting up multiple RaspiBlitzes, click `Cancel` and run `release`.
Once you see the LCD going white and the activity LED of the pi starts going dark you can unplug power and remove the SD card.
You have now built your own RaspiBlitz SD card image.
To start your Deep Dive into the RaspiBlitz project, the following YouTube video (July 2020) is recommended: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXUGg45CWLo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXUGg45CWLo)
Also get inspired for a deep-dive with the original "[RaspiBolt](https://raspibolt.github.io/raspibolt/)" tutorial on how to build a lightning node on the RaspberryPi, the base work on which the RaspiBlitz was developed - so much thx to Stadicus :)
Join me on twitter [@rootzoll](https://twitter.com/rootzoll), visit us at an upcoming [#lightninghackday](https://twitter.com/hashtag/LightningHackday?src=hash) or check by one of our bitcoin meetups in Berlin ... every 1st Thursday evening a month at the room77 bar - feel free to buy me a beer with lightning there :)