**The RaspiBlitz is a do-it-yourself Lightning Node based on LND running together with a Bitcoin-Fullnode on a RaspberryPi 3/4 - with a HDD/SSD and an nice display for easy setup & monitoring.**
RaspiBlitz is mainly targeted for learning how to run your own node decentralized from home - because: Not you Node, Not your Rules. Discover & develop the growing ecosystem of the Lightning Network by becoming a full part of it. Build it as part of a [workshop](WORKSHOP.md) or as a weekend project yourself.
The RaspiBlitz is optimized for being setup during a workshop at a hackday or conference (see [detailed workshop tutorial](WORKSHOP.md)). When it comes ready assembled together with a up-to-date synced blockchain it's possible to have it ready in about 2 to 3 hours - most is waiting time.
If you start at home ordering the parts from Amazon (see shopping list below) then it's a weekend project with a lot of download and syncing time where you can do other stuff while checking on the progress from time to time.
If you like to support the RaspiBlitz project you can order a ready-2-go RaspiBlitz or a all-you-need-hardware set for yourself or for your RaspiBlitz workshop from [raspiblitz.com](https://raspiblitz.com)
The cheapest way is to buy and assemble the single parts yourself. The new shopping list comes in three different packages: Minimal, Standard & Maximal:
*The "Standard Package" is most tested and recommended if you can effort it. It aims to give you the best economic value to run all the RaspiBlitz features at a good performance and even allows you to self-validate your blockchain in under 3 days.*
* RaspBerry Pi 4 2GB + Power: [amazon](https://geni.us/raspiblitz-2gb-power)
*The minimal package aims for the cheapest price and allows you to use old hardware. It will always be possible to run all the basic features of a Bitcoin- & Lightning-Fullnode, but the system might be too slow to validate the blockchain history by itself and run some resource intensive extended services.*
Basic Parts for all minimal variants:
* 1TB Hard Drive: [amazon](https://geni.us/raspiblitz-hdd)
*The maximal package is still in the works ... if you want to prepare for it, take the standard package as a base and choose the RaspberryPi4 with 4GB and a high quality 1TB SSD instead of 500GB.*
*You can even pay your RaspiBlitz Amazon Shopping with Bitcoin & Lightning through [Bitrefill](https://blog.bitrefill.com/its-here-buy-amazon-vouchers-with-bitcoin-on-bitrefill-bb2a4449724a).*
- Assemble the Shim-Fan and connect it to the GPIO pins: [detail instructions](https://learn.pimoroni.com/tutorial/sandyj/getting-started-with-fan-shim)
- Fit the RaspberryPi to the PiBow case: [detail instructions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utk3cjzCLog)
*If you are going with the Minimal-RaspberryPi3 Setup just apply the Geekworm Heatsink-Case and connect everything- [detail instructions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QDlbAorJKw).*
Your SD-card needs to contain the RaspiBlitz software. You can take the long road by [building the SD-card image yourself](#build-the-sd-card-image) or use the already prepared SD-Card image:
You need to write the downloaded sd card image (the img.gz-file) to your sd card (16GB minimum) - you can use the very easy tool Balena Etcher for this:
* [I don't have a LAN port on my Laptop - how to connect to my RaspiBlitz?](FAQ.md#i-dont-have-a-lan-port-on-my-laptop---how-to-connect-to-my-raspiblitz)
* [Is it possible to connect the Blitz over Wifi instead of using a LAN cable?](FAQ.md#is-it-possible-to-connect-the-blitz-over-wifi-instead-of-using-a-lan-cable)
* [Can I directly connect the RaspiBlitz with my laptop?](FAQ.md#can-i-directly-connect-the-raspiblitz-with-my-laptop)
Now open up a terminal ([OSX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XgBd6rjuDQ)/[Win10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIfzZXHaCzQ)) and connect through SSH with the command displayed by the RaspiBlitz:
**Now follow the dialogue in your terminal. This can take some time (prepare some coffee) - but in the end you should have a running Lightning node on your RaspberryPi that you can start to learn and hack on.**
If you run into a problem or you have still a question, follow the steps below to get support. Also check the [setup documentation](#setup-process-detailed-documentation) for details.
2. If you have a hardware problem, please check that your hardware parts are exactly the parts recommended in the shopping list above. Different screens or even SSD-casings can cause problems.
4. Please determine if your problem/question is about RaspiBlitz or for example with LND. For example if you cant route a payment or get an error when opening a channel that is an LND question/problem an is best answered by the LND dev community: https://dev.lightning.community
5. Go to the GitHub issues of the RaspiBlitz: https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues Do a search there. Also check closed issues by removing 'is:open' from the filter/search-box.
6. If you haven't found an answer yet, open a new issue on the RaspiBlitz GitHub. You may have to register an account with GitHub for this. If it's a bug with the RaspiBlitz, please add (copy+paste) a Debug Report to your issue (see [FAQ](FAQ.md) how to generate) and/or add some screenshots/photos so the community gets more insight into your problem.
*The goal is, that all information needed during setup is provided from the interaction with the RaspiBlitz itself during the setup. Documentation in this chapter is for background, comments for educators and to mention edge cases.*
If you see a warning there, please read carefully, because a lot of things that go wrong later (errors and even loss of funds) relate of problems with the hardware. If you get an OK here ... you are good to go :)
In the beginning you can choose how to setup your RaspiBlitz, by running on Bitcoin or Litecoin with Lightning. This is also the point where you can import a Migration file from an older RaspiBlitz - read about Migration [further down](README.md#import-a-migration-file). The default is here to choose Bitcoin.
You can use this [RaspiBlitz Password Sheet (PDF)](https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/raw/v1.4/home.admin/assets/RaspiBlitzRecoverySheet.pdf) to write those passwords down for save storage. And also use it later on for your Seed Words.
*The password A,B,C & D idea is directly based in the [RaspiBolt Guide Preperations](https://stadicus.github.io/RaspiBolt/raspibolt_10_preparations.html#write-down-your-passwords) - check out for more background.*
This is the new password has to be used for every SSH login after this screen with the user admin. It's also set for the other user existing user: root, bitcoin & pi.
*The bitcoin and lightning services will later run in the background (as daemon) and use the separate user “bitcoin” for security reasons. This user does not have admin rights and cannot change the system configuration.*
Then the user is asked to enter the Password B - this is internally used for the bitcoin RPC interface. But also as login for additional Apps like the RTL-WebGUI or the Blockexplorer:
Your IP can reveal your location (at least to a certain radius) to everyone and your internet provider has a record of your personal identity tied to your IP. When you choose to run behind the TOR network this personal data is much better protected. But running behind TOR reduces speed and might makes it more difficult to connect to you for other nodes or pairing other devices and apps to it.
You can switch TOR off later on. Also you can switch TOR on also after the setup, but keep in mind that once running your node with your public IP leaves records on the internet connecting your lightning node id to your public IP.
*If you have a HDD/SSD with a prepared blockchain (e.g. a ready2go-set or you are at a workshop) you have the option to trust that data and skip to the [next chapter](#setup-lightning). If you started with an empty HDD - you will see the following screens:*
*Your HDD/SSD will get formatted with the linux standard file system EXT4. If you want to try out the experimental new [BTRFS](FAQ.md#why-use-btrfs-on-raspiblitz) that RaspiBlitz supports since v1.4 - you need to start the setup with an additional 32GB USB thumb drive connected to the second USB3 port of the RaspberryPi. Then you will unlock this new secret feature.*
With the new RaspberryPi 4 (with SSD & min 2GB RAM) this is the best way to go. It will take around 2-3 days to sync & validate directly with the bitcoin network and then you have done it completely the original `don't trust, verify` way.
*For the old RaspberryPi 3 this is not recommended. A RaspberryPi 3 has a very low power CPU and syncing+validating the blockchain directly with the peer2peer network can take multiple weeks - that's why the other options above where invented.*
If you have another computer available (laptop, desktop or another RaspiBlitz) that already runs a working blockchain you can use this option to copy it over to the RaspiBlitz. This will be done over the local network by SCP (SSH file transfer). Choose this option and follow the given instructions.
This is also the best option if you don't like to run your RaspberryPi 3 with a prepared blockchain by a third party. Then install bitcoin-core (0.18.1 or higher) on a more powerful computer, sync+validate the blockchain there by yourself and copy it over after that through the local network.
More details: [I have the full blockchain on another computer. How do I copy it to the RaspiBlitz?](FAQ.md#i-have-the-full-blockchain-on-another-computer-how-do-i-copy-it-to-the-raspiblitz)
*This can take a while - normally it should be done if you keep it running over night, but some users reported that it took up to 3 days. If it takes longer than that or you cannot see any progress (downloading starting) for over an hour after you started this option consider to cancel the download and go with the COPY option or retry fresh.*
It is safe to close the terminal window (and shutting down your laptop) while the RaspiBlitz is doing the torrent download. To check on progress and to continue the setup you need to ssh back in again.
You can cancel the torrent download by keeping the key `x` pressed. Then the download will stop and you will be asked if you want to keep the progress so far. This makes sense if you need to shutdown the RaspiBlitz and you want to continue later or when you want to try another download option but want to keep the option to continue on torrent if the other option is slower or not working.
*This feature is deprecated because its hard to setup and handle. It will just be offered on old RaspberryPi 3. And de removed in future version.*
This is a backup way to transfer a blockchain from another computer if copying over the network is not working. More details on the setup can be found [here](FAQ.md#how-do-i-clone-the-blockchain-from-a-2nd-hdd).
WRITE YOUR PERSONAL WORDS DOWN before you continue - without it you limit your chances to recover funds in case of failing hardware etc. If you just want to try/experiment with the RaspiBlitz at least take a photo with your smartphone just in case. If you might plan to keep your RaspiBlitz running store this word list offline or in a password safe. You can use the [RaspiBlitz Password Sheet (PDF)](https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/raw/v1.4/home.admin/assets/RaspiBlitzRecoverySheet.pdf) for this.
Choose this option if you have made a complete backup of the LND data and have a tar.gz file starting withthe word 'lnd-rescue' available. It will recover all your on-chain funds and open channels you had. But you have to be sure, that the LND backup you have is really the latest version - otherwise you might loose channel funds.
*If you have tar.gz file that starts with 'raspiblitz' than thats a migration file. That also includes your old LND wallet, but you import it earlier in the setup process .. see further below for details.*
Next best option is, if you have the channel.backup file and the word seed. This is the best chance to recover your on-chain funds and funds you had in open channels. But all channels you had open before will be closed in this procedure.
If you just have the word list (RaspiBlitz 1.1 and older) you can at least try to recover your on-chain funds. Recover of channel funds is not very likely in this scenario.
It will now make sure your wallet is initialized correctly and may ask you to unlock it with your just set PASSWORD C.

*The LND wallet needs to get unlocked on every new start/reboot of the RaspiBlitz.*
The RaspiBlitz will now do final setup configuration like installing tools, moving the SWAP file to the HDD or activating the firewall. You will see some text moving across the screen until this screen:
The basic setup is done - hooray ... but it can now take still some time before everything is ready and you can play around with your new RaspiBlitz. Press OK to make a reboot. Your terminal session will get disconnected and the raspberry pi restarts.
After the reboot is done it takes a while for all services to start up - wait until you see on the LCD/display that LND wallet needs to get unlocked. Then SSH in again with the same command like in the beginning (check LCD/display) but this time (and every following login) use your PASSWORD A.
Now on first start you will have a longer waiting time (between 10 minutes and 2-3 days, depending on your initial setup) ... but that's OK, just leave the RaspiBlitz running until it's done.
*You can even close your terminal now and shutdown your laptop and ssh back in later on. You will see on the Blitz LCD/display that it is ready, when the blue background screen is gone and you see a status screen.*
To understand what is taking so long .. it's two things:
The blockchain on your HDD is not absolutely up-to-date. Depending how you got it transferred to your RaspiBlitz it will be some hours, days or even weeks behind. Now the RaspiBlitz needs to catch-up the rest by directly syncing with the peer-2-peer network until it reaches almost 100%. But even if you see in the beginning a 99.8% this can take time - gaining 1% can be up to 4 hours (depending on network speed). So be patient here.
Automatically if the Blockchain Sync is progressing LND will start to scan the blockchain and collect information. The Lightning scanning alone normally just take around 1 hour until the waiting time is over. Can take much longer if you recover on old wallet from seed.
If you like to do this all from a web browser with a dashboard UI instead from an SSH terminal, go to `SERVICES`, activate the `RTL Webinterface` and after the reboot open in your web browser: http://[LOCAL-IP-OF-YOU-NODE]:3000 (PASSWORD B is your RPC password).
*BTW always love seeing photos of new RaspBlitzes added to the network on twitter @rootzoll - also there is a [RaspiBlitz Donation Page](https://tallyco.in/s/r5lx23/), why not try to send some satoshis there with your new RaspiBlitz :D *
These are the features available through the RaspiBlitz SSH menus. They have the goal to offer some basic/fallback functionality & configurations. More complex or user-friendly tasks are best to be done with wallets, apps and scripts you connect to your Lightning Node via [APIs](#interface--apis) - because you have a full Bitcoin- and Lightning-Node on the RaspiBlitz.
This is the screen that gets displayed on the LCD/display. It's useful to call in a remote situation from SSH if you don't have your RaspiBlitz next to you. But also if you want to copy+paste your nodeID or make a screenshot.
Before you can open channels with other nodes you need to put some coins onto your LND on-chain wallet. Use this option to generate an address to send funds to.
*Reminder: RaspiBlitz & LND is still experimental software. With funding your LND node you accept the risk of loosing funds. So just play with small amounts - something in then area of 20 EUR/USD should be enough to make your first experiences. Also, it's a good privacy practice to [coinjoin your coins](https://bitcoin-only.com/#privacy) before sending them to any Lightning Network wallet.*
You can make multiple fundings - so you can start with small amounts first to test. LND will generate always a different address, but all funds you send will get into the same LND on-chain wallet.
Opening a channel with a peer is just optional. Having another node a peer helps your node to receive information about the network through the gossip protocol. It will help your node to find better routes through the network.
Find interesting nodes to open channels with on online directories like [1ML.com](https://1ml.com/) or join the RaspiBlitz NodeManager telegram group to meet people to open channels with: https://t.me/raspiblitz
Bear in mind that this option will open a public channel that can be seen by everyone in the network. This is good if you want to route payments. If your intention is to use it privately only, you will need to go to the command line and open the channel with the -private option.
*This is just a very basic shell script. For more usability try the RTL Webinterface (under Services) or connect a (mobile) wallet with your RaspiBlitz.*
*This is just a very basic shell script. For more usability try the RTL Webinterface (under Services) or connect a (mobile) wallet with your RaspiBlitz.*
*This is just a very basic shell script. For more usability try the RTL Webinterface (under Services) or connect a (mobile) wallet with your RaspiBlitz.*
*This option is just available if you have channels open.*
With this feature you can close down all open channels and get funds locked up in those channels back to your on-chain wallet.
It might even offer you to force close some channels where the channel-partner is no longer reachable. Keep in mind that those force closings can take a much longer time until your funds are available again on your on-chain wallet.
Activate/Deactivate service selection with the space bar and then select OK to trigger Install/Uninstall. Here you find more details about those options (top to down):
The autopilot is a feature of LND that you can switch on. It automatically uses around half of your your on-chain funds (if available) to open channels with other lightning nodes the autopilot thinks can be useful to improve your payment routes.
A Submarine Swaps Service by lighting labs. You call it from the RaspiBlitz terminal with the command 'loop'. You can use it for example to send satoshies from one of your channel to a on-chain bitcoin address without closing the channel for a fee. This can be use full to send earned satoshies to your hardware wallet while freeing up your inbound liquidity on your channels again.
[Details on Service](https://github.com/lightninglabs/loop)
This is a way to make your RaspiBlitz publicly reachable from the internet so that other nodes can open channels with you and you can connect with your mobile wallet from outside your local network.
To do so you can register at an DynamicDomain service like freedns.afraid.org and forward the TCP ports ...
You will be asked for your dynamic domain name such like "mynode.crabdance.org" and you can also optionally set an URL that will be called regularly to update your routers IP with the dynamic domain service. At freedns.afraid.org this URL is called "Direct URL" under the menu "Dynamic DNS" once you added one.
*NOTE: DynamicDNS just works if you can forward ports on your router and you have a temporary public IP address (your ISP is not running you behind a NAT - like on most mobile connections). Another solution to make your ports reachable from the public internet is to use reverse ssh tunneling - see FAQ on ['How to setup port-forwarding with a SSH tunnel?'](FAQ.md#how-to-setup-port-forwarding-with-a-ssh-tunnel)*
* By using a TOR address it's possible to move the node to a different IPv4 address and keep the existing (=preciously open and funded) channels functional.
The RTL Webinterface is a LND Control Dashboard you can run in your browser with a nice GUI - it offers much more control over your Lightning node than the RaspiBlitz SSH menus. It's recommended to give it a try.
It can be activated under "Services" -> "Auto-unlock LND". It's recommended to be turned on, when DynamicDNS is used. Because on a public IP change of your router, LND gets restarted automatically and without Auto-Unlock it will stay inactive/unreachable until you manually unlock it.
Normally in a home setup your RaspiBlitz runs behind your internet router that is providing a NAT. That means that only your router is reachable from the outside with a public IP and all your other devices (like the RaspiBlitz) have just a local network IP and cannot be directly contacted from the open internet. That's the reason why your [bitcoin address on the LCD might be displayed in red](FAQ.md#why-is-my-bitcoin-ip-on-the-display-red).
Some routers support a feature called UPnP where devices can automatically request a forwarding to be publicly reachable. By turning on `BTC UPnP` in the main menu `SERVICES` section, you can try if your router supports this feature.
Normally in a home setup your RaspiBlitz runs behind your internet router that is providing a NAT. That means that only your router is reachable from the outside with a public IP and all your other devices (like the RaspiBlitz) have just a local network IP and cannot be directly contacted from the open internet. That's the reason why your [Lightning address on the LCD might be displayed in red](FAQ.md#why-is-my-node-address-on-the-display-red).
Some routers support a feature called UPnP where devices can automatically request a forwarding to be publicly reachable. By turning on `LND UPnP` in the main menu `SERVICES` section, you can try if your router supports this feature.
If you switch this on you can rotate the LCD of your RaspiBlitz 180 degrees. This can make sense if you want to use it in a special case or wall mount.
Enable a user to run his own Electrum server on the RaspiBlitz. The server indexes the entire Bitcoin blockchain, and the resulting index enables fast queries for any given user wallet, allowing the user to keep real-time track of his balances and his transaction history using the [Electrum wallet](https://electrum.org).
Since Electrum Rust Server runs on the user's own machine, there is no need for the wallet to communicate with external Electrum servers, thus preserving the privacy of the user's addresses and balances.
For example if you use your Trezor Hardware Wallet with the trezor.io wallet it will tell a third party your public keys - connecting it with your IP. Now you can use your Trezor with the Electrum Wallet just talking to your own Electrum Server preserving your privacy.
[Details on Service](https://github.com/romanz/electrs)
##### BTCPayServer
BTCPay Server is a self-hosted, open-source cryptocurrency payment processor. It's secure, private, censorship-resistant and free.

*At the moment the RaspiBlitz can just make the BTCPayServer publicly available to the outside over the TOR network (Hidden Service).*
[Details on Service](https://btcpayserver.org/)
##### LNDmanage
lndmanage is a command line tool for advanced channel management of an node.
*You need at least one open channel to use this tool.*
To run it change to the RaspiBlitz terminal and type 'manage'. This starts the LNDManage interactive mode and you can use the following commands:
Please keep in mind that if you also want to connect to your smartphone also from the outside (when you are outside of your local network) with your RaspiBlitz you might need to open/forward ports on your router and should look into the DynamicDNS features to handle changing IP of our Home-DSL.
Basically those mobile wallets work as a remote control app for your RaspiBlitz. First you need to install the apps on your phone - a QR code with the links to the app stores are displayed. And then you need to `pair` them with your RaspiBlitz - also with a QR code displayed on the LCD. If you run your RaspiBlitz without a LCD there is the fallback option to display that QR code on the terminal as ASCII code (might involve lowering your terminal font size).
The Macaroons and TLS.cert files can be copy+pasted as Hex-Strings from RaspiBlitz to any other app that supports that. If you choose this option RaspiBlitz will all files print for you as Hex-String to do so.
SCP is a SSH like command to transfer files. If were able to SSH into the RaspiBlitz also the SCP to transfer the files should work. If you choose these option, RaspiBlitz will print prepared SCP commands you can copy+paste to run in a second terminal.
*This is a least secure way to transfer those file - everybody in your local network has access to those file during download. Remember with the Admin-Macaroon somebody could takeover your node and spend all your funds. Just use as last fallback.*
##### BACKUP-LND: Backup your LND data (Rescue-File)
This stops your RaspiBlitz and creates a LND-Rescue ZIP file you can download per SCP to your laptop. This can be used to move your LND id, wallet & channels to another RaspiBlitz.
*NOTICE: If you start your RaspiBlitz after this backup again the backup is outdated and using it can risk loosing your channel funds.*
##### MIGRATION: Migrate Bitz Date to new Hardware
This stops your RaspiBlitz and creates a Migration ZIP file you can download/export per SCP to your laptop. This contains all important data of your RaspiBlitz including LND, your Blitz configuration and also data from your installed apps. Can be used to migrate your RaspiBlitz to a new hardware - for example if your want to replace the HDD with a SSD. How to import a Migration File [see here](README.md#import-a-migration-file).
Use this if your blockchain data got corrupted. It will keep your LND data. You can even keep your channels open. Just keep in mind that your node will be offline to the network until you re-downloaded the blockchain.
Closes the SSH main menu and exits to the terminal - where the user can make use of the CLI clients `bitcoin-cli`&`lncli` directly to make use of the Bitcoin - and Lightning node.
A Migration file contains all the important data of your RaspiBlitz like your LND data, Bitcoin Wallet, raspiblitz.config, TOR/SSH keys .. and also the data of installed apps. You can use this to migrate your RaspiBlitz to a new hardware.
If you want to it to import it again to a new RaspiBlitz (for example with an updated HDD/SSD) you can choose the MIGRATION option on the first setup dialog after the Hardwaretest (where you normally choose between Bitcoin & Litecoin).

If you start MIGRATION you will need in the next step to format your HDD/SSD.
Normally you choose here the EXT4 format. But you have also have the option to choose the BTRFS format which is an expiremental feature under RaspiBlitz - see [FAQ for details on BTRFS](FAQ.md#why-use-btrfs-on-raspiblitz).
Here you have the two options [SYNC](README.md#1-sync---selfvalidate-all-blocks) and [COPY](README.md#2-copy---copy-from-laptop-or-another-raspiblitz-over-local-network) as mentioned in the normal setup.
Then RaspiBlitz will reboot and start the normal recovery process to install all the services that are defined by the raspiblitz.config from your Migration File.
Then the blockhain needs to sync up and you should be back to normal.
Since LND v0.6 (and RaspiBlitz v1.2) a feature called Static-Channel-Backups is available. Within RaspiBlitz this is used when a `channel.backup` file is mentioned.
The word seed you got during wallet setup, to write it down and to keep it at a safe (offline) location. The `channel.backup` is stored on the HDD and updated by LND every time a new channel is opened or closed. The latest version of this file is needed to recover all your funds (if possible). In case your HDD gets damaged, RaspiBlitz always keeps a copy of the latest version of the `channel.backup` file on the SD card within the sub-directories of: `/home/admin/.lnd/data/chain/`.
If you want to get one step further in securing your funds against total fall-out of the RaspiBlitz (gets completely damaged, stolen or lost) then you can additional setup an off-location or cloud backup of the `channel.backup` file. The file itself is encrypted by your word seed - so it's OK to store the file to untrusted third parties for backup (if you want). The feature is still new ... here is how you can set it up -a t the moment the following two off-location options are available (and/or):
*For the v1.2 Release this Off-Site Backup options you need to manually edit the raspiblitz config: `nano mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf` (CTRL+o = save & CTRL+x = exit) So this is more for expert users at the moment. If this feature is validated as OK by expert users - in the following versions it should be more easy to set these Offsite-Backups by menu. Open to more Off-Site Backup options by PR in the future - but they should work without adding more dependencies on other libraries (that are not part of standard debian).*
In the `/mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf` the parameter `scpBackupTarget='[USER]@[SERVER]:[DIRPATH-WITHOUT-ENDING-/]'` can be set to activate this feature. On that remote server the publickey of the RaspiBlitz root user needs to be part of the authorized keys - so that no password is needed for the background script to make the backup.
To test it - open or close a channel and check if you find a copy of `channel.backup` on your remote server. You can check the background-script logs to see details on errors: `sudo journalctl -f -u background`
To test it - open or close a channel and check if you find a copy of `channel.backup` in your dropbox. You can check the background-script logs to see details on errors: `sudo journalctl -f -u background`
Now download the new RaspiBlitz SD card image and write it to your SD card .. yes you simply overwrite the old one, it's OK, the RaspiBlitz stores all your personal data on the HDD. See details about latest SD card image [here](#installing-the-software).
*If you have done manual changes to the system (installed packages, added scripts, etc) you might need to do some preparations before overwriting your sd card - see [FAQ](FAQ.md#why-do-i-need-to-re-burn-my-sd-card-for-an-update).*
If done successfully, simply put the SD card into the RaspiBlitz and power on again. Then follow the instructions on the display ... and don't worry, you don't need to re-download the blockchain again.
A ready to use SD card image of the RaspiBlitz for your RaspberryPi is provided as download by us to get everybody started quickly (see above). But if you want to build that image yourself - here is a quick guide:
Now you are ready to start the SD card build script (check the code if every installs and config is OK for you) - copy the following command into your terminal and execute:
As you can see from the URL you find the build script in this Git repo under `build_sdcard.sh` - there you can check what gets installed and configured in detail. Feel free to post improvements as pull requests.
The whole build process takes a while. At the end the LCD drivers get installed and a reboot is needed. A user `admin` is created during the process. Remember the default password is now `raspiblitz`. You can login per SSH again - this time use admin: `ssh admin@[IP-OF-YOUR-RASPI]`. An installer of the SD card image should automatically launch. If you do not want to continue with the installation at this moment and use this sd card as a template for setting up multiple RaspiBlitze, click `Cancel` and run `/home/admin/XXprepareRelease.sh`. Once you see the LCD going white and the activity LED of the pi starts going dark, you can unplug power and remove the SD card. You have now built your own RaspiBlitz SD card image.
*Note: If you plan to use your self build sd card as a MASTER copy to backup image and distribute it. Use a smaller 8GB card for that. This way it's ensured that it will fit on every 16 GB card recommended for RaspiBlitz later on.*
Everybody is welcome to join, improve and extend the RaspiBlitz - it's a work in progress. [Check the issues](https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues) if you wanna help out or add new ideas. You find the scripts used for RaspiBlitz interactions on the device at `/home/admin` or in this git repo in the subfolder `home.admin`.
To start your Deep Dive into the RaspiBlitz project, the following YouTube video from the London Bitcoin Dev Meetup (July 2019) is recommended: [https://youtu.be/R_ggGj7Hk1w](https://youtu.be/R_ggGj7Hk1w)
Also get inspired for a deep-dive with the original "[RaspiBolt](https://stadicus.github.io/RaspiBolt/)" tutorial on how to build a lightning node on the RaspberryPi which was the base work the RaspiBlitz was developed on - so much thx to Stadicus :)
Join me on twitter [@rootzoll](https://twitter.com/rootzoll), visit us at a upcoming [#lightninghackday](https://twitter.com/hashtag/LightningHackday?src=hash) or check by on of our bitcoin meetups in Berlin ... every 1st Thursday evening a month at the room77 bar - feel free to buy me a beer with lightning there :)