added raspbian signature check

This commit is contained in:
Christian Rotzoll 2019-09-04 11:54:21 +02:00
parent 66689a6b52
commit 13bccd243f

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@ -619,12 +619,22 @@ Now to repair your RaspiBlitz Blockchain start mainmenu `./` and ch
## What is the process of creating a new sd card image release?
4 devcies needed:
* An Ubuntu Live USB stick -
Work Nodes for the process of producing a new sd card image release:
* Start `Ubuntu LIVE` from USB stick on Build Computer (press F12 on startup)
* Connect secure WIFI (hardware switch on)
* Download latest Raspbian Desktop (without recommended software) from []( to the NTFS formatted data USB stick
* Open terminal and compare checksum `shasum -a 256 /media/ubuntu/...[DOWNLOADED-RASPBIAN]`
* Connect secure WIFI (hardware switch on) or LAN
* Download latest Raspbian Desktop (without recommended software) from [](
* From browser see All-Downloads-Details and on context Copy Download-Link
* Paste download link into new browser tab and add ".sig" at the end (also download)
* From browser see All-Downloads-Details and on context open target folder in file manager
* On file manager (white sapce) from context menu: Open in Terminal
* compare checksum on https download site with `shasum -a 256 ./[DOWNLOADED-RASPBIAN]`
* `wget | gpg --import`
* `gpg --verify [DOWNLOADED-RASPBIAN].sig`
* Use in file manager context on NTFS USB stick `extract here` to unzip
* Connect sd card reader with 8GB sd card
* Use in file manager context on img-file `write image` write to sd card