copy sync blockchain from other client support

This commit is contained in:
rootzoll 2019-01-22 23:26:04 +01:00
parent 82090daecf
commit 2e237719ed
4 changed files with 164 additions and 122 deletions

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@ -32,6 +32,18 @@ Of course people should modify the system, add own scripts, etc ... but if you w
BTW there is a beneficial side effect, when updating with a new SD card: You also get rid of any maleware or system bloat that happend in the past. You start with a fresh system :)
## I have the full blockchain on another computer. How do I copy it to the RaspiBlitz?
Copying a already synced blockchain from another computer (for example your Laptop) can be a quick way to get the RaspiBlitz started. Also that way you synced and verified the blockchain yourself and not trusting the RaspiBlitz FTP/Torrent downloads (dont trust, verify).
One requirement is that the blockchain is from another bitcoin-core client with version greater or equal to 0.17.1 with transaction index switched on (`txindex=1` in the `bitcoin.conf`).
But we dont copy the data via USB to the device, because the HDD needs to be formatted in EXT4 and that is usually not read/writeable by Windows or Mac computers. So I will explain a way to copy the data thru your local network. This should work from Windows, Mac, Linux and even from another already synced RaspiBlitz.
Both computers (your RaspberryPi and the other computer with the full blockchain on) need to be connected to the same local network. Start the setup of the RaspiBlitz with a fresh SD card like explained in the README - its OK that there is no blockchain data on your HDD. At the point of the Setup about `Getting the Blockchain` choose the COPY option. Starting from version 1.0 of the RaspiBlitz this will give you further detailed instructions how to transfere the blockchain data onto your RaspiBlitz. In short: On your computer with the blockchain data you will execute SCP commands, that will copy the data over to your RaspiBlitz.
Once you finsihed the transfere the Raspiblitz will make a quick check - but beware that if there is an error during transfere it can result that yo
## How to backup my Lightning Node?
CAUTION: Restoring a backup can lead to LOSS OF ALL CHANNEL FUNDS if its not the latest channel state. There is no perfect backup solution for lightning nodes yet - this topic is in development by the community.
@ -44,7 +56,6 @@ To really have a good backup to rely on such feature needs to be part of the LND
But you can try to backup at your own risk. All your Lightning Node data is within the `/mnt/hdd/lnd` directory. Just run a backup of that data when the lnd service is stopped.
## How do I change the Name/Alias of my lightning node
Use the "Change Name/Alias of Node" option in main menu. The RaspiBlitz will make a reboot after this.

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@ -161,9 +161,9 @@ if [ ${mountOK} -eq 1 ]; then
echo "Bitcoin Options"
menuitem=$(dialog --clear --beep --backtitle "RaspiBlitz" --title "Getting the Blockchain" \
--menu "You need a copy of the Bitcoin Blockchain - you have 3 options:" 13 75 4 \
C "COPY --> USE BLOCKCHAINDATA from another computer" \
S "SYNC --> JUST TESTNET thru Bitoin Network (FALLBACK+SLOW)" 2>&1 >/dev/tty)
# Litecoin
@ -173,7 +173,6 @@ if [ ${mountOK} -eq 1 ]; then
--menu "You need a copy of the Litecoin Blockchain - you have 3 options:" 13 75 4 \
T "TORRENT --> MAINNET thru Torrent (DEFAULT)" \
C "COPY --> MAINNET from another HDD (TRICKY+FAST)" \
S "SYNC --> MAINNET thru Litecoin Network (FALLBACK+SLOW)" 2>&1 >/dev/tty)
# error

View File

@ -3,98 +3,100 @@
## get basic info
source /home/admin/ 2>/dev/null
echo ""
echo "*** Check 1st HDD ***"
sleep 4
hddA=$(lsblk | grep /mnt/hdd | grep -c sda1)
if [ ${hddA} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "FAIL - 1st HDD not found as sda1"
echo "Try 'sudo shutdown -r now'"
exit 1
echo "OK - HDD as sda1 found"
echo ""
echo "*** Copy Blockchain form a second HDD ***"
echo ""
echo "WARNING: The RaspiBlitz cannot run 2 HDDs without extra Power!"
echo ""
echo "You can use a Y cable for the second HDD to inject extra power."
echo "Like this one:"
echo "If you see on LCD a error on connecting the 2nd HDD do a restart."
echo ""
echo "You can use the HDD of another RaspiBlitz for this."
echo "The 2nd HDD needs to be formated Ext4/exFAT and the folder '${network}' is in root of HDD."
echo ""
echo "**********************************"
echo "--> Please connect now the 2nd HDD"
echo "**********************************"
echo ""
echo "If 2nd HDD is connected but setup does not continue,"
echo "then cancel (CTRL+c) and reboot."
while [ ${ready} -eq 0 ]
hddA=$(lsblk | grep /mnt/hdd | grep -c sda1)
if [ ${hddA} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "FAIL - connection to 1st HDD lost"
echo "It seems there was a POWEROUTAGE while connecting the 2nd HDD."
echo "Try to avoid this next time by adding extra Power or connect more securely."
echo "You need now to reboot with 'sudo shutdown -r now' and then try again."
exit 1
hddB=$(lsblk | grep -c sdb1)
if [ ${hddB} -eq 1 ]; then
echo "OK - 2nd HDD found"
# get local ip
localip=$(ip addr | grep 'state UP' -A2 | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/')
# create bitcoin base directory and link with bitcoin user
sudo mkdir /mnt/hdd/bitcoin
sudo chown bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/bitcoin
sudo ln -s /mnt/hdd/bitcoin /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin
echo ""
echo "*** Mounting 2nd HDD ***"
sudo mkdir /mnt/genesis
echo "try ext4 .."
sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/genesis
sleep 2
mountOK=$(lsblk | grep -c /mnt/genesis)
if [ ${mountOK} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "try exfat .."
sudo mount -t exfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/genesis
sleep 2
echo "*** Instructions to COPY BLOCKCHAIN from another computer (only MAINNET) ***"
echo ""
echo "You can use the blockchain from another bitcoin-core client with version greater or equal"
echo "to 0.17.1 with transaction index switched on (`txindex=1` in the `bitcoin.conf`)."
echo ""
echo "Both computers (your RaspberryPi and the other computer with the full blockchain on) need"
echo "to be connected to the same local network."
echo ""
echo "Open a terminal on the other computer and change into the directory that constains the"
echo "blockchain data. You should see directories 'blocks', 'chainstate' & 'indexes'".
echo "Make sure the bitcoin client on that computer is stopped."
echo ""
echo "Copy, Paste and Execute the following commands - line by line:"
echo "scp -R ./blocks bitcoin@${localip}:/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/blocks"
echo "scp -R ./chainstate bitcoin@${localip}:/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/chainstate"
echo "scp -R ./indexes bitcoin@${localip}:/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/indexes"
echo ""
echo "Every command above needs your SSH PASSWORD A to work and will take some time to transfer."
echo "PRESS ENTER if all 3 transfers are done or if you dont care and you want to return to menu."
read key
# unlink bitcoin user (will created later in setup again)
sudo unlink /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin
# make quick check if data is there
count=$(sudo ls /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/blocks | grep -c '.dat')
if [ ${count} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Found data in /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/blocks"
if [ ${count} -lt 3000 ]; then
echo "FAIL: transfere seems invalid - less then 3000 .dat files (${count})"
mountOK=$(lsblk | grep -c /mnt/genesis)
if [ ${mountOK} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "FAIL - not able to mount the 2nd HDD"
echo "only ext4 and exfat possible"
sleep 4
exit 1
count=$(sudo ls /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/chainstate | grep -c '.ldb')
if [ ${count} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Found data in /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/chainstate"
fi [ ${count} -lt 1400 ]; then
echo "FAIL: transfere seems invalid - less then 1400 .ldb files (${count})"
count=$(sudo ls /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/indexes/txindex | grep -c '.ldb')
if [ ${count} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Found data in /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/indexes/txindex"
if [ ${count} -lt 5200 ]; then
echo "FAIL: less then 5200 .ldb files (${count}) in /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/chainstate (transfere seems invalid)"
# just if any data transferred ..
if [ ${anyDataAtAll} -eq 1 ]; then
# data was invalkid - ask user to keep?
if [ ${quickCheckOK} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "*********************************************"
echo "There seems to be a invalid transfere."
echo "Wait 5 secs ..."
sleep 5
dialog --title " INVALID TRANSFER" --yesno "Quickcheck shows the data you transferred is invalid/incomplete.\nThis can lead further RaspiBlitz setup to get stuck in error state.\nDo you want to reset/delete data data?" 8 57
echo "response(${response})"
case $response in
0) quickCheckOK=1 ;;
if [ ${quickCheckOK} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Deleting invalid Data ..."
sudo rm -rf /mnt/hdd/bitcoin
sudo rm -rf /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin
sleep 2
echo "OK - 2nd HDD mounted at /mnt/genesis"
# when no data transferred - just delete bitcoin base dir again
sudo rm -rf /mnt/hdd/bitcoin
echo ""
echo "*** Copy Blockchain ***"
sudo rsync --append --info=progress2 -a /mnt/genesis/bitcoin /mnt/hdd/
echo "cleaning up - ok if files do not exists"
sudo rm /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf
sudo rm /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.pid
sudo rm /mnt/hdd/${network}/banlist.dat
sudo rm /mnt/hdd/${network}/debug.log
sudo rm /mnt/hdd/${network}/fee_estimates.dat
sudo rm /mnt/hdd/${network}/mempool.dat
sudo rm /mnt/hdd/${network}/peers.dat
sudo rm /mnt/hdd/${network}/testnet3/banlist.dat
sudo rm /mnt/hdd/${network}/testnet3/debug.log
sudo rm /mnt/hdd/${network}/testnet3/fee_estimates.dat
sudo rm /mnt/hdd/${network}/testnet3/mempool.dat
sudo rm /mnt/hdd/${network}/testnet3/peers.dat
sudo umount -l /mnt/genesis
echo "OK - Copy done :)"
echo ""
echo "---> You can now disconnect the 2nd HDD"
# set SetupState
sudo sed -i "s/^setupStep=.*/setupStep=50/g" /home/admin/
sleep 5
# setup script will decide the next logical step

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@ -1,30 +1,60 @@
echo ""
echo "!!!! This will DELETE your data & POSSIBLE FUNDS from the HDD !!!!"
echo "Press ENTER to really continue - CTRL+c to CANCEL (last chance)"
read key
sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff
sudo systemctl stop bitcoind.service 2>/dev/null
sudo systemctl stop litecoind.service 2>/dev/null
sudo systemctl stop lnd.service 2>/dev/null
sudo rm -f -r /mnt/hdd/lnd
sudo rm -f -r /mnt/hdd/ssh
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/swapfile
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/*.dat
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/*.log
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/*.pid
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/testnet3/*.dat
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/testnet3/*.log
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/testnet3/.lock
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/litecoin/litecoin.conf
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/litecoin/
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/litecoin/*.dat
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/litecoin/*.log
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/litecoin/*.pid
sudo rm -f -r /mnt/hdd/lost+found
sudo rm -f -r /mnt/hdd/download
sudo rm -f -r /mnt/hdd/tor
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf
sudo rm -f /home/admin/
if [ "${extraParameter}" = "-all" ]; then
echo "!!!! This will DELETE ALL DATA & POSSIBLE FUNDS from the HDD !!!!"
echo "Press ENTER to really continue - CTRL+c to CANCEL (last chance)"
read key
sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff
sudo systemctl stop bitcoind.service 2>/dev/null
sudo systemctl stop litecoind.service 2>/dev/null
sudo systemctl stop lnd.service 2>/dev/null
# delete plain all on HDD
sudo cd /mnt/hdd
rm -R -- */
echo "!!!! This will DELETE your personal data & POSSIBLE FUNDS from the HDD !!!!"
echo "--> It will keep Blockchain data - sou you dont have to download/copy again."
echo "--> If you want to delete also blockchain data, please run with '-all' parameter."
echo "Press ENTER to really continue - CTRL+c to CANCEL (last chance)"
read key
sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff
sudo systemctl stop bitcoind.service 2>/dev/null
sudo systemctl stop litecoind.service 2>/dev/null
sudo systemctl stop lnd.service 2>/dev/null
# just delete selective
sudo rm -f -r /mnt/hdd/lnd
sudo rm -f -r /mnt/hdd/ssh
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/swapfile
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/*.dat
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/*.log
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/*.pid
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/testnet3/*.dat
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/testnet3/*.log
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/testnet3/.lock
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/litecoin/litecoin.conf
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/litecoin/
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/litecoin/*.dat
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/litecoin/*.log
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/litecoin/*.pid
sudo rm -f -r /mnt/hdd/lost+found
sudo rm -f -r /mnt/hdd/download
sudo rm -f -r /mnt/hdd/tor
sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf
sudo rm -f /home/admin/
echo "OK - the HDD is now clean"
echo "reboot -> sudo shutdown -r now"
echo "power off -> sudo shutdown now"