#936 expanding sd card, detecting too small card

This commit is contained in:
rootzoll 2020-01-07 17:11:21 +01:00
parent 27cfc64299
commit 6358d3631a
4 changed files with 44 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -143,6 +143,10 @@ while :
message=$(echo $message | awk '{printf( "%.2f%%", 100 * $1)}')
# when old data - improve message
elif [ "${state}" = "sdtoosmall" ]; then
message="SDCARD TOO SMALL - min 16GB"
# when old data - improve message
elif [ "${state}" = "olddata" ]; then
message="login for manual migration"

View File

@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ cp $logFile /home/admin/raspiblitz.setup.log
echo "Setting the Name/Alias/Hostname .."
sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/lnd.setname.sh ${hostname}
# expanding the root of the sd card
sudo raspi-config --expand-rootfs
sudo sed -i "s/^fsexpanded=.*/fsexpanded=1/g" /home/admin/raspiblitz.info
# mark setup is done
sudo sed -i "s/^setupStep=.*/setupStep=100/g" /home/admin/raspiblitz.info

View File

@ -26,6 +26,40 @@ if [ ${configExists} -eq 0 ]; then
exit 1
# check if file system was expanded to full capacity and sd card is bigger then 8GB
# see: https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues/936
source ${infoFile}
if [ "${baseImage}" = "raspbian" ]; then
echo "### RASPBIAN: CHECKING SD CARD SIZE ###" >> ${logFile}
sudo sed -i "s/^message=.*/message='Checking SD Card'/g" ${infoFile}
byteSizeSdCard=$(df --output=size,source | grep "/dev/root" | tr -cd "[0-9]")
echo "Size in Bytes is: ${byteSizeSdCard}" >> ${logFile}
if [ ${byteSizeSdCard} -lt 8192000 ]; then
echo "SD Card filesystem is smaller then 8GB." >> ${logFile}
if [ ${fsexpanded} -eq 1 ]; then
echo "There was already an attempt to expand the fs, but still not bigger then 8GB." >> ${logFile}
echo "SD card seems to small - at least a 16GB card is needed. Display on LCD to user." >> ${logFile}
sudo sed -i "s/^state=.*/state=sdtoosmall/g" ${infoFile}
sudo sed -i "s/^message=.*/message='Min 16GB SD card needed'/g" ${infoFile}
exit 1
echo "Try to expand SD card FS, display info and reboot." >> ${logFile}
sudo sed -i "s/^state=.*/state=reboot/g" ${infoFile}
sudo sed -i "s/^message=.*/message='Expanding SD Card'/g" ${infoFile}
sudo sed -i "s/^fsexpanded=.*/fsexpanded=1/g" ${infoFile}
sudo raspi-config --expand-rootfs
sleep 6
sudo shutdown -r now
exit 0
echo "Size looks good. Bigger then 8GB card is used." >> ${logFile}
echo "Baseimage is ${baseImage} - not raspbian, skipping the sd card size check." >> ${logFile}
# import config values
sudo chmod 777 ${configFile}
source ${configFile}

View File

@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ sudo killall -3 fbi
# try to load old values if available (overwrites defaults)
source ${infoFile} 2>/dev/null
@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ echo "state=starting" > $infoFile
echo "message=" >> $infoFile
echo "network=${network}" >> $infoFile
echo "chain=${chain}" >> $infoFile
echo "fsexpanded=${fsexpanded}" >> $infoFile
echo "setupStep=${setupStep}" >> $infoFile
if [ "${setupStep}" != "100" ]; then
echo "hostname=${hostname}" >> $infoFile