copy blockchain from torrents

This commit is contained in:
Christian Rotzoll 2019-04-28 16:29:55 +02:00
parent 19ee877f8d
commit 7fb353db5e

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@ -126,6 +126,10 @@ If everything of the above is prepared, start the setup of the new RaspiBlitz wi
Once you finished all the transferes the Raspiblitz will make a quick-check on the data - but that will not guarantee that everything in detail was OK with the transfer. Check further FAQ answeres if you get stuck or see a final sync with a value below 90%.
## I have downloaded the torrents on another computer. How do I copy them to the RaspiBlitz?
You need both torrents to be downloaded on your laptop for that. You need merge both torrents files now to a full blockchain copy. Stop torrent app. Copy all downloaded data from update torrent into the directory of the base torrent. Not you have a copy of the full blockchain in one directory and you can continue like in the FAQ case above "I have the full blockchain on another computer. How do I copy it to the RaspiBlitz?"
**If you want to replace a corrupted blockchain this way:** *Go to terminal - maybe with CTRL+c. Then call `/home/admin/` use the displayed SCP commands to copy over the fresh blockchain. Press ENTER when all is copied, so that the script can quick check the data. Then make a reboot `sudo shutdown -r now`*
## How do I clone the Blockchain from a 2nd HDD?