fix quoting on commands

This commit is contained in:
rootzoll 2020-02-14 22:30:21 +01:00
parent 4eb46abfb7
commit 870216abe5

View File

@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ defaultZipPath="/mnt/hdd/temp"
# SCP download and upload links
localip=$(ip addr | grep 'state UP' -A2 | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/')
scpDownload="scp -r 'bitcoin@${localip}:${defaultZipPath}/raspiblitz-*.tar.gz' ./"
scpUpload="scp -r ./raspiblitz-*.tar.gz bitcoin@${localip}:${defaultZipPath}"
scpUpload="scp -r './raspiblitz-*.tar.gz bitcoin@${localip}:${defaultZipPath}'"
# output status data & exit
if [ "$1" = "status" ]; then
echo "# RASPIBLITZ Data Import & Export"
echo "isBTRFS=${isBTRFS}"
echo "scpDownload='${scpDownload}'"
echo "scpUpload='${scpUpload}'"
echo "isBTRFS=${isBTRFS}"
echo "scpDownload=\"${scpDownload}\""
echo "scpUpload=\"${scpUpload}\""
exit 1
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ if [ "$1" = "export" ]; then
# zip it
echo "# Building the Export File (this can take some time) .."
sudo tar -zcvf ${defaultZipPath}/raspiblitz-export-temp.tar.gz -X ~/.exclude.temp /mnt/hdd 1>~/.include.temp
sudo tar -zcvf ${defaultZipPath}/raspiblitz-export-temp.tar.gz -X ~/.exclude.temp /mnt/hdd 1>~/.include.temp 2>/dev/null
# get md5 checksum
echo "# Building checksum (can take also a while) ..."
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ if [ "$1" = "export" ]; then
rm ~/.exclude.temp
rm ~/.include.temp
echo "scpDownload='${scpDownload}'"
echo "scpDownload=\"${scpDownload}\""
echo "# OK - Export done"
exit 0
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ if [ "$1" = "import" ]; then
countZips=$(sudo ls ${importFile} 2>/dev/null | grep -c '.tar.gz')
if [ ${countZips} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "# can just find file when ends on .tar.gz and exists"
echo "scpUpload='${scpUpload}'"
echo "scpUpload=\"${scpUpload}\""
echo "error='file not found'"
exit 1
elif [ ${countZips} -eq 1 ]; then
@ -252,6 +252,38 @@ fi
if [ "$1" = "import-gui" ]; then
# get info about HDD
source <(sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/ status)
# make sure a HDD/SSD is connected
if [ ${isMounted} -eq 1 ]; then
# make sure HDD/SSD is not mounted
# because importing migration just works during early setup
if [ ${isMounted} -eq 1 ]; then
echo "FAIL --> cannot import migration data when HDD(SDD is mounted"
exit 1
# ask format for new HDD/SSD
OPTIONS=(EXT4 "Ext4 & 1 Partition (default)" \
BTRFS "BTRFS & 3 Partinions (experimental)"
CHOICE=$(whiptail --clear --title "Repair Options" --menu "" 9 52 2 "${OPTIONS[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty)
case $CHOICE in
echo "EXT4 FORMAT"
exit 0
# cleaning old migration files from blitz
sudo rm ${defaultZipPath}/*.tar.gz