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This commit is contained in:
rootzoll 2019-02-17 00:22:42 +01:00
parent fda7a98776
commit c9295826f0
2 changed files with 10 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -464,15 +464,23 @@ Work Nodes for the process of producing a new sd card image release:
* Remove `Ubuntu LIVE` USB stick and replace with `Ubuntu AIRGAP`
* PowerOn Build Laptop (press F12 for boot menu)
* Cut Power of RaspiBlitz, remove sd card and connect with sd card reader to build laptop
* Open `Disks` manager, select sd card and choose `Create Disk Image` (right upper corner window)
* Store image to NTFS USB stick (click to start can take a while - enter password)
* Open in File Manager the NTFS USB Stick, context menu the created IMG file `compress`
* Name it: ``
* Delete all IMG files from NTFS (just keep zips)
* open terminal - check name if sd-card writer with `df`
* `dd if=/dev/[sdcarddevice] | gzip > /media/ubuntu/NTFS/raspiblitz-vX.X-YEAR-MONTH-DAY.img.gz`
* Delete all IMG files from NTFS (just keep zips/gzs)
* Context on white space, `Open in Terminal`, run `shasum -a 256 [NEW-ZIP] > sha256.txt`
* [Do future author signing here with tools from airgap build machine]
* Shutdown build computer
* Connect NTFS USB stick to MacOS (its just readonly)
* Check if file can be unzipped on OSX
* Run tests with new image
* Upload new image to Download Server
* Copy SHA256-String into GutHub README and update downloadlink

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@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ fi
echo ""
echo "*** Moving Files ***"
date +%s
echo "can take some minutes... please wait"
echo "can take 10-60 minutes... please wait"
sudo mkdir /mnt/hdd/${network} 2>/dev/null
sudo mv ${targetPath1}/* /mnt/hdd/${network}/
sudo cp -r ${targetPath2}/* /mnt/hdd/${network}/