make LND repair options optional

This commit is contained in:
rootzoll 2021-08-30 21:14:58 +02:00
parent 3e67cd3224
commit fc0f3fb9d8

View File

@ -46,19 +46,20 @@ RaspiBlitz image to your SD card.
" 12 40
# Basic Options
#OPTIONS=(HARDWARE "Run Hardwaretest" \
OPTIONS=(SOFTWARE "Run Softwaretest (DebugReport)" \
BACKUP-LND "Backup your LND data (Rescue-File)" \
MIGRATION "Migrate Blitz Data to new Hardware" \
COPY-SOURCE "Copy Blockchain Source Modus" \
RESET-CHAIN "Delete Blockchain & Re-Download" \
RESET-LND "Delete LND & start new node/wallet" \
RESET-HDD "Delete HDD Data but keep Blockchain" \
RESET-ALL "Delete HDD completely to start fresh" \
DELETE-ELEC "Delete Electrum Index" \
DELETE-INDEX "Delete Bitcoin Transaction-Index"
#OPTIONS+=(HARDWARE "Run Hardwaretest")
OPTIONS+=(SOFTWARE "Run Softwaretest (DebugReport)")
if [ "${lightning}" == "lnd" ] || [ "${lnd}" == "on" ]; then
OPTIONS+=(BACKUP-LND "Backup your LND data (Rescue-File)")
OPTIONS+=(RESET-LND "Delete LND & start new node/wallet")
OPTIONS+=(MIGRATION "Migrate Blitz Data to new Hardware")
OPTIONS+=(COPY-SOURCE "Copy Blockchain Source Modus")
OPTIONS+=(RESET-CHAIN "Delete Blockchain & Re-Download")
OPTIONS+=(RESET-HDD "Delete HDD Data but keep Blockchain")
OPTIONS+=(RESET-ALL "Delete HDD completely to start fresh")
OPTIONS=(DELETE-ELEC "Delete Electrum Index")
OPTIONS=(DELETE-INDEX "Delete Bitcoin Transaction-Index")
CHOICE=$(whiptail --clear --title "Repair Options" --menu "" 18 62 11 "${OPTIONS[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty)