* v1.11.4rc1 & AlbyHub 1.12.0 * #4864 Core Lightning 24.11.1 * #4884 revert back to former version * #4891 account for pending closing balance (#4892) * #4876 adding Allow New User Switch * #4882 revert back to CLN v24.11 * #4893 temp re-introduce en_GB for v1.11.4
Build your own Bitcoin & Lightning Fullnode on a RaspberryPi with an optional Display. (API|WebUI)
The RaspiBlitz is a do-it-yourself Bitcoin & Lightning Fullnode running on a RaspberryPi 4&5 with a nice display for easy setup & monitoring.
RaspiBlitz is mainly targeted for learning how to run your own node decentralized from home - because: Not your Node, Not your Rules. Discover & develop the open-source ecosystem of Bitcoin by becoming a full part of it.
Links to Quickstart your RaspiBlitz journey:
- Project Homepage: raspiblitz.org
- How to build & setup your own RaspiBlitz & Documentation
- Download latest SD Card images
- How to get Support
Additional Resources:
- ChangeLog
- FAQ User
- FAQ Development
- FAQ Core Lightning
- Workshop Tutorial
- Security Policy
- Alternative Platforms
- Automated Builds
- MIT OpenSource License
Developer Notes:
This is main RaspiBlitz repo containing the bash & python scripts to build the RaspiBlitz software. It it complimented by the following side repos:
- WebUI (React & Tailwind)
- API (Python FastAPI)
- Documentation (Docusaurus)
To get started with RaspiBlitz Development check the Community Development notes.