openoms b20fae09d6
typo fixes in .md files with typos-cli (#4026)
* typo fixes in .md files with typos-cli
* fix false positives
2023-07-28 23:06:05 +02:00
2021-10-03 12:24:27 +02:00

Alternative platforms for the RaspiBlitz

Minimum requirements

  • > 2GB DDR3 ECC RAM (8GB+ if using ZFS)
  • USB 3.0 / SATA / PCIE / NVME connectors
  • SSD - multiple disks for redundancy

Specifications of the tested hardware: hw_comparison.md

All testers are welcome. Open an issue for your specific board to collaborate and share your experience.

amd64 image


  • amd64 Laptop, Desktop or Server connected to the internet via a LAN cable

  • OS disk: min 32GB SSD is recommended to run the system on

  • Data disk: a new, minimum 1TB SSD is recommended - stores data independent of the operating system

    • usually placed internally

Automated builds

  • find the download links or build locally with the instructions in: /ci/README.md

Virtual Machine

Instructions to run a RaspiBlitz as a VM on a Linux host machine. The process is similar if you want to run RaspiBlitz on the bare metal.

Tested with:

Create the base image

Building the Raspiblitz scripts

  • Run the build script in the terminal of the guest OS (with sudo access):

    # download the build script
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/dev/build_sdcard.sh
    # run
    sudo bash build_sdcard.sh -f true -b dev -d headless -t false -w off
    # Options:
    #   -h, --help                               this help info
    #   -i, --interaction [0|1]                  interaction before proceeding with execution (default: 1)
    #   -f, --fatpack [0|1]                      fatpack mode (default: 1)
    #   -u, --github-user [rootzoll|other]       github user to be checked from the repo (default: rootzoll)
    #   -b, --branch [v1.7|v1.8]                 branch to be built on (default: v1.7)
    #   -d, --display [lcd|hdmi|headless]        display class (default: lcd)
    #   -t, --tweak-boot-drive [0|1]             tweak boot drives (default: 1)
    #   -w, --wifi-region [off|US|GB|other]      wifi iso code (default: US) or 'off'
  • Switch off when ready

  • Attach an other disk (can be even small if you prune or stop bitcoind manually. The second virtual disk will be used as the BLOCKCHAIN drive. This makes that data portable and independent from the OS similar to the combination of the SDcard and separate SSD.


Data drive

  • create a raw image of 500+ GB for best compatibility
  • if there are permission issues try to symlink the disk image to /var/lib/libvirt/images


Many SBC-s are supported: https://www.armbian.com/download/

To verify the downloaded image follow: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/#how-to-check-download-authenticity

Tested on:

Burn the image to the SDcard with Etcher.

Assemble and boot.

ssh root@192.168.x.x

password: 1234

Follow the instructions in the terminal. Set the new password to raspiblitz and name the new user admin to keep in line with the rest of the setup.

Continue with building the SDcard: https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz#build-the-sd-card-image


A common distro to be supplied by the manufacturer for various boards.

Tested on:

Burn the image to the SDCard with Etcher.

Assemble and boot.

ssh root@192.168.x.x

password: odroid

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade

if there is an error:

E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)

E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), is another process using it?

run: reboot and update as above

Continue with building the SDcard: https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz#build-the-sd-card-image

Python upgrade

  • run the commands below in the terminal line-by-line
    # select version
    majorPythonVersion=$(echo "$pythonVersion" | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2}' )
    # update and upgrade
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade -y
    # dependencies
    sudo apt install wget software-properties-common build-essential libnss3-dev zlib1g-dev libgdbm-dev libncurses5-dev libssl-dev libffi-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev libbz2-dev -y
    # download
    wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${pythonVersion}/Python-${pythonVersion}.tgz
    # optional signature for verification
    wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${pythonVersion}/Python-${pythonVersion}.tgz.asc
    # get PGP pubkey of Pablo Galindo Salgado
    gpg --recv-key CFDCA245B1043CF2A5F97865FFE87404168BD847
    # check for: Good signature from "Pablo Galindo Salgado <pablogsal@gmail.com>"
    gpg --verify Python-${pythonVersion}.tgz.asc
    # unzip
    tar xvf Python-${pythonVersion}.tgz
    cd Python-${pythonVersion}
    # configure
    ./configure --enable-optimizations
    # install
    sudo make altinstall
    # move the python binary to the expected directory
    sudo mv $(which python${majorPythonVersion}) /usr/bin/
    # check
    ls -la /usr/bin/python${majorPythonVersion}
    # make the new version the default
    sudo rm /etc/alternatives/python
    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python${majorPythonVersion} 1
    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python${majorPythonVersion} 1
    # check
    python --version
    python3 --version

Manual image release for amd64

Work notes partially based on: https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/blob/v1.7/FAQ.md#what-is-the-process-of-creating-a-new-sd-card-image-release


  • amd64 Laptop or Server connected to the internet via a LAN cable
  • Ubuntu Live USB Stick to start on a clean system
  • Installation medium: min 8GB SDcard / USB stick to install the base image from
  • OS disk: min 32 GB Endurance type SDcard or USB SSD to run the operating system on
  • (Data disk: a new, minimum 1TB SSD is recommended - not needed to create the image release)
  • Tails USB Stick to sign the image offline
  • PGP keys on an USB stick to sign the image
  • NTFS formatted USB Stick or disk to store the signed image (can reuse the Installation medium)

Create an NTFS formatted USB Stick / USB disk

  • can be prepared any time on a separate computer and can reuse the Installation medium

Boot Ubuntu Live from USB

  • Start Ubuntu Live from USB stick
  • Under Settings: best to set correct keyboard language & power settings to prevent monitor turn off

Download and verify the base image

  • Download the latest Debian Desktop netinst.io, SHA512SUMS and Signature and verify the downloaded image
  • In a terminal can use the following commands (see the comments for the explanations and an example output)
    # Download the base image:
    wget https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-cd/debian-11.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso
    # Download the SHA512SUMS:
    wget https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-cd/SHA512SUMS
    # Download the Signature:
    wget https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-cd/SHA512SUMS.sign
    # Verify:
    # download the signing pubkey:
    gpg --keyserver keyring.debian.org --receive-key DF9B9C49EAA9298432589D76DA87E80D6294BE9B
    # gpg: key DA87E80D6294BE9B: public key "Debian CD signing key <debian-cd@lists.debian.org>" imported
    # gpg: Total number processed: 1
    # gpg:               imported: 1
    # Verify the signature of the SHA512SUMS file
    gpg --verify gpg --verify SHA512SUMS.sign
    # Look for the output 'Good signature':
    # gpg: assuming signed data in 'SHA512SUMS'
    # gpg: Signature made Sat 26 Mar 2022 21:22:41 GMT
    # gpg:                using RSA key DF9B9C49EAA9298432589D76DA87E80D6294BE9B
    # gpg: Good signature from "Debian CD signing key <debian-cd@lists.debian.org>" [unknown]
    # gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
    # gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
    # Primary key fingerprint: DF9B 9C49 EAA9 2984 3258  9D76 DA87 E80D 6294 BE9B
    # Compare the hash to the hash of the image file:
    sha512sum -c SHA512SUMS --ignore-missing
    # Look for the output 'OK':
    # debian-11.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso: OK

Flash the base image to the installation medium

  • Connect an SDcard reader with a min 8GB SDcard or an USB stick.
  • In the file manager open the context menu (right click) on the netinst.iso file.
  • Select the option Open With Other Application and choose Open With Disk Image Writer.
  • Write the image to the SDcard / USB SSD (Installation medium).
  • Shut down the Laptop now and remove the Ubuntu Live USB Stick.

Install Debian to the OS disk

  • Connect the Laptop / Server to the LAN (with cable) with only the OS disk connected (no Data disk)
  • Insert the installation medium to the USB and power up - boot from USB.
  • Continue to work on the screen of the laptop or a connected monitor
  • Install Debian with the defaults:
    • leave the root password empty (root user disabled)
    • create a new user called pi, set the password to raspiblitz
    • use a single partition for the OS
      • Choose: Guided - use entire disk
      • Select the OS disk
      • All files in one partition
      • Can remove the Swap partition - a swap file will be created on the Data disk later
  • At the Software selection choose:
    • Debian desktop environment
    • GNOME (could be other as preferred)
    • SSH server
    • standard system utilities
  • Install GRUB on the primary partition (OS Disk)

Install the RaspiBlitz Scripts

  • Once the setup is finished reboot and log in with the pi user (pw: raspiblitz)

  • Run the following commands to build from the dev branch or change dev with the branch name of your version:

    # download
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/dev/build_sdcard.sh
    # run
    sudo bash build_sdcard.sh -f true -b dev -d headless -t false -w off
  • The [sudo] password for pi: is raspiblitz

  • Confirm the chosen parameters

  • Monitor/Check outputs for warnings/errors

  • (Optional for development - copy the output to a build_sdcard.sh.log)

  • Useful settings:

    • In Settings - Power - Automatic Suspend - Plugged In - Off
    • In Tweaks - General - Suspend when laptop lid is closed - Off

Prepare the release

Clean and shutdown the build machine

  • run the command (same as running release under admin):
    sudo -u admin /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.preparerelease.sh
  • This will shut down the laptop.
  • Remove the Installation medium and the Ubuntu Live USB stick and the LAN cable

Start Tails

  • Connect the Tails USB Stick (make it stay offline)
  • Boot Tails and set and Admin password in Additional Settings (will need it to work with the disk)
  • Set the screen to not switch off: Settings > Power -> Blank screen - Never

Import the signing keys

  • Connect USB stick with GPG signing keys - decrypt drive if needed
  • Open Terminal and cd into directory of USB Stick under /media/amnesia
  • Run gpg --import ./secret-key-backup.key, check and exit
  • Disconnect USB stick with GPG keys
Prepare the disk
  • Start Disks and resize the OS disk partition to 10GB

  • Connect the NTFS USB stick, open in file manager and delete old files

  • Open a terminal from the NTFS disk with right click

  • Run lsblk in a terminal to double check the OS disk device name (ignore last partition number)

  • Clone and compress the OS disk image (copy 11GB so the 10GB sized partition is comfortably included):

    sudo dd if=/dev/[OSdiskddevice] bs=1G count=11 status=progress | gzip > raspiblitz-amd64-vX.X.X-YEAR-MONTH-DAY.img.gz
  • When finished you should see that 30GB was copied (the resulting compressed file is less than 3GB).

  • Create sha256 hash of the image:

    sha256sum *.gz > raspiblitz-amd64-vX.X.X-YEAR-MONTH-DAY.img.gz.sha256
  • Sign the sha256 hash file:

    gpg --detach-sign --armor *.sha256
  • Check the files:

  • Test with:

    gpg --verify *.asc
    shasum -c *.sha256
  • Shutdown the build computer

  • Upload the new image to server - put the .sig file and .sha256 next to it

  • Copy the sha256sum to GitHub README and update the download link

Verify the downloaded image

Linux instructions

  • Open a terminal in the directory with the downloaded files
  • Paste the following commands (see the comments for the explanations and an example output)
    # Import the signing pubkey:
    curl https://keybase.io/oms/pgp_keys.asc | gpg --import
    # Verify the signature of the sha256 hash:
    gpg --verify *.asc
    # Look for the output 'Good signature':
    # gpg: assuming signed data in 'raspiblitz-amd64-vX.X.X-YEAR-MONTH-DAY.img.gz.sha256'
    # gpg: Signature made Mon DAY MONTH YEAR xx:xx:xx GMT
    # gpg:                using RSA key 13C688DB5B9C745DE4D2E4545BFB77609B081B65
    # gpg: Good signature from "openoms <oms@tuta.io>" [unknown]
    # gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
    # gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
    # Primary key fingerprint: 13C6 88DB 5B9C 745D E4D2  E454 5BFB 7760 9B08 1B65
    # Compare the sha256 hash to the hash of the image file
    shasum -c *.sha256
    # Look for the output 'OK' :
    # raspiblitz-amd64-vX.X.X-YEAR-MONTH-DAY.img.gz: OK

Create a torrent

  • Create Torrent file from image (for example with Transmission / qbBittorrent) and place in the home.admin/assets folder & link on README
  • Tracker list recommended to be used with the torrent:
  • Comments:
    raspiblitz-raspiblitz-amd64-vX.X.X-YEAR-MONTH-DAY image, sha256sum and signature
    Find more info at: https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/tree/dev/alternative.platforms
    # Import the signing pubkey:
    curl https://keybase.io/oms/pgp_keys.asc | gpg --import
    gpg --verify *.asc
    # Verify the signature of the sha256 hash (Look for the output 'Good signature'):
    gpg --verify *.asc
    # Look for the output 'Good signature'
    # Compare the sha256 hash to the hash of the image file (Look for the output 'OK'):
    shasum -c *.sha256