mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 17:51:48 +01:00
* postgres: add comments, backup and remove unused databases * bats: remove output, use --verbose-run locally * always drop empty pg 15 cluster * check cluster correctly, fix port after upgrade * always restart postgresql.service to fix port
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93 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env bats
@test "Create PostgreSQL 13 cluster" {
postgres_datadir="/var/lib/postgresql" # default data dir
postgres_confdir="/etc/postgresql" # default conf dir
if [ ! -f /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/postgresql.gpg ]; then
curl -fsSL https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/postgresql.gpg
echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-13
# avoid failure in github action
sudo pg_createcluster 13 main || true
sudo pg_ctlcluster 13 main start
sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'postgres';"
@test "Create test database in 13" {
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE testdb13 TEMPLATE template0 LC_CTYPE 'C' LC_COLLATE 'C' ENCODING 'UTF8';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER testuser13 WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'raspiblitz';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE testdb13 TO testuser13;"
run pg_lsclusters
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
run sudo -u postgres psql -l
echo "$output" | grep -q "testdb13"
[ "$?" -eq 0 ]
echo "$output" | grep -q "testuser13"
[ "$?" -eq 0 ]
@test "Switch cluster 13 off and move" {
sudo apt-get remove -y postgresql-13
sudo apt-get remove -y postgresql-15
sudo apt-get remove -y postgresql
run ../home.admin/config.scripts/bonus.postgresql.sh off
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/app-data/
sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql /mnt/hdd/app-data/
run sudo ls /mnt/hdd/app-data/postgresql/13
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
sudo mv /mnt/hdd/app-data/postgresql /mnt/hdd/app-data/postgresql.bak
run sudo pg_dropcluster 13 main --stop
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
@test "Recover cluster from 13 without config" {
sudo mv /mnt/hdd/app-data/postgresql.bak /mnt/hdd/app-data/postgresql
sudo rm -rf /etc/postgresql
sudo rm -rf /mnt/hdd/app-data/postgresql-conf.bak
# run the script
run ../home.admin/config.scripts/bonus.postgresql.sh on
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
run pg_lsclusters
# check that no 13 cluster is present
[ $(echo "$output" | grep -c "13 main") -eq 0 ]
# check that no 13 cluster is present
echo "$output" | grep -q "15 main"
[ "$?" -eq 0 ]
run sudo -u postgres psql -l
echo "$output" | grep -q "testdb13"
[ "$?" -eq 0 ]
echo "$output" | grep -q "testuser13"
[ "$?" -eq 0 ]
@test "Create test database (2)" {
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE testdb15 TEMPLATE template0 LC_CTYPE 'C' LC_COLLATE 'C' ENCODING 'UTF8';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER testuser15 WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'raspiblitz';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE testdb15 TO testuser15;"
run pg_lsclusters
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
run sudo -u postgres psql -l
echo "$output" | grep -q "testdb15"
[ "$?" -eq 0 ]
echo "$output" | grep -q "testuser15"
[ "$?" -eq 0 ]
@test "Final cleanup" {
run ../home.admin/config.scripts/bonus.postgresql.sh off
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
run pg_lsclusters
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
sudo pg_dropcluster 15 main --stop || true
sudo pg_dropcluster 13 main --stop || true
sudo rm -rf /mnt/hdd/app-data/postgresql*
sudo apt-get remove -y postgresql-13
sudo apt-get remove -y postgresql-15
sudo apt-get remove -y postgresql