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#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cwchar>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <io.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <streambuf>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <cstddef>
#include <sys/stat.h>
//namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem;
namespace wa
namespace files
bool file_exists( const char *p_filename );
bool file_exists( const std::string &p_filename );
bool file_exists( const wchar_t *p_filename );
int file_size( const char *p_filename );
int file_size( const wchar_t *p_filename );
bool folder_exists( const char* p_folder );
bool getFilenamesFromFolder( std::vector<std::string> &p_result, const std::string &p_folder_path, const std::string &p_reg_ex, const size_t p_limit = 100 );
namespace strings
namespace convert
// to const char*
const char* to_char( const wchar_t *p_message );
const char* to_char( const std::wstring p_message );
// to const wchar_t*
const wchar_t *to_wchar( const char *p_message );
// to std::string
std::string to_string( const char *p_message );
std::string to_string( const wchar_t *p_message );
std::string to_string( const std::wstring p_message );
// to std::wstring
std::wstring to_wstring( const char *p_message );
std::wstring to_wstring( const wchar_t *p_message );
std::wstring to_wstring( const std::string p_message );
void replace( std::string &p_string, const std::string &p_from, const std::string &p_to );
void replace( char *p_string, const char *p_from, const char *p_to );
void replace( wchar_t *p_string, const wchar_t *p_from, const wchar_t *p_to );
void replaceAll( std::string &p_string, const std::string &p_from, const std::string &p_to );
void replaceAll( char *p_string, const char *p_from, const char *p_to );
void replaceAll( wchar_t *p_string, const wchar_t *p_from, const wchar_t *p_to );
std::string create_string( const char *Format, ... );
std::string create_string( const wchar_t *Format, ... );
std::string create_string( const std::string Format, ... );
class wa_string
wa_string( const char *p_initial = NULL );
wa_string( const wchar_t *p_initial = NULL );
wa_string( const std::string &p_initial );
wa_string( const std::wstring &p_initial );
void operator = ( const char *p_value );
void operator = ( const wchar_t *p_value );
void operator = ( const std::string &p_value );
void operator = ( const std::wstring &p_value );
bool operator == ( const char *p_value ) const;
bool operator == ( const wchar_t *p_value ) const;
bool operator == ( const std::string &p_value ) const;
bool operator == ( const std::wstring &p_value ) const;
bool operator != ( const char *p_value ) const;
bool operator != ( const wchar_t *p_value ) const;
bool operator != ( const std::string &p_value ) const;
bool operator != ( const int p_value ) const;
wa_string operator + ( const char *p_value );
wa_string operator + ( const wchar_t *p_value );
wa_string operator + ( const std::string &p_value );
wa_string operator + ( const std::wstring &p_value);
wa_string operator + ( const int p_value );
wa_string append( const char *p_value );
wa_string append( const wchar_t *p_value );
wa_string append( const std::string &p_value );
wa_string append( const std::wstring &p_value );
wa_string append( const wa_string p_value);
wa_string append( const int p_value );
const std::string GetA() const;
const std::wstring GetW() const;
void clear() { _wa_string.clear(); }
unsigned int lengthA() const;
unsigned int lengthW() const;
unsigned int lengthS() const;
unsigned int lengthWS() const;
bool contains( const char *p_value );
bool contains( const wchar_t *p_value );
bool contains( const std::string &p_value );
bool contains( const std::wstring &p_value );
wa_string replace( const char *p_from, const char *p_to );
wa_string replace( const wchar_t *p_from, const wchar_t *p_to );
wa_string replace( const std::string &p_from, const std::string &p_to );
wa_string replace( const std::wstring &p_from, const std::wstring &p_to );
wa_string replaceAll( const char *p_from, const char *p_to );
wa_string replaceAll( const wchar_t *p_from, const wchar_t *p_to );
wa_string replaceAll( const std::string &p_from, const std::string &p_to );
wa_string replaceAll( const std::wstring &p_from, const std::wstring &p_to );
bool startsWith( const char *l_head ) const;
bool startsWith( const wchar_t *l_head ) const;
bool startsWith( const std::string &l_head ) const;
bool startsWith( const std::wstring &l_head ) const;
bool endsWith( const char *l_tail ) const;
bool endsWith( const wchar_t *l_tail ) const;
bool endsWith( const std::string &l_tail ) const;
bool endsWith( const std::wstring &l_tail ) const;
int findFirst( const char *l_text ) const;
int findFirst( const wchar_t *l_text ) const;
int findFirst( const std::string &l_text ) const;
int findFirst( const std::wstring &l_text ) const;
int findLast( const char *l_text ) const;
int findLast( const wchar_t *l_text ) const;
int findLast( const std::string &l_text ) const;
int findLast( const std::wstring &l_text ) const;
int find( const std::wstring &l_text ) const;
std::wstring mid( const int p_start, const int p_length ) const;
bool empty() const { return _wa_string.empty(); }
wa_string toUpper();
std::wstring _wa_string;
namespace bits_operation
unsigned char* GetBits(unsigned char* Source, unsigned int NbrOfBits, unsigned int* BufferSize);
wa::strings::wa_string PrintInBinary(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int size);
#endif // !_WA_FILE_HEADER