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synced 2025-03-31 23:08:03 +02:00
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466 lines
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#ifndef __LAYOUT_H
#define __LAYOUT_H
class Layout;
class Group;
class Container;
class Layer;
#include <bfc/tlist.h>
#include <bfc/depend.h>
#include <tataki/bitmap/bitmap.h>
#include <api/wnd/wndclass/buttwnd.h>
#include <tataki/region/region.h>
#include <api/wndmgr/container.h>
#include <api/skin/group.h>
#include <api/skin/widgets/layer.h>
#include <api/wndmgr/guistatuscb.h>
#include <api/script/script.h>
#include <api/script/scriptobj.h>
#include <api/script/objects/guiobj.h>
#include <api/wnd/accessible.h>
#include <api/wndmgr/alphamgr.h>
#include <api/wnd/resizable.h>
class XmlObject;
class Layout;
extern AlphaMgr *alphaMgr;
class LayoutScriptController : public GroupScriptController {
virtual const wchar_t *getClassName();
virtual const wchar_t *getAncestorClassName();
virtual ScriptObjectController *getAncestorController() { return groupController; }
virtual int getNumFunctions();
virtual const function_descriptor_struct *getExportedFunctions();
virtual GUID getClassGuid();
virtual ScriptObject *instantiate();
virtual int getInstantiable();
virtual void destroy(ScriptObject *o);
virtual void *encapsulate(ScriptObject *o);
virtual void deencapsulate(void *o);
static function_descriptor_struct exportedFunction[];
extern LayoutScriptController *layoutController;
#ifndef _NOSTUDIO
class AutoOpacityLinker;
#define LAYOUT_PARENT Group
class Layout : public LAYOUT_SCRIPTPARENT, public DependentViewerI, public GuiResizable
virtual ~Layout();
#ifdef _WIN32
virtual LRESULT wndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
virtual OSStatus eventHandler(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData);
// int onPaint(Canvas *canvas);
virtual int onInit();
virtual int init(OSMODULEHANDLE inst, OSWINDOWHANDLE parent, int nochild);
virtual int reinit(OSMODULEHANDLE inst, OSWINDOWHANDLE parent, int nochild);
virtual int childNotify(ifc_window *child, int msg, intptr_t param1=0, intptr_t param2=0);
virtual int onActionNotify(int action, intptr_t param=0);
virtual void resize(int x, int y, int w, int h, int wantcb=1);
virtual void move(int x, int y);
// virtual int onRightButtonDown(int x, int y);
// virtual int onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y);
// virtual int onMouseMove(int x, int y);
// virtual int onLeftButtonUp(int x, int y);
virtual int onResize();
virtual int onPostedMove();
virtual int onPaint(Canvas *canvas);
virtual void onSetDesktopAlpha(int a);
virtual int isLayout();
virtual void setAlphaBackground(const wchar_t *txture);
virtual SkinBitmap *getBaseTexture();
virtual void onGuiObjectSetVisible(GuiObject *o, int status); // called whenever a child shows/hide
virtual ifc_window *getCustomOwner();
virtual void addLockedLayout(Layout *l);
virtual void removeLockedLayout(Layout *l);
virtual int getNumLockedLayouts();
virtual Layout *enumLockedLayout(int n);
virtual int isLocked();
virtual void lockTo(Layout *l);
virtual Layout *getLockedTo();
void updateLockedLayouts();
virtual int onGetFocus();
virtual int onKillFocus();
virtual void snapAdjust(int left, int right, int top, int bottom);
virtual void onShow(void);
virtual void onHide(void);
virtual void center();
virtual int wantDesktopAlpha();
virtual void setWantDesktopAlpha(int want);
virtual int handleDesktopAlpha();
virtual int setXuiParam(int _xuihandle, int attribid, const wchar_t *paramname, const wchar_t *strvalue);
void setWindowRegion(api_region *reg);
virtual int allowResize() {
return !isLocked()
&& !appbar_isDocked()
// container/component callbacks to get notified that a container
// has been set visible/invisible
void containerToggled(const wchar_t *id,int visible);
void componentToggled(GUID *guid, int visible);
void setParentContainer(Container *c);
virtual Container *getParentContainer();
virtual int isClickThrough();
void onSetVisible(int show);
virtual void cancelCapture();
virtual int onActivate();
virtual int onDeactivate();
virtual int forceTransparencyFlag();
int x, y;
#ifdef _WIN32
void setForwardMsgWnd(HWND wnd) { forwardMsgWnd = wnd; }
LPARAM wndHolder_getParentParam(int i=0);
void scaleTo(int s);
virtual void setRenderRatio(double s);
virtual void beginMove();
virtual void beginScale();
virtual void beginResize();
virtual void endMove();
virtual void endScale();
virtual void endResize();
virtual void setEndMoveResize(int w, int h) {
m_w = w;
m_h = h;
m_endmovesize = 1;
virtual ifc_window *guiresizable_getRootWnd() { return (this); }
virtual void lockScale(int locked);
virtual int isScaleLocked() { return scalelocked; }
virtual void onMove();
virtual int isDesktopAlphaSafe();
void addSubRegionLayer(Layer *l);
void removeSubRegionLayer(Layer *l);
virtual void setInDesktop(int a);
virtual int getInDesktop();
virtual void setAlpha(int a);
virtual int getAlpha();
virtual int getPaintingAlpha();
virtual void timerCallback(int id);
virtual void setLinkWidth(const wchar_t *layoutid);
virtual void setLinkHeight(const wchar_t *layoutid);
virtual void setBaseTexture(const wchar_t *b, int regis=1);
virtual void setPaintingAlpha(int activealpha, int inactivealpha=-1);
static void onGlobalEnableDesktopAlpha(int enabled);
void savePosition();
void saveAppBarPosition();
virtual void setStatusText(const wchar_t *txt, int overlay=0);
virtual void addAppCmds(AppCmds *commands);
virtual void removeAppCmds(AppCmds *commands);
void pushCompleted(int max=100);
void incCompleted(int add=1);
void setCompleted(int pos);
void popCompleted();
virtual void registerStatusCallback(GuiStatusCallback *lcb);
virtual int viewer_onItemDeleted(api_dependent *item);
virtual int wantActivation() { return wantactiv && LAYOUT_PARENT::wantActivation(); }
void loadSavedState();
virtual void updateOnTop();
virtual int runAction(int actionid, const wchar_t *param=NULL);
virtual void getSnapAdjust(RECT *r);
virtual void updateTransparency();
virtual int onDeferredCallback(intptr_t p1, intptr_t p2);
virtual int wantRedrawOnResize() { return wantredrawonresize; }
virtual void setWantRedrawOnResize(int v);
virtual int appbar_wantAutoHide() { return getAppBarAutoHide(); }
virtual int appbar_wantAlwaysOnTop() { return getAppBarAlwaysOnTop(); }
virtual int getAppBarAutoHide();
virtual void setAppBarAutoHide(int ah);
virtual int getAppBarAlwaysOnTop();
virtual void setAppBarAlwaysOnTop(int aot);
virtual void pushForceUnlink() { m_forceunlink++; }
virtual void popForceUnlink() { m_forceunlink--; }
virtual int isUnlinked() {
return unlinked || appbar_isDocked() || m_forceunlink;
return unlinked || m_forceunlink;
void setAutoOpacify(int a);
int getAutoOpacify() { return autoopacify; }
void offscreenCheck();
int isOffscreen(ifc_window *w);
int getResizable();
int getScalable();
void setTransparencyOverride(int v);
int getTransparencyOverride() { return transparencyoverride; }
enum {
void onMouseEnterLayout();
void onMouseLeaveLayout();
int getNoParent() { return noparent; }
void setNoParent(int np) { noparent = np; }
int isAlphaForced() { return forcealpha; }
AlphaMgr *getAlphaMgr() { return alphaMgr; }
int getNoDock() { return nodock; }
void setNoDock(int nd) { nodock = nd; }
int isTransparencyForcedOff() { return transparency_autooff; }
void controlMenu();
void setNoOffscreenCheck(int nocheck);
void onDock(int side);
void onUnDock();
virtual void appbar_onDock(int side);
virtual void appbar_onUnDock();
virtual void appbar_onSlide();
/*static */void CreateXMLParameters(int master_handle);
/* virtual int dragEnter(ifc_window *sourceWnd);
virtual int dragOver(int x, int y, ifc_window *sourceWnd);
virtual int dragDrop(ifc_window *sourceWnd, int x, int y);
virtual int acceptExternalDrops() { return 1; }*/
virtual int wantClickWndAutoInvalidate() { return 0; }
StringW MakePrefix();
static XMLParamPair params[];
void fixPosition();
void saveAllPositions();
void activateChildren(int act);
#ifdef _WIN32
void getExplorerWindows(HWND *parent, HWND *listview, HWND *webserver);
void desktopAlpha_autoTurnOn();
void desktopAlpha_autoTurnOff();
void transparency_autoTurnOn();
void transparency_autoTurnOff();
void globalEnableDesktopAlpha(int enabled);
#ifdef _WIN32
HWND forwardMsgWnd;
int resizing;
int wantactiv;
int size_w,size_h;
int cX,cY;
int captured;
POINT mousepos;
#ifdef _WIN32
HWND webserver;
HWND listview;
int alphagoingon;
int alphagoingoff;
int scalelocked;
int wantredrawonresize;
int xuihandle;
RegionI *reg;
//PtrList<Layer> *subregionlayers;
Container *p_container;
StringW alphabackgroundstr;
ifc_window *wndholders;
int abortSaving();
int transparencyoverride;
int default_x;
int default_y;
int moving;
int scaling;
int mover;
int indesktop;
int alpha;
StringW linkedheight, linkedwidth;
int inlinkwidth, inlinkheight;
AutoSkinBitmap alphabackground;
int wantdesktopalpha;
int galphadisabled;
static PtrList<Layout> alllayouts;
StringW owner;
PtrList<Layout> locked;
StringW lockto;
Layout *lockedto;
int inpostedmove;
int osframe;
PtrList<GuiStatusCallback> statuscbs;
int initontop;
// GarbageCollector gc;
PtrList<AppCmds> appcmds;
int inresize;
int unlinked;
int snap_adjust_left;
int snap_adjust_top;
int snap_adjust_right;
int snap_adjust_bottom;
int disable_auto_alpha;
int autoopacify;
int noparent;
int forcealpha;
redock_struct redock;
static int broadcasting;
int nodock;
uint32_t transparency_reenabled_at;
int transparency_autooff;
int nooffscreencheck;
int resizable;
int scalable;
int m_w, m_h;
int m_endmovesize;
int m_allowsavedock;
int m_forceunlink;
int appbar_want_autohide;
int appbar_want_alwaysontop;
// FG>
// -- SCRIPT -----------------------------------------------------
static scriptVar script_vcpu_onDock(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o, scriptVar side);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_onUndock(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_getScale(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_setScale(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o, scriptVar s);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_onScale(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o, scriptVar s);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_setDesktopAlpha(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o, scriptVar s);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_getDesktopAlpha(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_isTransparencySafe(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_isLayoutAnimationSafe(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_getContainer(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_center(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_onMove(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_onEndMove(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_onUserResize(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o, scriptVar x, scriptVar y, scriptVar w, scriptVar h);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_snapAdjust(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o, scriptVar left, scriptVar top, scriptVar right, scriptVar bottom);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_setRedrawOnResize(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o, scriptVar v);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_beforeRedock(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_redock(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_getSnapAdjustTop(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_getSnapAdjustLeft(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_getSnapAdjustRight(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_getSnapAdjustBottom(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_onMouseEnterLayout(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_onMouseLeaveLayout(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
static scriptVar script_vcpu_onSnapAdjustChanged(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_PARAMS, ScriptObject *o);
class Layout : public LAYOUT_SCRIPTPARENT {