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/** (c) Nullsoft, Inc. C O N F I D E N T I A L
** Filename:
** Project:
** Description:
** Author: Ben Allison benski@nullsoft.com
** Created:
#include <windows.h>
#include <Shlwapi.h>
#include "strutil.h"
char *SkipX(char *str, int count)
while (count--)
str = CharNextA(str);
return str;
wchar_t *SkipXW(wchar_t *str, int count)
while (count--)
str = CharNextW(str);
return str;
void CopyChar(char *dest, const char *src)
char *end = CharNextA(src);
ptrdiff_t count = end-src;
while (count--)
ptrdiff_t CopyCharW(wchar_t *dest, const wchar_t *src)
wchar_t *end = CharNextW(src);
ptrdiff_t count = end-src;
for (ptrdiff_t i=0;i<count;i++)
return count;
void MakeRelativePathName(const wchar_t *filename, wchar_t *outFile, const wchar_t *path)
wchar_t outPath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
int common = PathCommonPrefixW(path, filename, outPath);
if (common && common == lstrlenW(path))
const wchar_t *p = filename + lstrlenW(outPath);
lstrcpynW(outFile, p, FILENAME_SIZE);
else if (!PathIsUNCW(filename) && PathIsSameRootW(filename, path))
lstrcpynW(outFile, filename+2, FILENAME_SIZE);
static int CharacterCompareW(const wchar_t *ch1, const wchar_t *ch2)
wchar_t str1[3]={0,0,0}, str2[3]={0,0,0};
CopyCharW(str1, ch1);
CopyCharW(str2, ch2);
return memcmp(str1, str2, 3*sizeof(wchar_t));
static void IncHelperW(LPCWSTR *src, ptrdiff_t *size)
wchar_t *end = CharNextW(*src);
ptrdiff_t count = end-*src;
int IsCharDigit(char digit)
WORD type=0;
GetStringTypeExA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, CT_CTYPE1, &digit, 1, &type);
return type&C1_DIGIT;
int IsCharDigitW(wchar_t digit)
WORD type=0;
GetStringTypeExW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, CT_CTYPE1, &digit, 1, &type);
return type&C1_DIGIT;
int FileCompareLogical(const wchar_t *str1, const wchar_t *str2)
if (str1 && str2)
while (str1 && *str1)
if (!*str2)
return 1;
else if (IsCharDigitW(*str1))
int iStr, iComp;
if (!IsCharDigitW(*str2))
return -1;
/* Compare the numbers */
StrToIntExW(str1, 0, &iStr);
StrToIntExW(str2, 0, &iComp);
if (iStr < iComp)
return -1;
else if (iStr > iComp)
return 1;
/* Skip */
while (IsCharDigitW(*str1))
while (IsCharDigitW(*str2))
else if (IsCharDigitW(*str2))
return 1;
int diff = CharacterCompareW(str1, str2);
if (diff > 0)
return 1;
else if (diff < 0)
return -1;
if (*str2)
return -1;
return 0;
static int StringLengthNoDigits(LPCWSTR str, LPCWSTR *end)
ptrdiff_t length=0;
while (str && *str && !IsCharDigitW(*str))
IncHelperW(&str, &length);
if (end) *end = str;
return (int)(-length); // IncHelper decrements so we need to negate
int CompareStringLogical(LPCWSTR str1, LPCWSTR str2)
if (str1 && str2)
while (str1 && *str1)
if (!*str2)
return 1;
else if (IsCharDigitW(*str1))
int iStr, iComp;
if (!IsCharDigitW(*str2))
return -1;
/* Compare the numbers */
StrToIntExW(str1, 0, &iStr);
StrToIntExW(str2, 0, &iComp);
if (iStr < iComp)
return -1;
else if (iStr > iComp)
return 1;
/* Skip */
while (IsCharDigitW(*str1))
while (IsCharDigitW(*str2))
else if (IsCharDigitW(*str2))
return 1;
LPCWSTR next1, next2;
int len1 = StringLengthNoDigits(str1, &next1);
int len2 = StringLengthNoDigits(str2, &next2);
int comp = CompareStringW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE|NORM_IGNOREWIDTH, str1, len1, str2, len2);
if (comp == CSTR_LESS_THAN)
return -1;
else if (comp == CSTR_GREATER_THAN)
return 1;
str1 = next1;
str2 = next2;
if (*str2)
return -1;
return 0;
int FileCompareLogicalN(LPCWSTR str1, ptrdiff_t str1size, LPCWSTR str2, ptrdiff_t str2size)
if (str1 && str2)
while (str1 && *str1 && str1size)
if (!*str2 || !str2size)
return 1;
else if (IsCharDigitW(*str1))
int iStr, iComp;
if (!IsCharDigitW(*str2))
return -1;
/* Compare the numbers */
StrToIntExW(str1, 0, &iStr);
StrToIntExW(str2, 0, &iComp);
if (iStr < iComp)
return -1;
else if (iStr > iComp)
return 1;
/* Skip */
while (IsCharDigitW(*str1))
IncHelperW(&str1, &str1size);
while (IsCharDigitW(*str2))
IncHelperW(&str2, &str2size);
else if (IsCharDigitW(*str2))
return 1;
int diff = CharacterCompareW(str1, str2);
if (diff > 0)
return 1;
else if (diff < 0)
return -1;
IncHelperW(&str1, &str1size);
IncHelperW(&str2, &str2size);
if (!str1size && !str2size)
return 0;
if (*str2 || str2size < str1size)
return -1;
if (*str1 || str1size < str2size)
return 1;
return 0;
char *GetLastCharacter(char *string)
if (!string || !*string)
return string;
return CharPrevA(string, string+lstrlenA(string));
wchar_t *GetLastCharacterW(wchar_t *string)
if (!string || !*string)
return string;
return CharPrevW(string, string+lstrlenW(string));
const char *GetLastCharacterc(const char *string)
if (!string || !*string)
return string;
for (;;)
const char *next = CharNextA(string);
if (!*next)
return string;
string = next;
const wchar_t *GetLastCharactercW(const wchar_t *string)
if (!string || !*string)
return string;
return CharPrevW(string, string+lstrlenW(string));
wchar_t *scanstr_backW(wchar_t *str, wchar_t *toscan, wchar_t *defval)
wchar_t *s = GetLastCharacterW(str);
if (!s || !str[0]) return defval;
if (!toscan || !toscan[0]) return defval;
for (;;)
wchar_t *t = toscan;
while (t && *t)
if (*t == *s) return s;
t = CharNextW(t);
t = CharPrevW(str, s);
if (t == s)
return defval;
s = t;
const wchar_t *scanstr_backcW(const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t *toscan, const wchar_t *defval)
const wchar_t *s = GetLastCharactercW(str);
if (!s || !str[0]) return defval;
if (!toscan || !toscan[0]) return defval;
for (;;)
const wchar_t *t = toscan;
while (t && *t)
if (*t == *s) return s;
t = CharNextW(t);
t = CharPrevW(str, s);
if (t == s)
return defval;
s = t;
char *scanstr_back(char *str, char *toscan, char *defval)
char *s = GetLastCharacter(str);
if (!s || !str[0]) return defval;
if (!toscan || !toscan[0]) return defval;
for (;;)
char *t = toscan;
while (t && *t)
if (*t == *s) return s;
t = CharNextA(t);
t = CharPrevA(str, s);
if (t == s)
return defval;
s = t;
const char *scanstr_backc(const char *str, const char *toscan, const char *defval)
const char *s = GetLastCharacterc(str);
if (!s || !str[0]) return defval;
if (!toscan || !toscan[0]) return defval;
for (;;)
const char *t = toscan;
while (t && *t)
if (*t == *s) return s;
t = CharNextA(t);
t = CharPrevA(str, s);
if (t == s)
return defval;
s = t;
char *extension(const char *fn)
// TODO: deal with making sure that URLs don't return .com, etc.
// e.g. http://www.winamp.com should return nothing
char *end = scanstr_back((char*)fn, "./\\", 0);
if (!end)
return (char*)(fn+lstrlenA(fn));
if (*end == '.')
return CharNextA(end);
return (char*)(fn+lstrlenA(fn));
wchar_t *extensionW(const wchar_t *fn)
// TODO: deal with making sure that URLs don't return .com, etc.
// e.g. http://www.winamp.com should return nothing
wchar_t *end = scanstr_backW((wchar_t*)fn, L"./\\", 0);
if (!end)
return (wchar_t *)(fn+lstrlenW(fn));
if (*end == L'.')
return CharNextW(end);
return (wchar_t*)(fn+lstrlenW(fn));
const char *extensionc(const char *fn)
return extension(fn);
const wchar_t *extensioncW(const wchar_t *fn)
return extensionW(fn);
void extension_ex(const char *fn, char *buf, int buflen)
const char *s = extensionc(fn);
if (!PathIsURLA(fn)
|| (!strstr(s, "?") && !strstr(s, "&") && !strstr(s, "=") && *s))
lstrcpynA(buf, s, buflen);
return ;
// s is not a terribly good extension, let's try again
char *copy = _strdup(fn);
s = "";
char *p = scanstr_back(copy, "?", copy);
if (p != copy)
*p = 0;
s = extension(copy);
if (!*s) goto again;
lstrcpynA(buf, s, buflen);
void extension_exW(const wchar_t *fn, wchar_t *buf, int buflen)
const wchar_t *s = extensioncW(fn);
if (!PathIsURLW(fn)
|| (!wcsstr(s, L"?") && !wcsstr(s, L"&") && !wcsstr(s, L"=") && *s))
lstrcpynW(buf, s, buflen);
return ;
// s is not a terribly good extension, let's try again
wchar_t *copy = _wcsdup(fn);
s = L"";
wchar_t *p = scanstr_backW(copy, L"?", copy);
if (p != copy)
*p = 0;
s = extensionW(copy);
if (!*s) goto again;
lstrcpynW(buf, s, buflen);
} |