2022-10-08 12:07:03 +11:00

18 KiB

Examples of all known working commands


GoSungrow api login

High-level info commands

  GoSungrow info [command]

Available Commands:
  get          Info	- Get info from iSolarCloud (table)
  raw          Info	- Get info from iSolarCloud (raw)
  json         Info	- Get info from iSolarCloud (json)
  csv          Info	- Get info from iSolarCloud (json)
  put          Info	- Set info on iSolarCloud
  GoSungrow info get [command]

Available Commands:
  point-names         Info	- Get iSolarCloud point names.
  mqtt                Info	- Get iSolarCloud MQTT service login details.
  search-point-names  Info	- Get iSolarCloud search point names.
  devices             Info	- Get iSolarCloud devices.
  models              Info	- Get ALL iSolarCloud models.
  templates           Info	- Get all defined templates.
  template-points     Info	- List data points used in report template.
  device-points       Info	- List all available device data points.

Get device details

GoSungrow info get device
GoSungrow info get search-point-names
GoSungrow info get models


GoSungrow info get templates
┃ Template Id ┃ Template Name ┃ Update On           ┃
┃ 8042        │ Critical      │ 2022-02-15 13:00:28 ┃
┃ 8041        │ extras        │ 2022-02-15 09:40:04 ┃
┃ 8036        │ C             │ 2022-02-15 09:31:35 ┃
┃ 8039        │ v             │ 2022-02-15 09:31:10 ┃
┃ 8040        │ A             │ 2022-02-15 09:30:56 ┃
┃ 8034        │ Percent       │ 2022-02-15 09:30:41 ┃
┃ 8038        │ MWh           │ 2022-02-15 09:09:22 ┃
┃ 8037        │ MW            │ 2022-02-15 09:03:22 ┃
┃ 8033        │ kW            │ 2022-02-15 09:01:19 ┃
┃ 8035        │ Hours         │ 2022-02-15 08:55:56 ┃
┃ 8031        │ kWh           │ 2022-02-15 07:57:36 ┃
┃ 7981        │ Power         │ 2022-02-09 10:03:40 ┃

High-level data commands

  GoSungrow data [command]

Available Commands:
  get          Data	- Get high-level data from iSolarCloud (table)
  raw          Data	- Get high-level data from iSolarCloud (raw)
  json         Data	- Get high-level data from iSolarCloud (json)
  csv          Data	- Get high-level data from iSolarCloud (json)
  graph        Data	- Get high-level data from iSolarCloud (graph)
  GoSungrow data get [command]

Available Commands:
  stats        Data	- Get current inverter stats, (last 5 minutes).
  template     Data	- Get data from report template.
  points       Data	- Get points data for a specific date.
  real-time    Data	- Get iSolarCloud real-time data.
  psdetails    Data	- Get iSolarCloud ps details.


GoSungrow data get stats
┃ Date                ┃ Point Id  ┃ Point Name                ┃ Value   ┃ Unit ┃
┃ 2022-10-08 09:55:00 │ 1129147.0 │ Co2 Reduce                │ 0       │ kg   ┃
┃ 2022-10-08 09:55:00 │ 1129147.0 │ Co2 Reduce Total          │ 5819    │ kg   ┃
┃ 2022-10-08 09:55:00 │ 1129147.0 │ Curr Power                │ 788     │ W    ┃
┃ 2022-10-08 09:55:00 │ 1129147.0 │ Daily Irradiation         │ --      │      ┃
┃ 2022-10-08 09:55:00 │ 1129147.0 │ Equivalent Hour           │ 0.27    │ Hour ┃


┃ 2022-10-08 09:55:00 │ 1171348.0 │ Today Income              │ 0.397   │ AUD  ┃
┃ 2022-10-08 09:55:00 │ 1171348.0 │ Total Capacity            │         │      ┃
┃ 2022-10-08 09:55:00 │ 1171348.0 │ Total Energy              │ 176.5   │ kWh  ┃
┃ 2022-10-08 09:55:00 │ 1171348.0 │ Total Income              │ 35.806  │ AUD  ┃
┃ 2022-10-08 09:55:00 │ 1171348.0 │ Use Energy                │ 6.7     │ kWh  ┃


GoSungrow info get template-points 7981
┃ PointStruct Id        ┃ Description                           ┃ Unit ┃
┃ 1129147_11_0_0.p83032 │ Meter AC Power                        │ kW   ┃
┃ 1129147_11_0_0.p83119 │ Daily Feed-in Energy (PV)             │ kWh  ┃
┃ 1129147_11_0_0.p83549 │ Grid active power                     │ kW   ┃
┃ 1129147_11_0_0.p83002 │ Inverter AC Power                     │ kW   ┃
┃ 1129147_11_0_0.p83011 │ Meter E-daily Consumption             │ kWh  ┃
┃ 1129147_11_0_0.p83022 │ Daily Yield of Plant                  │ kWh  ┃
┃ 1129147_11_0_0.p83006 │ Meter Daily Yield                     │ kWh  ┃
┃ 1129147_11_0_0.p83033 │ Plant Power                           │ kW   ┃
┃ 1129147_11_0_0.p83072 │ Daily Feed-in Energy                  │ kWh  ┃
┃ 1129147_11_0_0.p83097 │ Daily Load Energy Consumption from PV │ kWh  ┃
┃ 1129147_11_0_0.p83102 │ Daily Purchased Energy                │ kWh  ┃
┃ 1129147_14_1_1.p13028 │ Daily Battery Charging Energy         │ kWh  ┃
┃ 1129147_14_1_1.p13112 │ Daily PV Yield                        │ kWh  ┃
┃ 1129147_14_1_1.p13147 │ Daily Purchased Energy                │ kWh  ┃
┃ 1129147_14_1_1.p13173 │ Daily Feed-in Energy (PV)             │ kWh  ┃
┃ 1129147_14_1_1.p13174 │ Daily Battery Charging Energy from PV │ kWh  ┃
┃ 1129147_14_1_1.p13199 │ Daily Load Energy Consumption         │ kWh  ┃
┃ 1129147_14_1_1.p13116 │ Daily Load Energy Consumption from PV │ kWh  ┃
┃ 1129147_14_1_1.p13122 │ Daily Feed-in Energy                  │ kWh  ┃
GoSungrow data get template 8042 20220212
┃ Date/Time           ┃ Point Id              ┃ Point Name                 ┃ Value       ┃ Units ┃
┃ 2022-02-12 00:00:00 │ 1129147_11_0_0.p83106 │ Load Power                 │ 396         │ kW    ┃
┃ 2022-02-12 00:05:00 │ 1129147_11_0_0.p83106 │ Load Power                 │ 480         │ kW    ┃
┃ 2022-02-12 00:10:00 │ 1129147_11_0_0.p83106 │ Load Power                 │ 487         │ kW    ┃
┃ 2022-02-12 00:15:00 │ 1129147_11_0_0.p83106 │ Load Power                 │ 497         │ kW    ┃
┃ 2022-02-12 00:20:00 │ 1129147_11_0_0.p83106 │ Load Power                 │ 524         │ kW    ┃
┃ 2022-02-12 00:25:00 │ 1129147_11_0_0.p83106 │ Load Power                 │ 541         │ kW    ┃
┃ 2022-02-12 00:30:00 │ 1129147_11_0_0.p83106 │ Load Power                 │ 554         │ kW    ┃


┃ 2022-02-12 23:55:00 │ 1129147_14_1_1.p13019 │ Internal Air Temperature   │ 19.4        │ ℃     ┃
┃ 2022-02-13 00:00:00 │ 1129147_14_1_1.p13019 │ Internal Air Temperature   │ 22.3        │ ℃     ┃
GoSungrow data graph template 8042 20220212 '{"search_string":"p13019","min_left_axis":-6000,"max_left_axis":12000}'
GoSungrow data graph template 8042 20220212 '{"search_string":"p13019"}'
GoSungrow data graph template 8042 20220212 '{"search_string":"p83106","min_left_axis":-6000,"max_left_axis":12000}'
GoSungrow data graph template 8042 20220212 '{"search_string":"p83106"}'
GoSungrow data graph template 8042 20220212 '{"title":"Testing 1. 2. 3.","time_column":"1","value_column":"4","search_column":"3","search_string":"p83106","file_name":"foo.png"}'
GoSungrow data graph template 8042 20220212 '{"title":"Testing 1. 2. 3.","time_column":1,"value_column":4,"search_column":2,"search_string":"p13019","min_left_axis":0,"max_left_axis":0}'
GoSungrow data graph template 8042 20220212 '{"title":"Testing 1. 2. 3.","time_column":1,"value_column":4,"search_column":2,"search_string":"p13149","min_left_axis":0,"max_left_axis":0}'
GoSungrow data graph template 8042 20220212 '{"title":"Testing 1. 2. 3.","time_column":1,"value_column":4,"search_column":2,"search_string":"p83106","file_name":"foo.png"}'
GoSungrow data graph template 8042 20220212 '{"title":"Testing 1. 2. 3.","time_column":1,"value_column":4,"search_column":2,"search_string":"p83106","min_left_axis":-6000,"max_left_axis":1000}'
GoSungrow data graph template 8042 20220212 '{"title":"Testing 1. 2. 3.","time_column":1,"value_column":4,"search_column":2,"search_string":"p83106","min_left_axis":-6000,"max_left_axis":12000}'
GoSungrow data graph template 8042 20220212 '{"title":"Testing 1. 2. 3.","time_column":1,"value_column":4,"search_column":2,"search_string":"p83106","min_left_axis":-6000,"max_left_axis":42000}'
GoSungrow data graph template 8042 20220212 '{"title":"Testing 1. 2. 3.","time_column":1,"value_column":4,"search_column":2,"search_string":"p83106","min_left_axis":0,"max_left_axis":0}'
GoSungrow data graph template 8042 20220212 '{"title":"Testing 1. 2. 3.","time_column":1,"value_column":4,"search_column":3,"search_string":"p83106","file_name":"foo.png"}'
GoSungrow data raw template '' 20220201
GoSungrow data save template '' 20220201
GoSungrow data save template 8042 20220212


Base API commands

GoSungrow api [command]

GoSungrow api login
GoSungrow api get <endpoint> <args>
GoSungrow api raw <endpoint> <args>
GoSungrow api save <endpoint> <args>
GoSungrow api put <endpoint> <args>

Available Commands:
ls           List iSolarCloud api endpoints/areas
login        Login to iSolarCloud
get          Get details from iSolarCloud
raw          Raw details from iSolarCloud
save         Save details from iSolarCloud as JSON
put          Put details onto iSolarCloud

Get device details

GoSungrow api get getPsList
GoSungrow api get getPsListByName
GoSungrow api get getPsDataSupplementTaskList
GoSungrow api get getPsUser
GoSungrow api get queryPsIdList
GoSungrow api get getInstallInfoList
GoSungrow api get getPsListStaticData
GoSungrow api get queryAllPsIdAndName
GoSungrow api get getPsDetail '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getPsDetailWithPsType '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getPsHealthState '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getPsWeatherList '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get queryDeviceList '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get queryDeviceListByUserId '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get queryDeviceListForApp '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get findPsType '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getDeviceList '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getIncomeSettingInfos '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerChargeSettingInfo '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerStationInfo '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get WebAppService.getDeviceUuid '{"ps_key":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerStationForHousehold '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'

Get device data

GoSungrow api get energyTrend
GoSungrow api get getKpiInfo
GoSungrow api get queryPsProfit '{"date_id":"20221001","date_type":"1","ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerStationData '{"date_id":"20221001","date_type":"1","ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getHouseholdStoragePsReport '{"date_id":"20221001","date_type":"1","ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get queryPsProfit '{"date_id":"202210","date_type":"2","ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerStationData '{"date_id":"202210","date_type":"2","ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getHouseholdStoragePsReport '{"date_id":"202210","date_type":"2","ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get queryPsProfit '{"date_id":"2022","date_type":"3","ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerStationData '{"date_id":"2022","date_type":"3","ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getHouseholdStoragePsReport '{"date_id":"2022","date_type":"3","ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerTrendDayData '{"BeginTime":"20221004"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerStatistics '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get WebAppService.showPSView '{"ps_id":"1171348"}'


GoSungrow api get getPsReport '{"report_type":"1","date_id":"20220201","date_type":"1","ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getPsReport '{"report_type":"1","date_id":"20220201","date_type":"2","ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get getPsReport '{"report_type":"1","date_id":"20220201","date_type":"3","ps_id":"1171348"}'
GoSungrow api get reportList '{"ps_id":"1171348","report_type":"1"}'
GoSungrow api get reportList '{"ps_id":"1171348","report_type":"2"}'
GoSungrow api get reportList '{"ps_id":"1171348","report_type":"3"}'
GoSungrow api get reportList '{"ps_id":"1171348","report_type":"4"}'


GoSungrow api get template 20220202
GoSungrow api get template 8042 20220212
GoSungrow api get getTemplateList
GoSungrow api get WebAppService.queryUserCurveTemplateData '{"template_id":"8042","date_type":"1","start_time":"20220223000000","end_time":"20220223235900"}'

User/installer/support info

GoSungrow api get getUserList
GoSungrow api get getUserPsOrderList
GoSungrow api get getPhotoInfo
GoSungrow api get getOrgListByName
GoSungrow api get getOrgListByUserId
GoSungrow api get getOrgListForUser
GoSungrow api get queryUserList
GoSungrow api get getInstallerInfoByDealerOrgCodeOrId '{"dealer_org_code":"AUSCEKK7"}'
GoSungrow api get getInstallerInfoByDealerOrgCodeOrId '{"org_id":"362245"}'
GoSungrow api get getInstallerInfoByDealerOrgCodeOrId '{"org_id":"80384"}'
GoSungrow api get getInstallerInfoByDealerOrgCodeOrId '{"org_id":"80393"}'
GoSungrow api get getInstallerInfoByDealerOrgCodeOrId '{"org_id":"300977"}'


GoSungrow api get getDeviceTypeInfoList
GoSungrow api get getDeviceTypeList
GoSungrow api get getInvertDataList
GoSungrow api get getModuleLogTaskList
GoSungrow api get powerDevicePointList
GoSungrow api get getPowerDevicePointNames '{"device_type":"1"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerDevicePointNames '{"device_type":"2"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerDevicePointNames '{"device_type":"7"}'
GoSungrow api get getDeviceModelInfoList
GoSungrow api get queryUnitList
GoSungrow api get getPowerSettingCharges
GoSungrow api get getPowerDevicePointNames '{"device_type":"1"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerDeviceModelTechList '{"device_type":"1"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerDevicePointInfo '{"id":"1"}'

Task commands

GoSungrow api get queryBatchCreatePsTaskList
GoSungrow api get getPowerDeviceSetTaskDetailList '{"query_type":"2","task_id":"1","uuid":"844763"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerDeviceSetTaskDetailList '{"query_type":"7","task_id":"1","uuid":"844763"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerDeviceSetTaskDetailList '{"size":0,"curPage":0}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerDeviceSetTaskList '{"size":0,"curPage":0}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerDeviceSetTaskList '{"size":0,"curPage":1}'
GoSungrow api get getRemoteUpgradeSubTasksList '{"query_type":"1","task_id":"1577700"}'
GoSungrow api get getRemoteUpgradeTaskList '{"ps_id_list":"1171348"}'

Misc commands

GoSungrow api get getDevicePoints '{"point_id":"13003"}'
GoSungrow api get getPowerPictureList


GoSungrow api get checkUnitStatus
GoSungrow api get getAllPowerDeviceSetName
GoSungrow api get getAreaList
GoSungrow api get getCloudList
GoSungrow api get getConfigList
GoSungrow api get getDeviceInfo
GoSungrow api get getOSSConfig
GoSungrow api get getOssObjectStream
GoSungrow api get getEncryptPublicKey
GoSungrow api get getFaultCount
GoSungrow api get getFaultDetail '{"fault_code":"34"}'
GoSungrow api get getFaultMsgByFaultCode '{"fault_code":"703"}'
GoSungrow api get getFaultMsgListWithYYYYMM