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@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ Those proposing changes should consider that ultimately consent may rest with th
| Peer-to-Peer Communication Encryption
| Jonas Schnelli
| Standard
| Withdrawn
| Replaced
|- style="background-color: #cfffcf"
| [[bip-0152.mediawiki|152]]
| Peer Services
@ -980,6 +980,13 @@ Those proposing changes should consider that ultimately consent may rest with th
| Karl-Johan Alm
| Standard
| Draft
| [[bip-0324.mediawiki|324]]
| Peer Services
| Version 2 P2P Encrypted Transport Protocol
| Dhruv Mehta, Tim Ruffing, Jonas Schnelli, Pieter Wuille
| Standard
| Draft
|- style="background-color: #ffffcf"
| [[bip-0325.mediawiki|325]]
| Applications

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
Type: Standards Track
Created: 2016-03-23
License: PD
Superseded-By: 324
== Abstract ==

bip-0324.mediawiki Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
BIP: 324
Layer: Peer Services
Title: Version 2 P2P Encrypted Transport Protocol
Author: Dhruv Mehta <>
Tim Ruffing <>
Jonas Schnelli <>
Pieter Wuille <>
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 2019-03-08
License: BSD-3-Clause
Replaces: 151
== Introduction ==
=== Abstract ===
This document proposes a new Bitcoin P2P transport protocol, which features opportunistic encryption, a mild bandwidth reduction, and the ability to negotiate upgrades before exchanging application messages.
=== Copyright ===
This document is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.
=== Motivation ===
Bitcoin is a permissionless network whose purpose is to reach consensus over public data. Since all data relayed in the Bitcoin P2P network is inherently public, and the protocol lacks a notion of cryptographic identities, peers talk to each other over unencrypted and unauthenticated connections. Nevertheless, this plaintext nature of the current P2P protocol (referred to as v1 in this document) has severe drawbacks in the presence of attackers:
* While the relayed data itself is public in nature, the associated metadata may reveal private information and hamper privacy of users. For example, a global passive attacker eavesdropping on all Bitcoin P2P connections can trivially identify the source and timing of a transaction.
* Since connections are unauthenticated, they can be tampered with at a low cost and often even with a low risk of detection. For example, an attacker can alter specific bytes of a connection (such as node flags) on-the-fly without the need to keep any state.
* The protocol is self-revealing. For example, deep packet inspection can identify a P2P connection trivially because connections start with a fixed sequence of magic bytes. The ability to detect connections enables censorship and facilitates the aforementioned attacks as well as other attacks which require the attacker to control the connections of victims, e.g., eclipse attacks targeted at miners.
This proposal for a new P2P protocol version (v2) aims to improve upon this by raising the costs for performing these attacks substantially, primarily through the use of unauthenticated, opportunistic transport encryption. In addition, the bytestream on the wire is made pseudorandom (i.e., indistinguishable from uniformly random bytes) to a passive eavesdropper.
* Encryption, even when it is unauthenticated and only used when both endpoints support v2, impedes eavesdropping by forcing the attacker to become active: either by performing a persistent man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack, by downgrading connections to v1, or by spinning up their own nodes and getting honest nodes to make connections to them. Active attacks at scale are more resource intensive in general, but in case of manual, deliberate connections (as opposed to automatic, random ones) they are also in principle detectable: even very basic checks, e.g., operators manually comparing protocol versions and session IDs (as supported by the proposed protocol), will expose the attacker.
* Tampering, while already an inherently active attack, is costlier if the attacker is forced to maintain the state necessary for a full MitM interception.
* A pseudorandom bytestream excludes identification techniques based on pattern matching, and makes it easier to shape the bytestream in order to mimic other protocols used on the Internet. This raises the cost of a connection censoring firewall, forcing them to either resort to a full MitM attack, or operate on a more obvious allowlist basis, rather than a blocklist basis.
''' Why encrypt without authentication?'''
As we have argued above, unauthenticated encryption<ref name="what_does_auth_mean">'''What does ''authentication'' mean in this context?''' Unfortunately, the term authentication in the context of secure channel protocols is ambiguous. It can refer to:
* The encryption scheme guaranteeing that a message obtained via successful decryption was encrypted by someone having access to the (symmetric) encryption key, and not modified after encryption by a third party. The proposal in this document achieves that property through the use of an AEAD.
* The communication protocol establishing that the communication partner's identity matches who we expect them to be, through some public key mechanism. The proposal in this document does '''not''' include such a mechanism.</ref> provides strictly better security than no encryption. Thus all connections should use encryption, even if they are unauthenticated.
When it comes to authentication, the situation is not as clear as for encryption. Due to Bitcoin's permissionless nature, authentication will always be restricted to specific scenarios (e.g., connections between peers belonging to the same operator), and whether some form of (possibly partially anonymous) authentication is desired depends on the specific requirements of the involved peers. As a consequence, we believe that authentication should be addressed separately (if desired), and this proposal aims to provide a solid technical basis for future protocol upgrades, including the addition of optional authentication (see [ Private authentication protocols]).
''' Why have a pseudorandom bytestream when traffic analysis is still possible? '''
Traffic analysis, e.g., observing packet lengths and timing, as well as active attacks can still reveal that the Bitcoin v2 P2P protocol is in use. Nevertheless, a pseudorandom bytestream raises the cost of fingerprinting the protocol substantially, and may force some intermediaries to attack any protocol they cannot identify, causing collateral cost.
A pseudorandom bytestream is not self-identifying. Moreover, it is unopinionated and thus a canonical choice for similar protocols. As a result, Bitcoin P2P traffic will be indistinguishable from traffic of other protocols which make the same choice (e.g., [ obfs4] and a recently proposed [ cTLS extension]). Moreover, traffic shapers and protocol wrappers (for example, making the traffic look like HTTPS or SSH) can further mitigate traffic analysis and active attacks but are out of scope for this proposal.
''' Why not use a secure tunnel protocol? '''
Our goal includes making opportunistic encryption ubiquitously available, as that provides the best defense against large-scale attacks. That implies protecting both the manual, deliberate connections node operators instruct their software to make, as well as the the automatic connections Bitcoin nodes make with each other based on IP addresses obtained via gossip. While encryption per se is already possible with proxy networks or VPN networks, these are not desirable or applicable for automatic connections at scale:
* Proxy networks like Tor or I2P introduce a separate address space, independent from network topology, with a very low cost per address making eclipse attacks cheaper. In comparison, clearnet IPv4 and IPv6 networks make obtaining multiple network identities in distinct, well-known network partitions carry a non-trivial cost. Thus, it is not desirable to have a substantial portion of nodes be exclusively connected this way, as this would significantly reduce Eclipse attack costs.<ref name="pure_tor_attack">'''Why is it a bad idea to have nodes exclusively connected over Tor?''' See the [ Bitcoin over Tor isn't a Good Idea] paper</ref> Additionally, Tor connections come with significant bandwidth and latency costs that may not be desirable for all network users.
* VPN networks like WireGuard or OpenVPN inherently define a private network, which requires manual configuration and therefore is not a realistic avenue for automatic connections.
Thus, to achieve our goal, we need a solution that has minimal costs, works without configuration, and is always enabled on top of any network layer rather than be part of the network layer.
''' Why not use a general-purpose transport encryption protocol? '''
While it would be possible to rely on an off-the-shelf transport encryption protocol such as TLS or Noise, the specific requirements of the Bitcoin P2P network laid out above make these protocols an unsuitable choice.
The primary requirement which existing protocols fail to meet is a sufficiently modular treatment of encryption and authentication. As we argue above, whether and which form of authentication is desired in the Bitcoin P2P network will depend on the specific requirements of the involved peers (resulting in a mix of authenticated and unauthenticated connections), and thus the question of authentication should be decoupled from encryption. However, native support for a handful of standard authentication scenarios (e.g., using digital signatures and certificates) is at core of the design of existing general-purpose transport encryption protocols. This focus on authentication would not provide clear benefits for the Bitcoin P2P network but would come with a large amount of additional complexity.
In contrast, our proposal instead aims for simple modular design that makes it possible to address authentication separately. Our proposal provides a foundation for authentication by exporting a ''session ID'' that uniquely identifies the encrypted channel. After an encrypted channel has been established, the two endpoints are able to use any authentication protocol to confirm that they have the same session ID. (This is sometimes called ''channel binding'' because the session ID binds the encrypted channel to the authentication protocol.) Since in our proposal, any authentication needs to run after an encrypted connection has been established, the price we pay for this modularity is a possibly higher number of roundtrips as opposed to other protocols that perform authentication alongside with the Diffie-Hellman key exchange.<ref name="channel_binding_noise_tls">'''Do other protocols not support exporting a session ID?''' While [ Noise] and [ TLS (as a draft)] offer similar protocol extensions for exporting session IDs, using channel binding for authentication is not at the focus of their design and would not avoid the bulk of additional complexity due to the native support of authentication methods. </ref> However, the resulting increase in connection establishment latency is a not a concern for Bitcoin's long-lived connections, [ which typically live for hours or even weeks].
Besides this fundamentally different treatment of authentication, further technical issues arise when applying TLS or Noise to our desired use case:
* Neither offers a pseudorandom bytestream.
* Neither offers native support for elliptic curve cryptography on the curve secp256k1 as otherwise used in Bitcoin. While using secp256k1 is not strictly necessary, it is the obvious choice is for any new asymmetric cryptography in Bitcoin because it minimizes the cryptographic hardness assumptions as well as the dependencies that Bitcoin software will need.
* Neither offers shapability of the bytestream.
* Both provide a stream-based interface to the application layer whereas Bitcoin requires a packet-based interface, resulting in the need for an additional thin layer to perform packet serialization and deserialization.
While existing protocols could be amended to address all of the aforementioned issues, this would negate the benefits of using them as off-the-shelf solution, e.g., the possibility to re-use existing implementations and security analyses.
== Goals ==
This proposal aims to achieve the following properties:
* Confidentiality against passive attacks: A passive attacker having recorded a v2 P2P bytestream (without timing and fragmentation information) must not be able to determine the plaintext being exchanged by the nodes.
* Observability of active attacks: A session ID identifying the encrypted channel uniquely is derived deterministically from a Diffie-Hellman negotiation. An active man-in-the-middle attacker is forced to incur a risk of being detected as peer operators can compare session IDs manually, or using optional authentication methods possibly introduced in future protocol versions.
* Pseudorandom bytestream: A passive attacker having recorded a v2 P2P bytestream (without timing information and fragmentation information) must not be able to distinguish it from a uniformly random bytestream.
* Shapable bytestream: It should be possible to shape the bytestream to increase resistance to traffic analysis (for example, to conceal block propagation), or censorship avoidance.<ref name="shapable_hs_tor_circumvention">'''How can shapability help circumvent fragmentation-pattern based censoring?''' See [ this Tor issue] as an example.</ref>
* Forward secrecy: An eavesdropping attacker who compromises a peer's sessions secrets should not be able to decrypt past session traffic, except for the latest few packets.
* Upgradability: The proposal provides an upgrade path using transport versioning which can be used to add features like authentication, PQC handshake upgrade, etc. in the future.
* Compatibility: v2 clients will allow inbound v1 connections to minimize risk of network partitions.
* Low overhead: the introduction of a new P2P transport protocol should not substantially increase computational cost or bandwidth for nodes that implement it, compared to the current protocol.
== Specification ==
The specification consists of three parts:
* The '''Transport layer''' concerns how to set up an encrypted connection between two nodes, capable of transporting application-level messages between them.
* The '''Application layer''' concerns how to encode Bitcoin P2P messages and commands for transport by the Transport Layer.
* The '''Signaling''' concerns how v2 nodes advertise their support for the v2 protocol to potential peers.
=== Transport layer specification ===
In this section we define the encryption protocol for messages between peers.
==== Overview and design ====
We first give an informal overview of the entire protocol flow and packet encryption.
'''Protocol flow overview'''
Given a newly-established connection (typically TCP/IP) between two v2 P2P nodes, there are 3 phases the connection goes through. The first starts immediately, i.e. there are no v1 messages or any other bytes exchanged on the link beforehand. The two parties are called the '''initiator''' (who established the connection) and the '''responder''' (who accepted the connection).
# The '''Key exchange phase''', where nodes exchange data to establish shared secrets.
#* The initiator:
#** Generates a random ephemeral secp256k1 private key and sends a corresponding 64-byte ElligatorSwift<ref name="ellswift_paper">'''What is ElligatorSwift and why use it?''' The [ SwiftEC paper] describes a method called ElligatorSwift which allows encoding elliptic curve points in a way that is indistinguishable from a uniformly distributed bitstream. While a random 256-bit string has about 50% chance of being a valid X coordinate on the secp256k1 curve, every 512-bit string is a valid ElligatorSwift encoding of a curve point, making the encoded point indistinguishable from random when using an encoder that can sample uniformly.</ref><ref name="ellswift_perf">'''How fast is ElligatorSwift?''' Our benchmarks show that ElligatorSwift encoded ECDH is about 50% more expensive than unencoded ECDH. Given the fast performance of ECDH and the low frequency of new connections, we found the performance trade-off acceptable for the pseudorandom bytestream and future censorship resistance it can enable.</ref>-encoded public key to the responder.
#** May send up to 4095<ref name="why_4095_garbage">'''How was the limit of 4095 bytes garbage chosen?''' It is a balance between having sufficient freedom to hide information, and allowing it to be large enough so that the necessary 64 bytes of public key is small compared to it on the one hand, and bandwidth waste on the other hand.</ref> bytes of arbitrary data after their public key, called '''garbage''', providing a form of shapability and avoiding a recognizable pattern of exactly 64 bytes.<ref name="why_garbage">'''Why does the affordance for garbage exist in the protocol?''' The garbage strings after the public keys are needed for shapability of the handshake. Neither peer can send decoy packets before having received at least the other peer's public key, i.e., neither peer can send more than 64 bytes before having received 64 bytes.</ref>
#* The responder:
#** Waits until one byte is received which does not match the 12 bytes consisting of the network magic followed by "version\x00". If the first 12 bytes do match, the connection is treated as using the v1 protocol instead.<ref name="why_no_prefix_check">'''What if a v2 initiator's public key starts accidentally with these 12 bytes?''' This is so unlikely (probability of ''2<sup>-96</sup>'') to happen randomly in the v2 protocol that the initiator does not need to specifically avoid it.</ref><ref>Bitcoin Core versions <=0.4.0 and >=22.0 ignore valid P2P messages that are received prior to a VERSION message. Bitcoin Core versions between 0.4.0 and 22.0 assign a misbehavior score to the peer upon receiving such messages. v2 clients implementing this proposal will interpret any message other than VERSION received as the first message to be the initiation of a v2 connection, and will result in disconnection for v1 initiators that send any message type other than VERSION as the first message. We are not aware of any implementations where this could pose a problem.</ref>
#** Similarly generates a random ephemeral private key and sends a corresponding 64-byte ElligatorSwift-encoded public key to the initiator.
#** Similarly may send up to 4095 bytes of garbage data after their public key.
#* Both parties:
#** Receive (the remainder of) the full 64-byte public key from the other side.
#** Use X-only<ref name="xonly_ecdh">'''Why use X-only ECDH?''' Using only the X coordinate provides the same security as using a full encoding of the secret curve point but allows for more efficient implementation by avoiding the need for square roots to compute Y coordinates.</ref> ECDH to compute a shared secret from their private key and the exchanged public keys<ref name="why_ecdh_pubkeys">'''Why is the shared secret computation a function of the exact 64-byte public encodings sent?''' This makes sure that an attacker cannot modify the public key encoding used without modifying the rest of the stream. If a third party wants the ability to modify stream bytes, they need to perform a full MitM attack on the connection.</ref>, and deterministically derive from the secret 4 '''encryption keys''' (two in each direction: one for packet lengths, one for content encryption), a '''session id''', and two 16-byte '''garbage terminators'''<ref>'''What length is sufficient for garbage terminators?''' The length of the garbage terminators determines the probability of accidental termination of a legitimate v2 connection due to garbage bytes (sent prior to ECDH) inadvertently including the terminator. 16 byte terminators with 4095 bytes of garbage yield a negligible probability of such collision which is likely orders of magnitude lower than random connection failure on the Internet.</ref><ref>'''What does a garbage terminator in the wild look like?''' <div>[[File:bip-0324/garbage_terminator.png|none|256px|A garbage terminator model TX-v2 in the wild... sent by the responder]]</div>
</ref> (one in each direction) using HKDF-SHA256.
#** Send their 16-byte garbage terminator<ref name="why_garbage_term">'''Why does the protocol need a garbage terminator?''' While it is in principle possible to use the garbage authentication packet directly as a terminator (scan until a valid authentication packet follows), this would be significantly slower than just scanning for a fixed byte sequence, as it would require recomputing a Poly1305 tag after every received byte.</ref> followed by a '''garbage authentication packet'''<ref name="why_garbage_auth">'''Why does the protocol require a garbage authentication packet?''' Otherwise the garbage would be modifiable by a third party without consequences. We want to force any active attacker to have to maintain a full protocol state. In addition, such malleability without the consequence of connection termination could enable protocol fingerprinting.</ref>, an '''encrypted packet''' (see further) with arbitrary '''contents''', and '''associated data''' equal to the garbage.
#** Receive up to 4111 bytes, stopping when encountering the garbage terminator.
#** Receive an encrypted packet, verify that it decrypts correctly with associated data set to the garbage received, and then ignore its contents.
#* At this point, both parties have the same keys, and all further communication proceeds in the form of encrypted packets. Packets have an '''ignore bit''', which makes them '''decoy packets''' if set. Decoy packets are to be ignored by the receiver apart from verifying they decrypt correctly. Either peer may send such decoy packets at any point after this. These form the primary shapability mechanism in the protocol. How and when to use them is out of scope for this document.
# The '''Version negotiation phase''', where parties negotiate what transport version they will use, as well as data defined by that version.<ref name="example_versions">'''What features could be added in future protocol versions?''' Examples of features that could be added in future versions include post-quantum cryptography upgrades to the handshake, and optional authentication.</ref>
#* The responder:
#** Sends a '''version packet''' with empty content, to indicate support for the v2 P2P protocol proposed by this document. Any other value for content is reserved for future versions.
#* The initiator:
#** Receives a packet, ignores its contents. The idea is that features added by future versions get negotiated based on what is supported by both parties. Since there is just one version so far, the contents here can simply be ignored. But in the future, receiving a non-empty contents here may trigger other behavior; we defer specifying the encoding for such version content until there is a need for it.<ref name="version_negotiation">'''How will future versions encode version numbers in the version packet?''' Future versions could, for example, specify that the contents of the version packet is to be interpreted as an integer version number (with empty representing 0), and if the minimum of both numbers is N, that being interpreted as choosing a "v2.N" protocol version. Alternatively, certain bytes of the version packet contents could be interpreted as a bitvector of optional features.</ref>
#** Sends a '''version packet''' with empty content as well, to indicate support for the v2 P2P protocol.
#* The responder:
#** Receives a packet, ignores its contents.
# The '''Application phase''', where the packets exchanged have contents to be interpreted as application data.
#* Whenever either peer has a message to send, it sends a packet with that application message as '''contents'''.
In order to provide a means of avoiding the recognizable pattern of first messages being at least 64 bytes, a future backwards-compatible upgrade to this protocol may allow both peers to send their public key + garbage + garbage terminator in multiple rounds, slicing those bytes up into messages arbitrarily, as long as progress is guaranteed.<ref name="handshake_progress">'''How can progress be guaranteed in a backwards-compatible way?''' In order to guarantee progress, it must be ensured that no deadlock occurs, i.e., no state is reached in which each party waits for the other party indefinitely. For example, any upgrade that adheres to the following conditions will guarantee progress:
* The initiator must start by sending at least as many bytes as necessary to mismatch the magic/version 12 bytes prefix.
* The responder must start sending after having received at least one byte that mismatches that 12-byte prefix.
* As soon as either party has received the other peer's garbage terminator, or has received 4095 bytes of garbage, they must send their own garbage terminator. (When either of these conditions is met, the other party has nothing to respond with anymore that would be needed to guarantee progress otherwise.)
* Whenever either party receives any nonzero number of bytes, while not having sent their garbage terminator completely yet, they must send at least one byte in response without waiting for more bytes.
* After either party has sent their garbage terminator, they must also send the garbage authentication packet without waiting for more bytes, and transition to the version negotiation phase.
Since the protocol as specified here adheres to these conditions, any upgrade which also adheres to these conditions will be backwards-compatible.</ref>
Note that the version negotiation phase does not need to wait for the key exchange phase to complete; version packets can be sent immediately after sending the garbage authentication packet. So the first two phases together, jointly called '''the handshake''', comprise just 1.5 roundtrips:
* the initiator sends public key + garbage
* the responder sends public key + garbage + garbage terminator + garbage authentication packet + version packet
* the initiator sends garbage terminator + garbage authentication packet + version packet
'''Packet encryption overview'''
All data on the wire after the garbage terminators takes the form of encrypted packets. Every packet encodes an encrypted variable-length byte array, called the '''contents''', as well as an '''ignore bit''' as mentioned before. The total size of a packet is 20 bytes plus the length of its contents.
Each packet consists of:
* A 3-byte encrypted '''length''' field, encoding the length of the '''contents''' (between ''0'' and ''2<sup>24</sup>-1''<ref name="max_packet_length">'''Is ''2<sup>24</sup>-1'' bytes sufficient as maximum content size?''' The current Bitcoin P2P protocol has no messages which support more than 4000000 bytes of application payload. By supporting up to ''2<sup>24</sup>-1'' we can accommodate future evolutions needing more than 4 times that value. Hypothetical protocol changes that have even more data to exchange than that should probably use multiple separate messages anyway, because of the per-peer receive buffer sizes involved, and the inability to start processing a message before it is fully received. Of course, future versions of the transport protocol could change the size of the length field, if this were really needed.</ref>, inclusive).
* An authenticated encryption of the '''plaintext''', which consists of:
** A 1-byte '''header''' which consists of transport layer protocol flags. Currently only the highest bit is defined as the '''ignore bit'''. The other bits are ignored, but this may change in future versions<ref>'''Why is the header a part of the plaintext and not included alongside the length field?''' The packet length field is the minimum information that must be available before we can leverage the standard RFC8439 AEAD. Any other data, including metadata like the header being in the content encryption makes it easier to reason about the protocol security w.r.t. data being used before it is authenticated. If the ignore bit was not part of the content, another mechanism would be needed to authenticate it; for example, it could be fed as AAD to the AEAD cipher. We feel the complexity of such an approach outweighs the benefit of saving one byte per message.</ref>.
** The variable-length '''contents'''.
The encryption of the plaintext uses '''[ ChaCha20Poly1305]'''<ref name="why_chacha20">'''Why is ChaCha20Poly1305 chosen as basis for packet encryption?''' It is a very widely used authenticated encryption cipher (used amongst others in SSH, TLS 1.2, TLS 1.3, [ QUIC], Noise, and [ WireGuard]; in the latter it is currently even the only supported cipher), with very good performance in general purpose software implementations. While AES-based ciphers (including the winners in the [ CAESAR] competition in non-lightweight categories) perform significantly better on systems with AES hardware acceleration, they are also significantly slower in pure software implementations. We choose to optimize for the weakest hardware.</ref>, an [ authenticated encryption with associated data] (AEAD) cipher specified in [ RFC 8439]. Every packet's plaintext is treated as a separate AEAD message, with a different nonce for each.
The length must be dealt with specially, as it is needed to determine packet boundaries before the whole packet is received and authenticated. As we want a stream that is pseudorandom to a passive attacker, it still needs encryption. We use unauthenticated<ref name="why_no_len_auth">'''Why is the length encryption not separately authenticated?''' Informally, the relevant security goal we aim for is to hide the number of packets and their lengths (i.e., the packet boundaries) against a passive attacker that receives the bytestream without timing or fragmentation information. (A formal definition can be found for example in [ Hansen 2016 (Definition 22)] under the name "boundary hiding against chosen-plaintext attacks (BH-CPA)".) However, we do not aim to hide packet boundaries against active attackers because active attackers can always exploit the fact that the Bitcoin P2P protocol is largely query-response based: they can trickle the bytes on the stream one-by-one unmodified and observe when a response comes (see [ Hansen 2016 (Section 3.9)] for a in-depth discussion). With that in mind, we accept that an active (non-MitM) attacker is able to figure out some information about packet boundaries by flipping certain bits in the unauthenticated length field, and observing the other side disconnecting immediately or later. Thus, we choose to use unauthenticated encryption for the length data, which is sufficient to achieve boundary hiding against passive attackers, and saves 16 bytes of bandwidth per packet.</ref> '''ChaCha20''' encryption for this, with an independent key. Note that the plaintext length is still implicitly authenticated by the encryption of the plaintext, but this can only be verified after receiving the whole packet. This design is inspired by that of the ChaCha20Poly1305 cipher suite in [ OpenSSH].<ref name="openssl_changes">'''How does packet encryption differ from the OpenSSH design?''' The differences are:
* The length field is only 3 bytes instead of 4, as that is sufficient for our purposes.
* Length encryption keeps drawing pseudorandom bytes from the same ChaCha20 cipher for multiple packets, rather than incrementing the nonce for every packet.
* The Poly1305 authentication tag only covers the encrypted plaintext, and not the encrypted length field. This means that plaintext encryption uses the standard ChaCha20Poly1305 construction without any modifications, maximizing applicability of analysis and review of that cipher. The length encryption can be seen as a separate layer, using a separate key, and thus cannot affect any of the confidentiality or integrity guarantees of the plaintext encryption. On the other hand, this change w.r.t. OpenSSH also does not worsen any properties, as incorrect lengths will still trigger authentication failure for the overall packet (the plaintext length is implicitly authenticated by ChaCha20Poly1305).
* A hash step is performed every 224<ref name="rekey_interval">'''How was the rekeying interval 224 chosen?''' Assuming a node sends only ping messages every 20 minutes (the timeout interval for post-[ BIP31] connections) on a connection, the node will transmit 224 packets in about 3.11 days. This means ''soft rekeying'' after a fixed number of packets automatically translates to an upper-bound of time interval for rekeying, while being much simpler to coordinate than an actual time-based rekeying regime. At the same time, doing it once every 224 messages is sufficiently infrequent that it has only negligible impact on performance. Furthermore, 224 times 3 bytes (the number of bytes consumed by each length encryption) is 672, which is a multiple of 64 minus 32. This means that at the end of 224 length encryptions, exactly 32 bytes of keystream data remain that can be used as next key.</ref> messages to rekey the the encryption ciphers, in order to provide forward security.
</ref> Because only fixed-length chunks (3-byte length fields) are encrypted, we do not need to treat all length chunks as separate messages. Instead, a single cipher (with the same nonce) is used for multiple consecutive length fields. This avoids wasting 61 pseudorandom bytes per packet, and makes the cost of having a separate cipher for length encryption negligible.<ref name="ok_to_batch">'''Is it acceptable to use a less standard construction for length encryption?''' The fact that multiple (non-overlapping) bytes generated by a single ChaCha20 cipher are used for the encryption of multiple consecutive length fields is uncommon. We feel the performance cost gained by this deviation is worth it (especially for small packets, which are very common in Bitcoin's P2P protocol), given the low guarantees that are feasible for length encryption in the first place, and the result is still sufficient to provide pseudorandomness from the view of passive attackers. For plaintext encryption, we independently use a very standard construction, as the stakes for confidentiality and integrity there are much higher.</ref>
In order to provide forward security<ref name="rekey">'''What value does forward security provide?''' Re-keying ensures [ forward secrecy within a session], i.e., an attacker compromising the current session secrets cannot derive past encryption keys in the same session.</ref><ref>'''Why have a cipher with forward secrecy but no periodical refresh of the ECDH key exchange?''' Our cipher ratchets encryption keys forward in order to protect messages encrypted under ''past'' encryption keys. In contrast, re-performing ECDH key exchange would protect messages encrypted under ''future'' encryption keys, i.e., it would re-establish security after the attacker had compromised one of the peers ''temporarily'' (e.g., the attacker obtains a memory dump). We do not believe protecting against that is a priority: an attacker that, for whatever reason, is capable of an attack that reveals encryption keys (or other session secrets) of a peer once is likely capable of performing the same attack again after peers have re-performed the ECDH key exchange. Thus, we do not believe the benefits of re-performing key exchange outweigh the additional complexity that comes with the necessary coordination between the peers. We note that the initiator could choose to close and re-open the entire connection in order to force a refresh of the ECDH key exchange, but that introduces other issues: a connection slot needs to be kept open at the responder side, it is not cryptographically guaranteed that really the same initiator will use it, and the observable TCP reset and handshake may create a detectable pattern.</ref>, the encryption keys for both plaintext and length encryption are cycled every 224 messages, by switching to a new key that is generated by the key stream using the old key.
==== Handshake: key exchange and version negotiation ====
Next we specify the handshake of a connection in detail.
As explained before, these messages are sent to set up the connection:
| Initiator Responder |
| |
| x, ellswift_X = ellswift_create(initiating=True) |
| |
| --- ellswift_X + initiator_garbage (initiator_garbage_len bytes; max 4095) ---> |
| |
| y, ellswift_Y = ellswift_create(initiating=False) |
| ecdh_secret = v2_ecdh( |
| y, ellswift_X, ellswift_Y, initiating=False) |
| v2_initialize(initiator, ecdh_secret, initiating=False) |
| |
| <-- ellswift_Y + responder_garbage (responder_garbage_len bytes; max 4095) + |
| responder_garbage_terminator (16 bytes) + |
| v2_enc_packet(initiator, b'', aad=responder_garbage) + |
| v2_enc_packet(initiator, RESPONDER_TRANSPORT_VERSION) --- |
| |
| ecdh_secret = v2_ecdh(x, ellswift_Y, ellswift_X, initiating=True) |
| v2_initialize(responder, ecdh_secret, initiating=True) |
| |
| --- initiator_garbage_terminator (16 bytes) + |
| v2_enc_packet(responder, b'', aad=initiator_garbage) + |
| v2_enc_packet(responder, INITIATOR_TRANSPORT_VERSION) ---> |
| |
===== Shared secret computation =====
The peers derive their shared secret through X-only ECDH, hashed together with the exactly 64-byte public keys' encodings sent over the wire.
def v2_ecdh(priv, ellswift_theirs, ellswift_ours, initiating):
ecdh_point_x32 = ellswift_ecdh_xonly(ellswift_theirs, priv)
if initiating:
# Initiating, place our public key encoding first.
return sha256_tagged("bip324_ellswift_xonly_ecdh", ellswift_ours + ellswift_theirs + ecdh_point_x32)
# Responding, place their public key encoding first.
return sha256_tagged("bip324_ellswift_xonly_ecdh", ellswift_theirs + ellswift_ours + ecdh_point_x32)
Here, <code>sha256_tagged(tag, x)</code> returns a tagged hash value <code>SHA256(SHA256(tag) || SHA256(tag) || x)</code> as in [ BIP340].
===== ElligatorSwift encoding of curve X coordinates =====
The functions <code>ellswift_create</code> and <code>ellswift_ecdh_xonly</code> encapsulate the construction of ElligatorSwift-encoded public keys, and the computation of X-only ECDH with
ElligatorSwift-encoded public keys.
First we define a constant:
* Let ''c = 0xa2d2ba93507f1df233770c2a797962cc61f6d15da14ecd47d8d27ae1cd5f852''.<ref name="sqrt_minus3">'''What is the ''c'' constant used in ''XSwiftEC''?''' The algorithm requires a constant ''&radic;-3 (mod p)''; in other words, a number ''c'' such that ''-c<sup>2</sup> mod p = 3''. There are two solutions to this equation, one which is itself a square modulo ''p'', and its negation. We choose the square one.</ref>
To define the needed functions, we first introduce a helper function, matching the <code>XSwiftEC</code> function from the [ SwiftEC] paper, instantiated for the secp256k1 curve, with minor modifications. It maps pairs of integers ''(u, t)'' (both in range ''0..p-1'') to valid X coordinates on the curve. Note that the specification here does not attempt to be constant time, as it does not operate on secret data. In what follows, we use the notation from [ BIP340].
* ''XSwiftEC(u, t)'':
** Alter the inputs to guarantee an X coordinate on the curve:<ref name="ellswift_deviation">'''Why do the inputs to the XSwiftEC algorithm need to be altered?''' This step deviates from the paper, which maps a negligibly small subset of inputs (around ''3/2<sup>256</sup>'') to the point at infinity. To avoid the need to deal with the case where a peer could craft encodings that intentionally trigger this edge case, we remap them to inputs that yield a valid X coordinate.</ref>
*** If ''u mod p = 0'', let ''u = 1'' instead.
*** If ''t mod p = 0'', let ''t = 1'' instead.
*** If ''(u<sup>3</sup> + t<sup>2</sup> + 7) mod p = 0'', let ''t = 2t (mod p)'' instead.
** Let ''X = (u<sup>3</sup> + 7 - t<sup>2</sup>)/(2t) (mod p).''<ref name="modinv">'''What does the division (/) sign in modular arithmetic refer to?''' Note that the division in these expressions corresponds to multiplication with the modular inverse modulo ''p'', i.e. ''a / b (mod p)'' with nonzero ''b'' is the unique solution ''x'' for which ''bx = a (mod p)''. It can be computed as ''ab<sup>p-2</sup> (mod p)'', but more efficient algorithms exist.</ref>
** Let ''Y = (X + t)/(cu) (mod p)''.
** For every ''x'' in ''{u + 4Y<sup>2</sup>, (-X/Y - u)/2, (X/Y - u)/2}'' (all ''mod p''; the order matters):
*** If ''lift_x(x)'' succeeds, return ''x''. There is at least one such ''x''.
To find encodings of a given X coordinate ''x'', we first need the inverse of ''XSwiftEC''. The function ''XSwiftECInv(x, u, case)'' either returns ''t'' such that ''XSwiftEC(u, t) = x'', or ''None''. The ''case'' variable is an integer in range 0 to 7 inclusive, which selects which of the up to 8 valid such ''t'' values to return:
* ''XSwiftECInv(x, u, case)'':
** If ''case & 2 = 0'':
*** If ''lift_x(-x - u)'' succeeds, return ''None''.
*** Let ''v = x'' if ''case & 1 = 0''; let ''v = -x - u (mod p)'' otherwise.
*** Let ''s = -(u<sup>3</sup> + 7)/(u<sup>2</sup> + uv + v<sup>2</sup>) (mod p)''.
** If ''case & 2 = 2'':
*** Let ''s = x - u (mod p)''.
*** If ''s = 0'', return ''None''.
*** Let ''r'' be the square root of ''-s(4(u<sup>3</sup> + 7) + 3u<sup>2</sup>s) (mod p).''<ref name="modsqrt">'''How to compute a square root mod ''p''?''' Due to the structure of ''p'', a candidate for the square root of ''a'' mod ''p'' can be computed as ''x = a<sup>(p+1)/4</sup> mod p''. If ''a'' is not a square mod ''p'', this formula returns the square root of ''-a mod p'' instead, so it is necessary to verify that ''x<sup>2</sup> mod p = a''. If that is the case ''-x mod p'' is a solution too, but we define "the" square root to be equal to that expression (the square root will therefore always be a square itself, as ''(p+1)/4'' is even). This algorithm is a specialization of the [ Tonelli-Shanks algorithm].</ref> Return ''None'' if it does not exist.
*** If ''case & 1 = 1'':
**** If ''r = 0'', return ''None''.
**** let ''r = -r (mod p)''.
*** Let ''v = (-u + r/s)/2''.
** Let ''w'' be the square root of ''s (mod p)''. Return ''None'' if it does not exist.
** If ''case & 4 = 4'', let ''w = -w (mod p)''.
** Return ''w(u(c - 1)/2 - v)''.
The overall ''XElligatorSwift'' algorithm, matching the name used in the paper, then uses this inverse to randomly''<ref name="ellswift_helps_parroting">'''Can the ElligatorSwift encoding be used to construct public key encodings that satisfy a certain structure (and not pseudorandom)?''' The algorithm chooses the first 32 bytes (i.e., the value ''u'') and then computes a corresponding ''t'' such that the mapping to the curve point holds. In general, picking ''u'' from a uniformly random distribution provides pseudorandomness. But we can also fix any of the 32 bytes in ''u'', and the algorithm will still find a corresponding ''t''. The fact that it is possible to fix the first 32 bytes, combined with the garbage bytes in the handshake, provides a limited but very simple method of parroting other protocols such as [ TLS 1.3], which can be deployed by one of the peers without explicit support from the other peer. More general methods of parroting, e.g., introduced by defining new protocol or a protocol upgrade, are not precluded.</ref> sample encodings of ''x'':
* ''XElligatorSwift(x)'':
** Loop:
*** Let ''u'' be a random non-zero integer in range ''1..p-1'' inclusive.
*** Let ''case'' be a random integer in range ''0..7'' inclusive.
*** Compute ''t = XSwiftECInv(x, u, case)''.
*** If ''t'' is not ''None'', return ''(u, t)''. Otherwise, restart loop.
This is used to define the <code>ellswift_create</code> algorithm used in the previous section; it generates a random private key, along with a uniformly sampled 64-byte ElligatorSwift-encoded public key corresponding to it:
* ''ellswift_create()'':
** Generate a random private key ''priv'' in range ''1..p-1''.
** Let ''P = priv⋅G'', the corresponding public key point to ''priv''.
** Let ''(u, t) = XElligatorSwift(x(P))'', an encoding of ''x(P)''.
** ''ellswift_pub = bytes(u) || bytes(t)'', its encoding as 64 bytes.
** Return ''(priv, ellswift_pub)''.
Finally the <code>ellswift_ecdh_xonly</code> algorithm is:
* ''ellswift_ecdh_xonly(ellswift_theirs, priv)'':
** Let ''u = int(ellswift_theirs[:32]) mod p''.
** Let ''t = int(ellswift_theirs[32:]) mod p''.
** Return ''bytes(x(priv⋅lift_x(XSwiftEC(u, t))))''.<ref name="lift_x_choice">'''Does it matter which point ''lift_x'' maps to?''' Either point is valid, as they are negations of each other, and negations do not affect the output X coordinate.</ref>
===== Keys and session ID derivation =====
The authenticated encryption construction proposed here requires two 32-byte keys per communication direction. These (in addition to a session ID) are computed using HKDF<ref name="why_hkdf">'''Why use HKDF for deriving key material?''' The shared secret already involves a hash function to make sure the public key encodings contribute to it, which negates some of the need for HKDF already. We still use it as it is the standard mechanism for deriving many keys from a single secret, and its computational cost is low enough to be negligible compared to the rest of a connection setup.</ref> as specified in [ RFC 5869] with SHA256 as the hash function:
def initialize_v2_transport(peer, ecdh_secret, initiating):
# Include NETWORK_MAGIC to ensure a connection between nodes on different networks will immediately fail
prk = HKDF_Extract(Hash=sha256, salt=b'bitcoin_v2_shared_secret' + NETWORK_MAGIC, ikm=ecdh_secret)
peer.session_id = HKDF_Expand(Hash=sha256, PRK=prk, info=b'session_id', L=32)
# Initialize the packet encryption ciphers.
initiator_L = HKDF_Expand(Hash=sha256, PRK=prk, info=b'initiator_L', L=32)
initiator_P = HKDF_Expand(Hash=sha256, PRK=prk, info=b'initiator_P', L=32)
responder_L = HKDF_Expand(Hash=sha256, PRK=prk, info=b'responder_L', L=32)
responder_P = HKDF_Expand(Hash=sha256, PRK=prk, info=b'responder_P', L=32)
garbage_terminators = HKDF_Expand(Hash=sha256, PRK=prk, info=b'garbage_terminators', L=32)
initiator_garbage_terminator = garbage_terminators[:16]
responder_garbage_terminator = garbage_terminators[16:]
if initiating:
peer.send_L = FSChaCha20(initiator_L)
peer.send_P = FSChaCha20Poly1305(initiator_P)
peer.send_garbage_terminator = initiator_garbage_terminator
peer.recv_L = FSChaCha20(responder_L)
peer.recv_P = FSChaCha20Poly1305(responder_P)
peer.recv_garbage_terminator = responder_garbage_terminator
peer.send_L = FSChaCha20(responder_L)
peer.send_P = FSChaCha20Poly1305(responder_P)
peer.send_garbage_terminator = responder_garbage_terminator
peer.recv_L = FSChaCha20(initiator_L)
peer.recv_P = FSChaCha20Poly1305(initiator_P)
peer.recv_garbage_terminator = initiator_garbage_terminator
# To achieve forward secrecy we must wipe the key material used to initialize the ciphers:
memory_cleanse(ecdh_secret, prk, initiator_L, initiator_P, responder_L, responder_K)
The session ID uniquely identifies the encrypted channel. v2 clients supporting this proposal may present the entire session ID (encoded as a hex string) to the node operator to allow for manual, out of band comparison with the peer node operator. Future transport versions may introduce optional authentication methods that compare the session ID as seen by the two endpoints in order to bind the encrypted channel to the authentication.
===== Overall handshake pseudocode =====
To establish a v2 encrypted connection, the initiator generates an ephemeral secp256k1 keypair and sends an unencrypted ElligatorSwift encoding of the public key to the responding peer followed by unencrypted pseudorandom bytes <code>initiator_garbage</code> of length <code>garbage_len < 4096</code>.
def initiate_v2_handshake(peer, garbage_len):
peer.privkey_ours, peer.ellswift_ours = ellswift_create(initiating=True)
peer.sent_garbage = rand_bytes(garbage_len)
send(peer, peer.ellswift_ours + peer.sent_garbage)
The responder generates an ephemeral keypair for itself and derives the shared ECDH secret (using the first 64 received bytes) which enables it to instantiate the encrypted transport. It then sends 64 bytes of the unencrypted ElligatorSwift encoding of its own public key and its own <code>responder_garbage</code> also of length <code>garbage_len < 4096</code>. If the first 12 bytes received match the v1 prefix, the v1 protocol is used instead.
NETWORK_MAGIC = b'\xf9\xbe\xb4\xd9' # Mainnet network magic; differs on other networks.
V1_PREFIX = NETWORK_MAGIC + b'version\x00'
def respond_v2_handshake(peer, garbage_len):
peer.received_prefix = b""
while len(peer.received_prefix) < 12:
peer.received_prefix += receive(peer, 1)
if peer.received_prefix[-1] != V1_PREFIX[len(peer.received_prefix) - 1]:
peer.privkey_ours, peer.ellswift_ours = ellswift_create(initiating=False)
peer.sent_garbage = rand_bytes(garbage_len)
send(peer, ellswift_Y + peer.sent_garbage)
Upon receiving the encoded responder public key, the initiator derives the shared ECDH secret and instantiates the encrypted transport. It then sends the derived 16-byte <code>initiator_garbage_terminator</code> followed by an authenticated, encrypted packet with empty contents<ref name="send_empty_garbauth">'''Does the content of the garbage authentication packet need to be empty?''' The receiver ignores the content of the garbage authentication packet, so its content can be anything, and it can in principle be used as a shaping mechanism too. There is however no need for that, as immediately afterwards the initiator can start using decoy packets as (much more flexible) shaping mechanism instead.</ref> to authenticate the garbage, and its own version packet. It then receives the responder's garbage and garbage authentication packet (delimited by the garbage terminator), and checks if the garbage is authenticated correctly. The responder performs very similar steps, but includes the earlier received prefix bytes in the public key. As mentioned before, the encrypted packets for the '''version negotiation phase''' can be piggybacked with the garbage authentication packet to minimize roundtrips.
def complete_handshake(peer, initiating):
received_prefix = b'' if initiating else peer.received_prefix
ellswift_theirs = receive(peer, 64 - len(received_prefix))
ecdh_secret = v2_ecdh(peer.privkey_ours, ellswift_theirs, peer.ellswift_ours,
initialize_v2_transport(peer, ecdh_secret, initiating=True)
# Send garbage terminator + garbage authentication packet + version packet.
send(peer, peer.send_garbage_terminator +
v2_enc_packet(peer, b'', aad=peer.sent_garbage) +
v2_enc_packet(peer, TRANSPORT_VERSION))
# Skip garbage, until encountering garbage terminator.
received_garbage = recv(peer, 16)
for i in range(4096):
if received_garbage[-16:] == peer.recv_garbage_terminator:
# Receive, decode, and ignore garbage authentication packet (decoy or not)
v2_receive_packet(peer, aad=received_garbage, skip_decoy=False)
# Receive, decode, and ignore version packet, skipping decoys
received_garbage += recv(peer, 1)
# Garbage terminator was not seen after 4 KiB of garbage.
==== Packet encryption ====
Lastly, we specify the packet encryption cipher in detail.
===== Existing cryptographic primitives =====
Packet encryption is built on two existing primitives:
* '''ChaCha20Poly1305''' is specified as <code>AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305</code> in [ RFC 8439 section 2.8]. It is an authenticated encryption protocol with associated data (AEAD), taking a 256-bit key, 96-bit nonce, and an arbitrary-length byte array of associated authenticated data (AAD). Due to the built-in authentication tag, ciphertexts are 16 bytes longer than the corresponding plaintext. In what follows:
** <code>aead_chacha20_poly1305_encrypt(key, nonce, aad, plaintext)</code> refers to a function that takes as input a 32-byte array ''key'', a 12-byte array ''nonce'', an arbitrary-length byte array ''aad'', and an arbitrary-length byte array ''plaintext'', and returns a byte array ''ciphertext'', 16 bytes longer than the plaintext.
** <code>aead_chacha20_poly1305_decrypt(key, nonce, aad, ciphertext)</code> refers to a function that takes as input a 32-byte array ''key'', a 12-byte array ''nonce'', an arbitrary-length byte array ''aad'', and an arbitrary-length byte array ''ciphertext'', and returns either a byte array ''plaintext'' (16 bytes shorter than the ciphertext), or ''None'' in case the ciphertext was not a valid ChaCha20Poly1305 encryption of any plaintext with the specified ''key'', ''nonce'', and ''aad''.
* The '''ChaCha20 Block Function''' is specified in [ RFC 8439 section 2.3]. It is a pseudorandom function (PRF) taking a 256-bit key, 96-bit nonce, and 32-bit counter, and outputs 64 pseudorandom bytes. It is the underlying building block on which ChaCha20 (and ultimately, ChaCha20Poly1305) is built. In what follows:
** <code>chacha20_block(key, nonce, count)</code> refers to a function that takes as input a 32-byte array ''key'', a 12-byte array ''nonce'', and an integer ''count'' in range ''0..2<sup>32</sup>-1'', and returns a byte array of length 64.
These will be used for plaintext encryption and length encryption, respectively.
===== Rekeying wrappers: FSChaCha20Poly1305 and FSChaCha20 =====
To provide re-keying every 224 packets, we specify two wrappers.
The first is '''FSChaCha20Poly1305''', which represents a ChaCha20Poly1305 AEAD, which automatically changes the nonce after every message, and rekeys every 224 messages by encrypting 32 zero bytes<ref name="rekey_why_aead">'''Why is rekeying implemented in terms of an invocation of the AEAD?''' This means the FSChaCha20Poly1305 wrapper can be thought of as a pure layer around the ChaCha20Poly1305 AEAD. Actual implementations can take advantage of the fact that this formulation is equivalent to using byte 64 through 95 of the keystream output of the underlying ChaCha20 cipher as new key, avoiding the need for Poly1305 in the process.</ref>, and using the first 32 bytes of the result. Each message will be used for one packet. Note that in our protocol, any FSChaCha20Poly1305 instance is always either exclusively encryption or exclusively decryption, as separate instances are used for each direction of the protocol. The nonce used for a message is composed of the 32-bit little endian encoding of the number of messages with the current key, followed by the 64-bit little endian encoding of the number of rekeyings performed. For rekeying, the first 32-bit integer is set to ''0xffffffff''.
class FSChaCha20Poly1305:
"""Rekeying wrapper AEAD around ChaCha20Poly1305."""
def __init__(self, initial_key):
self.key = initial_key
self.packet_counter = 0
def crypt(self, aad, text, is_decrypt):
nonce = ((self.packet_counter % REKEY_INTERVAL).to_bytes(4, 'little') +
(self.packet_counter // REKEY_INTERVAL).to_bytes(8, 'little'))
if is_decrypt:
ret = aead_chacha20_poly1305_decrypt(self.key, nonce, aad, text)
ret = aead_chacha20_poly1305_encrypt(self.key, nonce, aad, text)
if (self.packet_counter + 1) % REKEY_INTERVAL == 0:
rekey_nonce = b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" + nonce[4:]
self.key = aead_chacha20_poly1305_encrypt(self.key, rekey_nonce, b"", b"\x00" * 32)[:32]
self.packet_counter += 1
return ret
def decrypt(self, aad, ciphertext):
return self.crypt(aad, ciphertext, True)
def encrypt(self, aad, plaintext):
return self.crypt(aad, plaintext, False)
The second is '''FSChaCha20''', a (single) stream cipher which is used for the lengths of all packets. Encryption and decryption are identical here, so a single function <code>crypt</code> is exposed. It XORs the input with bytes generated using the ChaCha20 block function, rekeying every 224 chunks using the next 32 bytes of the block function output as new key. A ''chunk'' refers here to a single invocation of <code>crypt</code>. As explained before, the same cipher is used for 224 consecutive chunks, to avoid wasting cipher output. The nonce used for these batches of 224 chunks is composed of 4 zero bytes followed by the 64-bit little endian encoding of the number of rekeyings performed. The block counter is reset to 0 after every rekeying.
class FSChaCha20:
"""Rekeying wrapper stream cipher around ChaCha20."""
def __init__(self, initial_key):
self.key = initial_key
self.block_counter = 0
self.chunk_counter = 0
self.keystream = b''
def get_keystream_bytes(self, nbytes):
while len(self.keystream) < nbytes:
nonce = ((0).to_bytes(4, 'little') +
(self.chunk_counter // REKEY_INTERVAL).to_bytes(8, 'little'))
self.keystream += chacha20_block(self.key, nonce, self.block_counter)
self.block_counter += 1
ret = self.keystream[:nbytes]
self.keystream = self.keystream[nbytes:]
return ret
def crypt(self, chunk):
ks = self.get_keystream_bytes(len(chunk))
ret = bytes([ks[i] ^ chunk[i] for i in range(len(chunk))])
if ((self.chunk_counter + 1) % REKEY_INTERVAL) == 0:
self.key = self.get_keystream_bytes(32)
self.block_counter = 0
self.chunk_counter += 1
return ret
===== Overall packet encryption and decryption pseudocode =====
Encryption and decryption of packets then follow by composing the ciphers from the previous section as building blocks.
def v2_enc_packet(peer, contents, aad=b'', ignore=False):
assert len(contents) <= 2**24 - 1
header = (ignore << IGNORE_BIT_POS).to_bytes(HEADER_LEN, 'little')
plaintext = header + contents
aead_ciphertext = peer.send_P.encrypt(aad, plaintext)
enc_contents_len = peer.send_L.encrypt(len(contents).to_bytes(LENGTH_FIELD_LEN, 'little'))
return enc_contents_len + aead_ciphertext
def v2_receive_packet(peer, aad=b'', skip_decoy=True):
while True:
enc_contents_len = receive(peer, LENGTH_FIELD_LEN)
contents_len = int.from_bytes(peer.recv_L.crypt(enc_contents_len), 'little')
aead_ciphertext = receive(peer, HEADER_LEN + contents_len + CHACHA20POLY1305_EXPANSION)
plaintext = peer.recv_P.decrypt(aead_ciphertext)
if plaintext is None:
header = plaintext[:HEADER_LEN]
if not (skip_decoy and header[0] & (1 << IGNORE_BIT_POS)):
return plaintext[HEADER_LEN:]
==== Performance ====
Each v1 P2P message uses a double-SHA256 checksum truncated to 4 bytes. Roughly the same amount of computation power is required for encrypting and authenticating a v2 P2P message as proposed.
=== Application layer specification ===
==== v2 Bitcoin P2P message structure ====
v2 Bitcoin P2P transport layer packets use the encrypted message structure shown above. An unencrypted application layer '''contents''' is composed of:
! Field !! Size in bytes !! Comments
| <code>message_type</code> || ''1..13'' || either a one byte ID or an ASCII string prefixed with a length byte
| <code>message_payload</code> || <code>message_length</code> || message payload
If the first byte of <code>message_type</code> is in the range ''1..12'', it is interpreted as the number of ASCII bytes that follow for the message type. If it is in the range ''13..255'', it is interpreted as a message type ID. This structure results in smaller messages than the v1 protocol as most messages sent/received will have a message type ID.<ref name="smaller_messages">'''How do the length between v1 and v2 compare?''' For messages that use the 1-byte short message type ID, v2 packets use 3 bytes less per message than v1.</ref>
The following table lists currently defined message type IDs:
{| class="wikitable"
|(undefined)||(1 byte string)||(2 byte string)||(3 byte string)
|(4 byte string)||(5 byte string)||(6 byte string)||(7 byte string)
|(8 byte string)||(9 byte string)||(10 byte string)||(11 byte string)
|(12 byte string)||<code>ADDR</code>||<code>BLOCK</code>||<code>BLOCKTXN</code>
|| colspan="4" | (undefined)
The message types may be updated separately after BIP finalization.
=== Signaling specification ===
==== Signaling v2 support ====
Peers supporting the v2 transport protocol signal support by advertising the <code>NODE_P2P_V2 = (1 << 11)</code> service flag in addr relay. If met with immediate disconnection when establishing a v2 connection, clients implementing this proposal are encouraged to retry connecting using the v1 protocol.<ref>'''Why are v2 clients met with immediate disconnection encouraged to retry with a v1 connection?''' Service flags propagated through untrusted intermediaries using ADDR and ADDRV2 P2P messages and are OR'ed when received from multiple sources. An untrusted intermediary could falsely advertise a potential peer as supportive of v2 connections. Connection downgrades to v1 mitigate the risk of a network participant being blackholed via false advertising.</ref>
== Test Vectors ==
For development and testing purposes, we provide a collection of test vectors in CSV format, and a naive, highly inefficient, [[bip-0324/|reference implementation]] of the relevant algorithms. This code is for demonstration purposes only:
* [[bip-0324/xelligatorswift_test_vectors.csv|XElligatorSwift vectors]] give examples of ElligatorSwift-encoded public keys, and the X coordinate they map to.
* [[bip-0324/xswiftec_test_vectors.csv|XSwiftEC vectors]] give examples of ''(u, x)'' pairs, and the various ''t'' values that ''xswiftec_inv'' maps them to.
* [[bip-0324/packet_encoding_test_vectors.csv|Packet encoding vectors]] illustrate the lifecycle of the authenticated encryption scheme proposed in this document.
== Rationale and References ==
== Acknowledgements ==
Thanks to everyone (last name order) that helped invent and develop the ideas in this proposal:
* Matt Corallo
* Lloyd Fournier
* Gregory Maxwell

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import sys
import random
import hashlib
import hmac
### BIP-340 tagged hash
def TaggedHash(tag, data):
"""Compute BIP-340 tagged hash with specified tag string of data."""
ss = hashlib.sha256(tag.encode('utf-8')).digest()
ss += ss
ss += data
return hashlib.sha256(ss).digest()
### HKDF-SHA256
def hmac_sha256(key, data):
"""Compute HMAC-SHA256 from specified byte arrays key and data."""
return, data, hashlib.sha256).digest()
def hkdf_sha256(length, ikm, salt, info):
"""Derive a key using HKDF-SHA256."""
if len(salt) == 0:
salt = bytes([0] * 32)
prk = hmac_sha256(salt, ikm)
t = b""
okm = b""
for i in range((length + 32 - 1) // 32):
t = hmac_sha256(prk, t + info + bytes([i + 1]))
okm += t
return okm[:length]
### secp256k1 field/group elements
def modinv(a, n):
"""Compute the modular inverse of a modulo n using the extended Euclidean
Algorithm. See
a = a % n
if a == 0:
return 0
if sys.hexversion >= 0x3080000:
# More efficient version available in Python 3.8.
return pow(a, -1, n)
t1, t2 = 0, 1
r1, r2 = n, a
while r2 != 0:
q = r1 // r2
t1, t2 = t2, t1 - q * t2
r1, r2 = r2, r1 - q * r2
if r1 > 1:
return None
if t1 < 0:
t1 += n
return t1
class FE:
"""Objects of this class represent elements of the field GF(2**256 - 2**32 - 977).
They are represented internally in numerator / denominator form, in order to delay inversions.
SIZE = 2**256 - 2**32 - 977
def __init__(self, a=0, b=1):
"""Initialize an FE as a/b; both a and b can be ints or field elements."""
if isinstance(b, FE):
if isinstance(a, FE):
self.num = (a.num * b.den) % FE.SIZE
self.den = (a.den * b.num) % FE.SIZE
self.num = (a * b.den) % FE.SIZE
self.den = a.num
b = b % FE.SIZE
assert b != 0
if isinstance(a, FE):
self.num = a.num
self.den = (a.den * b) % FE.SIZE
self.num = a % FE.SIZE
self.den = b
def __add__(self, a):
"""Compute the sum of two field elements (second may be int)."""
if isinstance(a, FE):
return FE(self.num * a.den + self.den * a.num, self.den * a.den)
return FE(self.num + self.den * a, self.den)
def __radd__(self, a):
"""Compute the sum of an integer and a field element."""
return FE(self.num + self.den * a, self.den)
def __sub__(self, a):
"""Compute the difference of two field elements (second may be int)."""
if isinstance(a, FE):
return FE(self.num * a.den - self.den * a.num, self.den * a.den)
return FE(self.num - self.den * a, self.den)
def __rsub__(self, a):
"""Compute the difference between an integer and a field element."""
return FE(self.den * a - self.num, self.den)
def __mul__(self, a):
"""Compute the product of two field elements (second may be int)."""
if isinstance(a, FE):
return FE(self.num * a.num, self.den * a.den)
return FE(self.num * a, self.den)
def __rmul__(self, a):
"""Compute the product of an integer with a field element."""
return FE(self.num * a, self.den)
def __truediv__(self, a):
"""Compute the ratio of two field elements (second may be int)."""
return FE(self, a)
def __rtruediv__(self, a):
"""Compute the ratio of an integer and a field element."""
return FE(a, self)
def __pow__(self, a):
"""Raise a field element to a (positive) integer power."""
return FE(pow(self.num, a, FE.SIZE), pow(self.den, a, FE.SIZE))
def __neg__(self):
"""Negate a field element."""
return FE(-self.num, self.den)
def __int__(self):
"""Convert a field element to an integer. The result is cached."""
if self.den != 1:
self.num = (self.num * modinv(self.den, FE.SIZE)) % FE.SIZE
self.den = 1
return self.num
def sqrt(self):
"""Compute the square root of a field element.
Due to the fact that our modulus is of the form (p % 4) == 3, the Tonelli-Shanks
algorithm ( is simply
raising the argument to the power (p + 3) / 4."""
v = int(self)
s = pow(v, (FE.SIZE + 1) // 4, FE.SIZE)
if s**2 % FE.SIZE == v:
return FE(s)
return None
def is_square(self):
"""Determine if this field element has a square root."""
# Compute the Jacobi symbol of (self / p). Since our modulus is prime, this
# is the same as the Legendre symbol, which determines quadratic residuosity.
# See for the algorithm.
n, k, t = (self.num * self.den) % FE.SIZE, FE.SIZE, 0
if n == 0:
return True
while n != 0:
while n & 1 == 0:
n >>= 1
r = k & 7
t ^= (r == 3 or r == 5)
n, k = k, n
t ^= (n & k & 3 == 3)
n = n % k
assert k == 1
return not t
def __eq__(self, a):
"""Check whether two field elements are equal (second may be an int)."""
if isinstance(a, FE):
return (self.num * a.den - self.den * a.num) % FE.SIZE == 0
return (self.num - self.den * a) % FE.SIZE == 0
def to_bytes(self):
"""Convert a field element to 32-byte big endian encoding."""
return int(self).to_bytes(32, 'big')
def from_bytes(b):
"""Convert a 32-byte big endian encoding of a field element to an FE."""
v = int.from_bytes(b, 'big')
if v >= FE.SIZE:
return None
return FE(v)
class GE:
"""Objects of this class represent points (group elements) on the secp256k1 curve.
The point at infinity is represented as None."""
def __init__(self, x, y):
"""Initialize a group element with specified x and y coordinates (must be on curve)."""
fx = FE(x)
fy = FE(y)
assert fy**2 == fx**3 + 7
self.x = fx
self.y = fy
def double(self):
"""Compute the double of a point."""
l = 3 * self.x**2 / (2 * self.y)
x3 = l**2 - 2 * self.x
y3 = l * (self.x - x3) - self.y
return GE(x3, y3)
def __add__(self, a):
"""Add two points, or a point and infinity, together."""
if a is None:
# Adding point at infinity
return self
if self.x != a.x:
# Adding distinct x coordinates
l = (a.y - self.y) / (a.x - self.x)
x3 = l**2 - self.x - a.x
y3 = l * (self.x - x3) - self.y
return GE(x3, y3)
elif self.y == a.y:
# Adding point to itself
return self.double()
# Adding point to its negation
return None
def __radd__(self, a):
"""Add infinity to a point."""
assert a is None
return self
def __mul__(self, a):
"""Multiply a point with an integer (scalar multiplication)."""
r = None
for i in range(a.bit_length() - 1, -1, -1):
if r is not None:
r = r.double()
if (a >> i) & 1:
r += self
return r
def __rmul__(self, a):
"""Multiply an integer with a point (scalar multiplication)."""
return self * a
def lift_x(x):
"""Take an FE, and return the point with that as X coordinate, and square Y."""
y = (FE(x)**3 + 7).sqrt()
if y is None:
return None
return GE(x, y)
def is_valid_x(x):
"""Determine whether the provided field element is a valid X coordinate."""
return (FE(x)**3 + 7).is_square()
SECP256K1_G = GE(
### ElligatorSwift
# Precomputed constant square root of -3 modulo p.
MINUS_3_SQRT = FE(-3).sqrt()
def xswiftec(u, t):
"""Decode field elements (u, t) to an X coordinate on the curve."""
if u == 0:
u = FE(1)
if t == 0:
t = FE(1)
if u**3 + t**2 + 7 == 0:
t = 2 * t
X = (u**3 + 7 - t**2) / (2 * t)
Y = (X + t) / (MINUS_3_SQRT * u)
for x in (u + 4 * Y**2, (-X / Y - u) / 2, (X / Y - u) / 2):
if GE.is_valid_x(x):
return x
assert False
def xswiftec_inv(x, u, case):
"""Given x and u, find t such that xswiftec(u, t) = x, or return None.
Case selects which of the up to 8 results to return."""
if case & 2 == 0:
if GE.is_valid_x(-x - u):
return None
v = x if case & 1 == 0 else -x - u
s = -(u**3 + 7) / (u**2 + u*v + v**2)
s = x - u
if s == 0:
return None
r = (-s * (4 * (u**3 + 7) + 3 * s * u**2)).sqrt()
if r is None:
return None
if case & 1:
if r == 0:
return None
r = -r
v = (-u + r / s) / 2
w = s.sqrt()
if w is None:
return None
if case & 4:
w = -w
return w * (u * (MINUS_3_SQRT - 1) / 2 - v)
def xelligatorswift(x):
"""Given a field element X on the curve, find (u, t) that encode them."""
while True:
u = FE(random.randrange(1, GE.ORDER))
case = random.randrange(0, 8)
t = xswiftec_inv(x, u, case)
if t is not None:
return u, t
def ellswift_create():
"""Generate a (privkey, ellswift_pubkey) pair."""
priv = random.randrange(1, GE.ORDER)
u, t = xelligatorswift((priv * SECP256K1_G).x)
return priv.to_bytes(32, 'big'), u.to_bytes() + t.to_bytes()
def ellswift_ecdh_xonly(pubkey_theirs, privkey):
"""Compute X coordinate of shared ECDH point between elswift pubkey and privkey."""
u = FE(int.from_bytes(pubkey_theirs[:32], 'big'))
t = FE(int.from_bytes(pubkey_theirs[32:], 'big'))
d = int.from_bytes(privkey, 'big')
return (d * GE.lift_x(xswiftec(u, t))).x.to_bytes()
### Poly1305
class Poly1305:
"""Class representing a running poly1305 computation."""
MODULUS = 2**130 - 5
def __init__(self, key):
self.r = int.from_bytes(key[:16], 'little') & 0xffffffc0ffffffc0ffffffc0fffffff
self.s = int.from_bytes(key[16:], 'little')
self.acc = 0
def add(self, msg, length=None, pad=False):
"""Add a message of any length. Input so far must be a multiple of 16 bytes."""
length = len(msg) if length is None else length
for i in range((length + 15) // 16):
chunk = msg[i * 16:i * 16 + min(16, length - i * 16)]
val = int.from_bytes(chunk, 'little') + 256**(16 if pad else len(chunk))
self.acc = (self.r * (self.acc + val)) % Poly1305.MODULUS
return self
def tag(self):
"""Compute the poly1305 tag."""
return ((self.acc + self.s) & 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff).to_bytes(16, 'little')
### ChaCha20
(0, 4, 8, 12), (1, 5, 9, 13), (2, 6, 10, 14), (3, 7, 11, 15),
(0, 5, 10, 15), (1, 6, 11, 12), (2, 7, 8, 13), (3, 4, 9, 14)
CHACHA20_CONSTANTS = (0x61707865, 0x3320646e, 0x79622d32, 0x6b206574)
def rotl32(v, bits):
"""Rotate the 32-bit value v left by bits bits."""
return ((v << bits) & 0xffffffff) | (v >> (32 - bits))
def chacha20_doubleround(s):
"""Apply a ChaCha20 double round to 16-element state array s.
See and
for a, b, c, d in CHACHA20_INDICES:
s[a] = (s[a] + s[b]) & 0xffffffff
s[d] = rotl32(s[d] ^ s[a], 16)
s[c] = (s[c] + s[d]) & 0xffffffff
s[b] = rotl32(s[b] ^ s[c], 12)
s[a] = (s[a] + s[b]) & 0xffffffff
s[d] = rotl32(s[d] ^ s[a], 8)
s[c] = (s[c] + s[d]) & 0xffffffff
s[b] = rotl32(s[b] ^ s[c], 7)
def chacha20_block(key, nonce, cnt):
"""Compute the 64-byte output of the ChaCha20 block function.
Takes as input a 32-byte key, 12-byte nonce, and 32-bit integer counter.
# Initial state.
init = [0 for _ in range(16)]
for i in range(4):
init[i] = CHACHA20_CONSTANTS[i]
for i in range(8):
init[4 + i] = int.from_bytes(key[4 * i:4 * (i+1)], 'little')
init[12] = cnt
for i in range(3):
init[13 + i] = int.from_bytes(nonce[4 * i:4 * (i+1)], 'little')
# Perform 20 rounds.
state = [v for v in init]
for _ in range(10):
# Add initial values back into state.
for i in range(16):
state[i] = (state[i] + init[i]) & 0xffffffff
# Produce byte output
return b''.join(state[i].to_bytes(4, 'little') for i in range(16))
### ChaCha20Poly1305
def aead_chacha20_poly1305_encrypt(key, nonce, aad, plaintext):
"""Encrypt a plaintext using ChaCha20Poly1305."""
ret = bytearray()
msg_len = len(plaintext)
for i in range((msg_len + 63) // 64):
now = min(64, msg_len - 64 * i)
keystream = chacha20_block(key, nonce, i + 1)
for j in range(now):
ret.append(plaintext[j + 64 * i] ^ keystream[j])
poly1305 = Poly1305(chacha20_block(key, nonce, 0)[:32])
poly1305.add(aad, pad=True).add(ret, pad=True)
poly1305.add(len(aad).to_bytes(8, 'little') + msg_len.to_bytes(8, 'little'))
ret += poly1305.tag()
return bytes(ret)
def aead_chacha20_poly1305_decrypt(key, nonce, aad, ciphertext):
"""Decrypt a ChaCha20Poly1305 ciphertext."""
if len(ciphertext) < 16:
return None
msg_len = len(ciphertext) - 16
poly1305 = Poly1305(chacha20_block(key, nonce, 0)[:32])
poly1305.add(aad, pad=True)
poly1305.add(ciphertext, length=msg_len, pad=True)
poly1305.add(len(aad).to_bytes(8, 'little') + msg_len.to_bytes(8, 'little'))
if ciphertext[-16:] != poly1305.tag():
return None
ret = bytearray()
for i in range((msg_len + 63) // 64):
now = min(64, msg_len - 64 * i)
keystream = chacha20_block(key, nonce, i + 1)
for j in range(now):
ret.append(ciphertext[j + 64 * i] ^ keystream[j])
return bytes(ret)
### FSChaCha20{,Poly1305}
REKEY_INTERVAL = 224 # packets
class FSChaCha20Poly1305:
"""Rekeying wrapper AEAD around ChaCha20Poly1305."""
def __init__(self, initial_key):
self.key = initial_key
self.packet_counter = 0
def crypt(self, aad, text, is_decrypt):
nonce = ((self.packet_counter % REKEY_INTERVAL).to_bytes(4, 'little') +
(self.packet_counter // REKEY_INTERVAL).to_bytes(8, 'little'))
if is_decrypt:
ret = aead_chacha20_poly1305_decrypt(self.key, nonce, aad, text)
ret = aead_chacha20_poly1305_encrypt(self.key, nonce, aad, text)
if (self.packet_counter + 1) % REKEY_INTERVAL == 0:
rekey_nonce = b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" + nonce[4:]
newkey1 = aead_chacha20_poly1305_encrypt(self.key, rekey_nonce, b"", b"\x00" * 32)[:32]
newkey2 = chacha20_block(self.key, rekey_nonce, 1)[:32]
assert newkey1 == newkey2
self.key = newkey1
self.packet_counter += 1
return ret
def decrypt(self, aad, ciphertext):
return self.crypt(aad, ciphertext, True)
def encrypt(self, aad, plaintext):
return self.crypt(aad, plaintext, False)
class FSChaCha20:
"""Rekeying wrapper stream cipher around ChaCha20."""
def __init__(self, initial_key):
self.key = initial_key
self.block_counter = 0
self.chunk_counter = 0
self.keystream = b''
def get_keystream_bytes(self, nbytes):
while len(self.keystream) < nbytes:
nonce = ((0).to_bytes(4, 'little') +
(self.chunk_counter // REKEY_INTERVAL).to_bytes(8, 'little'))
self.keystream += chacha20_block(self.key, nonce, self.block_counter)
self.block_counter += 1
ret = self.keystream[:nbytes]
self.keystream = self.keystream[nbytes:]
return ret
def crypt(self, chunk):
ks = self.get_keystream_bytes(len(chunk))
ret = bytes([ks[i] ^ chunk[i] for i in range(len(chunk))])
if ((self.chunk_counter + 1) % REKEY_INTERVAL) == 0:
self.key = self.get_keystream_bytes(32)
self.block_counter = 0
self.chunk_counter += 1
return ret
### Shared secret computation
def v2_ecdh(priv, ellswift_theirs, ellswift_ours, initiating):
"""Compute BIP324 shared secret."""
ecdh_point_x32 = ellswift_ecdh_xonly(ellswift_theirs, priv)
if initiating:
# Initiating, place our public key encoding first.
return TaggedHash("bip324_ellswift_xonly_ecdh",
ellswift_ours + ellswift_theirs + ecdh_point_x32)
# Responding, place their public key encoding first.
return TaggedHash("bip324_ellswift_xonly_ecdh",
ellswift_theirs + ellswift_ours + ecdh_point_x32)
### Key derivation
NETWORK_MAGIC = b'\xf9\xbe\xb4\xd9'
def initialize_v2_transport(ecdh_secret, initiating):
"""Return a peer object with various BIP324 derived keys and ciphers."""
peer = {}
salt = b'bitcoin_v2_shared_secret' + NETWORK_MAGIC
for name, length in (
('initiator_L', 32), ('initiator_P', 32), ('responder_L', 32), ('responder_P', 32),
('garbage_terminators', 32), ('session_id', 32)):
peer[name] = hkdf_sha256(
salt=salt, ikm=ecdh_secret, info=name.encode('utf-8'), length=length)
peer['initiator_garbage_terminator'] = peer['garbage_terminators'][:16]
peer['responder_garbage_terminator'] = peer['garbage_terminators'][16:]
del peer['garbage_terminators']
if initiating:
peer['send_L'] = FSChaCha20(peer['initiator_L'])
peer['send_P'] = FSChaCha20Poly1305(peer['initiator_P'])
peer['send_garbage_terminator'] = peer['initiator_garbage_terminator']
peer['recv_L'] = FSChaCha20(peer['responder_L'])
peer['recv_P'] = FSChaCha20Poly1305(peer['responder_P'])
peer['recv_garbage_terminator'] = peer['responder_garbage_terminator']
peer['send_L'] = FSChaCha20(peer['responder_L'])
peer['send_P'] = FSChaCha20Poly1305(peer['responder_P'])
peer['send_garbage_terminator'] = peer['responder_garbage_terminator']
peer['recv_L'] = FSChaCha20(peer['initiator_L'])
peer['recv_P'] = FSChaCha20Poly1305(peer['initiator_P'])
peer['recv_garbage_terminator'] = peer['initiator_garbage_terminator']
return peer
### Packet encryption
def v2_enc_packet(peer, contents, aad=b'', ignore=False):
"""Encrypt a BIP324 packet."""
assert len(contents) <= 2**24 - 1
header = (ignore << IGNORE_BIT_POS).to_bytes(HEADER_LEN, 'little')
plaintext = header + contents
aead_ciphertext = peer['send_P'].encrypt(aad, plaintext)
enc_plaintext_len = peer['send_L'].crypt(len(contents).to_bytes(LENGTH_FIELD_LEN, 'little'))
return enc_plaintext_len + aead_ciphertext

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import csv
import os
import sys
import reference
with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'packet_encoding_test_vectors.csv'), newline='') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
for row in reader:
in_idx, in_priv_ours, in_ellswift_ours, in_ellswift_theirs, in_initiating, in_content, in_multiply, in_aad, in_ignore, mid_x_ours, mid_x_shared, mid_shared_secret, mid_initiator_l, mid_initiator_p, mid_responder_l, mid_responder_p, mid_send_garbage_terminator, mid_recv_garbage_terminator, mid_session_id, out_ciphertext, out_ciphertext_endswith = row
assert mid_x_ours == (int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(in_priv_ours), 'big') * reference.SECP256K1_G).x.to_bytes().hex()
assert mid_x_shared == reference.ellswift_ecdh_xonly(bytes.fromhex(in_ellswift_theirs), bytes.fromhex(in_priv_ours)).hex()
assert mid_shared_secret == reference.v2_ecdh(bytes.fromhex(in_priv_ours), bytes.fromhex(in_ellswift_theirs), bytes.fromhex(in_ellswift_ours), int(in_initiating)).hex()
peer = reference.initialize_v2_transport(bytes.fromhex(mid_shared_secret), int(in_initiating))
assert mid_initiator_l == peer['initiator_L'].hex()
assert mid_initiator_p == peer['initiator_P'].hex()
assert mid_responder_l == peer['responder_L'].hex()
assert mid_responder_p == peer['responder_P'].hex()
assert mid_send_garbage_terminator == peer['send_garbage_terminator'].hex()
assert mid_recv_garbage_terminator == peer['recv_garbage_terminator'].hex()
assert mid_session_id == peer['session_id'].hex()
for _ in range(int(in_idx)):
reference.v2_enc_packet(peer, b"")
ciphertext = reference.v2_enc_packet(peer, bytes.fromhex(in_content) * int(in_multiply), bytes.fromhex(in_aad), int(in_ignore))
if len(out_ciphertext):
assert out_ciphertext == ciphertext.hex()
if len(out_ciphertext_endswith):
assert ciphertext.hex().endswith(out_ciphertext_endswith)
with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'xswiftec_test_vectors.csv'), newline='') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
for row in reader:
u = reference.FE.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(row[0]))
x = reference.FE.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(row[1]))
for case in range(8):
ret = reference.xswiftec_inv(x, u, case)
if ret is None:
assert row[2 + case] == ""
assert row[2 + case] == ret.to_bytes().hex()
assert reference.xswiftec(u, ret) == x
with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'xelligatorswift_test_vectors.csv'), newline='') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
for row in reader:
ellswift = bytes.fromhex(row[0])
x = bytes.fromhex(row[1])
assert reference.ellswift_ecdh_xonly(ellswift, (1).to_bytes(32, 'big')) == x

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
1 ellswift x
2 26b25d457597a7b0463f9620f666dd10aa2c4373a505967c7c8d70922a2d6eceffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffb2dabde1 240b740607e14d8cb767f53c9dacf5becde98abe73ffa36f096971215280dc58
3 5a3e80a37915b1601c363acd1601df7ef257d5d32c664004a2ec0484a4f60628ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff15d5f3cd 4deaeb3cfbd2abbc9d57fdd83d825a05c45d773d96e247bda136e154769c1f8b
4 6641161dc1faf1293662e9d81dc994fed6a720d6e0e1ab5702c6a866254a9076ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff5f44671f 32f5e32639066d09d5184e36cfca82b9f16076666edb2597bf6c8ca0f9423799
5 bf5e8ffa51a9e748985800c1d3d7f1a2a6ae7435136593ca8d9637e3f87c699c76cc5805dab9b4eacefdb477f498020fd82bccdbc9c6a2d9ce10586ac85512b4 5579653da55ae6af8c92b0ab623bfede27756fdba141124c72aec43bc5b746e5
6 df3f619804a92fdb4057192dc43dd748ea778adc52bc498ce80524c014b81119b40711a88c7039756fb8a73827eabe2c0fe5a0346ca7e0a104adc0fc764f528d e838221abd40251a45646c40f62550e0acb8ab1ab292df7a9d4f28d72316bd3a
7 f0caf11f8aea622a396127c3e7e67a6a854dccb736fcdc1270fc071592083e6da839c820778a009421bb1d1eee17cdea622828bd0d065d5b4adb6c0033570a37 bfae8740fc4926b0387803a8db03fa8b9d8b53ec30713a8227bf421b23b11571
8 f1473fa4fb09147ba9d07832c92ccc0bcd651b696ff463931964066a4c849d12ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffd7ac238b de26c723c76ec977f4cf79b3ba3e27800041930000ee7a74337d0e64fe164937
9 fd50cee538a3798d17dde484f9d935860a88fe8dd6cd2341254ab5d558b0b67f5c5ec4b2af7c601e0f4b8d3893192292759a5c3b0a760c0589e5337bfb4e8a2d 0969798ab212485d36a0f007f744a17bffbc4fa9c3e73afcb4e7a27fb3580de9
10 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff3d60a4a9252c0b6b080fa045acfcd1437f693f3be2be2ac8223ea525d492fa19ab028942 c163b493f047704ba83e241472ebb2a05f95ef47c6bf5feedd8da33504866d68
11 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff4f51ebdbafa7518106309c22d325df6d2663249d158d2f36f1976269d6d4104d9198a108 37d7c5665514f85fe6e4cca488e8abdfc6bc4b3e87ff01ac08eb2504180296e9
12 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff72a7e655ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1dd15ad9 34818ed876cbbb6710eb832627de9eb7c468846f26bfc336303601593bbb706d
13 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff92e6fb5cf32ceb01b42ea21ecdacc88a0e59dfbf72692b68d76924ba59f0a81f373d2cee 438c40e9cc47e577f56932b9bea91433acc7be309c017ff8f45a46046ed5aa9f
14 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffba7d0816157655bf7c7eaf74e26c4fb12043675dcce7580ea49d60317a546c3df2e14f9f 11d52804cc52a73185697681ebb8713dfe4204864fb9989b28e5a3696907710c
15 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffd4b84378fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff69a56d1 523e0758ee088690c9b95c604ef4d143e4fd3f2d1ac9084e3086750a9686f9bc
16 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdac35742ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff99d5d507 db7f9b113af6796d460dfc12bef75f947fa1e0102686cf58de6ad5c0af752f82
17 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeeee1f01fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff43363e8 c0c123902ec734bde1c6410a93e5d0033e0540120d5be9f555476b842fd2d245

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 u x case0_t case1_t case2_t case3_t case4_t case5_t case6_t case7_t
2 08da7c45cb204377e7e42249cda5713fa865116ddbb4cb5a1949b2e5b438a6ab e087b707dabf2796b03b2fb4f976c3f2f5abb36110d00ef656432117f2c93f0a
3 0a6361b3a802f55cd5ae06101c88a1e216320fe11cc0cfe1d791eed08a1200fd a0223bc98997647daf4d520129bdb66e4937a00d1533af1fa29645fb96fb5bb5 60a3ed14bd9df0bfb89ada9372a7b5790b123a66bf130f5788237e8cd5225de4 9c4ee4629f10220fda49532d0c859a539dec5148eefc78bf48d93d2828027a9c fc5e72f042fd1792cbf88728a374a2cc1e03e1f9ec8813fa3692e497cfa7d5e6 cb39fac005f26dc0a383ea64cb9b3b0b26767f20232cae4486f32904df4f04e3 9f5c12eb42620f404765256c8d584a86f4edc59940ecf0a877dc81722add9e4b 63b11b9d60efddf025b6acd2f37a65ac6213aeb711038740b726c2d6d7fd8193 03a18d0fbd02e86d340778d75c8b5d33e1fc1e061377ec05c96d1b6730582649 34c6053ffa0d923f5c7c159b3464c4f4d98980dfdcd351bb790cd6fa20b0f74c
4 102b51b9765a56a3e899f7cf0ee38e5251f9c503b357b330a49183eb7b155604 102b51b9765a56a3e899f7cf0ee38e5251f9c503b357b330a49183eb7b155604 bdb5bd58ca96eae36147a6c55bc2bef2cee55a757ee193cb619edc8d3590f90a bda953c1da02059350e740b83f59149628e0be50c24ac8dc6908a2225931b4a0 424a42a73569151c9eb8593aa43d410d311aa58a811e6c349e612371ca6f0325 4256ac3e25fdfa6caf18bf47c0a6eb69d71f41af3db5372396f75ddca6ce478f
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6 33b67cb5385ceddad93d0ee960679041613bed34b8b4a5e6362fe7539ba2d3ce 0105c74958a165e016502eeb87835195505d89714c95272b6fa88fe6c60b33ac 069e1b3b155c6da989b9b6a8735bba3c5c1049dcf01fe4474772244db89cf9ca c77b10bca540e95ee66c1f57ab6297787849a89b2b883116e700593e3c0fe66d f961e4c4eaa39256764649578ca445c3a3efb6230fe01bb8b88ddbb147630265 3884ef435abf16a11993e0a8549d688787b65764d477cee918ffa6c0c3f015c2
7 3a898eecdae167231275338e9a79153cbe53f7bf99943eeb72ee64e57bb58699 41ffd7362aaa7b90fe03936deeebe9afafd9c18967122d8f972db2c050d4f07b 60abf7ed2a7ffd3d2ac242a782331ea663d55ca157af994e5e964e9c79a0db40 3c3c39dc37753ab9160dfbc2e0596c3a5114784690caa1836e12036814453da3 adcd3f100de60723f127278998c591fbf081af8e0a77f2a9090bed67d8aa2aa3 9f540812d58002c2d53dbd587dcce1599c2aa35ea85066b1a169b162865f20ef c3c3c623c88ac546e9f2043d1fa693c5aeeb87b96f355e7c91edfc96ebbabe8c 5232c0eff219f8dc0ed8d876673a6e040f7e5071f5880d56f6f412972755d18c
8 46e04d129d7b45d054469ce34e24069a1426b3e34f1b68a3d1bff1e070aee192 c6ce9611bd908c16eba5c599e5219de2d18d82c96aafb0180b23ee315513618f
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17 913da1f8df6f8fd47593840d533ba0458cc9873996bf310460abb495b34c232a a7803f8e02b70718443a06db502c67925640e936b3fa46dd2ed6b8f7c80fa329 67d916ba2cc154464d87ff4e0cfe3bb816b22a961831c2daf62597a8b0681e87 a4b84520f8853e5482ee7689732ed7dd7da59945d26edeee0bf5f55d3507192f 9826e945d33eabb9b27800b1f301c447e94dd569e7ce3d2509da68564f97dda8 5b47badf077ac1ab7d1189768cd12822825a66ba2d912111f40a0aa1caf8e300
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19 99be5efb88ca2013bd8e4eb035fd42d5245468fe9afa70d8ba9c1c419a48c4e8 08ee83ae5c7af0c9b2341e595fe347537272d94f2fe9f10b9a8f913279fc6230
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27 ceb827ad3d3884fd4d50ae6099d6d50c09a21e72ebd309708e8b69d93df19e55 a6a0c8c94462f16f1b92502c3d5f9d1618f12ffa756227d5b19b01b9373cd940
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33 f566cc6fccc657365c0197accf3a7d6f80f85209ff666ff774f4dcbc524aa842 0a9933903339a8c9a3fe685330c582907f07adf6009990088b0b2342adb553ed 3ab8dc4ecbc0441c685436ac0d76f16393769c353be6092bd6ec4ce094106bd8 3bd189b4ef3d1baa5610f2b14cb4a2b377eb171511e6f36ef6a05a2c7c52e368 1594764c6296402aadd123675d81f3505d35f2a52c52881568eadb7b675b53f0 c64fbf71138e66de8ce0abdf3b6f51d151ca8e1037ab5b979e62b2faa15be81c c54723b1343fbbe397abc953f2890e9c6c8963cac419f6d42913b31e6bef9057 c42e764b10c2e455a9ef0d4eb34b5d4c8814e8eaee190c91095fa5d283ad18c7 ea6b89b39d69bfd5522edc98a27e0cafa2ca0d5ad3ad77ea9715248398a4a83f 39b0408eec719921731f5420c490ae2eae3571efc854a468619d4d045ea41413