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# keyhunt
privkey hunt for crypto currencies that use secp256k1 elliptic curve
Work for btc in this moment, only legacy Addresses that start with '1'
Ethereum addresses is a work in develop
# How to use
First compile:
and then execute:
you need to have some file called **adddress.txt** or specify other file with the **-f** option
``./keyhunt -f ~/some/path/to/other/file.txt``
if you want more threads use the **-t** option
``./keyhunt -f ~/some/path/to/other/file.txt -t 8``
if you want to know the full help just use **-h** param
``./keyhunt -h``
al the hunted keys are saved in a file keys.txt
The default behaivor ot keyhunt is to choose a random key and check secuentialy for the next 4.2 billions keys, this is **4294967295** or **0xffffffff**
# BSGS ( Baby step giant step)
The new version of keyhunt implement the BSGS algorimth to search privatekeys for a knowed publickey.
The address.txt file need to have a 130 hexadecimal characters uncompress publickey per line any other word followed by an space is ignored example of the file:
043ffa1cc011a8d23dec502c7656fb3f93dbe4c61f91fd443ba444b4ec2dd8e6f0406c36edf3d8a0dfaa7b8f309b8f1276a5c04131762c23594f130a023742bdde # 0000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000100000000000
046534b9e9d56624f5850198f6ac462f482fec8a60262728ee79a91cac1d60f8d6a92d5131a20f78e26726a63d212158b20b14c3025ebb9968c890c4bab90bfc69 # 0000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000200000000000
This example contains 2 publickeys followed by his privatekey just to test the correct behaivor of the application
btw any word followed by and space after the publickey is ignored the file can be only the publickeys:
To try to find those privatekey this is the line of execution:
`` ./keyhunt -m bsgs -f test_120.txt -b 800000000000000000000000000000:FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF``
$ ./keyhunt -m bsgs -f test_120.txt -r 800000000000000000000000000000:FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
[+] Version 0.1.20210112 BSGS
[+] Setting mode BSGS
[+] Opening file test_120.txt
[+] Added 2 points from file
[+] Setting N up to 17592186044416.
[+] Init bloom filter for 4194304 elements : 7.00 MB
[+] Allocating 128.00 MB for aMP Points
[+] Precalculating 4194304 aMP points
[+] Allocating 144.00 MB for bP Points
[+] precalculating 4194304 bP points
[+] Sorting 4194304 elements
[+] Thread 0: 0000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000000000000000
[+] Thread 0 Key found privkey 0000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000100000000000
[+] Publickey 043ffa1cc011a8d23dec502c7656fb3f93dbe4c61f91fd443ba444b4ec2dd8e6f0406c36edf3d8a0dfaa7b8f309b8f1276a5c04131762c23594f130a023742bdde
[+] Thread 0: 0000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000100000000000
Total 17592186044416 keys in 30 seconds: 586406201480 keys/s
[+] Thread 0 Key found privkey 0000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000200000000000
[+] Publickey 046534b9e9d56624f5850198f6ac462f482fec8a60262728ee79a91cac1d60f8d6a92d5131a20f78e26726a63d212158b20b14c3025ebb9968c890c4bab90bfc69
All points were found
Test the puzzle 120 with the next publickey:
04ceb6cbbcdbdf5ef7150682150f4ce2c6f4807b349827dcdbdd1f2efa885a26302b195386bea3f5f002dc033b92cfc2c9e71b586302b09cfe535e1ff290b1b5ac # Compressed Address : 17s2b9ksz5y7abUm92cHwG8jEPCzK3dLnT
Line of execution in random mode **-R**
``./keyhunt -m bsgs -f 120.txt -b 120 -R``
Example Output:
$ ./keyhunt -m bsgs -f 120.txt -b 120 -R
[+] Version 0.1.20210112 BSGS
[+] Setting mode BSGS
[+] Setting random mode.
[+] Opening file 120.txt
[+] Added 1 points from file
[+] Setting N up to 17592186044416.
[+] Init bloom filter for 4194304 elements : 7.00 MB
[+] Allocating 128.00 MB for aMP Points
[+] Precalculating 4194304 aMP points
[+] Allocating 144.00 MB for bP Points
[+] precalculating 4194304 bP points
[+] Sorting 4194304 elements
[+] Thread 0: 0000000000000000000000000000000000d80083712e9650075586dd5e162d44
[+] Thread 0: 0000000000000000000000000000000000f92eb8e27b7fb1bd2ec4eb4ac223a1
[+] Thread 0: 0000000000000000000000000000000000dda9ebacc83b0f0d1d36829fcc17b7
Total 35184372088832 keys in 30 seconds: 1172812402961 keys/s
[+] Thread 0: 0000000000000000000000000000000000ac445f232e0207b9cf46b73e106fed
Good speed no? 1.1 Terakeys/s for one single thread
**Total 35184372088832 keys in 30 seconds: 1172812402961 keys/s**
We can speed up our process selecting a bigger K value **-k value** btw the n value is the total length of item tested in the radom range, a bigger k value means more ram to be use:
``$ ./keyhunt -m bsgs -f 120.txt -b 120 -k 20``
Example output:
$ ./keyhunt -m bsgs -f 120.txt -b 120 -k 20 -R -p ~/keyhunt/bPfile.bin
[+] Version 0.1.20210306 K*BSGS
[+] Setting mode BSGS
[+] Min range: 800000000000000000000000000000
[+] Max range: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[+] Setting k factor to 20
[+] Setting random mode.
[+] Opening file 120.txt
[+] Added 1 points from file
[+] Bit Range 120
[+] Setting N up to 17592253153280.
[+] Init bloom filter for 83886080 elements : 239.00 MB
[+] Allocating 6.00 MB for aMP Points
[+] Precalculating 209716 aMP points
[+] Allocating 1280.00 MB for bP Points
[+] precalculating 83886080 bP points
[+] Sorting 83886080 elements
(Thread output omited....)
Total 562952100904960 keys in 30 seconds: 18765070030165 keys/s
(Thread output omited....)
Total 2445323188305920 keys in 120 seconds: 20377693235882 keys/s
**20 Terakeys/s for one single thread**
Want to more Speed use a bigger -k value like 120, it will use some 9 GB of RAM
[+] Version 0.1.20210306 K*BSGS
[+] Setting mode BSGS
[+] Min range: 800000000000000000000000000000
[+] Max range: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[+] Setting k factor to 120
[+] Setting random mode.
[+] Opening file 120.txt
[+] Added 1 points from file
[+] Bit Range 120
[+] Setting N up to 17592420925440.
[+] Init bloom filter for 503316480 elements : 1437.00 MB
[+] Allocating 1.00 MB for aMP Points
[+] Precalculating 34953 aMP points
[+] Allocating 7680.00 MB for bP Points
[+] precalculating 503316480 bP points
[+] Sorting 503316480 elements
(Thread output omited....)
Total 3465706922311680 keys in 30 seconds: 115523564077056 keys/s
**~100 Terakeys/s for one single thread**
# Dependencies
- libgmp
- pthread
Tested under Debian