LNbits for merchants
LNbits is a powerful solution for merchants, due to the easy setup with a SaaS-LNbits or your own installation and our various extensions, that can be used for many scenarios. If you run a webshop you might want to install the LNbits Woocommerce Plugin now to also accept bitcoin via lightning. You will need the SatsPay Server extension installed in the wallet you want to connect to your webshop. If you would -next to bitcoin via lightning- also like to take onchain btc as a payment method, you have to also add the onchain extension to define the btc wallet.
If you run a bar or cafe your waiters could be provided with the link to the TPOS Extension or the invoice lndhub QR code to be imported e.g. in Zeus wallet - which will just let them take but not spend funds from the company wallet. For tips theres an awesome solution described in a chapter beneath 👇🏼
Please find all extension repos and their setup guides/repos in the extensions section.
You, as the main receipient and spender of the wallet can import it to an app like Zeus or BlueWallet by scanning the invoice or admin QR from the LNDhub extension to see what is happening as you go. Save the url to the LNbits wallet on your mobile homescreen to always be able to access is fast and easy.
Have a look at this video walk-through on how to set yourself up as a merchant.
You can also find the LNbits tools available for a small restaurant as well as a hotel described here by DarthCoin
NEW! LNbits flyer
Want to hand over some basic info to a merchant or a building friend of yours ? We are very happy to announce our flyer for everyone to use
LNbits in schools
There is a beautiful student workbook from MiPrimer Bitcoin that can be used to teach bitcoin theory.
The practical part could be the second part of your course. You can use the Powered by LNbits section to get inspired and also have a look at the Tooling & Building Section.
Here is also a use case scenario guide using LNbits Saas (or local instance) for a school project.
Swap LN BTC to BTC
LNbits has two swap extensions integrated: Boltz and Deezy
For a merchant who uses LNbits to receive BTC payments through LN, this is very handy to move the received sats from LN channels into onchain wallets. It not only helps you HODLing but is also freeing up "space in your channels" so you are ready to receive more sats.
Boltz also has an option to set up an automated swap triggered by a certain amount received. For more explanation on Boltz see the Extensions section or this Boltz link
A tip: Send your LN to a wallet that has the Boltz Extension installed. When the amount is reached, LNbits will automatically swap it and send it to your configured onchain wallet (e.g. a hardware wallet). You can also use the Scrub Extension to automatically forward e.g. your donation sats from different wallets to this wallet. This will automate the stacking of sats tremendously.
Split / forward funds (Prisms)
If you are using one wallet for your shop but would like your funds to end up in another LN wallet you can forward those all with the scrub extension automatically. This is very powerful combined with the split extension and the boltz extension.
Lets say a group of waiters get V4V tips to a common wallet, these payments can be splitted immediately (to a wallet-id, LNURLp, LNaddress or invoice-key) when they enter the wallet to separate wallets . From there each could install the scrub extension and auto-forward their part immediately to another wallet (LNURLp or LNaddress). Also you could forward it with the Deezy or Boltz extension as onchain btc to e.g. a hardware-wallet, when a certain amount is met, see bulletpoint before this one. Boltz even lets you set a threshold, when this swap should be done.
Another application would be to share revenues for content for tips/zaps on videos, podcasts, music on a radiostation and such. Noderunners Radio for example is a telegram group where group members can wish for songs that a then played after payment above a background playlist. DJs can book sessions and will then get a % of the revenue.
- If you split to a LNURLp or LNaddress through the LNURLp extension make sure your receipients allow comments ! Split&Scrub add a comment >30 to your transaction - and if it is not allowed, the split/scrub will not take place. So set them to at least 100
- Make sure the LNURLp / LNaddress of the receipient has its min-Sats very low (1 sat). If the wallet does not belong to you you can check with a Decoder, if that is the case already.
- Yes, there is fees - internal and external! Updating your own wallets on your own instance will not cost any fees but sending to an external instance will. Please notice that you should therefore not split/scrub up to 100% if you send to a wallet that is external (leave 1-2% reserve for routing fees!). External fees are deducted from the individual payment percentage of the receipient, see pics.

See this guide for a long description on how Lightning Prisms work.
Printed voucher links or tipping cards
To generate voucher you will need LNbits to be available in clearnet. Please consider running your own LNbits instance for this.
LNURLw are strings that represent a faucet-link to a wallet. By scanning it, everyone will be able to withdraw sats from it. A LNURLw can be either a QR that leads to a static link or to one that responds with new invoices every time it is scanned (click "no assmilking"). You can create these QR by adding the LNURLw extension and generate the voucher type you need.
Voucher can as well be printed directly from LNbits. After you created it, click the "eye" next to the link. By pressing the printer-button you print the plain QR but you could as well integrate it into a nice tipping card or voucher template by choosing "Advanced voucher" -> "Use custom voucher design". Yvette collected some designs as well as templates to make your own ones under this LNbits voucher video-guide. You will be able to create and print as much voucher as you like with it. Happy orange pilling!
Note that your LNbits needs to be reachable in clearnet to offer vouchers to others.
LNURL has a fallback scheme, so if scanned by a regular QR code reader it can default to a URL. LNbits exploits this to generate an instant wallet using the LNURL-withdraw.
Using yourlnbitsdomain.de/?lightning="LNURL-withdraw
will trigger a withdraw link that builds an LNbits wallet. Example use would be an ATM, which utilises LNURL, if the user scans the QR with a regular QR code scanner app, they will still be able to access the funds.
NFC Cards, Rings etc
Above mentioned voucher can also be written to NFC Cards, which is typically done for conferences e.g. as a lunch-cards. To do so open your LNURLw and press the "NFC Swirl Button" within chrome browser while holding the card to your Android phone. Plain LNURLw work on cards from NTAG215 up to NTAG424. For bigger amounts we suggest another solution with advanced security features:
Creating a Boltcard NFC card
To generate keys resp. a lnk to write to your card you will need
- Card with NTAG424
- an LNbits instance in clearnet*
- opened on Android in chrome browser
- the boltcard extension installed for your LNbits wallet
- Boltcard NFC Card Creator App from the Apple- or Play-Store to write your keys to the tags once they were generated on LNbits
- Virtual Boltcard - a Boltcard in your phone wallet
Note that not all wallets, that support NFC are also wallets that support boltcard NFC.
For bigger amounts the Boltcard-Extension should be used only on an own instance or Boltcard Hub. It will generate a link that sends a new invoice every time it is used for payments and keeps track too if the allowed card-ID is redeeming funds. Hence the setup of Boltcards is a bit safer but it needs some additional tools. You can find further infos on creating or updating boltcards here.
Do not, we repeat, do NOT delete your card/.json file or even the complete wallet with the keys unless your card is either physically destroyed or already overwritten!! You will need those keys to rewrite the card. If you lose them your card would be fixed to that forever.