
226 lines
6.7 KiB

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:nostr_console/event_ds.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/io.dart';
String getUserRequest(String publicKey, int numUserEvents, int sinceWhen) {
String strTime = "";
if( sinceWhen != 0) {
strTime = ', "since": ${sinceWhen.toString()}';
var strSubscription1 = '["REQ","single_user",{ "authors": ["';
var strSubscription2 ='"], "limit": $numUserEvents $strTime } ]';
return strSubscription1 + publicKey + strSubscription2;
String getMultiUserRequest(List<String> publicKeys, int numUserEvents) {
var strSubscription1 = '["REQ","multiple_user",{ "authors": [';
var strSubscription2 ='], "limit": $numUserEvents } ]';
String s = "";
for(int i = 0; i < publicKeys.length; i++) {
s += "\"${publicKeys[i]}\"";
if( i < publicKeys.length - 1) {
s += ",";
return strSubscription1 + s + strSubscription2;
* @class Relays Contains connections to all relays.
class Relays {
Map<String, IOWebSocketChannel > relays;
List<String> users; // is used so that duplicate requests aren't sent for same user
List<Event> rEvents = [];
Relays(this.relays, this.users, this.rEvents);
factory Relays.relay(String relay) {
IOWebSocketChannel fws = IOWebSocketChannel.connect(relay);
print('In Relay.relay: connecting to relay $relay');
Map<String, IOWebSocketChannel> r = {};
r[relay] = fws;
return Relays(r, [], []);
* @connect Connect to given relay and get all events for the given publicKey and insert the
* received events in the given List<Event>
void getUserEvents(String relay, String publicKey, int numEventsToGet, int sinceWhen) {
for(int i = 0; i < gBots.length; i++) {
if( publicKey == gBots[i]) {
//print("In gerUserEvents: ignoring bot: $publicKey");
// following is too restrictive casuse changed sinceWhen is not considered. TODO improve it
for(int i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
if( users[i] == publicKey) {
String request = getUserRequest(publicKey, numEventsToGet, sinceWhen);
sendRequest(relay, request);
* @connect Connect to given relay and get all events for multiple users/publicKey and insert the
* received events in the given List<Event>
void getMultiUserEvents(String relay, List<String> publicKeys, int numEventsToGet) {
List<String> reqKeys = [];
// following is too restrictive. TODO improve it
for(int i = 0; i < publicKeys.length; i++) {
if( users.any( (u) => u == publicKeys[i])) {
if( gBots.any( (bot) => bot == publicKeys[i] )) {
//print("In getMultiUserEvents: ignoring a bot");
String request = getMultiUserRequest(reqKeys, numEventsToGet);
sendRequest(relay, request);
void sendRequest(String relay, String request) {
IOWebSocketChannel? fws;
if(relays.containsKey(relay)) {
fws = relays[relay];
else {
if(gDebug !=0) print('connecting to $relay');
try {
fws = IOWebSocketChannel.connect(relay);
relays[relay] = fws;
(d) {
Event e;
try {
e = Event.fromJson(d, relay);
if(gDebug != 0) print("adding event to list");
} on FormatException {
print( 'exception in fromJson for event');
onError: (e) { print("\n${warningColor}Warning: In SendRequest creating connection onError. Kindly check your internet connection or change the relay by command line --relay=<relay wss url>"); print(colorEndMarker); },
onDone: () { if( gDebug != 0) print('Info: In onDone'); }
} on WebSocketException {
print('WebSocketException exception');
} catch(e) {
print('exception generic $e');
//print('sending request: $request to $relay\n');
void sendMessage(String message, String relay) {
IOWebSocketChannel? fws;
if(relays.containsKey(relay)) {
fws = relays[relay];
else {
if(gDebug !=0) ('connecting to $relay');
try {
fws = IOWebSocketChannel.connect(relay);
relays[relay] = fws;
(d) {}, //
onError: (e) { print("\n${warningColor}Warning: In SendRequest creating connection onError. Kindly check your internet connection or change the relay by command line --relay=<relay wss url>"); print(colorEndMarker); },
onDone: () { if( gDebug != 0) print('in onDone'); }
} on WebSocketException {
print('WebSocketException exception');
} catch(e) {
print('exception generic $e');
if(gDebug !=0) print('sending message: $message to $relay\n');
IOWebSocketChannel? getWS(String relay) {
return relays[relay];
void printStatus() {
print("In Relays::printStatus. Number of relays = ${relays.length}");
relays.forEach((key, value) {
print("for relay: $key");
String? reason = value.closeReason;
print( reason??"reason not found");
Relays relays = Relays({}, [], []);
List<String> getContactFeed(List<Contact> contacts, numEventsToGet) {
// maps from relay url to list of users that it supplies events for
Map<String, List<String> > mContacts = {};
List<String> contactList = [];
// creat the mapping between relay and its hosted users
for( int i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
if( mContacts.containsKey(contacts[i].relay) ) {
} else {
mContacts[contacts[i].relay] = [contacts[i].id];
// send request for the users events to the relays
mContacts.forEach((key, value) { relays.getMultiUserEvents(key, value, numEventsToGet);}) ;
// return contact list for use by caller
return contactList;
void getUserEvents(serverUrl, publicKey, numUserEvents, sinceWhen) {
relays.getUserEvents(serverUrl, publicKey, numUserEvents, sinceWhen);
void getMultiUserEvents(serverUrl, publicKeys, numUserEvents) {
relays.getMultiUserEvents(serverUrl, publicKeys, numUserEvents);
void sendRequest(serverUrl, request) {
relays.sendRequest(serverUrl, request);
List<Event> getRecievedEvents() {
return relays.rEvents;
void clearEvents() {
relays.rEvents = [];