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import asyncio
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
import json
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
import math
2024-04-03 23:38:50 +02:00
import os
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
import signal
import time
from datetime import timedelta
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
from nostr_sdk import (Keys, Client, Timestamp, Filter, nip04_decrypt, HandleNotification, EventBuilder, PublicKey,
2024-08-20 18:40:46 +02:00
Options, Tag, Event, nip04_encrypt, NostrSigner, EventId, Nip19Event, nip44_decrypt, Kind)
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
from nostr_dvm.utils.database_utils import fetch_user_metadata
2024-09-05 13:06:08 +02:00
from nostr_dvm.utils.definitions import EventDefinitions, relay_timeout
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
from nostr_dvm.utils.dvmconfig import DVMConfig
2024-03-18 22:50:48 +01:00
from nostr_dvm.utils.nip88_utils import nip88_has_active_subscription
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
from nostr_dvm.utils.nip89_utils import NIP89Config
from nostr_dvm.utils.nostr_utils import send_event
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
from nostr_dvm.utils.nwc_tools import nwc_zap
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
from nostr_dvm.utils.subscription_utils import create_subscription_sql_table, add_to_subscription_sql_table, \
get_from_subscription_sql_table, update_subscription_sql_table, get_all_subscriptions_from_sql_table, \
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
from nostr_dvm.utils.zap_utils import create_bolt11_lud16, zaprequest
class Subscription:
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
job_list: list
2024-06-06 13:55:47 +02:00
# This is a simple list just to keep track which events we created and manage, so we don't pay for other requests
def __init__(self, dvm_config, admin_config=None):
asyncio.run(self.run_subscription(dvm_config, admin_config))
async def run_subscription(self, dvm_config, admin_config):
self.NAME = "Subscription Handler"
dvm_config.DB = "db/" + "subscriptions" + ".db"
self.dvm_config = dvm_config
nip89config = NIP89Config()
nip89config.NAME = self.NAME
self.dvm_config.NIP89 = nip89config
self.admin_config = admin_config
self.keys = Keys.parse(dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY)
2024-03-21 13:41:11 +01:00
wait_for_send = False
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
skip_disconnected_relays = True
opts = (Options().wait_for_send(wait_for_send).send_timeout(timedelta(seconds=self.dvm_config.RELAY_TIMEOUT))
signer = NostrSigner.keys(self.keys)
self.client = Client.with_opts(signer, opts)
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
pk = self.keys.public_key()
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
self.job_list = []
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
print("Nostr Subscription Handler public key: " + str(pk.to_bech32()) + " Hex: " + str(
pk.to_hex()) + "\n")
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
for relay in self.dvm_config.RELAY_LIST:
await self.client.add_relay(relay)
await self.client.connect()
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
zap_filter = Filter().pubkey(pk).kinds([EventDefinitions.KIND_ZAP]).since(Timestamp.now())
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
cancel_subscription_filter = Filter().kinds([EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP88_STOP_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT]).since(
2024-03-20 09:24:49 +01:00
authors = []
2024-04-15 09:48:37 +02:00
if admin_config is not None and len(admin_config.USERNPUBS) > 0:
# we might want to limit which services can connect to the subscription handler
2024-03-20 09:24:49 +01:00
for key in admin_config.USERNPUBS:
dvm_filter = Filter().authors(authors).pubkey(pk).kinds(
2024-04-15 09:48:37 +02:00
# or we don't
dvm_filter = Filter().pubkey(pk).kinds(
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
await self.client.subscribe([zap_filter, dvm_filter, cancel_subscription_filter], None)
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
2024-03-19 01:09:49 +01:00
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
class NotificationHandler(HandleNotification):
client = self.client
dvm_config = self.dvm_config
keys = self.keys
async def handle(self, relay_url, subscription_id, nostr_event: Event):
2024-04-15 11:06:46 +02:00
if nostr_event.kind() == EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP90_DVM_SUBSCRIPTION:
await handle_nwc_request(nostr_event)
2024-04-15 11:06:46 +02:00
elif nostr_event.kind() == EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP88_STOP_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT:
await handle_cancel(nostr_event)
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
async def handle_msg(self, relay_url, msg):
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
async def handle_cancel(nostr_event):
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
sender = nostr_event.author().to_hex()
kind7001eventid = ""
recipient = ""
if sender == self.keys.public_key().to_hex():
for tag in nostr_event.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "p":
recipient = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "e":
kind7001eventid = tag.as_vec()[1]
if kind7001eventid != "":
subscription = get_from_subscription_sql_table(dvm_config.DB, kind7001eventid)
if subscription is not None:
update_subscription_sql_table(dvm_config.DB, kind7001eventid, recipient,
subscription.subscriber, subscription.nwc, subscription.cadence,
2024-04-04 13:59:48 +02:00
subscription.amount, subscription.unit, subscription.begin,
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
subscription.tier_dtag, subscription.zaps, subscription.recipe,
False, Timestamp.now().as_secs(), subscription.tier)
2024-04-04 13:59:48 +02:00
# send_status_canceled(kind7001eventid, nostr_event) # TODO, waiting for spec
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
def infer_subscription_end_time(start, cadence):
end = start
if cadence == "daily":
end = start + 60 * 60 * 24
elif cadence == "weekly":
end = start + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
elif cadence == "monthly":
# TODO check days of month -.-
end = start + 60 * 60 * 24 * 31
elif cadence == "yearly":
# TODO check extra day every 4 years
end = start + 60 * 60 * 24 * 356
return end
async def send_status_success(original_event, domain):
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
e_tag = Tag.parse(["e", original_event.id().to_hex()])
p_tag = Tag.parse(["p", original_event.author().to_hex()])
status_tag = Tag.parse(["status", "success", "Job has been scheduled, you can manage it on " + domain])
reply_tags = [status_tag]
encryption_tags = []
encrypted_tag = Tag.parse(["encrypted"])
str_tags = []
for element in reply_tags:
content = json.dumps(str_tags)
content = nip04_encrypt(self.keys.secret_key(), PublicKey.from_hex(original_event.author().to_hex()),
reply_tags = encryption_tags
keys = Keys.parse(dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY)
reaction_event = EventBuilder(EventDefinitions.KIND_FEEDBACK, str(content), reply_tags).to_event(keys)
await send_event(reaction_event, client=self.client, dvm_config=self.dvm_config)
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "]" + ": Sent Kind " + str(
EventDefinitions.KIND_FEEDBACK.as_u64()) + " Reaction: " + "success" + " " + reaction_event.as_json())
async def pay_zap_split(nwc, overall_amount, zaps, tier, unit="msats"):
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
overallsplit = 0
for zap in zaps:
overallsplit += int(zap[3])
zapped_amount = 0
for zap in zaps:
if zap[1] == "":
# If the client did decide to not add itself to the zap split, or if a slot is left we add the subscription service in the empty space
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
zap[1] = Keys.parse(self.dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY).public_key().to_hex()
name, nip05, lud16 = await fetch_user_metadata(zap[1], self.client)
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
splitted_amount = math.floor(
(int(zap[3]) / overallsplit) * int(overall_amount) / 1000)
# invoice = create_bolt11_lud16(lud16, splitted_amount)
# TODO add details about DVM in message
invoice = zaprequest(lud16, splitted_amount, tier, None,
PublicKey.parse(zap[1]), self.keys, DVMConfig.RELAY_LIST)
if invoice is not None:
nwc_event_id = await nwc_zap(nwc, invoice, self.keys, zap[2])
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
if nwc_event_id is None:
print("error zapping " + lud16)
zapped_amount = zapped_amount + (splitted_amount * 1000)
print(str(zapped_amount) + "/" + str(overall_amount))
if zapped_amount < overall_amount * 0.8: # TODO how do we handle failed zaps for some addresses? we are ok with 80% for now
# if zapped_amount < int(zaps[0][3]):
2024-05-06 15:20:35 +02:00
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
success = False
success = True
# if no active subscription exists OR the subscription ended, pay
return success
async def make_subscription_zap_recipe(event7001, recipient, subscriber, start, end, tier_dtag):
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
message = "payed by subscription service"
pTag = Tag.parse(["p", recipient])
PTag = Tag.parse(["P", subscriber])
eTag = Tag.parse(["e", event7001])
validTag = Tag.parse(["valid", str(start), str(end)])
tierTag = Tag.parse(["tier", tier_dtag])
alttag = Tag.parse(["alt", "This is a NIP90 DVM Subscription Payment Recipe"])
tags = [pTag, PTag, eTag, validTag, tierTag, alttag]
event = EventBuilder(EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP88_PAYMENT_RECIPE,
message, tags).to_event(self.keys)
dvmconfig = DVMConfig()
signer = NostrSigner.keys(self.keys)
client = Client(signer)
for relay in dvmconfig.RELAY_LIST:
await client.add_relay(relay)
await client.connect()
2024-07-16 23:27:15 +02:00
recipe = await client.send_event(event)
recipe_id = recipe.id
await client.shutdown()
2024-07-16 23:27:15 +02:00
recipe = recipe_id.to_hex()
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
return recipe
async def handle_nwc_request(nostr_event):
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
sender = nostr_event.author().to_hex()
if sender == self.keys.public_key().to_hex():
decrypted_text = nip04_decrypt(self.keys.secret_key(), nostr_event.author(), nostr_event.content())
subscriber = ""
nwc = ""
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
jsonevent = json.loads(decrypted_text)
for entry in jsonevent:
if entry[1] == "nwc":
nwc = entry[2]
elif entry[1] == "p":
subscriber = entry[2]
subscriptionfilter = Filter().kind(EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP88_SUBSCRIBE_EVENT).author(
2024-09-05 13:06:08 +02:00
evts = await self.client.get_events_of([subscriptionfilter], relay_timeout)
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
if len(evts) > 0:
event7001id = evts[0].id().to_hex()
tier_dtag = ""
recipient = ""
cadence = ""
unit = "msats"
zaps = []
tier = "DVM"
overall_amount = 0
subscription_event_id = ""
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
for tag in evts[0].tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "amount":
overall_amount = int(tag.as_vec()[1])
unit = tag.as_vec()[2]
cadence = tag.as_vec()[3]
print(str(overall_amount) + " " + unit + " " + cadence)
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "p":
recipient = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "e":
subscription_event_id = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "event":
jsonevent = json.loads(tag.as_vec()[1])
subscription_event = Event.from_json(jsonevent)
for tag in subscription_event.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "d":
tier_dtag = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "zap":
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "title":
tier = tag.as_vec()[1]
if tier_dtag == "" or len(zaps) == 0:
tierfilter = Filter().id(EventId.parse(subscription_event_id))
2024-09-05 13:06:08 +02:00
evts = await self.client.get_events_of([tierfilter], relay_timeout)
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
if len(evts) > 0:
for tag in evts[0].tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "d":
tier_dtag = tag.as_vec()[0]
isactivesubscription = False
recipe = ""
subscription = get_from_subscription_sql_table(dvm_config.DB, event7001id)
2024-04-04 13:59:48 +02:00
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
zapsstr = json.dumps(zaps)
success = True
if subscription is None or subscription.end <= Timestamp.now().as_secs():
# rather check nostr if our db is right
2024-06-08 20:13:01 +02:00
subscription_status = await nip88_has_active_subscription(
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
tier_dtag, self.client, recipient, checkCanceled=False)
if not subscription_status["isActive"]:
start = Timestamp.now().as_secs()
end = infer_subscription_end_time(start, cadence)
2024-04-04 13:59:48 +02:00
2024-04-09 15:38:25 +02:00
# we add or update the subscription in the db, with non-active subscription to avoid double payments
2024-04-04 13:59:48 +02:00
if subscription is None:
add_to_subscription_sql_table(dvm_config.DB, event7001id, recipient, subscriber,
cadence, overall_amount, unit, start, end, tier_dtag,
zapsstr, recipe, isactivesubscription,
Timestamp.now().as_secs(), tier)
print("new subscription entry before payment")
update_subscription_sql_table(dvm_config.DB, event7001id, recipient, subscriber,
cadence, overall_amount, unit, start, end,
tier_dtag, zapsstr, recipe, isactivesubscription,
Timestamp.now().as_secs(), tier)
print("updated subscription entry before payment")
# we attempt to pay the subscription
success = await pay_zap_split(nwc, overall_amount, zaps, tier, unit)
2024-04-04 13:59:48 +02:00
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
start = Timestamp.now().as_secs()
end = subscription_status["validUntil"]
start = subscription.begin
end = subscription.end
if success:
2024-04-04 13:59:48 +02:00
# we create a payment recipe
recipe = await make_subscription_zap_recipe(event7001id, recipient, subscriber, start, end,
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
print("RECIPE " + recipe)
isactivesubscription = True
2024-04-04 13:59:48 +02:00
# we then update the subscription based on payment success
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
update_subscription_sql_table(dvm_config.DB, event7001id, recipient, subscriber, nwc,
cadence, overall_amount, unit, start, end,
tier_dtag, zapsstr, recipe, isactivesubscription,
Timestamp.now().as_secs(), tier)
2024-04-04 13:59:48 +02:00
print("updated subscription entry after payment")
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
await send_status_success(nostr_event, "noogle.lol")
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
2024-04-04 13:59:48 +02:00
keys = Keys.parse(dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY)
message = ("Subscribed to DVM " + tier + ". Renewing on: " + str(
Timestamp.from_secs(end).to_human_datetime().replace("Z", " ").replace("T",
" ") + " GMT"))
2024-04-04 13:59:48 +02:00
evt = EventBuilder.encrypted_direct_msg(keys, PublicKey.parse(subscriber), message,
await send_event(evt, client=self.client, dvm_config=dvm_config)
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
except Exception as e:
except Exception as e:
print("Error in Subscriber " + str(e))
2024-04-09 15:38:25 +02:00
def handle_expired_subscription(subscription):
delete_threshold = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
if subscription.cadence == "daily":
delete_threshold = 60 * 60 * 24 * 3 # After 3 days, delete the subscription, user can make a new one
elif subscription.cadence == "weekly":
delete_threshold = 60 * 60 * 24 * 21 # After 21 days, delete the subscription, user can make a new one
elif subscription.cadence == "monthly":
delete_threshold = 60 * 60 * 24 * 60 # After 60 days, delete the subscription, user can make a new one
elif subscription.cadence == "yearly":
delete_threshold = 60 * 60 * 24 * 500 # After 500 days, delete the subscription, user can make a new one
if subscription.end < (Timestamp.now().as_secs() - delete_threshold):
delete_from_subscription_sql_table(dvm_config.DB, subscription.id)
print("Delete expired subscription")
async def handle_subscription_renewal(subscription):
2024-04-09 15:38:25 +02:00
zaps = json.loads(subscription.zaps)
success = await pay_zap_split(subscription.nwc, subscription.amount, zaps, subscription.tier,
2024-04-09 15:38:25 +02:00
if success:
end = infer_subscription_end_time(Timestamp.now().as_secs(), subscription.cadence)
recipe = await make_subscription_zap_recipe(subscription.id, subscription.recipent,
subscription.subscriber, subscription.begin,
end, subscription.tier_dtag)
2024-04-09 15:38:25 +02:00
end = Timestamp.now().as_secs()
recipe = subscription.recipe
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
2024-04-09 15:38:25 +02:00
update_subscription_sql_table(dvm_config.DB, subscription.id,
subscription.subscriber, subscription.nwc,
subscription.cadence, subscription.amount,
subscription.begin, end,
subscription.tier_dtag, subscription.zaps, recipe,
Timestamp.now().as_secs(), subscription.tier)
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
2024-04-09 15:38:25 +02:00
print("updated subscription entry")
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
2024-04-09 15:38:25 +02:00
keys = Keys.parse(dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY)
message = (
"Renewed Subscription to DVM " + subscription.tier + ". Next renewal: " + str(
Timestamp.from_secs(end).to_human_datetime().replace("Z", " ").replace("T",
" ")))
evt = EventBuilder.encrypted_direct_msg(keys, PublicKey.parse(subscription.subscriber),
await send_event(evt, client=self.client, dvm_config=dvm_config)
2024-04-09 15:38:25 +02:00
async def check_subscriptions():
2024-05-06 15:20:35 +02:00
subscriptions = get_all_subscriptions_from_sql_table(dvm_config.DB)
for subscription in subscriptions:
if subscription.active:
if subscription.end < Timestamp.now().as_secs():
# We could directly zap, but let's make another check if our subscription expired
2024-06-08 20:13:01 +02:00
subscription_status = await nip88_has_active_subscription(
2024-05-06 15:20:35 +02:00
subscription.tier_dtag, self.client, subscription.recipent)
if subscription_status["expires"]:
# if subscription expires, just note it as not active
update_subscription_sql_table(dvm_config.DB, subscription_status["subscriptionId"],
subscription.subscriber, subscription.nwc,
subscription.cadence, subscription.amount,
subscription.begin, subscription.end,
subscription.tier_dtag, subscription.zaps,
Timestamp.now().as_secs(), subscription.tier)
await handle_subscription_renewal(subscription)
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
2024-05-06 15:20:35 +02:00
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
2024-05-06 15:20:35 +02:00
print(str(Timestamp.now().as_secs()) + ": Checking " + str(
len(subscriptions)) + " Subscription entries..")
except Exception as e:
2024-04-04 13:24:37 +02:00
2024-06-07 23:45:26 +02:00
2024-03-19 10:27:56 +01:00
2024-04-09 15:38:25 +02:00
while True:
2024-06-07 23:45:26 +02:00
await asyncio.sleep(60.0)
await check_subscriptions()
2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Stay weird!')
2024-04-04 13:59:48 +02:00
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM)