add options to allow to create a custom feed by nip90 params

This commit is contained in:
Believethehype 2024-08-21 10:31:31 +02:00
parent 1a4067e5d1
commit 1bca314f13
2 changed files with 162 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -97,6 +97,15 @@ class DicoverContentCurrentlyPopularbyTopic(DVMTaskInterface):
param = tag.as_vec()[1]
if param == "max_results": # check for param type
max_results = int(tag.as_vec()[2])
elif param == "search_list": # check for param type
self.search_list = str(tag.as_vec()[2]).split(",")
elif param == "avoid_list": # check for param type
self.avoid_list = str(tag.as_vec()[2]).split(",")
elif param == "must_list": # check for param type
self.must_list = str(tag.as_vec()[2]).split(",")
options = {
"max_results": max_results,

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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
import json
import os
import threading
from pathlib import Path
import dotenv
from nostr_sdk import init_logger, LogLevel, Keys, NostrLibrary
from nostr_dvm.tasks.content_discovery_currently_popular_topic import DicoverContentCurrentlyPopularbyTopic
from nostr_dvm.utils.admin_utils import AdminConfig
from nostr_dvm.utils.dvmconfig import build_default_config
from nostr_dvm.utils.nip89_utils import create_amount_tag, NIP89Config, check_and_set_d_tag
from nostr_dvm.utils.outbox_utils import AVOID_OUTBOX_RELAY_LIST
rebroadcast_NIP89 = False # Announce NIP89 on startup
rebroadcast_NIP65_Relay_List = True
update_profile = True
global_update_rate = 60 # set this high on first sync so db can fully sync before another process trys to.
use_logger = True
# these do not support nengentropy
#RECONCILE_DB_RELAY_LIST = ["wss://", "wss://"] # , "wss://"]
if use_logger:
RECONCILE_DB_RELAY_LIST = [ "wss://", "wss://", "wss://", "wss://"]
RELAY_LIST = ["wss://",
"wss://", "wss://",
def build_example_topic(name, identifier, admin_config, options, image, description, update_rate=600, cost=0,
processing_msg=None, update_db=True):
dvm_config = build_default_config(identifier)
dvm_config.USE_OWN_VENV = False
dvm_config.SHOWLOG = True
dvm_config.SCHEDULE_UPDATES_SECONDS = update_rate # Every 10 minutes
dvm_config.UPDATE_DATABASE = update_db
dvm_config.FIX_COST = cost
dvm_config.LOGLEVEL = LogLevel.DEBUG
dvm_config.CUSTOM_PROCESSING_MESSAGE = processing_msg
admin_config.LUD16 = dvm_config.LN_ADDRESS
# Add NIP89
nip89info = {
"name": name,
"image": image,
"picture": image,
"about": description,
"lud16": dvm_config.LN_ADDRESS,
"encryptionSupported": True,
"cashuAccepted": True,
"personalized": True,
"amount": create_amount_tag(cost),
"nip90Params": {
"search_list": {
"required": True,
"values": [],
"description": "A comma seperated list of terms to look for"
"must_list": {
"required": True,
"values": [],
"description": "A comma seperated list of terms that must be in a note"
"avoid_list": {
"required": True,
"values": [],
"description": "A comma seperated list of terms to avoid in notes"
"max_results": {
"required": False,
"values": [],
"description": "The number of maximum results to return (default currently 100)"
nip89config = NIP89Config()
nip89config.DTAG = check_and_set_d_tag(identifier, name, dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY, nip89info["image"])
nip89config.CONTENT = json.dumps(nip89info)
return DicoverContentCurrentlyPopularbyTopic(name=name, dvm_config=dvm_config, nip89config=nip89config,
admin_config=admin_config, options=options)
def playground():
admin_config_plants = AdminConfig()
admin_config_plants.REBROADCAST_NIP89 = rebroadcast_NIP89
admin_config_plants.REBROADCAST_NIP65_RELAY_LIST = rebroadcast_NIP65_Relay_List
admin_config_plants.UPDATE_PROFILE = update_profile
# admin_config_plants.DELETE_NIP89 = True
# admin_config_plants.PRIVKEY = ""
# admin_config_plants.EVENTID = "ff28be59708ee597c7010fd43a7e649e1ab51da491266ca82a84177e0007e4d6"
# admin_config_plants.POW = True
options_plants = {
"db_name": "db/nostr_recent_notes.db",
"db_since": 48 * 60 * 60, # 12h since gmt
"personalized": True,
"logger": False}
image = ""
description = "I show recent notes about custom topics you provide me with"
custom_processing_msg = ["Finding the best notes for you.. #blooming"]
update_db = False
cost = 0
discovery_custom = build_example_topic("Custom Discovery", "discovery_content_custom",
admin_config_plants, options_plants,
# discovery_test_sub = content_discovery_currently_popular.build_example_subscription("Currently Popular Notes DVM (with Subscriptions)", "discovery_content_test", admin_config)
# Subscription Manager DVM
# subscription_config = DVMConfig()
# subscription_config.PRIVATE_KEY = check_and_set_private_key("dvm_subscription")
# npub = Keys.parse(subscription_config.PRIVATE_KEY).public_key().to_bech32()
# invoice_key, admin_key, wallet_id, user_id, lnaddress = check_and_set_ln_bits_keys("dvm_subscription", npub)
# subscription_config.LNBITS_INVOICE_KEY = invoice_key
# subscription_config.LNBITS_ADMIN_KEY = admin_key # The dvm might pay failed jobs back
# subscription_config.LNBITS_URL = os.getenv("LNBITS_HOST")
# sub_admin_config = AdminConfig()
# sub_admin_config.USERNPUBS = ["7782f93c5762538e1f7ccc5af83cd8018a528b9cd965048386ca1b75335f24c6"] #Add npubs of services that can contact the subscription handler
# currently there is none, but add this once subscriptions are live.
# x = threading.Thread(target=Subscription, args=(Subscription(subscription_config, sub_admin_config),))
# x.start()
# keep_alive()
if __name__ == '__main__':
env_path = Path('.env')
if not env_path.is_file():
with open('.env', 'w') as f:
print("Writing new .env file")
if env_path.is_file():
print(f'loading environment from {env_path.resolve()}')
dotenv.load_dotenv(env_path, verbose=True, override=True)
raise FileNotFoundError(f'.env file not found at {env_path} ')