Running `nostream` for the first time creates the settings file in `<project_root>/.nostr/settings.json`. If the file is not created and an error is thrown ensure that the `<project_root>/.nostr` folder exists. The configuration directory can be changed by setting the `NOSTR_CONFIG_DIR` environment variable.
| workers.count | Number of workers to spin up to handle incoming connections. |
| | Spin workers as many CPUs are available when set to zero. Defaults to zero. |
| limits.event.eventId.minLeadingZeroBits | Leading zero bits required on every incoming event for proof of work. |
| | Defaults to zero. Disabled when set to zero. |
| limits.event.kind.whitelist | List of event kinds to allow. Leave empty to allow any. |
| limits.event.kind.blacklist | List of event kinds to reject. Leave empty to allow any. |
| limits.event.pubkey.minLeadingZeroBits | Leading zero bits required on the public key of incoming events for proof of work. |
| | Defaults to zero. Disabled when set to zero. |
| limits.event.pubkey.whitelist | List of public keys to allow. Only public keys in this list will be able to post to this relay. |
| limits.event.pubkey.blacklist | List of public keys to reject. Public keys in this list will not be able to post to this relay. |
| limits.event.createdAt.maxPositiveDelta | Maximum number of seconds an event's `created_at` can be in the future. Defaults to 900 (15 minutes). Disabled when set to zero. |
| limits.event.createdAt.minNegativeDelta | Maximum number of secodns an event's `created_at` can be in the past. Defaults to zero. Disabled when set to zero. |