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# [nostream](https://github.com/cameri/nostream)
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This is a [nostr](https://github.com/fiatjaf/nostr) relay, written in
This implementation is production-ready. See below for supported features.
The project master repository is available on [GitHub](https://github.com/cameri/nostream).
## Features
NIPs with a relay-specific implementation are listed here.
- [x] NIP-01: Basic protocol flow description
- [x] NIP-02: Contact list and petnames
- [x] NIP-04: Encrypted Direct Message
- [x] NIP-09: Event deletion
- [x] NIP-11: Relay information document
- [x] NIP-11a: Relay Information Document Extensions
- [x] NIP-12: Generic tag queries
- [x] NIP-13: Proof of Work
- [x] NIP-15: End of Stored Events Notice
- [x] NIP-16: Event Treatment
- [x] NIP-20: Command Results
- [x] NIP-22: Event `created_at` Limits
- [ ] NIP-26: Delegated Event Signing (REMOVED)
- [x] NIP-28: Public Chat
- [x] NIP-33: Parameterized Replaceable Events
- [x] NIP-40: Expiration Timestamp
## Requirements
### Standalone setup
- PostgreSQL 14.0
- Redis
- Node v18
- Typescript
### Docker setups
- Docker v20.10
- Docker Compose v2.10
### Local Docker setup
- Docker Desktop v4.2.0 or newer
- [mkcert](https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert)
WARNING: Docker distributions from Snap, Brew or Debian repositories are NOT SUPPORTED and will result in errors.
Install Docker from their [official guide](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) ONLY.
## Full Guide
- [Set up a Paid Nostr relay with Nostream and ZEBEDEE](https://docs.zebedee.io/docs/guides/nostr-relay) by [André Neves](https://primal.net/andre) (CTO & Co-Founder at [ZEBEDEE](https://zebedee.io/))
- [Set up a Nostr relay in under 5 minutes](https://andreneves.xyz/p/set-up-a-nostr-relay-server-in-under) by [André Neves](https://twitter.com/andreneves) (CTO & Co-Founder at [ZEBEDEE](https://zebedee.io/))
### Accepting Payments
1. Before you begin
- Complete one of the Quick Start guides in this document
- Create a `.env` file
- On `.nostr/settings.yaml` file make the following changes:
- Set `payments.enabled` to `true`
- Set `payments.feeSchedules.admission.enabled` to `true`
- Set `limits.event.pubkey.minBalance` to the minimum balance in msats required to accept events (i.e. `1000000` to require a balance of `1000` sats)
- Choose one of the following payment processors: `zebedee`, `nodeless`, `opennode`, `lnbits`, `lnurl`
2. [ZEBEDEE](https://zebedee.io)
- Complete the step "Before you begin"
- [Sign up for a ZEBEDEE Developer Dashboard account](https://dashboard.zebedee.io/signup), create a new LIVE Project, and get that Project's API Key
- Set `ZEBEDEE_API_KEY` environment variable with the API Key above on your `.env` file
- Follow the required steps for all payments processors
- On `.nostr/settings.yaml` file make the following changes:
- `payments.processor` to `zebedee`
- `paymentsProcessors.zebedee.callbackBaseURL` to match your Nostream URL (e.g. `https://{YOUR_DOMAIN_HERE}/callbacks/zebedee`)
- Restart Nostream (`./scripts/stop` followed by `./scripts/start`)
- Read the in-depth guide for more information: [Set Up a Paid Nostr Relay with ZEBEDEE API](https://docs.zebedee.io/docs/guides/nostr-relay)
3. [Nodeless](https://nodeless.io/?ref=587f477f-ba1c-4bd3-8986-8302c98f6731)
- Complete the step "Before you begin"
- [Sign up](https://nodeless.io/?ref=587f477f-ba1c-4bd3-8986-8302c98f6731) for a new account, create a new store and take note of the store ID
- Go to Profile > API Tokens and generate a new key and take note of it
- Create a store webhook with your Nodeless callback URL (e.g. `https://{YOUR_DOMAIN_HERE}/callbacks/nodeless`) and make sure to enable all of the events. Grab the generated store webhook secret
- Set `NODELESS_API_KEY` and `NODELESS_WEBHOOK_SECRET` environment variables with generated API key and webhook secret, respectively
- On your `.nostr/settings.yaml` file make the following changes:
- Set `payments.processor` to `nodeless`
- Set `paymentsProcessors.nodeless.storeId` to your store ID
- Restart Nostream (`./scripts/stop` followed by `./scripts/start`)
4. [OpenNode](https://www.opennode.com/)
- Complete the step "Before you begin"
- Sign up for a new account and get verified
- Go to Developers > Integrations and setup two-factor authentication
- Create a new API Key with Invoices permission
- Set `OPENNODE_API_KEY` environment variable on your `.env` file
- On your `.nostr/settings.yaml` file make the following changes:
- Set `payments.processor` to `opennode`
- Restart Nostream (`./scripts/stop` followed by `./scripts/start`)
5. [LNBITS](https://lnbits.com/)
- Complete the step "Before you begin"
- Create a new wallet on you public LNbits instance
- [Demo](https://legend.lnbits.com/) server must not be used for production
- Your instance must be accessible from the internet and have a valid SSL/TLS certificate
- Get wallet Invoice/read key (in Api docs section of your wallet)
- set `LNBITS_API_KEY` environment variable with the Invoice/read key Key above on your `.env` file
- On your `.nostr/settings.yaml` file make the following changes:
- Set `payments.processor` to `lnbits`
- set `lnbits.baseURL` to your LNbits instance URL (e.g. `https://{YOUR_LNBITS_DOMAIN_HERE}/`)
- Set `paymentsProcessors.lnbits.callbackBaseURL` to match your Nostream URL (e.g. `https://{YOUR_DOMAIN_HERE}/callbacks/lnbits`)
- Restart Nostream (`./scripts/stop` followed by `./scripts/start`)
6. [Alby](https://getalby.com/) or any LNURL Provider with [LNURL-verify](https://github.com/lnurl/luds/issues/182) support
- Complete the step "Before you begin"
- [Create a new account](https://getalby.com/user/new) if you don't have an LNURL
- On your `.nostr/settings.yaml` file make the following changes:
- Set `payments.processor` to `lnurl`
- Set `lnurl.invoiceURL` to your LNURL (e.g. `https://getalby.com/lnurlp/your-username`)
- Restart Nostream (`./scripts/stop` followed by `./scripts/start`)
7. Ensure payments are required for your public key
- Visit https://{YOUR-DOMAIN}/
- You should be presented with a form requesting an admission fee to be paid
- Fill out the form and take the necessary steps to pay the invoice
- Wait until the screen indicates that payment was received
- Add your relay URL to your favorite Nostr client (wss://{YOUR-DOMAIN}) and wait for it to connect
- Send a couple notes to test
- Go to https://websocketking.com/ and connect to your relay (wss://{YOUR_DOMAIN})
- Convert your npub to hexadecimal using a [Key Converter](https://damus.io/key/)
- Send the following JSON message: `["REQ", "payment-test", {"authors":["your-pubkey-in-hexadecimal"]}]`
- You should get back the few notes you sent earlier
## Quick Start (Docker Compose)
Install Docker following the [official guide](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/).
You may have to uninstall Docker if you installed it using a different guide.
Clone repository and enter directory:
git clone git@github.com:Cameri/nostream.git
cd nostream
Generate a secret with: `openssl rand -hex 128`
Copy the output and paste it into an `.env` file:
# Secret shortened for brevity
Stop the server with:
Print the Tor hostname:
### Running as a Service
By default this server will run continuously until you stop it with Ctrl+C or until the system restarts.
You can [install as a systemd service](https://www.swissrouting.com/nostr.html#installing-as-a-service) if you want the server to run again automatically whenever the system is restarted. For example:
$ nano /etc/systemd/system/nostream.service
# Note: replace "User=..." with your username, and
# "/home/nostr/nostream" with the directory where you cloned the repo.
Description=Nostr TS Relay
And then:
systemctl enable nostream
systemctl start nostream
The logs can be viewed with:
journalctl -u nostream
## Quick Start (Standalone)
Set the following environment variables:
Generate a long random secret and set SECRET:
You may want to use `openssl rand -hex 128` to generate a secret.
# Secret shortened for brevity
### Initializing the database
Create `nostr_ts_relay` database:
$ psql -h $DB_HOST -p $DB_PORT -U $DB_USER -W
postgres=# create database nostr_ts_relay;
postgres=# quit
Start Redis and use `redis-cli` to set the default password and verify:
$ redis-cli
|> CONFIG SET requirepass "nostr_ts_relay"
|> AUTH nostr_ts_relay
Clone repository and enter directory:
git clone git@github.com:Cameri/nostream.git
cd nostream
Install dependencies:
npm install -g knex
npm install
Run migrations (at least once and after pulling new changes):
NODE_OPTIONS="-r dotenv/config" npm run db:migrate
Create .nostr folder inside nostream project folder and copy over the settings file:
mkdir .nostr
cp resources/default-settings.yaml .nostr/settings.yaml
To start in development mode:
npm run dev
Or, start in production mode:
npm run start
To clean up the build, coverage and test reports run:
npm run clean
## Development Quick Start (Docker Compose)
Install Docker Desktop following the [official guide](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/).
You may have to uninstall Docker on your machine if you installed it using a different guide.
Clone repository and enter directory:
git clone git@github.com:Cameri/nostream.git
cd nostream
This will run in the foreground of the terminal until you stop it with Ctrl+C.
## Tests
### Unit tests
Open a terminal and change to the project's directory:
cd /path/to/nostream
Run unit tests with:
npm run test:unit
Or, run unit tests in watch mode:
npm run test:unit:watch
To get unit test coverage run:
npm run cover:unit
To see the unit tests report open `.test-reports/unit/index.html` with a browser:
open .test-reports/unit/index.html
To see the unit tests coverage report open `.coverage/unit/lcov-report/index.html` with a browser:
open .coverage/unit/lcov-report/index.html
### Integration tests (Docker Compose)
Open a terminal and change to the project's directory:
cd /path/to/nostream
Run integration tests with:
npm run docker:test:integration
And to get integration test coverage run:
npm run docker:cover:integration
### Integration tests (Standalone)
Open a terminal and change to the project's directory:
cd /path/to/nostream
Set the following environment variables:
Then run the integration tests:
npm run test:integration
To see the integration tests report open `.test-reports/integration/report.html` with a browser:
open .test-reports/integration/report.html
To get the integration test coverage run:
npm run cover:integration
To see the integration test coverage report open `.coverage/integration/lcov-report/index.html` with a browser.
open .coverage/integration/lcov-report/index.html
## Configuration
You can change the default folder by setting the `NOSTR_CONFIG_DIR` environment variable to a different path.
Run nostream using one of the quick-start guides at least once and `nostream/.nostr/settings.json` will be created.
Any changes made to the settings file will be read on the next start.
Default settings can be found under `resources/default-settings.yaml`. Feel free to copy it to `nostream/.nostr/settings.yaml` if you would like to have a settings file before running the relay first.
See [CONFIGURATION.md](CONFIGURATION.md) for a detailed explanation of each environment variable and setting.
## Dev Channel
For development discussions, please use the [Nostr Typescript Relay Dev Group](https://t.me/nostream_dev).
For discussions about the protocol, please feel free to use the [Nostr Telegram Group](https://t.me/nostr_protocol).
# Author
I'm Cameri on most social networks. You can find me on Nostr by npub1qqqqqqyz0la2jjl752yv8h7wgs3v098mh9nztd4nr6gynaef6uqqt0n47m.
# Contributors (A-Z)
- Anton Livaja
- Juan Angel
- Kevin Smith
- Saransh Sharma
- swissrouting
- André Neves
- Semisol
## License
This project is MIT licensed.