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synced 2025-03-26 01:32:06 +01:00
Currently the runner computes the kv size needed and creates a cache of that size. This is the context size times number of parallel sequences. Cache implementations can make better decisions about their memory usage, so instead pass in the required capacity, number of sequences and maximum batch size. For now, the causal cache just uses this to compute the size in the same way as before.
276 lines
6.8 KiB
276 lines
6.8 KiB
package ollamarunner
import (
type InputCache struct {
// context window size (per slot)
numCtx int32
// does the cache store data or do we need to always send the full input?
// note that when enabled is false the underlying cache may either be nil
// or a non-nil dummy that doesn't actually store anything
enabled bool
// individual KV caches
slots []InputCacheSlot
// optimize cache eviction for multiple users
multiUserCache bool
cache kvcache.Cache
func NewInputCache(model model.Model, kvCacheType string, kvSize int32, numSlots int, batchSize int, multiUserCache bool) (*InputCache, error) {
numCtx := kvSize / int32(numSlots)
if numCtx < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("must have at least one kv cache entry per parallel sequence (kv: %v parallel: %v)", kvSize, numSlots)
slots := make([]InputCacheSlot, numSlots)
for i := range slots {
slots[i] = InputCacheSlot{Id: i}
cache := model.Config().Cache
if cache != nil {
cache.Init(model.Backend(), kvCacheTypeFromStr(kvCacheType), numSlots, int(numCtx), batchSize)
return &InputCache{
numCtx: numCtx,
enabled: cache != nil,
slots: slots,
multiUserCache: multiUserCache,
cache: cache,
}, nil
func kvCacheTypeFromStr(s string) ml.DType {
switch s {
case "q8_0":
return ml.DTypeQ80
case "q4_0":
return ml.DTypeQ40
return ml.DTypeF16
func (c *InputCache) Close() {
// Locking: Operations on InputCacheSlot (including finding one
// through LoadCacheSlot) require a lock to be be held that serializes
// these operations with each other and processBatch
type InputCacheSlot struct {
// Index in the KV cache
Id int
// Inputs that are stored in the KV cache
Inputs []input.Input
// is this cache actively being processed as part of a sequence?
InUse bool
// last time this cache was used (as of start of processing)
lastUsed time.Time
func (c *InputCache) LoadCacheSlot(prompt []input.Input) (*InputCacheSlot, []input.Input, error) {
var slot *InputCacheSlot
var numPast int32
var err error
// In single-user scenarios, the longest cache slot works fine for getting good input
// cache hit rates and it keeps the footprint of the cache small, which improves throughput.
// For multiple users, the "best" cache slot produces better input cache hit rates
// at the cost of worse performance when we miss the input cache.
if !c.multiUserCache {
slot, numPast, err = c.findLongestCacheSlot(prompt)
} else {
slot, numPast, err = c.findBestCacheSlot(prompt)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
slot.InUse = true
slot.lastUsed = time.Now()
if numPast == int32(len(prompt)) {
// Leave one input to sample so we can get a response
if c.cache != nil {
err = c.cache.Remove(slot.Id, numPast, math.MaxInt32)
if err != nil {
// Some models don't support partial erasure
err = c.cache.Remove(slot.Id, 0, math.MaxInt32)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
numPast = 0
slog.Debug("loading cache slot", "id", slot.Id, "cache", len(slot.Inputs), "prompt", len(prompt),
"used", numPast, "remaining", int32(len(prompt))-numPast)
prompt = prompt[numPast:]
slot.Inputs = slot.Inputs[:numPast]
return slot, prompt, nil
func (c *InputCache) findLongestCacheSlot(prompt []input.Input) (*InputCacheSlot, int32, error) {
longest := int32(-1)
var longestSlot *InputCacheSlot
for i, s := range c.slots {
if s.InUse {
count := countCommonPrefix(s.Inputs, prompt)
if count > longest {
longest = count
longestSlot = &c.slots[i]
if longestSlot == nil {
return nil, 0, errors.New("no available cache slots")
return longestSlot, longest, nil
func (c *InputCache) findBestCacheSlot(prompt []input.Input) (*InputCacheSlot, int32, error) {
oldest := time.Now()
var oldestSlot *InputCacheSlot
longest := int32(-1)
var longestSlot *InputCacheSlot
for i, s := range c.slots {
count := countCommonPrefix(s.Inputs, prompt)
if count > longest {
longest = count
longestSlot = &c.slots[i]
if s.lastUsed.Compare(oldest) < 0 && !s.InUse {
oldest = s.lastUsed
oldestSlot = &c.slots[i]
if longest == int32(len(longestSlot.Inputs)) && !longestSlot.InUse {
return longestSlot, longest, nil
if oldestSlot.InUse {
return nil, 0, errors.New("no available cache slots")
if len(oldestSlot.Inputs) != 0 {
slog.Debug("evicting cache slot", "id", oldestSlot.Id, "inputs", len(oldestSlot.Inputs),
"used", oldestSlot.lastUsed)
if longest > 0 && longestSlot != oldestSlot {
slog.Debug("forking cache slot", "src", longestSlot.Id, "dst", oldestSlot.Id, "inputs", longest, "total",
oldestSlot.Inputs = make([]input.Input, longest)
copy(oldestSlot.Inputs, longestSlot.Inputs[:longest])
if c.cache != nil {
c.cache.CopyPrefix(longestSlot.Id, oldestSlot.Id, longest)
return oldestSlot, longest, nil
func countCommonPrefix(a []input.Input, b []input.Input) int32 {
var count int32
for i := range a {
if i >= len(b) {
if a[i].Token != b[i].Token || a[i].MultimodalHash != b[i].MultimodalHash {
return count
func (c *InputCache) ShiftDiscard(inputLen int32, numKeep int32) int32 {
targetFree := (c.numCtx - numKeep) / 2
targetFree = max(targetFree, 1)
currentFree := c.numCtx - inputLen
discard := targetFree - currentFree
if discard < 0 {
discard = 0
return discard
// Frees up space in the KV cache by deleting the oldest half of history and shifting
// the newest half into that space (saving numKeep inputs at the beginning).
// Assumes that at least 1 entry can be freed up by shifting (i.e. numKeep < numCtx)
func (c *InputCache) ShiftCacheSlot(slot *InputCacheSlot, numKeep int32) error {
if numKeep >= c.numCtx {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to shift context - keep exceeds context (keep: %v context: %v)", numKeep, c.numCtx)
inputLen := int32(len(slot.Inputs))
discard := c.ShiftDiscard(inputLen, numKeep)
if discard <= 0 {
return nil
slog.Debug("context limit hit - shifting", "id", slot.Id, "limit", c.numCtx, "input", len(slot.Inputs),
"keep", numKeep, "discard", discard)
// TODO (jessegross): KV cache removal can fail for certain types of models
if c.cache != nil {
err := c.cache.Remove(slot.Id, numKeep, numKeep+discard)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to remove old kv cache entries (id: %v, keep: %v discard: %v): %w", slot.Id, numKeep, discard, err)
for i := numKeep + discard; i < inputLen; i++ {
slot.Inputs[i-discard] = slot.Inputs[i]
slot.Inputs = slot.Inputs[:inputLen-discard]
return nil