enh: automatically remove incorrect backticks before code_interpreter tags

This commit is contained in:
Rory 2025-02-05 23:26:13 -06:00
parent 397595de9d
commit c676303a55

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@ -1188,6 +1188,23 @@ async def process_chat_response(
output = block.get("output", None)
lang = attributes.get("lang", "")
# Separate content from ending whitespace but preserve it
original_whitespace = ''
content_stripped = content.rstrip()
if len(content) > len(content_stripped):
original_whitespace = content[len(content_stripped):]
# Count the number of backticks to identify if we are in an opening code block
backtick_segments = content_stripped.split('```')
# Odd number of ``` segments -> the last backticks are closing a block
# Even number -> the last backticks are opening a new block
if len(backtick_segments) > 1 and len(backtick_segments) % 2 == 0:
# The trailing backticks are opening a new block, they need to be removed or it will break the code interpreter markdown
content = content_stripped.rstrip('`').rstrip() + original_whitespace
# The trailing backticks are closing a block (or there are no backticks), so it won't cause issues
content = content_stripped + original_whitespace
if output:
output = html.escape(json.dumps(output))