- [What changed on the single RaspiBlitz updates?](#what-changed-on-the-single-raspiblitz-updates)
- [How to update my RaspiBlitz (since 1.2)?](#how-to-update-my-raspiblitz-since-12)
- [How to update my RaspiBlitz from older versions like v1.0 or v1.1?](#how-to-update-my-raspiblitz-from-older-versions-like-v10-or-v11)
- [How to verify the sd card image after download?](#how-to-verify-the-sd-card-image-after-download)
- [How to update a old RaspiBlitz BEFORE v1.0? (LEGACY)](#how-to-update-a-old-raspiblitz-before-v10-legacy)
- [Why do I need to re-burn my SD card for an update?](#why-do-i-need-to-re-burn-my-sd-card-for-an-update)
- [I have the full blockchain on another computer. How do I copy it to the RaspiBlitz?](#i-have-the-full-blockchain-on-another-computer-how-do-i-copy-it-to-the-raspiblitz)
- [How do I generate a Debug Report?](#how-do-i-generate-a-debug-report)
- [Can I run my RaspiBlitz on Solar Energy?](#can-i-run-my-raspiblitz-on-solar-energy)
- [Why is my "final sync" taking so long?](#why-is-my-final-sync-taking-so-long)
- [How to backup my Lightning Node?](#how-to-backup-my-lightning-node)
- [1) Securing your On-Chain- and Channel-Funds during Operation](#1-securing-your-on-chain--and-channel-funds-during-operation)
- [2) Making a complete LND data backup](#2-making-a-complete-lnd-data-backup)
- [How can I recover my coins from a failing RaspiBlitz?](#how-can-i-recover-my-coins-from-a-failing-raspiblitz)
- [1) Recover LND data](#1-recover-lnd-data)
- [2) Recover from Wallet Seed](#2-recover-from-wallet-seed)
- [What is this mnemonic seed word list?](#what-is-this-mnemonic-seed-word-list)
- [How to move funds & channels from RaspiBlitz to LND Lightning Desktop App?](#how-to-move-funds--channels-from-raspiblitz-to-lnd-lightning-desktop-app)
- [How do I change the Name/Alias of my lightning node](#how-do-i-change-the-namealias-of-my-lightning-node)
- [What to do when on SSH I see "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!"](#what-to-do-when-on-ssh-i-see-warning-remote-host-identification-has-changed)
- [When using Auto-Unlock, how much security do I lose?](#when-using-auto-unlock-how-much-security-do-i-lose)
- [I connected my HDD but it still says 'Connect HDD' on the display?](#i-connected-my-hdd-but-it-still-says-connect-hdd-on-the-display)
- [How do I shrink the QR code for connecting my Shango/Zap/Zeus mobile phone?](#how-do-i-shrink-the-qr-code-for-connecting-my-shangozapzeus-mobile-phone)
- [Why is my bitcoin IP on the display red?](#why-is-my-bitcoin-ip-on-the-display-red)
- [Why is my node address on the display red?](#why-is-my-node-address-on-the-display-red)
- [Why is my node address on the display yellow (not green)?](#why-is-my-node-address-on-the-display-yellow-not-green)
- [Can I run the RaspiBlitz as Backend for BTCPayServer?](#can-i-run-the-raspiblitz-as-backend-for-btcpayserver)
- [I don't have a LAN port on my Laptop - how to connect to my RaspiBlitz?](#i-dont-have-a-lan-port-on-my-laptop---how-to-connect-to-my-raspiblitz)
- [Is it possible to connect the Blitz over Wifi instead of using a LAN cable?](#is-it-possible-to-connect-the-blitz-over-wifi-instead-of-using-a-lan-cable)
- [Can I directly connect the RaspiBlitz with my laptop?](#can-i-directly-connect-the-raspiblitz-with-my-laptop)
- [How do I unplug/shutdown safely without SSH](#how-do-i-unplugshutdown-safely-without-ssh)
- [How can I build an SD card other then the master branch?](#how-can-i-build-an-sd-card-other-then-the-master-branch)
- [How can I build an SD card from my forked GitHub Repo?](#how-can-i-build-an-sd-card-from-my-forked-github-repo)
- [How can I checkout a new branch from the RaspiBlitz repo to my forked repo?](#how-can-i-checkout-a-new-branch-from-the-raspiblitz-repo-to-my-forked-repo)
- [How can I sync a branch of my forked GitHub with my local RaspiBlitz?](#how-can-i-sync-a-branch-of-my-forked-github-with-my-local-raspiblitz)
- [How contribute a feature/change from my forked branch back to the RaspiBlitz repo?](#how-contribute-a-featurechange-from-my-forked-branch-back-to-the-raspiblitz-repo)
- [How can I help testing a Pull Request?](#how-can-i-help-testing-a-pull-request)
- [How to attach the RaspberryPi to the HDD?](#how-to-attach-the-raspberrypi-to-the-hdd)
- [What other case options do I have?](#what-other-case-options-do-i-have)
- [Are those "Under-Voltage detected" warnings a problem?](#are-those-under-voltage-detected-warnings-a-problem)
- [Is using the prepared SD card image secure?](#is-using-the-prepared-sd-card-image-secure)
- [What is the process of creating a new sd card image release?](#what-is-the-process-of-creating-a-new-sd-card-image-release)
- [How do I return to the menu after exiting to the command line](#how-do-i-return-to-the-menu-after-exiting-to-the-command-line)
- [Can I run RaspiBlitz on other computers than RaspberryPi?](#can-i-run-raspiblitz-on-other-computers-than-raspberrypi)
- [Can I flip the screen?](#can-i-flip-the-screen)
- [How to setup fresh/clean/reset and not getting into recovery mode?](#how-to-setup-freshcleanreset-and-not-getting-into-recovery-mode)
- [My blockchain data is corrupted - what can I do?](#my-blockchain-data-is-corrupted---what-can-i-do)
- [Can I run the RaspiBlitz without a display/LCD?](#can-i-run-the-raspiblitz-without-a-displaylcd)
- [How do I set up VNC?](#how-do-i-set-up-vnc)
- [I have two RaspiBlitz in my network - can they both be public?](#i-have-two-raspiblitz-in-my-network---can-they-both-be-public)
- [How to change the public port LND/Lightning node is running on?](#how-to-change-the-public-port-lndlightning-node-is-running-on)
- [How to solve a "signature mismatch after caveat verification" error?](#how-to-solve-a-signature-mismatch-after-caveat-verification-error)
- [Why is my node not routing?](#why-is-my-node-not-routing)
- [How can I update LND or bitcoind even before the next RaspiBlitz update?](#how-can-i-update-lnd-or-bitcoind-even-before-the-next-raspiblitz-update)
- [I cannot connect per SSH to my RaspiBlitz. What to do?](#i-cannot-connect-per-ssh-to-my-raspiblitz-what-to-do)
- [How to setup port-forwarding with a SSH tunnel?](#how-to-setup-port-forwarding-with-a-ssh-tunnel)
- [How to setup just a port-forwarding user on my public server?](#how-to-setup-just-a-port-forwarding-user-on-my-public-server)
- [How to connect a UPS to the RaspiBlitz?](#how-to-connect-a-ups-to-the-raspiblitz)
- [Why use BTRFS on RaspiBlitz?](#why-use-btrfs-on-raspiblitz)
- [Storing your important Data in RAID1 with a USB Thumb Drive](#storing-your-important-data-in-raid1-with-a-usb-thumb-drive)
- [Snapshotting the Blockchain](#snapshotting-the-blockchain)
- [How to use BTRFS on RaspiBlitz?](#how-to-use-btrfs-on-raspiblitz)
- [How to recover a BTRFS partition?](#how-to-recover-a-btrfs-partition)
- [How do I fix a displayed Error in my Config?](#how-do-i-fix-a-displayed-error-in-my-config)
- [How to fix my upside down LCD after update?](#how-to-fix-my-upside-down-lcd-after-update)
- [How can I repair my SSH login?](#how-can-i-repair-my-ssh-login)
- [How to use the Let's Encrypt client](#how-to-use-the-lets-encrypt-client)
Here is a YouTube video tutorial on how to update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xvn0WQfHUdI
Simply [Download the new RaspiBlitz SD card image](https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz#installing-the-software) to your laptop and have an sd card writer ready. Then login into your RaspiBlitz with SSH and:
Write the new image it to your SD card .. yes you simply overwrite the old one, it's OK, all your personal data is on the HDD. If you want to be extra safe you can make a image backup of your old sd card first - but that is optional. If you made manual changes to your RaspiBlitz with scripts on the sd card you might wanna check on this FAQ question first: [Why do I need to re-burn my SD card for an update?](FAQ.md#why-do-i-need-to-re-burn-my-sd-card-for-an-update).
You should see that it switched into recover/backup mode. It's now provisioning the fresh OS on the sd card your old settings and data. This process can take some while especially if you had RTL Web UI activated. Follow the instructions on the display ... if it takes longer then an hour .. [get support](https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz#support).
When update/recover process is ready you will see a `FINAL RECOVER LOGIN NEEDED` message on the display. Login per SSH by using the password `raspiblitz` and set your Password A again. It can be the same as the old one, but maybe use the occasion to make password change for security reasons. If you had auto-unlock activated you might also be asked to enter your old Password C again. Then it wil make a final reboot.
After your RaspiBlitz is done with catching up the latest blockchain data you should see your status screen displaying your funds and channels. Your backup is complete.
You can do a quick check if the sha256 hash of the file you downloaded is the same as the sha256 hash mentioned below the download link or use the torrent download which will also check the file for checksum after download. But this does not prove to you that the sd card image was actually build by the lead developer of the RaspiBlitz project.
After this download the "signature file" for the sd card image. It's the same download link as for the image file - just added a `.sig` at the end. You should also find the download link for the signature file always in the README right below the image download link following the `SIGNATURE` link.
If you know have all the three elements needed - the imported public key, the image signature and the image file itself - you can verify the download with:
As a result you should see a "correct signature" message with a main fingerprint the same as you can find on the [keybase.io/rootzoll](https://keybase.io/rootzoll) that is ending on `1C73 060C 7C17 6461`. If that fingerprint is correct, the sd card image you downloaded is a original release RaspiBlitz.
If you run a version earlier then 0.98 you basically need to setup a new RaspiBlitz to update - but you can keep the blockchain data on the HDD, so you don't need have that long waiting time again:
1. Close all open lightning channels you have (`lncli closeallchannels --force`) or use the menu option 'CLOSE ALL' if available. Wait until all closing transactions are done.
2. Move all on-chain funds to a wallet outside raspiblitz (`lncli sendcoins --conf_target 3 <ADDRESS> <AMT>`) or use the menu option 'CASHOUT' if available
3. Prepare the HDD for the new setup by running the script `/home/admin/XXcleanHDD.sh` (Blockchain will stay on HDD)
4. then shutdown RaspiBlitz (`sudo shutdown now`), flash SD card with new image, redo a fresh setup of RaspiBlitz, move your funds back in, Re-Open your channels
## Why do I need to re-burn my SD card for an update?
I know it would be nicer to run just an update script and you are ready to go. But then the scripts would need to be written in a much more complex way to be able to work with any versions of LND and Bitcoind (they are already complex enough with all the edge cases) and testing would become even more time consuming than it is now already. That's nothing a single developer can deliver.
For some, it might be a pain point to make an update by re-burning a new sd card - especially if you added your own scripts or made changes to the system - but that's by design. It's a way to enforce a "clean state" with every update - the same state that I tested and developed the scripts with. The reason for that pain: I simply cannot write and support scripts that run on every modified system forever - that's simply too much work.
With the SD card update mechanism I reduce complexity, I deliver a "clean state" OS, LND/Bitcoind and the scripts tightly bundled together exactly in the dependency/combination like I tested them and it's much easier to reproduce bug reports and give support that way.
Of course, people should modify the system, add own scripts, etc ... but if you want to also have the benefit of the updates of the RaspiBlitz, you have two ways to do it:
2. Make your changes so that they survive an SD card update easily - put all your scripts and extra data onto the HDD AND document for yourself how to activate them again after an update. The file `/mnt/hdd/app-data/custom-installs.sh` runs with sudo rights after an update/recovery from a fresh sd card. This is the place to put all the install commands, cronjobs or editing of system configs for your personal modifications of RaspiBlitz.
*BTW there is a beneficial side effect when updating with a new SD card: You also get rid of any malware or system bloat that happened in the past. You start with a fresh system :)*
Copying a already synced blockchain from another computer (for example your Laptop) can be a quick way to get the RaspiBlitz started or replacing a corrupted blockchain with a fresh one. Also that way you synced and verified the blockchain yourself and not trusting the RaspiBlitz Torrent downloads (don't trust, verify).
But we don't copy the data via USB to the device, because the HDD needs to be formatted in EXT4 and that is usually not read/writable by Windows or Mac computers. So I will explain a way to copy the data through your local network. This should work from Windows, Mac, Linux and even from another already synced RaspiBlitz.
Both computers (your RaspberryPi and the other computer with the full blockchain on) need to be connected to the same local network. Make sure that bitcoin is stopped on the computer containing the blockchain. If your blockchain source is another RaspiBlitz with v1.5 or higher - go to `REPAIR` > `COPY-SOURCE`. If your RaspiBlitz is below v1.5 then on the terminal `sudo systemctl stop bitcoind` and then go to the directory where the blockchain data is with `cd /mnt/hdd/bitcoin` - when copy/transfer is done later reboot a RaspiBlitz source with `sudo shutdown -r now`.
If everything of the above is prepared, start the setup of the new RaspiBlitz with a fresh SD card (like explained in the README) - it's OK that there is no blockchain data on your HDD yet - just follow the setup. When you get to the setup-point `Getting the Blockchain` choose the COPY option. Starting from version 1.0 of the RaspiBlitz this will give you further detailed instructions how to transfer the blockchain data onto your RaspiBlitz. In short: On your computer with the blockchain data source you will execute SCP commands, that will copy the data over your Local Network to your RaspiBlitz.
Once you finished all the transfers the Raspiblitz will make a quick-check on the data - but that will not guarantee that everything in detail was OK with the transfer. Check further FAQ answers if you get stuck or see a final sync with a value below 90%.
If your RaspiBlitz is not working right and you like to get help from the community, it's good to provide more debug information, so other can better diagnose your problem - please follow the following steps to generate a debug report:
Yes - take a look at the project of [Chimezie Chuta](https://twitter.com/mezie16/status/1264513274080636928?s=20)

More details in his book ["A-Z of Building your own Full Bitcoin Lightning Node: A hand Book for Enthusiasts"](https://blockspace.shop/products/a-z-of-building-your-own-full-bitcoin-lightning-node-a-hand-book-for-enthusiasts)
First of all if you see a final sync over 90% and you can see from time to time small increase - you should be OK ... this can take some looong time to catch up with the network. Only in the case that you actively choose the `SYNC` option in the `Getting the Blockchain` a final sync under 90% is OK. If you did a torrent or a copy from another computer and seeing under 90% something went wrong and the setup process is ignoring your prepared Blockchain and doing a full sync - which can almost take forever on a raspberryPi.
So if something is wrong (like mentioned above) then try again from the beginning. You need to reset your HDD for a fresh start: SSH in as admin user. Abort the final sync info with CTRL+c to get to the terminal. There run `sudo /home/admin/XXcleanHDD.sh -all` and follow the script to delete all data in HDD. When finished power down with `sudo shutdown now`. Then make a fresh SD card from image and this time try another option to get the blockchain. If you run into trouble the second time, please report an issue on GitHub.
This is best done by auto backing-up the 'channel.backup' file to a remote location. But it just secures the funds you have in your on-chain wallet or in your channels. On recovery the channels will get closed. For details on how to setup see the README:
This backups all your LND data - including all open channels. But it's just intended to use when you move your LND data between computers, during update situations or in rescue recoveries, because replaying out-dated backups can lead to the loss of all channel funds.
On a RaspiBlitz you have coins in your on-chain wallet (bitcoin wallet) and also coins in lightning channels. First we will try to recover all of them and even trying to keep your channels open with "Recover LND data". This that is not possible you can fall back to the second option "Recover from Wallet Seed".
Best to recover all your LND data/channels is when you still can SSH into the RaspiBlitz and the HDD is still usable/reachable (mounted) - even it shows some errors. If this is not possible anymore you should skip to the second option "Recover from Wallet Seed" or try to recover the LND data from the HDD (directory `lnd`) from another computer.
If you still can SSH in and HDD is readable, we can try to rescue/export your LND data (funds and channels) from a RaspiBlitz to then be able to restore it back to a fresh one. For this you can use the following procedure ...
This will create a lnd-rescue file (ends on gz.tar) that contains all the data from the LND. The script offers you a command to transfer the lnd-rescue file to your laptop. If the transfer was successful you can now setup a fresh RaspiBlitz. Do all the setup until you have a clean new Lightning node running - just without any funding or channels.
This script will offer you a way to transfer the lnd-rescue file from your laptop to the new RaspiBlitz and will restore the old data. LND gets then restarted for you and after some time it should show you the status screen again with your old funds and channels.
**Be aware that if backup is some hours old, channels could have been closed by the other party and it may take some time until you see funds back on-chain. If backup is somewhat older then 1 day also the channel counter parties may have used your offline time to cheat you with an old state. And if your backup was not the latest state it could also been happening that you are posting an old channel state (seen as cheating) and funds of that channel get lost as punishment. So again .. this backup method can be risky, use with caution. But it's recommended to try in recover and rescue situations - it's not for regular backups.**
Remember those 24 words you were writing down during the setup? That's your "cipher seed" - now this words are important to recover your wallet. If you don't have them anymore: go back to option "Recover LND data" (see above) and check all possible ways to recover data from the HDD. If you still have the word seed: good, but read the following carefully:
With the word seed you can recover the on-chain funds that LND was managing for you - but it does not contain all the details about the channels you have open - it's mostly the key to your funding wallet. If you were able to close all channels or never opened any, then you should be safe: The best results to recover on-chain funds from wallet seeds have been reported from people installing the Lightning Labs App on laptop and use the wallet seed (and same wallet passwords): https://github.com/lightninglabs/lightning-app/releases. Other people were succesful in this process using the Zap Desktop wallet (OSX, Win, Linux): https://zap.jackmallers.com/download
If you had open channels it would be best to check if you have also the `channel.backup` file (Static-Channel-Backup feature) that is available since LND 0.6 (RaspiBlitz v1.2) and use it in the process below ... for more details on the `channel.backup` file see [README.md on backups](README.md#backup-for-on-chain---channel-funds).
Then give LND some time to re-scan the blockchain. In the end you will have restored your funding wallet. You maybe need to wait for your old channel counterparts to force close the old channels until you see the coins displayed again.
*Important: If you see a zero balance for on-chain funds after restoring from seed ... see details discussed [here](https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues/278) - you might try setup fresh this time with bigger look-ahead number.*
With the 24 word list given you by LND on wallet creation you can recover your private key. You should write it down and store it at a save place. Bear in mind that *this 24 word mnemonic seed is not based on the BIP 39* and therefore cannot be recovered using a Bitcoin wallet.
For more background on the LND mnemonic seed [read this article](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/blob/master/docs/recovery.md#recovering-funds-from-lnd-funds-are-safu).
## How to move funds & channels from RaspiBlitz to LND Lightning Desktop App?
Before you start - download a LND-data-rescue file from your RaspiBlitz to your laptop `main menu -> UPDATE -> Update Anyway -> Start Update -> Download Backup -> FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS and press Enter when ready with download -> START UPDATE`. Now your RaspiBlitz will power down.
Now install the LND Lightning Desktop App for your OS: https://github.com/lightninglabs/lightning-app/releases
Then start the App and create a new wallet - it's a throw away wallet (will be deleted afterwards with no funds) - so you don't need to keep seeds safe. To get easy thru the setup just make a photo of the seed with your mobile. If you get asked for funding - just click "done" until you reach the basic wallet screen. Then close the LND Desktop App.
Now unpack the lnd-rescue you made before and copy all the data from the `mnt/hdd/lnd` directory (including sub directories) into the LND-Path lnd directory. Delete the "lnd.conf" file.
It's OK when happening during an update - when you changed the sd card image. If it's really happening out of the blue - check your local network setup for a second. Maybe the local IP of your RaspiBlitz changed? Is there a second RaspiBlitz connected? It's a security warning, so at least take some time to check if anything is strange. But also don't get to panic - when it's in your local network, normally it's some network thing - not an intruder.
To fix this and to be able to login with SSH again, you have to remove the old public key for that IP from your local client computer. Just run the following command (with the replaced IP of your RaspiBlitz): `ssh-keygen -R IP-OF-YOUR-RASPIBLITZ` or remove the line for this IP manually from the known_hosts file (see the path to the file in the warning message).
The idea of the "wallet lock" in general, is that your private key / seed / wallet is stored in a encrypted way on your HDD. On every restart, you have to input the password once manually (unlock your wallet), so that the LND can read and write to the encrypted wallet again. This improves your security if your RaspiBlitz gets stolen or taken away - it loses power and then your wallet is safe - the attacker cannot access your wallet.
When you activate the "Auto-Unlock" feature of the RaspiBlitz, the password of the wallet gets stored on the RaspiBlitz. So if an attacker steals the RaspiBlitz physically, it's now possible for them to find the password and unlock the wallet.
Your HDD may have no partitions yet. SSH into the RaspiBlitz as admin (see command and password on display) and you should be offered the option to create a partition. If this is not the case:
Make the fonts smaller until the QR code fits into your (fullscreen) terminal. In OSX use `CMD` + `-` key. In LINUX use `CTRL`+ `-` key. On WINDOWS Putty go into the settings and change the font size: https://globedrill.com/change-font-size-putty
The bitcoin IP is red, when the RaspiBlitz detects that it cannot reach the port of bitcoin node from the outside. This means the bitcoin node can peer with other bitcoin nodes, but other bitcoin nodes cannot initiate a peering with you. Don't worry, you don't need a publicly reachable bitcoin node to run a (public) lightning node. If you want to change this however, you need to forward port 8333 on your router to the the RaspiBlitz. How to do this is different on every router.
Some routers support a feature called UPnP where devices can automatically request a forwarding to be publicly reachable. By turning on `BTC UPnP` in the main menu `SERVICES` section, you can try if your router supports this feature.
The node address is red, when the RaspiBlitz detects that it cannot reach the port of the LND node from the outside - when the device is behind a NAT or firewall of the the router. Your node is not publicly reachable. This means you can peer+openChannel with other public nodes, but other nodes cannot peer+openChannel with you. To change this you need to forward port 9735 on your router to the the RaspiBlitz. How to do this is different on every router.
Some routers support a feature called UPnP where devices can automatically request a forwarding to be publicly reachable. By turning on `LND UPnP` in the main menu `SERVICES` section, you can try if your router supports this feature.
Also the selftesting of the RaspiBlitz if the port is forwarded or not might not work if your router is not supporting [Hairpinning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairpinning).
Yellow is OK. The RaspiBlitz can detect, that it can reach a service on the port 9735 of your public IP - this is in most cases the LND of your RaspiBlitz. But the RaspiBlitz cannot 100% for sure detect that this is its own LND service on that port - that's why it's just yellow, not green.
BTCPay Server is a solution to be your own payment processor to accept Lightning Payments for your online store: https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver
You can find setup instructions for a experimental setup here: https://goo.gl/KnTzLu
Thanks to @RobEdb (ask on twitter for more details) running his demo store with RaspiBlitz: https://store.edberg.eu - buy a picture of [him and Andreas](https://store.edberg.eu/produkt/jag-andreas/) :)
You don't need a LAN port on your laptop as long as you can connect over WLAN to the same LAN router/switch the RaspiBlitz is connected to .. and you are on the same local network.
A LAN cable is recommended because it reduces a possible source of error on the network connection side. But how to setup WLAN when you don't have a LAN-Router/Switch available see here:
If you have a LAN port on your laptop - or you have a USB-LAN adapter, you can connect the RaspiBlitz directly (without a router/switch) to your laptop and share the WIFI internet connection. You can follow this [guide for OSX](https://medium.com/@tzhenghao/how-to-ssh-into-your-raspberry-pi-with-a-mac-and-ethernet-cable-636a197d055).
Just removing power from the RaspiBlitz can lead to data corruption if the HDD is right in the middle of a writing process. The safest way is always to SSH into the RaspiBlitz and use the "POWER OFF" option in the main menu.
But if cannot login with SSH and you need to power off at least remove the LAN cable (network connection)first for sometime (around 10-30 secs - until you can see no more blinking lights on the HDD) and then remove the power cable. This should minimize the risk if data corruption in this situations.
## How can I build an SD card other then the master branch?
To build a sd card image from another branch than master you follow the [Build the SD Card Image](README.md#build-the-sd-card-image) from the README, but execute the build script from the other branch and add the name of that branch as a parameter to the build script.
For example if you want to make a build from the 'dev' branch you execute the following command:
## How can I build an SD card from my forked GitHub Repo?
If you fork the RaspiBlitz repo (much welcome) and you want to run that code on your RaspiBlitz, there are two ways to do that:
* The quick way: For small changes in scripts, go to `/home/admin` on your running RaspiBlitz, delete the old git with `sudo rm -r raspiblitz` then replace it with your code `git clone [YOURREPO]` and `/home/admin/XXsyncScripts.sh`
* The long way: If you like to install/remove/change services and system configurations you need to build a SD card from your own code. Prepare like in [Build the SD Card Image](README.md#build-the-sd-card-image) from the README but in the end run the command:
If you are then working in your forked repo and want to update the scripts on your RaspiBlitz with your latest repo changes, run `/home/admin/XXsyncScripts.sh` - that's OK as long as you don't make changes to the sd card build script - then you would need to build a fresh sd card again from your repo.
You need to have your forked repo checked out on your laptop. There your should see your forked repo as `origin`, when you run `git remote -v`. If you don't see a additional `upstream` remote yet, then it with the following command `git remote add upstream https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz.git`.
So first checkout the new branch named `BRANCH` from the original RaspBlitz repo to your local computer with: `git fetch upstream` and then `git checkout -b BRANCH upstream/BRANCH`.
Once the branch is available and synced between the RaspiBlitz GitHub repo, your forked GitHub repo and your local computer git repo, you can start developing.
Since v1.5 of RaspiBlitz there is an easy way thru the SSH menus: Under `MAIN MENU > UPDATE > PATCH` you have the option to change the GitHub Reposity and and Branch to sync with. You change the GitHub Reposity by setting the GutHub username where you forked the Repo.
So for example: If you forked the RaspiBlitz project (rootzoll/raspiblitz) on GitHub and your GitHub project page is now called: https://github.com/raumi75/raspiblitz ... then justchange the Repo to sync/patch with to your username `raumi75`.
Now you can use the `Patch/Sync RaspiBlitz with GitHub Repo` to easily keep your RaspiBlitz in sync with your forked repository and develop your own customizations and features.
Background info and doing it manually:
There is a git copy of the original RaspiBlitz GitHub repo on your physical RaspiBlitz in the folder `/home/admin/raspiblitz`. If you change into that folder and run `git remote -v` you can see the set origin repo.
Now to sync your branch namend BRANCH on your forked repo with your RaspiBlitz you always just the run:
/home/admin/XXsyncScripts.sh BRANCH
So your workflow can go: You write code on your local computer. Commit to your local repo, push it to your forked repo and use the sync-script above to get the code to your RaspiBlitz.
## How contribute a feature/change from my forked branch back to the RaspiBlitz repo?
Like the way above you can build a new feature or test a change. Once you have something ready you want to contribute back, you make sure it's pushed to your forked GitHub repo and start a pull request from the GitHub website there to the RaspiBlitz repo.
You can put the heasink-case (top-part mentioned in the shopping lists) into a customized 3D printed case for the RaspiBlitz called "Lightning Shell" - great work by @CryptoCloaks
When your USB power adapter for the RaspiBlitz delivers too low power those messages with "Under-Voltage detected" (under-voltage) are shortly seen on the display. This can lead to data loss/corruption on the HDD. If you see those just one or two times that's not OK, but can be in a tolerant window. Nevertheless it make sure your USB power adapter can deliver at least 3A (big and stable is good). If you still see those warnings maybe get a second USB Power adapter just for the HDD and power the HDD through a Y-Cable - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y-cable#USB or put a USB Hub with extra power between the raspberry and the HDD.
Using pre-built software almost always shifts trust to the one who made the binary. But at least you can check with the SHA checksum after download if the image downloaded is really the one offered by the GitHub Repo. To do so make a quick check if your browser is really in the correct GiutHub page and that your HTTPS of the GitHub page is signed by 'DigiCert'. Then compare the SHA-256 string (always next to the download link of the image on the README) with the result of the command `shasum -a 256 [DOWNLOADED-FILE-TO-CHECK]` (Mac/Linux). Still this is not optimal and if at least some people from the community request it, I will consider signing the download as an author for the future.
The best way would be to build the sd card yourself. You use the script `build_sdcard.sh` for it. Take some minutes to check if you see anything suspicious in that build script and then follow the [README](README.md#build-the-sd-card-image) on this.
There is an experimental section in this GitHub that tries to build for other SingleBoardComputers. Feel free to try it out and share your experience: [alternative.platforms/README.md](alternative.platforms/README.md)
look for the line `dtoverlay=tft35a:rotate=270` towards the end. To flip the screen with 180 degrees change the line to `dtoverlay=tft35a:rotate=90` and reboot with `sudo reboot`. Reference: https://github.com/goodtft/LCD-show/issues/34
When you put in a sd card with a new/clean RaspiBlitz image the RaspiBlitz will get into recovery mode because it detects the old data on your HDD and assumes you just want to continue to work with this data.
But there might be cases where you want to start a totally fresh/clean RaspiBlitz from the beginning. To do so you need to delete the old data from the HDD. Those the option `RESET-ALL` under `REPAIR` to delete all data and start fresh.
You can backup your channel and wallet data, make a complete fresh RaspiBlitz and after that one is setup you replace the LND data with your old one. Also make sure to check again on your power supply - it needs to deliver equal or more then 3A and should deliver a stable current. If you think your HDD or SD card is degrading - maybe this is a good time to replace. See for details the FAQ question: [How can I recover my coins from a failing RaspiBlitz?](FAQ.md#how-can-i-recover-my-coins-from-a-failing-raspiblitz)*
The display is one of the nice features of the RaspiBlitz but the raspberry can run without it. Maybe not all add-on feature could be used to the full extend, but you can get started without the LCD and even plug it on later.
If you want to use the HDMI output you can place a file called `hdmi` on the `boot` section of the RaspiBlitz sd card ... just connect the sd card to your laptop, create that file and then boot it up in the RaspberryPi.
Restart the VNC Server for settings to take effect:
`sudo systemctl restart vncserver-x11-serviced`
Open the relevant port in the firewall (ufw):
`sudo ufw allow vnc`
Start the VNC server from the Raspiblitz:
This will run by default in the display number '1'. If you want to specify another number, run this (change *\<display-number\>* to whatever you prefer):
`vncserver :<display-number>`

From the VNC client (e.g. your PC, laptop), connect to the IP that the previous command has displayed in the screen (I covered it in pink in the screenshot). If everything is alright, you can see the display from the VNC client now.
In order to stop broadcasting your display, stop the server from the Raspiblitz with this:
`vncserver -kill :<display-number>`
For example:
`vncserver -kill :1`
**Note**: You may have to set the resolution through raspi-config in certain situations:
`sudo raspi-config`
*Advanced Options > Resolution*
**Hint**: From macOS, there is a built in VNC client hidden away at: /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Screen\ Sharing.app
**Hint 2**: Find more info about VNC in Raspberry [here](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/vnc/).
## I have two RaspiBlitz in my network - can they both be public?
Yes but you need to change at least on one RaspiBlitz the port number (for example to 9736) on one of your RaspiBlitzes - see how to change a port below. Then you can forward both ports from your home internet router to the matching RaspiBlitzes.
## How to change the public port LND/Lightning node is running on?
There is a experimental script you can call from the terminal that will make all changes for you ... see details here: https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues/100#issuecomment-466722712
## How to solve a "signature mismatch after caveat verification" error?
If you get this error by LND that means that something is wrong with the macaroons being used to communicate with LND .. see: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/blob/master/docs/macaroons.md
* If you get this from RTL or from the scripts of the SSH menus of the RaspiBlitz, then go to "EXPORT Macacroons and TLS.cert" in SSH main menu and choose the the "RESET Macaroons & TLS" option.
Also make sure to check again on your power supply - it needs to deliver equal or more then 3A and should deliver a stable current. If you think your HDD is degrading - maybe this is a good time to replace it. See for details the FAQ question: [How can I recover my coins from a failing RaspiBlitz?](FAQ.md#how-can-i-recover-my-coins-from-a-failing-raspiblitz)
If that doesn't work, try to ping the IP of the RaspiBlitz with `ping [IP-of-RaspiBlitz]`. If you get no response on the ping requests and the device is not reachable, try this check list:
But first you need to make sure that the public server you are using is supporting SSH reverse tunneling and authentication by public authorized key. Check the `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` on the public server to contain the following settings:
*Last two parameters were added as used in the ssh tunnel demo at #GPN19 https://media.ccc.de/v/gpn19-76-einen-server-daheim-ohne-ffentliche-ipv4-adresse#t=911*
You can add those at the end of the file, save and reboot.
On the RaspiBlitz you can then setup for example to forward the gRPC port 10009 (internal port) to the port 20009 on the public server (external port) with the user = `test` and server address = `raspiblitz.com` with the following command:
Please beware that after you set such a port forwarding you need to set the domain of the public server as a `DynamicDNS` name (leave update url empty) and then connect mobile wallets fresh or export again the macaroons/certs. When connecting the mobile wallets you may need to adjust ports manually after QR code scan. And if you SSH tunnel the LND node port `9735` you may also need to set the custom LND port script and maybe also a manual set of the domain in the LND service is needed. This all is very experimental at the moment ... better integration will come in the future.
## How to setup just a port-forwarding user on my public server?
Make sure the `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` has the following lines at the end:
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
GatewayPorts yes
AllowTcpForwarding yes
AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/%u
The last one stores all authorized_keys in one directory with a file per user. See https://serverfault.com/questions/313465/is-a-central-location-for-authorized-keys-a-good-idea#424659 To prepare this run:
The `[CONTENT-OF-RASPIBLITZ-ROOT-SSH-PUBKEY]` you get when running the `internet.sshtunnel.py` script on the RaspiBlitz (see above). Now restart the RaspiBlitz. The server should not need restart after adding a additional forwarding user.
A UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is used to protect the RaspiBlitz against power outages. Normally you put it just between your normal power outlet and your RaspiBlitz and you are good. But some UPS offer a way to communicate with devices. This can be very useful for example if on a longer power outage the battery of the UPS runs low the RaspiBlitz could detect this and power down in a clean way - instead of just the power goes out and risking data loss or corruption.
There is an experimental script to connect the RaspiBlitz to a UPS over USB cable build by APC - the Model tested with was [APC Back-UPS BX - BX700U-GR](https://www.amazon.de/APC-Back-UPS-Unterbrechungsfreie-Stromversorgung-BX700U-GR/dp/B00T7BYRCK) but it should work with every APC model offering a USB port.
To turn it on run from terminal: `/home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.ups.sh on apcusb`
The file system [BTRFS](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Btrfs) for your HDD/SSD provides two new features to make the datastorage more resilient:
### Storing your important Data in RAID1 with a USB Thumb Drive
BTRFS comes with build in RAID features - that means that data can be stored on two physical drives at the same time and if one is failing the other one can be used to heal the other one or its replacement.
For the Raspiblitz this means that you can connect an additional 32GB USB3 Thumb Drive (under 10 USD) and have it running in a RAID with your HDD/SSD - having your LND channel data and all other important data of your RaspiBlitz double safe.
### Snapshotting the Blockchain
BTRFS comes with a build in snapshot feature - that means that your RaspiBlitz can make every day a backup of the blockchain data and if a blockchain corruption occurs (exmaple thru a power outage) there is no need to sync the complete chain again. Just switch back to the last backup state and quickly sync up from there. On BTRFS such backups can be done as snapshots that dont need much more space on the drive and are quicly done - no need to buy a bigger SSD or wait for copying over 200GB.
## How to use BTRFS on RaspiBlitz?
Because the BTRFS is still experimental its a bit hidden to activate. There are two ways:
- When you start a fresh setup just connect a 32GB Thumb Drive on the second USB3 port from the beginning and you should be asked during HDD setup if you want to try out BTRFS and gave the Thumb Drive as RAID1.
- If you have a existing RaspiBlitz you want to switch to BTRFS then you need to export a Migration File (MAINMENU > REPAIR > MIGRATION) an then format your HDD/SSD clean. When you import a Migration File during a fresh Setup (see above) you will get the option to format the HDD/SSD with BTRFS.
Once the Blitz is running on BTRFS you can use the '/home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.datadrive.sh' script to add a RAID drive or make a snapshot.
Some displays have a different orientation. To fix this activate/deactivate the LCD-ROTATION option in the MAINMENU > SERVICES and let it reboot. YOu might need to do this up to 3 times until your display got it right.
If you cannot login per SSH into your RaspiBlitz your SSH RaspiBlitz certs might be corrupted. To renew and reset those do the following (since version 1.5):
- shutdown the RaspiBlitz - if you dont have touchscreen activated, disconnect LAN cable, wait until HDD/SSD activity slows down (no constant blinking) and then cut the power
- take out the sd card and connect it to your laptop - it should appear as a `boot` drive
- in the root directory of that `boot` drive create a file called `ssh.reset`
- that file can be empty or just copy another file on that drive and rename it ()
- eject the drive from your laptop safely
- put sd card back into the RaspiBlitz (also make sure LAN cable is connected again)
- power up - the RaspiBlitz should boot up & reboot again
If you see a "REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!" warning on login thats what we wanted - the SSH cert of your RaspiBlitz changed - thats good. We just need to remove the old one from our laptop first - on OSX you can use `rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts` (deletes all cached server certs) or remove the line with your RaspiBlitz IP manually from the `~/.ssh/known_hosts` file with a text editor.
### How can I customize my RaspiBlitz or add other software?
The RaspiBlitz is your computer to experiment with. Feel free to add your own scripts, edit the system or install further software from the command line. Just keep in mind that after an update/recovery the RaspiBlitz starts with a fresh and clean operating system again. So all your editings and installs might be gone. To prevent this you should do the following:
- place own scripts and data that should survive an update/recovery into the `/mnt/hdd/app-data` directory
- put all install commands & modification of the system into the script `/mnt/hdd/app-data/custom-installs.sh` that will be started automatically on a recovery/update.
* Major Updates: 1.0.0, 2.0.0, 3.0.0, ... are epic updates signaling that the software reached a new era.
* Main Updates: 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.3.0, ... are breaking updates - the reflashing of the sd ard is mandatory.
* Minor Updates: 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.3.0, ... are soft updates - can be done by 'patching' the scripts & code, but new sd card reflash is still advised.
# GitHub Workflow
- Development is done on the 'dev' branch, new features should be done on single feature branches and merged into 'dev' once ready.
- When a release of a new main-update (see above) comes closer, a new release branch gets created from 'dev' with the first release candidate - the RCs and the final release sd card will be build from this branch.
- All minor-releases will badically all work with the same 'build_sdcard.sh' script so that code could be updated by just calling 'patch'. Emergency updates on lnd & bitcoin may break this guideline, but basic structure & packaging should stay mostly consistent over a main-update version.
- Once a release is ready, that release branch will be set as the "default" branch on GitHub (so its shown as main page)
- Hot fixes & new features for minor verisons will be created as single branches from the release branch and once ready will be merged back into that release branch as a PullRequest using 'Squash-Merge' AND then this 'Squash-Merge' (one single commit) witll get cherry-picked into the 'dev' branch ('git cherry-pick COMMITHASH' - may call 'git fetch' & 'git pull' before to make a clean cherry-pick into dev).