2021-10-10 09:41:40 +01:00

30 KiB

C-lightning on the RaspiBlitz FAQ

C-lightning official documentation

Commands and aliases

  • Check if the C-lightning daemon is running:
    sudo systemctl status lightningd
  • Follow it's system output for debugging:
    sudo journalctl -fu lightningd
  • The logs can be accessed in the menu SYSTEM - CLLOG or with the alias: cllog
  • The frequently used commands are shortened with alisases. Check them with the command alias:
    alias cl='sudo -u bitcoin /usr/local/bin/lightning-cli --conf=/home/bitcoin/.lightning/config'
    alias clconf='sudo nano /home/bitcoin/.lightning/config'
    alias cllog='sudo tail -n 30 -f /home/bitcoin/.lightning/bitcoin/cl.log'


  • All data is stored on the disk in:
  • and symlinked to:

Config file

  • Edit in the menu SYSTEM - CLNCONF or use the alias clconf

Default values

  • on the RaspiBlitz for mainnet
    # Tor settings

All possible config settings

  • can be shown by running:
    lightningd --help
  • Place the settings in the config file without the -- and restart lightningd
    Usage: lightningd 
    A bitcoin lightning daemon (default values shown for network: bitcoin).
    --conf=<file>                                     Specify configuration file
    --lightning-dir=<dir>                             Set base directory: network-specific subdirectory is
                                                  under here (default: "/home/admin/.lightning")
    --network <arg>                                   Select the network parameters (bitcoin, testnet,
                                                  signet, regtest, litecoin or litecoin-testnet)
                                                  (default: bitcoin)
    --mainnet                                         Alias for --network=bitcoin
    --testnet                                         Alias for --network=testnet
    --signet                                          Alias for --network=signet
    --allow-deprecated-apis <arg>                     Enable deprecated options, JSONRPC commands, fields,
                                                  etc. (default: true)
    --rpc-file <arg>                                  Set JSON-RPC socket (or /dev/tty)
                                                  (default: "lightning-rpc")
    --plugin <arg>                                    Add a plugin to be run (can be used multiple times)
    --plugin-dir <arg>                                Add a directory to load plugins from (can be used
                                                  multiple times)
    --clear-plugins                                   Remove all plugins added before this option
    --disable-plugin <arg>                            Disable a particular plugin by filename/name
    --important-plugin <arg>                          Add an important plugin to be run (can be used multiple
                                                  times). Die if the plugin dies.
    --always-use-proxy <arg>                          Use the proxy always (default: false)
    --daemon                                          Run in the background, suppress stdout/stderr
    --wallet <arg>                                    Location of the wallet database.
    --large-channels|--wumbo                          Allow channels larger than 0.16777215 BTC
    --experimental-dual-fund                          experimental: Advertise dual-funding and allow peers to
                                                  establish channels via v2 channel open protocol.
    --experimental-onion-messages                     EXPERIMENTAL: enable send, receive and relay of onion
    --experimental-offers                             EXPERIMENTAL: enable send and receive of offers (also
                                                  sets experimental-onion-messages)
    --experimental-shutdown-wrong-funding             EXPERIMENTAL: allow shutdown with alternate txids
    --help|-h                                         Print this message.
    --rgb <arg>                                       RRGGBB hex color for node
    --alias <arg>                                     Up to 32-byte alias for node
    --pid-file=<file>                                 Specify pid file
                                                  (default: "/home/admin/.lightning/lightningd-bitcoin.pid")
    --ignore-fee-limits <arg>                         (DANGEROUS) allow peer to set any feerate
                                                  (default: false)
    --watchtime-blocks <arg>                          Blocks before peer can unilaterally spend funds
                                                  (default: 144)
    --max-locktime-blocks <arg>                       Maximum blocks funds may be locked for (default: 2016)
    --funding-confirms <arg>                          Confirmations required for funding transaction
                                                  (default: 3)
    --cltv-delta <arg>                                Number of blocks for cltv_expiry_delta (default: 34)
    --cltv-final <arg>                                Number of blocks for final cltv_expiry (default: 18)
    --commit-time=<millseconds>                       Time after changes before sending out COMMIT
                                                  (default: 10)
    --fee-base <arg>                                  Millisatoshi minimum to charge for HTLC (default: 1000)
    --rescan <arg>                                    Number of blocks to rescan from the current head, or
                                                  absolute blockheight if negative (default: 15)
    --fee-per-satoshi <arg>                           Microsatoshi fee for every satoshi in HTLC
                                                  (default: 10)
    --max-concurrent-htlcs <arg>                      Number of HTLCs one channel can handle concurrently.
                                                  Should be between 1 and 483 (default: 30)
    --min-capacity-sat <arg>                          Minimum capacity in satoshis for accepting channels
                                                  (default: 10000)
    --addr <arg>                                      Set an IP address (v4 or v6) to listen on and announce
                                                  to the network for incoming connections
    --bind-addr <arg>                                 Set an IP address (v4 or v6) to listen on, but not
    --announce-addr <arg>                             Set an IP address (v4 or v6) or .onion v3 to announce,
                                                  but not listen on
    --offline                                         Start in offline-mode (do not automatically reconnect
                                                  and do not accept incoming connections)
    --autolisten <arg>                                If true, listen on default port and announce if it
                                                  seems to be a public interface (default: true)
    --proxy <arg>                                     Set a socks v5 proxy IP address and port
    --tor-service-password <arg>                      Set a Tor hidden service password
    --experimental-accept-extra-tlv-types <arg>       Comma separated list of extra TLV types to accept.
    --disable-dns                                     Disable DNS lookups of peers
    --encrypted-hsm                                   Set the password to encrypt hsm_secret with. If no
                                                  password is passed through command line, you will be
                                                  prompted to enter it.
    --rpc-file-mode <arg>                             Set the file mode (permissions) for the JSON-RPC socket
                                                  (default: "0600")
    --force-feerates <arg>                            Set testnet/regtest feerates in sats perkw,
                                                  if fewer specified, last number applies to remainder
    --subdaemon <arg>                                 Arg specified as SUBDAEMON:PATH. Specifies an alternate
                                                  subdaemon binary. If the supplied path is relative the
                                                  subdaemon binary is found in the working directory.
                                                  This option may be specified multiple times. For
                                                  example, --subdaemon=hsmd:remote_signer would use a
                                                  hypothetical remote signing subdaemon.
    --log-level <arg>                                 log level (io, debug, info, unusual, broken) [:prefix]
                                                  (default: info)
    --log-timestamps <arg>                            prefix log messages with timestamp (default: true)
    --log-prefix <arg>                                log prefix (default: lightningd)
    --log-file=<file>                                 log to file instead of stdout
    --version|-V                                      Print version and exit
    --autocleaninvoice-cycle <arg>                    Perform cleanup of expired invoices every given
                                                  seconds, or do not autoclean if 0
    --autocleaninvoice-expired-by <arg>               If expired invoice autoclean enabled, invoices that
                                                  have expired for at least this given seconds are
    --fetchinvoice-noconnect                          Don't try to connect directly to fetch an invoice.
    --bitcoin-datadir <arg>                           -datadir arg for bitcoin-cli
    --bitcoin-cli <arg>                               bitcoin-cli pathname
    --bitcoin-rpcuser <arg>                           bitcoind RPC username
    --bitcoin-rpcpassword <arg>                       bitcoind RPC password
    --bitcoin-rpcconnect <arg>                        bitcoind RPC host to connect to
    --bitcoin-rpcport <arg>                           bitcoind RPC host's port
    --bitcoin-retry-timeout <arg>                     how long to keep retrying to contact bitcoind before
                                                  fatally exiting
    --commit-fee <arg>                                Percentage of fee to request for their commitment
    --funder-policy <arg>                             Policy to use for dual-funding requests. [match,
                                                  available, fixed]
    --funder-policy-mod <arg>                         Percent to apply policy at (match/available); or amount
                                                  to fund (fixed)
    --funder-min-their-funding <arg>                  Minimum funding peer must open with to activate our
    --funder-max-their-funding <arg>                  Maximum funding peer may open with to activate our
    --funder-per-channel-min <arg>                    Minimum funding we'll add to a channel. If we can't
                                                  meet this, we don't fund
    --funder-per-channel-max <arg>                    Maximum funding we'll add to a channel. We cap all
                                                  contributions to this
    --funder-reserve-tank <arg>                       Amount of funds we'll always leave available.
    --funder-fuzz-percent <arg>                       Percent to fuzz the policy contribution by. Defaults to
                                                  5%. Max is 100%
    --funder-fund-probability <arg>                   Percent of requests to consider. Defaults to 100%.
                                                  Setting to 0% will disable dual-funding
    --funder-lease-requests-only <arg>                Only fund lease requests. Defaults to true if channel
                                                  lease rates are being advertised
    --lease-fee-base-msat <arg>                       Channel lease rates, base fee for leased funds, in
    --lease-fee-basis <arg>                           Channel lease rates, basis charged for leased funds
                                                  (per 10,000 satoshi.)
    --lease-funding-weight <arg>                      Channel lease rates, weight we'll ask opening peer to
                                                  pay for in funding transaction
    --channel-fee-max-base-msat <arg>                 Channel lease rates, maximum channel fee base we'll
                                                  charge for funds routed through a leased channel.
    --channel-fee-max-proportional-thousandths <arg>  Channel lease rates, maximum proportional fee (in
                                                  thousandths, or ppt) we'll charge for funds routed
                                                  through a leased channel. Note: 1ppt = 1,000ppm
    --disable-mpp                                     Disable multi-part payments.


General info


  • The plugins are installed to:
  • and symlinked to:
  • All plugins in the /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-enabled directory are loaded automatically as set in the config file: /home/bitcoin/.lightningd/config

Implemented plugins

  • summary
  • sparko
  • clboss

Add a custom plugin

  • Place the plugin in the /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-enabled directory
  • Make sure it is owned by the bitcoin user and is executable:
    sudo chown bitcoin:bitcoin /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-enabled/PLUGIN_NAME
    sudo chmod +x /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-enabled/PLUGIN_NAME
  • start with
    lightnign-cli plugin start /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-enabled/PLUGIN_NAME
  • or to load it automatically on restart:
    sudo systemctl restart lightningd
    From the directory /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-enabled it will load auomatically after restarts.
  • To just load it run it once store in (and start from):


A plugin for automatic LN node management.
CLBOSS only requires to have funds deposited to the onchain wallet of C-lightning. The recommended amount to start is ~ 10 million satoshis (0.1 BTC).

It does automatically:

  • generate outbound capacity - opens channels
  • generate inbound capacity - submarine swaps through the boltz.exchange API
  • aware of onchain fees and mempool through c-lightning and makes transactions when fees are low
  • manages rebalancing - performs probing
  • closes bad channels (inactive or low traffic) - this function needs to activated manually

Overall it is a tool which makes users able to send and receive lightning payments with minimal interaction, basically setting up a routing node by itself.

The transactions made by CLBOSS does cost money and running it requires a fair amount of trust in the (fully open-source - MIT) code. Neither the CLBOSS nor the RaspiBlitz developers can take resposibility for lost sats, use at your own discretion!


  • Install:

  • to set the default fees in the config add:

  • more options for the feeadjuster to be set in the c-lightning config can be seen in the code:

        "Deactivate update threshold randomization and hysterisis.",
        "Deactivate automatic fee updates for forward events.",
        "Relative channel balance delta at which to trigger an update. Default 0.05 means 5%. "
        "Note: it's also fuzzed by 1.5%",
        "Absolute channel balance delta at which to always trigger an update. "
        "Note: it's also fuzzed by 1.5%",
        "Beyond this liquidity do not adjust fees. "
        "This also modifies the fee curve to achieve having this amount of liquidity. "
        "Default: '0msat' (turned off).",
        "Adjustment method to calculate channel fee"
        "Can be 'default', 'soft' for less difference or 'hard' for higher difference"
        "Ratio at which channel imbalance the feeadjuster should start acting. "
        "Default: 0.5 (always). Set higher or lower values to limit feeadjuster's "
        "activity to more imbalanced channels. "
        "E.g. 0.3 for '70/30'% or 0.6 for '40/60'%.",
        "Sets the per channel fee selection strategy. "
        "Can be 'global' to use global config or default values, "
        "or 'median' to use the median fees from peers of peer "
        "Default: 'global'.",
  • start the feeadjuster

    cl plugin start /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-available/plugins/feeadjuster/feeadjuster.py
  • stop (best to run only periodically)

    cl plugin stop /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-available/plugins/feeadjuster/feeadjuster.py
  • Can use menu - CL - SUEZ to visualize the channel balances and fee settings

  • check the list of base fees

    cl listpeers | grep fee_base_msat
  • check the list of proportional fees

    cl listpeers | grep fee_proportional_millionths
  • set the fees to the defaults

    cl setchannelfee all

Dual funded channels


Setting up

  • activate the feature on your node:
    Type: clconf or use the menu SYSTEM - CLCONF.
    Add the line:


    Save and restart C-lightning.

  • set up a liquidity ad:

    lightning-cli funderupdate -k policy=match policy_mod=100

    or set in the config for example - see the meaning of each line in https://medium.com/blockstream/setting-up-liquidity-ads-in-c-lightning-54e4c59c091d :

  • check the settings used currently on your node:

    lightning-cli funderupdate
  • check your advertised settings (needs some minutes to appear):

    lightning-cli listnodes $(lightning-cli getinfo | jq .id)

Open a dual funded channel

  • check if a node has onchain liquidity on offer:

    lightning-cli listnodes nodeid


    lightning-cli listnodes 02cca6c5c966fcf61d121e3a70e03a1cd9eeeea024b26ea666ce974d43b242e636
  • list all nodes known in the graph with active offers:

    lightning-cli listnodes | grep option_will_fund -B20 -A7
  • note the node id and compact_lease

  • connect to the node

    lightning-cli connect nodeID@IP_or.onion

Fundchannel syntax

  • the amount is the own funds in the wallet contributed
    use equal amounts to have a balanced channel from start
    the amounts can be specified in sat or btc

    lightning-cli fundchannel -k id=NODE_ID amount=OWN_AMOUNTsat request_amt=PEER_CONTRIBUTION_AMOUNTsat compact_lease=COMPACT_LEASE

    It can fail if the offer changed or there are not enough funds available on either side.

  • open a dual funded channel with a chosen utxo and miner feerate
    list the utxo-s with lightning-cli listfunds, can list multiple
    the feerate is in perkb by default, e.g. use 1000 for 1 sat/byte

    lightning-cli fundchannel feerate=PERKB_FEERATE utxos='["TRANSACTION_ID:INDDEX_NUMBER"]' -kid=NODE_ID amount=OWN_AMOUNTsat request_amt=PEER_CONTRIBUTION_AMOUNTsat compact_lease=COMPACT_LEASE


  • Details at bolt12.org

  • Create an offer to receive payments:

    lightning-cli offer amount description [vendor] [label] [quantity_min] [quantity_max] [absolute_expiry] [recurrence] [recurrence_base] [recurrence_paywindow] [recurrence_limit] [single_use]
  • Example:
    Create a reusable offer which can be paid with any amount for LN tips using a fixed string.

    lightning-cli offer any tip
  • Create an offer to send payments:

    lightning-cli offerout amount description [vendor] [label] [absolute_expiry] [refund_for]
  • Fetch an invoice to pay an offer:
    Will need at least one peer which supports onion the messages. For example:

    lightning-cli connect 024b9a1fa8e006f1e3937f65f66c408e6da8e1ca728ea43222a7381df1cc449605@
  • Then use the command to fetch the BOLT12 invoice:

    lightning-cli fetchinvoice offer [msatoshi] [quantity] [recurrence_counter] [recurrence_start] [recurrence_label] [timeout] [payer_note]
  • decode a BOLT12 invoice:

    lightning-cli decode bolt12_invoice
  • pay a a BOLT12 invoice: Will need to pay through a peer which supports the onion messages which means you need at least one channel with such a node.

    lightning-cli pay bolt12_invoice
  • see if there is a new invoice is paid with:

    lightning-cli listinvoices

    The pay_index will increase as the offer gets reused.

About the feature bits


  • for testnet and signet there are prefixes t and s used for the aliases, daemons and their own plugin directory names.
  • Testnet
    # alias: 
    tcl | tclconf | tcllog
    # daemon service name: 
    # config file:
    # plugin directory:
  • Signet
    # aliases:
    scl | sclconf | scllog
    # daemon service name: 
    # config file:
    # plugin directory:



Channel database


Script file help list

# generate a list of help texts on a RaspiBlitz:
cd /home/admin/config.scripts/
ls cl*.sh > clScriptList.txt
sed -i "s#cl#./cl#g" clScriptList.txt
sed -i "s#.sh#.sh -h#g" clScriptList.txt
bash -x clScriptList.txt
rm clScriptList.txt
+ ./cl.backup.sh -h

CL RESCUE FILE (tar.gz of complete cl directory)
cl.backup.sh cl-export
cl.backup.sh cl-export-gui
cl.backup.sh cl-import [file]
cl.backup.sh cl-import-gui [setup|production] [?resultfile]
cl.backup.sh seed-export-gui [lndseeddata]
cl.backup.sh seed-import-gui [resultfile]

+ ./cl.hsmtool.sh -h

Create new wallet or import seed
Unlock/lock, encrypt, decrypt, set autounlock or change password for the hsm_secret

Create new wallet:
cl.hsmtool.sh [new] [mainnet|testnet|signet] [?seedPassword]
cl.hsmtool.sh [new-force] [mainnet|testnet|signet] [?seedPassword]
There will be no seedPassword(passphrase) used by default
new-force will delete any old wallet and will work without dialog

cl.hsmtool.sh [seed] [mainnet|testnet|signet] ["space-separated-seed-words"] [?seedPassword]
cl.hsmtool.sh [seed-force] [mainnet|testnet|signet] ["space-separated-seed-words"] [?seedPassword]
The new hsm_secret will be not encrypted if no NewPassword is given
seed-force will delete any old wallet and will work without dialog

cl.hsmtool.sh [unlock|lock] <mainnet|testnet|signet>
cl.hsmtool.sh [encrypt|decrypt] <mainnet|testnet|signet>
cl.hsmtool.sh [autounlock-on|autounlock-off] <mainnet|testnet|signet>

cl.hsmtool.sh [change-password] <mainnet|testnet|signet> <NewPassword>

+ ./cl.install-service.sh -h

Script to set up or update the C-lightning systemd service
/home/admin/config.scripts/cl.install-service.sh <mainnet|testnet|signet>

+ ./cl.install.sh -h

C-lightning install script
The default version is: v0.10.1
Setting up on mainnet unless otherwise specified
mainnet / testnet / signet instances can run parallel

cl.install.sh on <mainnet|testnet|signet>
cl.install.sh off <mainnet|testnet|signet> <purge>
cl.install.sh [update <version>|testPR <PRnumber>]
cl.install.sh display-seed <mainnet|testnet|signet>

+ ./cl-plugin.backup.sh -h

Install the backup plugin for C-lightning
Replicates the lightningd.sqlite3 database on the SDcard

cl-plugin.backup.sh [on|off] [testnet|mainnet|signet]
cl-plugin.backup.sh [restore] [testnet|mainnet|signet] [force]
cl-plugin.backup.sh [backup-compact] [testnet|mainnet|signet]


+ ./cl-plugin.clboss.sh -h

Install or remove the CLBOSS C-lightning plugin
version: v0.10
cl-plugin.clboss.sh [on|off] [testnet|mainnet|signet]

+ ./cl-plugin.sparko.sh -h

Install, remove, connect or get info about the Sparko plugin for C-lightning
version: v2.7
cl-plugin.sparko.sh [on|off|menu|connect] [testnet|mainnet|signet]

+ ./cl-plugin.standard-python.sh -h

Install and show the output of the chosen plugin for C-lightning
cl-plugin.standard-python.sh on [plugin-name] [testnet|mainnet|signet] [runonce]

tested plugins:
summary | helpme | feeadjuster

find more at:

+ ./cl-plugin.summary.sh -h

Install and show the output if the summary plugin for C-lightning
cl-plugin.summary.sh [testnet|mainnet|signet] [runonce]

+ ./cl.rest.sh -h

C-lightning-REST install script
The default version is: v0.5.1
mainnet | testnet | signet instances can run parallel
The same macaroon and certs will be used for the parallel networks

cl.rest.sh [on|off|connect] <mainnet|testnet|signet>

+ ./cl.setname.sh -h

Config script to set the alias of the C-lightning node
cl.setname.sh [mainnet|testnet|signet] [?newName]