Fix missing input template by making minimal tx

This commit is contained in:
Gregory Sanders 2019-04-25 17:01:01 -04:00
parent c65c77c721
commit 25b0786581
2 changed files with 5 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -71,9 +71,13 @@ class InputMissing(BadTxTemplate):
reject_reason = "bad-txns-vin-empty"
expect_disconnect = False
# We use a blank transaction here to make sure
# it is interpreted as a non-witness transaction.
# Otherwise the transaction will fail the
# "surpufluous witness" check during deserialization
# rather than the input count check.
def get_tx(self):
tx = CTransaction()
tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, sc.CScript([sc.OP_TRUE] * 100)))
return tx

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@ -146,20 +146,6 @@ class FullBlockTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
badtx = template.get_tx()
if TxTemplate != invalid_txs.InputMissing:
self.sign_tx(badtx, attempt_spend_tx)
# Segwit is active in regtest at this point, so to deserialize a
# transaction without any inputs correctly, we set the outputs
# to an empty list. This is a hack, as the serialization of an
# empty list of outputs is deserialized as flags==0 and thus
# deserialization of the outputs is skipped.
# A policy check requires "loose" txs to be of a minimum size,
# so vtx is not set to be empty in the TxTemplate class and we
# only apply the workaround where txs are not "loose", i.e. in
# blocks.
# The workaround has the purpose that both sides calculate
# the same tx hash in the merkle tree
badtx.vout = []
badblock = self.update_block(blockname, [badtx])