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synced 2025-03-26 17:52:13 +01:00
util: add BitSet
This adds a bitset module that implements a BitSet<N> class, a variant of std::bitset with a few additional features that cannot be implemented in a wrapper without performance loss (specifically, finding first and last bit set, or iterating over all set bits).
This commit is contained in:
@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ BITCOIN_CORE_H = \
util/batchpriority.h \
util/bip32.h \
util/bitdeque.h \
util/bitset.h \
util/bytevectorhash.h \
util/chaintype.h \
util/check.h \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
// Copyright (c) The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include <util/check.h>
#include <array>
#include <bit>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
/* This file provides data types similar to std::bitset, but adds the following functionality:
* - Efficient iteration over all set bits (compatible with range-based for loops).
* - Efficient search for the first and last set bit (First() and Last()).
* - Efficient set subtraction: (a - b) implements "a and not b".
* - Efficient non-strict subset/superset testing: IsSubsetOf() and IsSupersetOf().
* - Efficient set overlap testing: a.Overlaps(b)
* - Efficient construction of set containing 0..N-1 (S::Fill).
* - Efficient construction of a single set (S::Singleton).
* - Construction from initializer lists.
* Other differences:
* - BitSet<N> is a bitset that supports at least N elements, but may support more (Size() reports
* the actual number). Because the actual number is unpredictable, there are no operations that
* affect all positions (like std::bitset's operator~, flip(), or all()).
* - Various other unimplemented features.
namespace bitset_detail {
/** Count the number of bits set in an unsigned integer type. */
template<typename I>
unsigned inline constexpr PopCount(I v)
static_assert(std::is_integral_v<I> && std::is_unsigned_v<I> && std::numeric_limits<I>::radix == 2);
constexpr auto BITS = std::numeric_limits<I>::digits;
// Algorithms from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_weight#Efficient_implementation.
// These seem to be faster than std::popcount when compiling for non-SSE4 on x86_64.
if constexpr (BITS <= 32) {
v -= (v >> 1) & 0x55555555;
v = (v & 0x33333333) + ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333);
v = (v + (v >> 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f;
if constexpr (BITS > 8) v += v >> 8;
if constexpr (BITS > 16) v += v >> 16;
return v & 0x3f;
} else {
static_assert(BITS <= 64);
v -= (v >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555;
v = (v & 0x3333333333333333) + ((v >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333);
v = (v + (v >> 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f;
return (v * uint64_t{0x0101010101010101}) >> 56;
/** A bitset implementation backed by a single integer of type I. */
template<typename I>
class IntBitSet
// Only binary, unsigned, integer, types allowed.
static_assert(std::is_integral_v<I> && std::is_unsigned_v<I> && std::numeric_limits<I>::radix == 2);
/** The maximum number of bits this bitset supports. */
static constexpr unsigned MAX_SIZE = std::numeric_limits<I>::digits;
/** Integer whose bits represent this bitset. */
I m_val;
/** Internal constructor with a given integer as contents. */
IntBitSet(I val) noexcept : m_val{val} {}
/** Dummy type to return using end(). Only used for comparing with Iterator. */
class IteratorEnd
friend class IntBitSet;
constexpr IteratorEnd() = default;
constexpr IteratorEnd(const IteratorEnd&) = default;
/** Iterator type returned by begin(), which efficiently iterates all 1 positions. */
class Iterator
friend class IntBitSet;
I m_val; /**< The original integer's remaining bits. */
unsigned m_pos; /** Last reported 1 position (if m_pos != 0). */
constexpr Iterator(I val) noexcept : m_val(val), m_pos(0)
if (m_val != 0) m_pos = std::countr_zero(m_val);
/** Do not allow external code to construct an Iterator. */
Iterator() = delete;
// Copying is allowed.
constexpr Iterator(const Iterator&) noexcept = default;
constexpr Iterator& operator=(const Iterator&) noexcept = default;
/** Test whether we are done (can only compare with IteratorEnd). */
constexpr friend bool operator==(const Iterator& a, const IteratorEnd&) noexcept
return a.m_val == 0;
/** Progress to the next 1 bit (only if != IteratorEnd). */
constexpr Iterator& operator++() noexcept
Assume(m_val != 0);
m_val &= m_val - I{1U};
if (m_val != 0) m_pos = std::countr_zero(m_val);
return *this;
/** Get the current bit position (only if != IteratorEnd). */
constexpr unsigned operator*() const noexcept
Assume(m_val != 0);
return m_pos;
/** Construct an all-zero bitset. */
constexpr IntBitSet() noexcept : m_val{0} {}
/** Copy construct a bitset. */
constexpr IntBitSet(const IntBitSet&) noexcept = default;
/** Construct from a list of values. */
constexpr IntBitSet(std::initializer_list<unsigned> ilist) noexcept : m_val(0)
for (auto pos : ilist) Set(pos);
/** Copy assign a bitset. */
constexpr IntBitSet& operator=(const IntBitSet&) noexcept = default;
/** Assign from a list of positions (which will be made true, all others false). */
constexpr IntBitSet& operator=(std::initializer_list<unsigned> ilist) noexcept
m_val = 0;
for (auto pos : ilist) Set(pos);
return *this;
/** Construct a bitset with the singleton i. */
static constexpr IntBitSet Singleton(unsigned i) noexcept
Assume(i < MAX_SIZE);
return IntBitSet(I(1U) << i);
/** Construct a bitset with bits 0..count-1 (inclusive) set to 1. */
static constexpr IntBitSet Fill(unsigned count) noexcept
IntBitSet ret;
Assume(count <= MAX_SIZE);
if (count) ret.m_val = I(~I{0}) >> (MAX_SIZE - count);
return ret;
/** Set a bit to 1. */
constexpr void Set(unsigned pos) noexcept
Assume(pos < MAX_SIZE);
m_val |= I{1U} << pos;
/** Set a bit to the specified value. */
constexpr void Set(unsigned pos, bool val) noexcept
Assume(pos < MAX_SIZE);
m_val = (m_val & ~I(I{1U} << pos)) | (I(val) << pos);
/** Set a bit to 0. */
constexpr void Reset(unsigned pos) noexcept
Assume(pos < MAX_SIZE);
m_val &= ~I(I{1U} << pos);
/** Retrieve a bit at the given position. */
constexpr bool operator[](unsigned pos) const noexcept
Assume(pos < MAX_SIZE);
return (m_val >> pos) & 1U;
/** Compute the number of 1 bits in the bitset. */
constexpr unsigned Count() const noexcept { return PopCount(m_val); }
/** Return the number of bits that this object holds. */
static constexpr unsigned Size() noexcept { return MAX_SIZE; }
/** Check if all bits are 0. */
constexpr bool None() const noexcept { return m_val == 0; }
/** Check if any bits are 1. */
constexpr bool Any() const noexcept { return !None(); }
/** Return an object that iterates over all 1 bits (++ and * only allowed when != end()). */
constexpr Iterator begin() const noexcept { return Iterator(m_val); }
/** Return a dummy object to compare Iterators with. */
constexpr IteratorEnd end() const noexcept { return IteratorEnd(); }
/** Find the first element (requires Any()). */
constexpr unsigned First() const noexcept
Assume(m_val != 0);
return std::countr_zero(m_val);
/** Find the last element (requires Any()). */
constexpr unsigned Last() const noexcept
Assume(m_val != 0);
return std::bit_width(m_val) - 1;
/** Set this object's bits to be the binary AND between respective bits from this and a. */
constexpr IntBitSet& operator|=(const IntBitSet& a) noexcept { m_val |= a.m_val; return *this; }
/** Set this object's bits to be the binary OR between respective bits from this and a. */
constexpr IntBitSet& operator&=(const IntBitSet& a) noexcept { m_val &= a.m_val; return *this; }
/** Set this object's bits to be the binary AND NOT between respective bits from this and a. */
constexpr IntBitSet& operator-=(const IntBitSet& a) noexcept { m_val &= ~a.m_val; return *this; }
/** Set this object's bits to be the binary XOR between respective bits from this as a. */
constexpr IntBitSet& operator^=(const IntBitSet& a) noexcept { m_val ^= a.m_val; return *this; }
/** Check if the intersection between two sets is non-empty. */
constexpr bool Overlaps(const IntBitSet& a) const noexcept { return m_val & a.m_val; }
/** Return an object with the binary AND between respective bits from a and b. */
friend constexpr IntBitSet operator&(const IntBitSet& a, const IntBitSet& b) noexcept { return I(a.m_val & b.m_val); }
/** Return an object with the binary OR between respective bits from a and b. */
friend constexpr IntBitSet operator|(const IntBitSet& a, const IntBitSet& b) noexcept { return I(a.m_val | b.m_val); }
/** Return an object with the binary AND NOT between respective bits from a and b. */
friend constexpr IntBitSet operator-(const IntBitSet& a, const IntBitSet& b) noexcept { return I(a.m_val & ~b.m_val); }
/** Return an object with the binary XOR between respective bits from a and b. */
friend constexpr IntBitSet operator^(const IntBitSet& a, const IntBitSet& b) noexcept { return I(a.m_val ^ b.m_val); }
/** Check if bitset a and bitset b are identical. */
friend constexpr bool operator==(const IntBitSet& a, const IntBitSet& b) noexcept = default;
/** Check if bitset a is a superset of bitset b (= every 1 bit in b is also in a). */
constexpr bool IsSupersetOf(const IntBitSet& a) const noexcept { return (a.m_val & ~m_val) == 0; }
/** Check if bitset a is a subset of bitset b (= every 1 bit in a is also in b). */
constexpr bool IsSubsetOf(const IntBitSet& a) const noexcept { return (m_val & ~a.m_val) == 0; }
/** Swap two bitsets. */
friend constexpr void swap(IntBitSet& a, IntBitSet& b) noexcept { std::swap(a.m_val, b.m_val); }
/** A bitset implementation backed by N integers of type I. */
template<typename I, unsigned N>
class MultiIntBitSet
// Only binary, unsigned, integer, types allowed.
static_assert(std::is_integral_v<I> && std::is_unsigned_v<I> && std::numeric_limits<I>::radix == 2);
// Cannot be empty.
static_assert(N > 0);
/** The number of bits per integer. */
static constexpr unsigned LIMB_BITS = std::numeric_limits<I>::digits;
/** Number of elements this set type supports. */
static constexpr unsigned MAX_SIZE = LIMB_BITS * N;
// No overflow allowed here.
static_assert(MAX_SIZE / LIMB_BITS == N);
/** Array whose member integers store the bits of the set. */
std::array<I, N> m_val;
/** Dummy type to return using end(). Only used for comparing with Iterator. */
class IteratorEnd
friend class MultiIntBitSet;
constexpr IteratorEnd() = default;
constexpr IteratorEnd(const IteratorEnd&) = default;
/** Iterator type returned by begin(), which efficiently iterates all 1 positions. */
class Iterator
friend class MultiIntBitSet;
const std::array<I, N>* m_ptr; /**< Pointer to array to fetch bits from. */
I m_val; /**< The remaining bits of (*m_ptr)[m_idx]. */
unsigned m_pos; /**< The last reported position. */
unsigned m_idx; /**< The index in *m_ptr currently being iterated over. */
constexpr Iterator(const std::array<I, N>& ref) noexcept : m_ptr(&ref), m_idx(0)
do {
m_val = (*m_ptr)[m_idx];
if (m_val) {
m_pos = std::countr_zero(m_val) + m_idx * LIMB_BITS;
} while(m_idx < N);
/** Do not allow external code to construct an Iterator. */
Iterator() = delete;
// Copying is allowed.
constexpr Iterator(const Iterator&) noexcept = default;
constexpr Iterator& operator=(const Iterator&) noexcept = default;
/** Test whether we are done (can only compare with IteratorEnd). */
friend constexpr bool operator==(const Iterator& a, const IteratorEnd&) noexcept
return a.m_idx == N;
/** Progress to the next 1 bit (only if != IteratorEnd). */
constexpr Iterator& operator++() noexcept
Assume(m_idx < N);
m_val &= m_val - I{1U};
if (m_val == 0) {
while (true) {
if (m_idx == N) break;
m_val = (*m_ptr)[m_idx];
if (m_val) {
m_pos = std::countr_zero(m_val) + m_idx * LIMB_BITS;
} else {
m_pos = std::countr_zero(m_val) + m_idx * LIMB_BITS;
return *this;
/** Get the current bit position (only if != IteratorEnd). */
constexpr unsigned operator*() const noexcept
Assume(m_idx < N);
return m_pos;
/** Construct an all-zero bitset. */
constexpr MultiIntBitSet() noexcept : m_val{} {}
/** Copy construct a bitset. */
constexpr MultiIntBitSet(const MultiIntBitSet&) noexcept = default;
/** Copy assign a bitset. */
constexpr MultiIntBitSet& operator=(const MultiIntBitSet&) noexcept = default;
/** Set a bit to 1. */
void constexpr Set(unsigned pos) noexcept
Assume(pos < MAX_SIZE);
m_val[pos / LIMB_BITS] |= I{1U} << (pos % LIMB_BITS);
/** Set a bit to the specified value. */
void constexpr Set(unsigned pos, bool val) noexcept
Assume(pos < MAX_SIZE);
m_val[pos / LIMB_BITS] = (m_val[pos / LIMB_BITS] & ~I(I{1U} << (pos % LIMB_BITS))) |
(I{val} << (pos % LIMB_BITS));
/** Construct a bitset from a list of values. */
constexpr MultiIntBitSet(std::initializer_list<unsigned> ilist) noexcept : m_val{}
for (auto pos : ilist) Set(pos);
/** Set a bitset to a list of values. */
constexpr MultiIntBitSet& operator=(std::initializer_list<unsigned> ilist) noexcept
for (auto pos : ilist) Set(pos);
return *this;
/** Set a bit to 0. */
void constexpr Reset(unsigned pos) noexcept
Assume(pos < MAX_SIZE);
m_val[pos / LIMB_BITS] &= ~I(I{1U} << (pos % LIMB_BITS));
/** Retrieve a bit at the given position. */
bool constexpr operator[](unsigned pos) const noexcept
Assume(pos < MAX_SIZE);
return (m_val[pos / LIMB_BITS] >> (pos % LIMB_BITS)) & 1U;
/** Construct a bitset with the singleton pos. */
static constexpr MultiIntBitSet Singleton(unsigned pos) noexcept
Assume(pos < MAX_SIZE);
MultiIntBitSet ret;
ret.m_val[pos / LIMB_BITS] = I{1U} << (pos % LIMB_BITS);
return ret;
/** Construct a bitset with bits 0..count-1 (inclusive) set to 1. */
static constexpr MultiIntBitSet Fill(unsigned count) noexcept
Assume(count <= MAX_SIZE);
MultiIntBitSet ret;
if (count) {
unsigned i = 0;
while (count > LIMB_BITS) {
ret.m_val[i++] = ~I{0};
count -= LIMB_BITS;
ret.m_val[i] = I(~I{0}) >> (LIMB_BITS - count);
return ret;
/** Return the number of bits that this object holds. */
static constexpr unsigned Size() noexcept { return MAX_SIZE; }
/** Compute the number of 1 bits in the bitset. */
unsigned constexpr Count() const noexcept
unsigned ret{0};
for (I v : m_val) ret += PopCount(v);
return ret;
/** Check if all bits are 0. */
bool constexpr None() const noexcept
for (auto v : m_val) {
if (v != 0) return false;
return true;
/** Check if any bits are 1. */
bool constexpr Any() const noexcept { return !None(); }
/** Return an object that iterates over all 1 bits (++ and * only allowed when != end()). */
Iterator constexpr begin() const noexcept { return Iterator(m_val); }
/** Return a dummy object to compare Iterators with. */
IteratorEnd constexpr end() const noexcept { return IteratorEnd(); }
/** Find the first element (requires Any()). */
unsigned constexpr First() const noexcept
unsigned p = 0;
while (m_val[p] == 0) {
Assume(p < N);
return std::countr_zero(m_val[p]) + p * LIMB_BITS;
/** Find the last element (requires Any()). */
unsigned constexpr Last() const noexcept
unsigned p = N - 1;
while (m_val[p] == 0) {
Assume(p > 0);
return std::bit_width(m_val[p]) - 1 + p * LIMB_BITS;
/** Set this object's bits to be the binary OR between respective bits from this and a. */
constexpr MultiIntBitSet& operator|=(const MultiIntBitSet& a) noexcept
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
m_val[i] |= a.m_val[i];
return *this;
/** Set this object's bits to be the binary AND between respective bits from this and a. */
constexpr MultiIntBitSet& operator&=(const MultiIntBitSet& a) noexcept
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
m_val[i] &= a.m_val[i];
return *this;
/** Set this object's bits to be the binary AND NOT between respective bits from this and a. */
constexpr MultiIntBitSet& operator-=(const MultiIntBitSet& a) noexcept
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
m_val[i] &= ~a.m_val[i];
return *this;
/** Set this object's bits to be the binary XOR between respective bits from this and a. */
constexpr MultiIntBitSet& operator^=(const MultiIntBitSet& a) noexcept
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
m_val[i] ^= a.m_val[i];
return *this;
/** Check whether the intersection between two sets is non-empty. */
constexpr bool Overlaps(const MultiIntBitSet& a) const noexcept
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (m_val[i] & a.m_val[i]) return true;
return false;
/** Return an object with the binary AND between respective bits from a and b. */
friend constexpr MultiIntBitSet operator&(const MultiIntBitSet& a, const MultiIntBitSet& b) noexcept
MultiIntBitSet r;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
r.m_val[i] = a.m_val[i] & b.m_val[i];
return r;
/** Return an object with the binary OR between respective bits from a and b. */
friend constexpr MultiIntBitSet operator|(const MultiIntBitSet& a, const MultiIntBitSet& b) noexcept
MultiIntBitSet r;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
r.m_val[i] = a.m_val[i] | b.m_val[i];
return r;
/** Return an object with the binary AND NOT between respective bits from a and b. */
friend constexpr MultiIntBitSet operator-(const MultiIntBitSet& a, const MultiIntBitSet& b) noexcept
MultiIntBitSet r;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
r.m_val[i] = a.m_val[i] & ~b.m_val[i];
return r;
/** Return an object with the binary XOR between respective bits from a and b. */
friend constexpr MultiIntBitSet operator^(const MultiIntBitSet& a, const MultiIntBitSet& b) noexcept
MultiIntBitSet r;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
r.m_val[i] = a.m_val[i] ^ b.m_val[i];
return r;
/** Check if bitset a is a superset of bitset b (= every 1 bit in b is also in a). */
constexpr bool IsSupersetOf(const MultiIntBitSet& a) const noexcept
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (a.m_val[i] & ~m_val[i]) return false;
return true;
/** Check if bitset a is a subset of bitset b (= every 1 bit in a is also in b). */
constexpr bool IsSubsetOf(const MultiIntBitSet& a) const noexcept
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (m_val[i] & ~a.m_val[i]) return false;
return true;
/** Check if bitset a and bitset b are identical. */
friend constexpr bool operator==(const MultiIntBitSet& a, const MultiIntBitSet& b) noexcept = default;
/** Swap two bitsets. */
friend constexpr void swap(MultiIntBitSet& a, MultiIntBitSet& b) noexcept { std::swap(a.m_val, b.m_val); }
} // namespace bitset_detail
// BitSet dispatches to IntBitSet or MultiIntBitSet as appropriate for the requested minimum number
// of bits. Use IntBitSet up to 32-bit, or up to 64-bit on 64-bit platforms; above that, use a
// MultiIntBitSet of size_t.
template<unsigned BITS>
using BitSet = std::conditional_t<(BITS <= 32), bitset_detail::IntBitSet<uint32_t>,
std::conditional_t<(BITS <= std::numeric_limits<size_t>::digits), bitset_detail::IntBitSet<size_t>,
bitset_detail::MultiIntBitSet<size_t, (BITS + std::numeric_limits<size_t>::digits - 1) / std::numeric_limits<size_t>::digits>>>;
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ unsigned-integer-overflow:TxConfirmStats::EstimateMedianVal
Reference in New Issue
Block a user